keskiviikko, 5. lokakuu 2016

Donald Trumpin ideologia


Jenkkien vaaleissa on ollut tähän asti harvinaisen vähän pärinää uskonnoista.


Sitä tosin voi tulla vielä. Täältä tulee mielenkiintoista tietoa:


Donald Trump kuuluu USA:n Presbyteerikirkkoon (n. 3mlj. jäsentä laajimpien kritee- rien mukaan). Se on Skotlannista alun perin peräisin oleva protestanttinen kirkko, jossa valta on viime kädessä maallikoilla. Presbyteerit ovat vapaamielisiä, "tieteisus-kovaisen" maineessa ja monet,varsinkin napamiehet,ovat olleet unitaristeja eli pyhän kolminaisuuden kiistäjiä, josta johtuen on joskus ollut liipasimella, hyväksytäänkö kirkkoa lainkaan kristityksi muissa kirkoissa.

Trump on epäuskonnollisesta bisnesperheestä, mutta hän kävi omasta aloitteestaan presbyteerien pyhäkoulua ja rippikoulun ja konfirmoitiin kirkon jäseneksi. Trumpin tiedetään olevan innostunut kirkostaan ja ihailevan sitä, vaikka hän toisaalta sanoo, ettei käytä uskonnollisia perusteluja eikä kadu syntejä (vaan yrittää välttää niitä).

Trump at lectern before backdrop with elements of logo "TRUMP"

" Religious views (Wiki)

Trump is a Presbyterian.[518] He has said that he began going to church at the First Presbyterian Church in the Jamaica neighborhood in Queens as a child.  Trump at-tended Sunday school and had his confirmation at that church.In an April 2011 inter-view on the 700 Club,he commented: "I'm a Protestant, I'm a Presbyterian. And you know I've had a good relationship with the church over the years. I think religion is a wonderful thing. I think my religion is a wonderful religion. ...Trump has said that al-though he participates in Holy Communion,he has not asked God for forgiveness for his sins. He stated, "I think if I do something wrong, I think, I just try and make it right. I don't bring God into that picture. "…


Nimitys presbyteeri tulee kirkon virasta, joka sijoittuu piispan ja diakonin väliin, eli samalla organisaatiotasolle kuin katolinen tai ortodoksinen tai luterilainen pappi, mutta jonka tehtävänä on sielunhoito. Joillakin kirkoilla on presbyteerejä, mutta ei pappeja, vaan maallikot saarnaavat. Papittomat kirkot, mm. helluntailaiset, nimittävät kirkkojärjestystään "presbyteeriksi". Se on vähän eri asia. USA:n katoliset nimittävät usein kaikkia protetantteja "presbyteereiksi", mikä tarkoittaa tässä yhteydessä että "puolipakanoiksi".

USA:n presbysteeriopilla Priestleyn muotoilemana ei ole muuta kuin korkeintaan historiallista tekemistä calvinismin, predestinaayio-opin kanssa. Sen kauempana eivät uskontojen "sielukuvat" juurikaan voi olla.

Presbyteerikirkolla oli tärkeä rooli USA:n itsenäistymisessä, sillä sen johtaja Prince-tonin yliopiston perustaja John Whiterspoon, ja Pennsylvanian presidentti Benjamin Franklin olivat Perustajakonvention jäseniä ja näiden tieteellinen oppi-isä,kirkon pap- pi ja opin tärkeä muotoilija, kemisti,hapen yksi keksijä Joseph Priestley toimi ministe- rinä. USA:n kolmas presidentti John Adams oli unitaari, toinen presidentti Thomas Jefferson unitaarinen anglikaani ja neljäs presidentti ja perustuslain luoja James  Madison presbyteeri. ...


" According to David Morgan, [165] Franklin was a proponent of religion in general. He prayed to "Powerful Goodness" and referred to God as "the infinite". John Adams noted that Franklin was a mirror in which people saw their own religion: "The Catho-lics thought him almost a Catholic. The Church of England claimed him as one of them. The Presbyterians thought him half a Presbyterian, and the Friends believed him a wet Quaker." Whatever else Franklin was, concludes Morgan, "he was a true champion of generic religion". In a letter to Richard Price, Franklin stated that he be-lieved that religion should support itself without help from the government, claiming, "When a Religion is good,I conceive that it will support itself; and,when it cannot sup-port itself, and God does not take care to support, so that its Professors are obliged to call for the help of the Civil Power,it is a sign, I apprehend, of its being a bad one."

... Electricity

Benjamin Franklin Drawing Electricity from the Sky c. 1816 at the Philadelphia Museum of Art, by Benjamin West Franklin and Electricity vignette engraved by the BEP (c. 1860).

Franklin started exploring the phenomenon of electricity in 1746 when he heard of the Leyden Jar. Franklin proposed that "vitreous" and "resinous" electricity were not different types of "electrical fluid" (as electricity was called then), but the same elect- rical fluid under different pressures. He was the first to label them as positive and negative respectively, and he was the first to discover the principle of conservation of charge. In 1748 he constructed a multiple plate capacitor,that he called an "electrical battery" (not to be confused with Volta's pile) by placing eleven panes of glass sandwiched between lead plates hung from silk cords and connected by wires.


In 1750,he published a proposal for an experiment to prove that lightning is electrici-ty by flying a kite in a storm that appeared capable of becoming a lightning storm. On May 10,1752, Thomas-François Dalibard of France conducted Franklin's experi-ment using a 40-foot-tall (12 m) iron rod instead of a kite, and he extracted electrical sparks from a cloud. On June 15 Franklin may possibly have conducted his well known kite experiment in Philadelphia, successfully extracting sparks from a cloud.

Franklin's experiment was not written up with credit[41] until Joseph Priestley's 1767 History and Present Status of Electricity.

Franklin was careful to stand on an insulator, keeping dry under a roof to avoid the danger of electric shock.[42] Others, such as Prof. Georg Wilhelm Richmann in Rus- sia, were indeed electrocuted during the months following Franklin's experiment "

Presbyteereillä on mitä mielenkiintoisin opillinen yhteys tieteelliseen ihmiskuvaan: Kielellisesen ajatteluteorian neurofysilogisen keksijän David Hartleyn oppi aivojen valkeasta aineesta ajattelun ja "sielun", joka omaksutaan kiellisesti, tyyssijana kuuluu Joseph Priestleyn liittämänä oppiin:

Hartley, David,

1705–57, English physician and philosopher, founder of associational psychology. In his Observations on Man (2 vol.,1749) he stated that all mental phenomena are due to sensations arising from vibrations of the white medullary substance of the brain and spinal cord. He conceived the whole mind as resulting from the association of simple sensations. See associationism

The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia™ Copyright © 2013, Columbia University Press. Licensed from Columbia University Press.

" Hartley, David

Born Aug. 30,1705, in Armley; died Aug. 28,1757,at Bath. English thinker; one of the founders of associationist psychology.

A clergyman’s son, Hartley studied theology at Cambridge. Later on he received a medical education and practiced medicine all his life.

Striving to establish the precise laws of mental processes for controlling human behavior, he sought to apply the principles of Newtonian physics for that purpose. According to Hartley, vibrations of the outer ether cause corresponding vibrations in the sense organs,brain,and muscles,and the latter are in a relationship of parallelism to the order and connection of mental phenomena, from elementary sensations to thought and will.Pursuing the theory of J.Locke,Hartley for the first time made of the mechanism of association the universal principle for explaining mental activity.

He considered repetition to be fundamental for the reinforcement of association. As Hartley saw it, the mental world of the individual takes shape gradually as a result of the complication of primary elements through association of mental phenomena by virtue of their contiguity in time and frequency of repetition;the motive forces of development are pleasure and pain. Hartley in like fashion explained the formation of general conceptions;these arose out of individual conceptions through the gradual disappearance of everything fortuitous and unessential from an association, which remains immutable; all of its constant features are retained as an integral whole thanks to speech, which acts as the factor of generalization.

Though mechanistic,Hartley’s theory was a major step forward on the way to a materialistic interpretation of the mind. He influenced not only psychology but ethics, aesthetics, logic, pedagogy, and biology as well.

The English chemist and philosopher J. Priestley vigorously propagated Hartley’s teachings.

Quarter-length portrait of a man in a black coat against a purple and blue curtain backdrop.…

" Joseph Priestley: Presbyterian minister,scientist and metaphysician. Wrote several books on Unitarianism and established the first Unitarian Church in America. (1733 - 1804) "

" Hartley's theories

The outlines of Hartley's theory are as follows.Like John Locke,he asserted that,prior to sensation, the human mind is a blank slate. By a growth from simple sensations, those states of consciousness which appear most remote from sensation come into being. And the one law of growth of which Hartley took account was the law of contiguity, synchronous and successive. By this law he sought to explain, only the phenomena of memory, which others had similarly explained before him, but also the phenomena of emotion,of reasoning,and of voluntary and involuntary action (see Association of Ideas).A friend,associate, and one of his chief advocates, was Joseph Priestley (1733–1804), the discoverer of oxygen. Priestley was one of the foremost scientists of his age. "


"Äärilibraali" parlamentaarikko David Hartley Jr. ja Benjamin Franklin allekirjoittivat rauhan USA:n itsenäisyyssodassa:

I’ve been writing about the on-again, off-again correspondence of Benjamin Franklin and David Hartley, British scientist and Member of Parliament. Their relationship actually turned out to be a factor in the end of the war.

After London received news of the Battle of Yorktown, Lord North’s government fell. In March 1782 power shifted to the Marquess of Rockingham, longtime leader of the opposition, with a mandate to bring the American War to a close before it cost even more money. Rockingham filled the post of prime minister for all of four months before he died of the flu.

The Earl of Shelburne, one of Rockingham’s secretaries of state, took over. He was already steering negotiations with the U.S. of A.’s European diplomats through his envoy, the merchant Robert Oswald. By November 1782 Oswald worked out preliminary articles of peace with Franklin in France.

Meanwhile, Rockingham’s other secretary of state, Charles James Fox, refused to serve under Shelburne. He led other Rockingham Whigs, such as Edmund Burke, out of government. (That created openings for such rising politicians as William Pitt, who became Chancellor of the Exchequer at the age of twenty-three; they didn’t call him “the Younger” for nothing.)

David Hartley had opposed the American War all along, but he also disliked Shel- burne and voted against the preliminary articles for peace. Hartley was a Fox ally, and he also maintained a personal friendship with Lord North, despite their political differences.

In April 1783 Fox and North, longtime opponents, made a surprising alliance to force Shelburne out of power. Shortly afterwards, George III appointed Hartley the new negotiator with the Americans. Fox and North both trusted Hartley, and they thought his friendly correspondence with Franklin would help to finish the negotiations on favorable terms.

Hartley walked into a very complex situation since France,Spain and the U.S.,though formally allied and bound to negotiate together,were all secretly angling for their own advantages and undercutting each other.Though there weren’t any more major cam-paigns on the North American continent,naval battles in the Caribbean and the siege of Gibraltar were still going on, tipping the balance of power and affecting different nations’ hunger for peace.

The Americans in Paris insisted on making very few changes to the terms they had reached with Oswald.If Hartley wasn’t going to sign over Canada,they weren’t about to concede anything else. France and Spain, meanwhile, thought the Shel-burne ministry’s agreement to give the new American republic land all the way west to the Mississippi River was quite generous already.

In the end, the Treaty of Paris was basically what Oswald had negotiated eight months earlier. Hartley had voted against those terms, but his main contribution to the final treaty was the “Paris” part - he refused to leave the city for Versailles. On 3 Sept 1783, Hartley signed the final Treaty of Paris on behalf of Great Britain. Franklin, John Adams, and John Jay signed on behalf of the U.S.

(The picture below is Benjamin West’s famous unfinished canvas of the American diplomats involved in the negotiations in Paris. Hartley declined to pose.)



MP ja ministeri David Hartley Jr. (1732 - 1813), USA:n itsenäistymissopimuksen allekirjoittaja ja brittiläisen orjakaupan kriminalisoija.
David Jr.:lla oli asema Merton College -nimisen oppilaitoksen tutkijana ja opettajana (fellow) 18-vuotiasta 82-vuotiaaksi,kuolemaansa saakka. Vuonna 1774 hänet valittiin Parlamantin jäseneksi. Hän ryhtyi ajamaan orjuuden ja sen hyödyntämisen kaikin-puolista kieltämistä,joka hyväksyttinkin 1776,orjuus kiellettiin siis Isossa-Britanniassa 90 vuotta aikaisemmin kuin USA:ssa. Tässä yhteydessä käytettiin termiä ´ihmisoi-keus´ nykyaikaisessa merkityksessä kaikkia ihmisiä koskevana varmaan ensimmäis-tä kertaa lakitekstissä. Sitä perusteltiin "Jumalalla". (Tämä EI ole sama kuin yhtäläi-nen ihmisarvo lain edessä,sellaista Englannissa ei vielä ollut.) Eikä tämäkään koske- nut siirtomaiden eikä edes siirtokuntien sisäisiä asioita, vaan Parlamentin vallan aluetta. Laki oli tähdätty kapinoivia siirtokuntia vastaan. Mutta Hartley vastusti myös sinne myönnettäviä sotamäärärahoja. Hän nousi lopulta kuninkaan valtuutetuksi rauhansopimuksen tekijäksi, kun muut olivat epäonnistuneet.

Vuonna 1994 hän puolusti Ranskan vallankumousta, mikä oli ennenkuulumatonta Englannissa.Hän joutui ilmeisesti hyllylle poliittisista tehtävistä,mikä oli onneksi, sillä hän rupesi toimittamaan kirjoiksi isänsä tieteellistä tuotantoa, teokset ovat hänen ko-koamiaan n. 30 vuotta jälkikäteen. Hän ryhtyi vanhemmiten tutkimaan myös uudes-taan mekaniikkaa ja rakennutekniikkaa tarkoituksena kehittää palamaton rakennus ja laiva. Tuolloinhan palamisen luonne oli juuri keksitty mm. Priestleyn toimesta. Keinona olivat metallilaatat, jotka joiden piti estää pintojen syttyminen ja palavan aineen hapensaanti. Lontoon palon 110-vuotismuistomerkki päällystettiin hänen kehittämillään palonestolaatoilla.



Presbyteerien tieteellisenä tukikohtana kautta aikojen on erityisesti toiminut heidän perustamansa Princeton Yliopisto.

Princeton University is a private Ivy League research university in Princeton, New Jersey, United States.

Founded in 1746 in Elizabeth as the College of New Jersey, Princeton was the fourth chartered institution of higher education in the Thirteen Colonies[7][a] and thus one of the nine colonial colleges established before the American Revolution. The institution moved to Newark in 1747, then to the current site nine years later, where it was renamed Princeton University in 1896.[12]

Princeton provides undergraduate and graduate instruction in the humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, and engineering.[13]It offers professional degrees through the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, the School of Engi-neering and Applied Science, the School of Architecture and the Bendheim Center for Finance. The university has ties with the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton Theo-logical Seminary, and the Westminster Choir College of Rider University. [b] Princeton has the largest endowment per student in the United States. [14]

The university has graduated many notable alumni.It has been associated with 42 Nobel laureates,21 National Medal of Science winners,14 Fields Medalists, the most Abel Prize winners and Fields Medalists (at the time of award) of any university (five and eight, respectively),10 Turing Award laureates, five National Humanities Medal recipients, 209 Rhodes Scholars, and 126 Marshall Scholars. [15]  Two U.S. Presi-dents (James Madison 1809-1817, Woodrow Wilson), 12 U.S. Supreme Court Jus-tices (three of whom currently serve on the court), and numerous living billionaires and foreign heads of state are all counted among Princeton's alumni.Princeton has also graduated many prominent members of the U.S.Congress and the U.S.Cabinet, including eight Secretaries of State,three Secretaries of Defense,and two of the past four Chairs of the Federal Reserve.

James Madison.jpg

James Madison 4th President of the United States

In office March 4, 1809 – March 4, 1817

Eräällä videolla USA:n politiikan ja ideologioiden tutkijat, mm. Ruotsila, pohtivat, milloin USA:n Perustulain laatija Madison arveli sikiön olevan ihmispersoona, jota lain oikeudet koskevat, hedelmöityshetkestä, syntymähetkestä, vai jostakin niiden väliltä. Voin vakkuuttaa, vaikka en asiantutija olekaan, että tuolloisena david hartleylaisena presbyteerinä Madison taatusti tarkoitti ihmispersoonallisuuden alkavan vasta kielen ja ajattelun omaksumisesta, ja näin ollen perustuslain takaamien ihmisoikeuksien ulottuvan taaksepäin (korkeintaan) syntymähetkeen, jolloin edellytykset ja mahdollisuudet tälle muodostuivat.

Markku Ruotsila: Aborttikeskustelu Yhdysvalloissa

2 029 katselukertaa

Striimattiin livenä 21.2.2022

Markku Ruotsila: Miten politiikka ja uskonto kietoutuvat toisiinsa Pohjois-Amerikassa?

Joe Biden ja USA:n rooli maailmassa (Anna-Sofia Berner & Markku Ruotsila) | Puheenaihe 212


New Light Presbyterians founded the College of New Jersey in 1746 in order to train ministers.[16]The college was the educational and religious capital of Scots-Irish America.In 1754,trustees of the College of New Jersey suggested that,in recognition of Governor's interest,Princeton should be named as Belcher College.Gov. Jonathan Belcher replied:"What a hell of a name that would be!" [17] In 1756,the college moved to Princeton, New Jersey.Its home in Princeton was Nassau Hall,named for the royal House of Orange-Nassau of William III of England.

Following the untimely deaths of Princeton's first five presidents, John Witherspoon became president in 1768 and remained in that office until his death in 1794. During his presidency,Witherspoon shifted the college's focus from training ministers to preparing a new generation for leadership in the new American nation. To this end, he tightened academic standards and solicited investment in the college.[18] Wither-spoon's presidency constituted a long period of stability for the college, interrupted by the American Revolution and particularly the Battle of Princeton, during which British soldiers briefly occupied Nassau Hall;American forces, led by George Washington fired cannon on the building to rout them from it.

President Wilson 1919.tif
Woodrow Wilson, Kansainliiton perustaja, USA:n presidentti 1912-21, Princtonin yliopiston rehtori 1902-10, historioitsija, Rauhan nobelisti 1919.

Unitarismi = germaanikritillisyys = areiolaisuus = arianism: Locken, Newtonin, Descartesin, Galilein, Priesleyn, Franklinin ja monien muiden tiedemiesten maailmankatsomus
Maurice Wiles

Looks briefly at anti‐Trinitarian tendencies in sixteenth‐ and seventeenth‐century Britain (with special attention to Ralph Cudworth and John Locke), but concent-rates on the eighteenth century,when Arianism was a significant feature of the eccle- siastical scene, especially among leading intellectual figures both in the Church of England and among the Presbyterian churches. Detailed studies of the theologies of Isaac Newton, William Whiston, and Samuel Clarke. Traces the collapse of this Arian‐style anti‐Trinitarianism in the Church of England and the tendency of hetero-dox dissenters, such as Joseph Priestley, to adopt a Unitarian view. Suggests that the diminishing acceptance in the wider culture of belief in a transcendental spirit world was an important factor in that tendency,leading to a third death of Arianism.

Keywords:   Clarke, Cudworth, Locke, Newton, Presbyterian, Priestley, spirit world, Unitarian, Whiston

Oxford Scholarship Online requires a subscription or purchase to access the full text of books within the service. Public users can however freely search the site and view the abstracts and keywords for each book and chapter.

Modern Presbyterian radicalism:

Tieteellinen vallankumous neurofysiologiassa:


Fields ei taida olla presbyteeri, mutta hän on todistanut heidän "sieluoppinsa"...


Donald Trump ei ole rasisti:

Steve Bannon -parka. Johdettuaan vuosikausia valkoisten ylivallan palauttamisesta haaveilevaa Breitbart-sivustoa hän on nyt päässyt presidentin neuvonantajaksi.

Ja voi voi, hänet on ymmärretty väärin.

Oikeastihan hän on vain sitä mieltä, että:

"Darkness is good. D*** Cheney. Darth Vader. Satan. That's power. It only helps us when they get it wrong. They're blind to who we are and what we're doing."

Tämän on varmaan tarkoitus jotenkin rauhoittaa ihmisiä. No, tokihan Bannon lupaa biljoonan dollarin elvytysohjelmaa infrastruktuurin rakentamiseen. Miten se tehdään poistamalla loputkin verot, jää nähtäväksi.

Risto Juhani Koivula kommentoi_ 23. marraskuu 2016 13:22 Poista kommentti

Trum on sanoutunut irti

Donald Trump sanoutui irti Yhdysvaltain alt-right -liikkeestä - valkoisten rotuylpeysliike pitää Trumpin neuvonantajaa esikuvanaan

Keskiviikko 23.11.2016 klo 00.10

Monet alt-right -liikkeen johtohahmot katsovat Trumpin näkemyksien olevan lähellä omiaan ja pitävä hänen voittoaan omana voittonaan.

Trump ei halua innoittaa rasistista liikettä.

Valkoisten ylivertaisuutta totuutena pitävät ovat tukeneet Trumpia koko presidentinvaalikampanjan ajan.

Steve Bannon, eräs Trumpin ylimmistä neuvonantajista, on ollut yhteyksissä alt-right -liikkeeseen.

Yhdysvaltain tuleva presidentti Donald Trump kiisti tiistaina, että hän olisi innoittanut yhdysvaltalaista valkoisten, oikeistolaisesti ja jopa rasistisesti ajattelevien alt-right-lii-kettä presidentinvaalikampanjansa aikana.Alt-right on poliittinen liike, joka perustuu valkoisille nationalistisille, anti-semitistisille ja rasistisille ideologioille.

Trump pyrki luomaan etäisyyttä itsensä ja kyseisen liikkeen välillä, vaikka monet liikkeen johtajista ovat pyrkineet hyödyntämään Trumpin voittoa perustellessaan poliittisia näkemyksiään.

- En halua innoittaa tätä ryhmittymää, ja sanoudun irti tästä ryhmittymästä, Trump totesi New York Times -lehden toimittajille ja kolumnisteille tapaamisessa New Yorkissa.

- Tämä ei ole ryhmä, jota haluan innoittaa ja jos he innoittuvat, haluan selvittää, että miksi, hän lisäsi.

Trump tuomitsi alt-right -liikkeen tilaisuudessa, kun häneltä kysyttiin, minkä hän arvelee olevan syynä sille, että häntä pidetään liikkeen innoittajana.

Trump kommentoi liikettä vain päiviä sen jälkeen, kun yksi liikkeen johtohahmoista, Richard Spencer, puhui liikkeen tilaisuudessa ja totesi painokkaasti: "Hail Trump! Hail meidän porukkamme! Hail voitto!" Tämän jälkeen osa osanottajista teki natsitervehdyksen oikea käsi ojossa.

Valkoisten ylivertaisuutta totuutena pitävät ovat tukeneet Trumpia koko presidentin-vaalikampanjan ajan. Tuki johtuu Trumpin kovista maahanmuuttonäkemyksistä. Trump ei ole myöskään aiemmin sanoutunut irti tällaisista tukijoista.

Trumpia on myös kritisoitu viime aikoina,kun hän nimitti kampanjapäällikkönsä Steve Bannonin yhdeksi ylimmistä neuvonantajistaan. Bannon on entinen Breitbart Newsin johtohahmo - kyseinen online-julkaisu on puolestaan julistanut aiemmin olevansa "alt-right-liikkeen foorumi". Bannon hylkäsi julkisesti alt-right-liikkeen antisemitistiset ja rasistiset elementit tämänviikkoisessa Wall Street Journalin haastattelussa, jossa hän julistautui "ekonomistiseksi nationalistiksi".

Trump puolusti Bannonia New York Timesin tapaamisessaan. Hän sanoi, että on tuntenut Bannonin pitkään ja että syytökset anti-semitismistä ja alt-right -liikkeeseen kuulumisesta "eivät ole häntä".

- Jos ajattelisin, että hän on rasisti tai "alt-rightin" jäsen... en edes ajattelisi palkkaavani häntä, Trump sanoi tiistaina.


[email protected]


Risto Juhani Koivula kommentoi_ 23. marraskuu 2016 17:18

Donald Trump ei ole rasisti. Se ei mitenkään istu hänen ideologiaansa, johon mm. kuuluu tabula rasa, eikä USA:n Presbyteerikirkkoonsa (PCUSA), jonka edeltäjät (ja perustajat) mm. ensimmäisenä uudella ajalla yrittivät kriminalisoida kansainvälisesti orjuuden USA:n itsenäisyystaisteluun liittyen ja onnistuivatkin siinä, mutta vain Eng-lannissa.Vielä vähemmän se istuu hänen tieteellisenä ja älyllisenä auktoriteettinaan jumaloimansa setänsä fyysikko ja sota(teknologi)sankari ja teollisuusmies John G. Trumpin kyseisen uskonnon jyrkempää, persoonallisiin jumaliin uskovista pesäeron tekevän Unitaarikirkon oppiin.

Other beliefs

Although there is no specific authority on convictions of Unitarian belief aside from rejection of the Trinity, the following beliefs are generally accepted: [57][58][59][60][61][62]

- One God and the oneness or unity of God.

- The life and teachings of Jesus Christ constitute the exemplar model for living one's own life.

- Reason, rational thought, science, and philosophy coexist with faith in God.

- Humans have the ability to exercise free will in a responsible, constructive and ethical manner with the assistance of religion.

- Human nature in its present condition is neither inherently corrupt nor depraved (see original Sin) but capable of both good and evil, as God intended.

- No religion can claim an absolute monopoly on the Holy Spirit or theological truth.

- Though the authors of the Bible were inspired by God, they were humans and therefore subject to human error.

- The traditional doctrines of predestination, eternal damnation, and the vicarious sacrifice and satisfaction theories of the Atonement are invalid because they malign God's character and veil the true nature and mission of Jesus Christ.[63]

Kaikki presbyteerit tietävät nämä periaatteet, mutta vaatimukset niiden kirjaimellises-ta tunnustamisesta ja suvaitsevaisuus lisäuskomuksille vaihtelevat.Unitaareja kuuluu muista kirkoista myös ainakin Anglikaaniseen ja Kveekarikirkkoon. Donaldin kirkko  PCUSA on ehtoollis(ym.)yhteydessä ainakin Anglikaanisen, Luterilaisen, Kalvinisti-sen, Baptistisen, Metodistisen kirkon kanssa, mutta katoliset, ortodoksit ja luterilaiset pitävät unitaareja "pakanoina". Paavi on asiaa ilmeisestikin erityisesti tutkittuaan ilmoittanut pitävänsä Donald Trumpia pakanana.

Trump vastustaa Katolisen kirkon ja sunni-islamilaisten "Maailmanvalloitus"-maahan-muutto- ja perhepolitiikkaa, JOTA ON KENEN TAHANSA OIKEUSKIN VASTUSTAA aatteellisella ideologisella tasolaa: ei syrjimällä hallinnollisesti, mutta esimerkiksi KRITISOIMALLA, PALJASTAMALLA,jopa HAUKKUMALLA mieluiten TIETEELLISIN PERUSTEIN (joilla uskonnoilta ei tunnetusti voida "täyttä vaatia", mutta EI VOIDA KYLLÄ ARVOSTELUA KIELTÄÄKÄÄN!

Doald Trump ei ole myöskään naisvastainen.Hän näyttää kuitenkin olevan kiinnostu- nut aivan erityisesti KOMMUNISTInaisista, koska kaksi vaimoa on kasvanut kommu-nistiperheissä (eikä kolmannestakaan, keskimmäisestä, ihan varmaa tiedä...)


Jari-Pekka Vuorela kommentoi_ 23. marraskuu 2016 19:33

Taitaa olla kyse enemmän Riston uskonnosta kuin The Donaldin.DJT:llä ei ole kovin selkeää aatetta, koska hän ei koskaan lue mitään, kuuntelee vain kavereitaan ja vakuuttaa, että milloin mikäkin on "tremendous" ja "huge".

Eilinen hässäkkä NYTimesin tiedotustilaisuuden kanssa ja suurlähettiläsehdottelut Britannialle osoittavat,että kyseessä on pahainen kakara, täysin fascistikaveriensa armoilla. Käytän siis termiä "fascismi" alkuperäismerkityksessään korporatismin ja konformismin ideologiana.

Risto Juhani Koivula kommentoi_ 24. marraskuu 2016 05:01

Ei ole kyseessä mun uskonto eikä ideologia,mutta minä nostan hattua todistamatto-man tieteellisen tiedon säilyttämisestä uskonnollisen dogmin muodossa. David Hart-leyn tuotanto kaivettiin Neuvostoliiton taholta esiin 60-luvulla Beritashvilin-Roitbakin-Fileldsin ehdollistumismekanismiteoriaan liittyen ja käännettiin ja julkaistiin venäjäksi 1967.Joseph Priestleyn tuotanto tunnettiin paremmin,koska hän mm.osoitti, että vih-reät kasvit tuottavat valossa happea. Hän julkaisi ensimmäisenä hapen keksimisen, mutta se oli jo jonkin aikaa tunnettu Ruotsin suurvallan sotilassalaisuutena (Schee-le). Ja hän oli fyysikko Benjamin Franklinin opettaja, ja Unitaarikirkon perustaja ja "profeetta" USA:ssa.

Donald on Sotilasakatemiassa liittynyt presbyteerikirkkoon, koska se oli hänen isänsä ja sitänsä näkemyten puolessa välissä, ja sieti pitkin hampain omassakin piirissään molemmanlaisia, ainoana kirkkokuntana.

Sen vaikutuspiiriin kuuluivat sotilaiden eniten arvostamat presidentit, sisällissodan komentajat Adams (unitaari), Jefferson (unitaarinen anglikaani), perustuslain luoja James Madison, I maailmasodan aikanen presidentti Woodrow Wilson ja II maail-mansodan aikainen komentaja Dwight Eisenhower (liittyi presidentiksi tullessaan. Abraham Lincoln ammuttiin lauantain vastaisena yönä, kun hän oli seuravana sunnuntaina liittymässä Presbyteeriseurakunnan jäseneksi, jonka kirkossa oli perheineen käynyt koko presidenttiaikansa. Tämä salattiin vuosikymmeniä rikostutkinnallisista syistä, koska se olisi voinut olla mahdollisen salaliiton motiivi.

Ei Donaldin tarvitse itse kaikkea ajatella, kun hänellä vaan on sopivia asiantevia ja testattuja kavereita, jotka tietävät paremmin yksityiskohdat.

Hän osaa "hölöttää asiaa", esimerkiksi juuri puhuessaan uskonasioista, ja muistakin, mikä edellyttää rutiinia ja punnittuja ajatuksia.

Donald Trumpin setä fysiikan professori John G. Trump oli "tutkateknologian Oppenheimer" II maailmansodassa


Teoreettinen fyysikko, professori Julius Robert Oppenheimer (1904-1967) oli atomi-pommin kehityksen loppuunsaattaneen Manhattan-projektin (9.10.1941-1.12. 1946) amerikkalainen johtaja. Hän oli myös varmaan ensimmäinen henkilö, joka konkreetti-sella tasolla aloitti fissiopommin suunnittelun vuonna 1938 jo ennen kuin uraaniato-mia oli laboratoriossa halkaistukaan (joulukuu 1938 Otto Hahn,Otto Frisch, Lise Meitner).Viimeistään tuolloin,kun Manhattan-projekti alkoi,USA ja Englanti olivat tehneet yhdessä päätöksen USA:n liittymisestä sotaan, vaikka Japanin hyökkäys Pearl Harboriin tapahtuikin vasta 6.12.1941,samaan aikaan kun Saksa otti takkiinsa Moskovan ratkaisutaistelussa.

Tutkan historia alkaa samalla kun koko radiotekniikan historiakin saksalaisen fyysi-kon Heinrich Hertzin osoittaessa vuonna 1888 näkymättömien sähkömagneettisten aaltojen heijastuvan samoin kuin valo. [29] Tutkatekniikka on aina kehittynyt radiotek-niikan ohessa sen osa-alueena. Sota-aikana tutkimus ja kehitys kiihtyivät, ja tutka vaikutti suuresti toisen maailmansodan lopputulokseen. Ensimmäisen varsinaisen tutkan rakensi saksalainen Christian Hülsmeyer, joka kehitti telemobiloskoopiksi kut-sutun laitteen 1900-luvun alussa. [30] Englannissa vuonna 1942 Robert Watson-Watt aateloitiin hänen tutkan hyväksi tekemänsä työn vuoksi. Yhdessä Arnold F. Wilkinsin kanssa hän selvitti, kuinka radioaalloista lentokoneen runkoon indusoituneet virrat säteilevät. Tutkimus johti päätelmään,että radioaaltojen avulla voitaisiin havaita ilma-aluksia. Nykyaikaisen tutkan kehityksen katsotaan usein alkaneen tästä tutkimuksesta. [31]

Tutka ei siis ole mikään kaikuluotain, eivätkä kaikki tutkankin käyttämien mikroaalto-jen lähettämiset ja vastaanottamiset (joissa havaitaan esimerkiksi lähettäjä) tarkoita, että olisi tutka. II maailmansodan alkaessa Englanti oli ainoa maa maailmassa, jolla oli kattava tutkavalvontajärjestelmä. Saksalla oli tuhansia pieniä liikuteltavia tutka-asemia (GEMA). Ranskassa oli ainakin laivastolla tutka-asemia.Saksan lähestyessä Pariisia 1940 sikäläisen tutkateknologian kehittäjä Maurice Ponte pakeni laitteet mukanaan Englantiin,ja tällä tietämyksellä oli tiettävästi suuri vaikutus tutkan kehityk- seen. Neuvostoliitossa oli paikallisia järjestelmiä tärkeiden kohteiden ympärillä, mutta tutkijat riitelivät ja kehitys takkusi. Mm. yksi tärkeä kehittäjä joutui GULAGiin.

Terävimmästä englantilaisesta tutkimuskärjestä ja joistakuista muista muodostettiin "Manhattanin" esimerkin mukaisesti ydinryhmä Britain's Telecommunications Re-search Establishment (TRE) at Malvern,in Worcestershire.Sen johtoon tuli vuoden 1944 alusta vuoden 1945 loppuun John G. Trump,joka oli koko ajan ollut keskeisesti mukana amerikkalaisten puolella. Tehtävä oli äärimmäisen keskeinen, vastuunalai-nen ja vaativa.Siinä olisi tyrimällä voinut aiheuttaa vielä miljoonien turhan kuoleman.

Ryhmä kehitti myös laivastotutkaa,tarkkuuspommitustutkaa ja saksalaisten tutkien torjuntaa USA:n Ilmavoimien komentajan kenraali Carl Spaatzin alaisena. Sen tehtä-viin kuului myös saksalaisen tutkajärjestelmän haltuunottaminen mieluiten kehittelijöineen. Siinä varmaan yksi syy valita saksalaissyntyinen johtaja.

Näin luotiin nimenomaan USA:n/NATO:n tutkajärjestelmien perusta. Trump ei keksi-nyt tutkaa, kuten ei Oppenheimerkaan keksinyt atomipommia, tai kukaan muukaan yksittäinen henkilö. Sellaisten teoria on sitten toinen juttu. Kun isompi sauhu oli las-keutunut vuonna 1946, J.G. Trump palasi sädehoitolaitebisnesten pariin perustaen entisen esimiehensä Robert J. Van de Graaffin ja Denis M. Robinsonin kanssa High Voltage Engineering Corporation (HVEC)-yhtiön.


Prof. Emeritus John Trump, c. 1979.

Dr. John G. Trump, a retired teacher and engineer, died Thursday at his home in Cambridge, Mass., after a long illness. He was 78 years old.

Dr.Trump began studying the voltage-insulation properties of high vacuum and com-pressed gases while a faculty member at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Working with Prof. Robert J. Van de Graaff, he designed one of the first million-volt X-ray generators.Used initially for clinical purposes at the Collis P.Huntington Memo-rial Hospital in Boston in 1937, it was a development that provided additional years of life to cancer patients throughout the world.

In 1946, Dr.Trump, along with Dr. Van de Graaff and Dr. Denis M. Robinson, foun-ded the High Voltage Engineering Corporation, which developed the Van de Graaff electrostatic generator.

In World War II Dr. Trump was influential in the development of radar and short-wave radar equipment. He was appointed director of the British branch of the M.I.T. Radiation Lab in 1944.

After the war. Dr. Trump, while still on the faculty at M.I.T., became associated with the Department of Radiology at the Lahey Clinic in Boston and later became chair-man of its board. Under his direction rotational radiation therapy was developed, ''an idea that created quite a stir in those days", 'he recalled later. He also conceived and developed the use of high-energy electrons in the treatment of superficial skin lesions.

He Received Emeritus Status. He became professor emeritus at M.I.T. in 1973, remaining on as a senior lecturer.

He was the author of nearly 80 scientific publications and the recipient of many awards, including His Majesty's Medal,given by George VI in 1947; the President's Certificate of Merit, presented by President Truman in 1948;and the Lamme Medal, awarded in 1960 by the American Institute of Electrical Engineers. In 1983, he was the recipent of the National Medal of Science.

He was a graduate of the Polytechnic Institute in 1929,received a master's degree in physics from Columbia University in 1931 and a doctorate from M.I.T. in 1933.

Dr. Trump is survived by three children, John Gordon Trump of Watertown, Mass., Christine Philp of Pittsfield, Mass., and Karen Ingraham of Los Alamos, N. M.; and six grandchildren. He was the brother of Frederick C. Trump and the uncle of Donald Trump, New York real estate developers.

A funeral service will be held Sunday at 2:30 P.M. at the Unitarian Church in Winchester, Mass.

Donald Trump on useinkin esiintynyt tavalla,joka kertoisi, että huolimatta isältään perimistään bisneksistä setä John oli hänelle korkein ihanne ja suurin auktoriteetti. Eipä hän uskonut eikä totellut isää uskonasoissakaan (vaan piti tätä jopa tyhmänä ainakin siinä suhteesa...).



Mikko Hamunen kommentoi_ 16. marraskuu 2016 09:19

Mielenkiintoinen kirjoitus. Tutkan merkitys 2. maailmansodan osapuolille on jäänyt merkitystään vähäisemmälle huomiolle. Sitä hyödynsivät mm. yhdysvaltalaiset su-kellusvenetorjujat, saksalaiset yöhävittäjät ja ilmatorjujat, briteistä puhumattakaan. Briteillä olisi ollut huomattavasti tukalammat oltavat, jos heidän tutkansa olisi huomattu / osattu tuhota. Myös suomalaisilla oli tutkia käytössään.


Heikki Karjalainen kommentoi_ 16. marraskuu 2016 09:46

Missähän ovat maailman parhaat tutkat- niitä ei vaan ole ihminen rakentanut.

Lepakko kulkeee pimeässä ja pusikoissa sellaista vauhtia, että mikään ihmisen kehittämä tutka ei pysyisi perässä.

Valaat, jotka "tutkailevat", kuulevat ja viestittävät satojen ja jopa tuhansien kilometrien päähän.

Norsut tutkailevat "jalkapohjillaan" ja tuntevat pientkin värähtelyt.

Linnut ohjaavat itseään metrin tarkkuudella omalle pesälleen tuhansien kilometrien päästä maapallon magneettivirtauksilla sekä tähtien antamin suuntaviitoin.

No, olen sentään ajanut Tammisaaresta Helsinkiin umpipimeässä veneen tukalla. On niistä sentään hyötyä, kun omat luonnonmukaiset tutkat näkevät ja kuulevat pirun huonosti.

John G:n kuvassa näkyy selvä geeniyhteys Donaldiin - etenkin etutukan alueella :).


Kalle kommentoi_ 16. marraskuu 2016 10:55

Hyvin olet Heikki ajanut pelkän tutkan perusteella;ilmeisestikkin olympiaväylää, siinä on Kytön itäpuolella sellainen "keppihevetti" että ajoin itsekkin ja aivan päiväsaikaan "kiven" yli kun komentoni ruorimiehelle viivästyi ja syyhän oli yksin minun; nuhteet siitä aikanaan alustarkastajalta sain.

Minun viestikyyhkyni aikoinaan lensivät kilpailuissa yli 800km:n matkan keskinopeu- della 900m/min; linnut jotka eivät lennä pisteestä a pisteeseen b suoraviivaisesti vaan suunnistavat erilaisten maamerkkien, magneettikenttien yms perusteella.


Kalle kommentoi_ 16. marraskuu 2016 11:40

Sillä vaan on rauhanaikanakin paha suunnistaa.


Risto Juhani Koivula kommentoi_ 16. marraskuu 2016 14:29

Nuo lepakoiden ja valaiden laitteet ovat kaikuluotaimia.Sitä ovat myös erilaiset ultra-äänilaitteet joilla kuvataan ja katsellaan. Tutka on eri asia, se on sähkömagneettinen eikä tarvitse väliainetta, eikä se säteilykään ole heijastus (jota sitäkin tosin voi olla, mutta se heijastuu vain ytimistä,jolla keinolla Rutherford löysi atomirakenteen).Tässä on kyllä eri aallonpituudet.Yllättävän monessa paikassa se tutka oli yllättävän pitkäl-lä, vaikka koko periaatteen kokeellisesta vahvistamisesta oli vasta muutama vuosi. Se kuvaa asian suunnatonta tärkeyttä.

Tutkaa voidaan myös hämätä:voidaan tehdä vaikka lentokoneen pinta sellaiseksi, että se ei säteilisi mitään sinne tutkasäteilyn tulosuuntaan. Siinä ei massat vaikuta mitään,kuten kaiulla. Toinen mahdollisuus on pudottaa tai nostaa taivaalle foliosuika- lemaista metallinsälää, joka absorboi tehokkaasti säteilyä ja heijastaa tehokkaasti takaisin ja vielä peittää takana olevat muut säteilijät.


Risto Juhani Koivula kommentoi_ 16. marraskuu 2016 14:45

En kyllä tiedä,että luonnossa ilman ihmistä olisi mitään tutkan periaatteella toimivaa informaatiojärjestelmää. Mutta en kyllä ole mikään asiantuntija. Ihmiset voivat joskus kehittää täysin uusiakin metkuja.


Kalle kommentoi_ 16. marraskuu 2016 16:15

Risto Juhani Koivula; ei viestikyyhky lähetä mitään, se suunnistaa juurikin maan sähkömagneettisten kenttien, auringon aseman, maamerkkien ...jne. mukaan. Tästä on aivan selkeitä tieteellisiä tutkimuksia.


Risto Juhani Koivula kommentoi_ 16. marraskuu 2016 18:20

Viestikyyhky kiertää spiraalia,mutta muuttokyyhky saattoi muuttaa magneettikenttien mukaan.

Pulu on erittäin vanha täkäläinen kotieläin, jonka Intiasta tuotu kana (gana = laulaa, sanskr.) on syrjäyttänyt.


Heikki Karjalainen kommentoi_ 16. marraskuu 2016 18:38


Ajoin kerran Helsingistä Hankoon isolla vanhalla paatillia ensimmäisen kerran, jonka olin juuri ostanut. Ei siinä ollut tutkaa eikä gps:ää. Kompassi sattui olemaan sähkö- kaapin päällä ja näytti "perunoitta". Jos olisin seurannut sitä, olisin ollut kivillä alta aikayksikön. Järki ja merikortti olivat pelastus- ei muu.


Risto Juhani Koivula kommentoi_ 17. marraskuu 2016 16:37

Tuossa yhteydessä myös luotiin ja syntyi tosiaan illuusio Masachusetts Institute of Technology

 -teknillisen korkeakoulun muka "suunnattomasta huippuluonteesta", vaikka se on muista asioista pääasiassa lykännyt paskaa virheellisen miisionsa pohjalta luoda luoda ihmiskuvaa ja maailmankuvaa SOVELLETTUJEN TIETEENALOJEN POHJALTA, joiden tehtäviin tuo mainittu nimenomaan EI KUULU!

Risto Juhani Koivula kommentoi_ 21. marraskuu 2016 17:34,_Universalists,_an...;

List of Unitarians, Universalists, and Unitarian Universalists

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
See also History of Unitarianism

A number of notable people have considered themselves Unitarians, Universalists, and following the merger of these denominations in the United States and Canada in 1961, Unitarian Universalists.Additionally,there are persons who,because of their writings or reputation, are considered to have held Unitarian or Universalist beliefs. Individuals who held unitarian (nontrinitarian) beliefs but were not affiliated with Uni-tarian organizations are often referred to as "small 'u'" unitarians. The same principle can be applied to those who believed in universal salvation but were not members of Universalist organizations. This article,therefore,makes the distinction between capi-talized "Unitarians" and "Universalists"and lowercase "unitarians" and "universalists".

The Unitarians and Universalists are groups that existed long before the creation of Unitarian Universalism.

Early Unitarians did not hold Universalist beliefs, and early Universalists did not hold Unitarian beliefs. But beginning in the nineteenth century the theologies of the two groups started becoming more similar.

Additionally, their eventual merger as the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) did not eliminate divergent Unitarian and Universalist congregations, especially out-side the US. Even within the US, some congregations still keep only one of the two names, "Unitarian" or "Universalist". However,with only a few exceptions,all belong to the UUA- -even those that maintain dual affiliation (e.g.,Unitarian and Quaker). Transcendentallism was a movement that diverged from contemporary American Unitarianism but has been embraced by later Unitarians and Unitarian Universalists.

In Northern Ireland, Unitarian churches are officially called "Non-Subscribing Presby- terian", but are informally known as "Unitarian" and are affiliated with the Unitarian churches of the rest of the world.











  • György Kepes (1906–2001) – visual artist[3]
  • Naomi King (born 1970) – Unitarian minister, daughter of author Stephen King[56]
  • Thomas Starr King (1824–1864) – minister who during his career served both in Universalist and in Unitarian churches[4][12]
  • James R. Killian (1904–1988) – president of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology[3]
  • W.M. Kiplinger (1891–1967) – publisher of the Kiplinger Letters[3]
  • Abner Kneeland (1774–1844) – Universalist minister and denominational leader who, after leaving the denomination to become a leader in the freethought movement, was convicted and jailed for blasphemy.[5]
  • Richard Knight (1768–1844) – friend, colleague and follower of Joseph Priestley, developed the first method to make platinum malleable. Stored Priestley's library during his escape to America.[57]
  • Penney Kome (born 1948) - Canadian author and journalist[58]













Risto Juhani Koivula kommentoi_ 22. marraskuu 2016 01:59

Kysyin asiantuntijalta, Nokian-insinööriltä tuosta tutkan kaikuluotainominaisuudesta, että tutka myös "kaikuluotaa" eli heijastaa takaisin osin just samaa säteilyä, jota on lähetetty, josta sitten voidaan jokin esine havaita. Tarkempan tunnistamiseen saate- taan tarvita muutakin,tämän indusoimien virtojen aiheuttamaa säteilyä,kuten Wikissä on selitetty.



Höpsähtäneet, väärässä olevat ja haistapaskantieteilijät ärähtivät Donald Trumpia ja Brexitiä vastaan...

Richard Dawkins and Other Prominent Scientists React to Trump’s Win

What the election results mean for science, in gut responses from Scientific American’s Board of Advisers


Richard Dawkins, founder of the Richard Dawkins Foundation for Reason and Science. Credit: Don Arnold, Getty Images


This week the U.S. elected businessman and reality TV star Donald Trump as its 45th president. As Scientific American has reported in the run-up to the election, Trump's views on science,health and medicine appear unformed at best,ignorant and destruc- tive at worst. To get an idea of what top minds in science, health and research are thinking, we reached out to Scientific American's Board of Advisers to get their quick- fire reactions to the election outcome. The excerpts, some of them edited for length, appear below.


Pitää paikkansa, että Uusi-Seelanti on ERINOMAINEN TIEDEMAA, ihan muuta kuin samankokoinen Suomi,ei voi puhua oikein samana päivänäkään...Tämänkin päivän  Ernst Rutherfordit ja Maurice Wilkinsit puskevat edelleen kohti uusia tieteellisiä voittoja... Täällä on vähän vertailtu:


Dear New Zealand,

The two largest nations in the English-speaking world have just suffered catastro-phes at the hands of voters - in both cases the uneducated,anti-intellectual portion of voters.Science in both countries will be hit extremely hard:In the one case,by the xe-nophobically inspired severing of painstakingly built-up relationships with European partners; in the other case by the election of an unqualified, narcissistic, misogynistic sick joke as president.In neither case is the disaster going to be short-lived:in Ameri- ca because of the nonretirement rule of the Supreme Court; in Britain because Brexit is irreversible.

There are top scientists in America and Britain - talented, creative people, desperate to escape the redneck bigotry of their home countries.Dear New Zealand, you are a deeply civilized small nation, with a low population in a pair of beautiful, spacious is-lands. You care about climate change, the future of the planet and other scientifically important issues. Why not write to all the Nobel Prize winners in Britain and America, write to the Fields medalists, Kyoto and Crafoord Prize and International Cosmos Prize winners, the Fellows of the Royal Society, the elite scientists in the National Academy of Sciences,the Fellows of the British Academy and similar bodies in Ame- rica. Offer them citizen-ship. The contribution that creative intellectuals can make to the prosperity and cultural life of a nation is out of all proportion to their numbers. You could make New Zealand the Athens of the modern world.

Yes, dear New Zealand, I know it’s an unrealistic, surreal pipe dream. But on the day after U.S. election day, in the year of Brexit,the distinction between the surreal and the awfulness of the real seems to merge in a bad trip from which a pipe dream is the only refuge.


Richard Dawkins, founder and board chairman, Richard Dawkins Foundation

RJK: Notorisen äärioikeistolainen mutta kuitenkin tähän asti hyvällä tahdolla tulkiten tieteen rajoissa pysytellyt genetiikan tutkija ja biologian- ja yhteiskuntafilosofian tutki- ja ja popularisoija, tunnettuja teoksia mm. Geenin itsekkyys ja Sokea kelloseppäMeemiteorian isä.Joskus esittänyt hullunkurisiakin ideoita,jotka kuitenkin ovat kokeil- tavissa. (Mutta sitten kun on kokeiltu, eivätkä tulokset ole olleet odotettuja, ei ole puhuttu mitään.)

Nyt ei voi kuin sanoa, että "vanhuus ei tule yksin"...

Dawkinsista on tullut vanhemmiten pelkkä meediapelle, eikä hän tunne ollenkaan Donaldin jengin ja myös hänen sukunsa/perheensä tieteellistä traditiota!


President-elect Trump's upset election caught many by surprise. We have not heard very much from him or his colleagues on his views on science and basic research,so I can only say that I hope that he recognizes the long-term value of basic research investment and will support the agencies of the U.S. government that support and pursue it, including the National Science Foundation.

Vint Cerf, chief internet evangelist, Google

RJK: No comments.


Like many, I was caught off guard by these election results. It is the will of the U. S. people, and given the polarity of the power,we can anticipate a number of significant and long-lasting changes. I do think that given the reality of today’s world and the checks and balances built into America, that exactly how these changes will play out is to be determined.  anticipate that many will be surprised by what can be done, and what cannot be done within government. I personally was born into poverty,and eve-rything I have accomplished I did on my own. The best way to maximize professional success and rewards is to work hard;to maximize society is to be charitable; to maxi- mize equality is to be ethical;to maximize peace is to be peaceful.I see myself taking more personal responsibility for the welfare of others close to me, and continue to be the best possible scientist, for what we are and what we will be is largely governed by the scientific discoveries that we apply to move humanity forward.

Harold “Skip” Garner, director, Medical Informatics and Systems Division and professor, Virginia Bioinformatics Institute, Virginia Tech

RJK: Ei havaintoa. Wikisivut näyttäisivät vihjaavan, että puoskari.


A smaller than projected voter turnout (approximately seven million Democrats and two million Republicans less than the 2012 election) was likely the cause of the out- come. Unexpected outcomes are part of scientific life and we are experts at learning from them.

Michael Gazzaniga, director, Sage Center for the Study of the Mind, University of California, Santa Barbara

RJK: Haistapaskantieteilijä pahinta sorttia, tahdon ja tietoisen ajattelun kiistäjä väittäen sellaisten olevan "Keenistä lähtevän) toiminnan jälkikäteistä rationalisointia".

Oikeat ja haistapaskantietelijät eivät tee koskaan yhteisjulkaisuja AINAKAAN TIETEESTÄ tai edes TIEDEASIOISTA! Yksi munaa koko kirjan!


Fundamental research, dealing with climate change and the environment, nuclear weapons treaties, international relations, women’s rights, health and welfare, and more generally, public policy based on empirical reality, all have been dealt a blow.

The president-elect has expressed disinterest or disdain for the results of scientific analyses relevant for public policy, and the vice president-elect has been an open enemy of science.

It remains to be seen how this will play out, but a Republican congress seems unlikely to put many checks on this.

Lawrence Krauss, director, Origins Project, Arizona State University

Väärässä oleva (ilmeisesti), mutta yritteliäs ja terävä kosmologi, Dawkinsin aisapari kansainvälisenä tietynlaisen tieteen puolestapuhujana ja popularisoijana.

Oli Stephen Hawkingin ja Lee Smolinin ohella johtava Higgsin bosonin epäilijä ennen tunnettuja kokeita, jotka näyttäisivät osoittavan, että sellinen hiukkasparvi kuitenkin on olemassa.

Julkaisi Scientific Americanin numerossa 3/2008 ("Obaman vaalinierossa") teorian ns.sipuli(nkuori)versumista,jonka mukaan gravittatio olisi peräisin eri alkupaukusta kuin muut fysiikan,standardimallin perusvoimat,samassa numerossa muuten kuin  R. Douglas Fields julkaisi otsikolla "White Matter Matters" koetuloksensa pavlovilasen ehdollistumisen biofysikaalisesta mekanismista.

Tähän kampanjaan osallistuminen ei hänen luotettavuuttaan lisää ainakaan minun silmissäni...



Very, very surprised.

Robert S. Langer, David H. Koch Institute professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

RJK: Ei sano mulle mitään, mutta MIT on puoskariopisto! Noam Chomsky, Staven Pinker, jne.


First, I think that the forecasting capability of the media and others involved in studying elections and the interaction of the social sciences is flawed. That's clear. Regardless, this is a strong country, a strong democracy with great intellectual capacity and good will, with a deep sense of human rights and social justice shared among the people. I think at the end of the day the American people, as a whole, will provide a good balance of judgment.

I think the issue of American international competitiveness in science, technology and arts research will continue to be a centerpiece of policy considerations going for-ward. Importantly, a number of Supreme Court justices will likely be appointed during the next administration, and with one party governing all aspects of the government - the legislative, judicial and executive - the influence on the judicial system and future development of a progressive social policy is of concern.

America's prominence and international influence is largely based on the prestige and trust the U.S. enjoys, in part a result of the last century’s contributions to advan-cing science, medicine, technology and the pursuit of social justice. Our position as trusted members of the global community must be maintained and improved if we are to positively impact global development for the benefit of our own citizens as well as those of the world.

Robert E. Palazzo, dean, University of Alabama at Birmingham College of Arts and Sciences

RJK: Taideyliopistosta


At this moment, November 9, 2016, I am sick in heart and spirit, bereft of even a shred of optimism.

All the ideals of the enlightenment on which our country was founded, all the prin- ciples of reason and open-mindedness that undergird the practice of science that we so fervently cherish,and to which we can rightfully attribute our progress in improving the welfare of humankind, have been effectively and thoroughly repudiated. The significance of the result of the election - that those opposing these beliefs will now either control or greatly influence every branch of the U.S. government - cannot be overemphasized.

It's a shutout.

In such a moment it’s natural to search the past for lessons. All successful civilizations throughout history have ultimately perished. Further, the evolution of our country's democracy is following an ancient script: the seeds of Trump's philosophi-cal victory can be found in the very multicultural, multi-viewpoint, open-armed inclusiveness of the democratic ideal America has pursued since its beginnings.

In his article in New York Magazine,Andrew Sullivan finds in Plato's Republic, written 2,400 years ago, the view that a “rainbow-flag polity” is the most inherently unstable, and that “tyranny is probably established out of no other regime than democracy.” It does indeed make you wonder if last night wasn’t inevitable.

My deepest worry is that this transition really could signal the end of the American Republic and the light it tried for 240 years, at least on paper, to shine on all the world.

What it means for the practice of science in this country, the rights of women and minorities, the future of our planet’s health,the survival of all the creatures with whom we share the Earth and for our relationships with other nations, I have no stomach to predict. But it does very much seem right now that the winning faction of the U.S. populace has decided that the Earth really is flat,and that will be the guiding principle for governance from this moment on.

Carolyn Porco, Cassini Imaging Team leader; visiting scholar, University of California, Berkeley; director, CICLOPS, Space Science Institute

RJK: Joku kuvitustyöryhmän johtaja


What is there to say? It's especially scary that there won't be separation of powers. It's also shocking (if the numbers are accurate) the percentage of women (and men) who voted for Trump. And of course science, climate, you name it ... you have to wonder.

Lisa Randall, professor of physics, Harvard University

Säieteoriasta ei ole saatu yhtään ainokaista vahvistvaa (tai kumoavaa) koetulosta minun tietääkseni...


The one “plus” from this result is that reducing poverty may move higher on the agenda of the right as well as the left. But it should scare us Europeans into develo-ping stronger and better coordinated pan-European policies to offer countervailing power to the U.S.

Martin Rees, Astronomer Royal and emeritus professor of cosmology and astrophysics, Institute of Astronomy, University of Cambridge

RJK: Royal Societylle tarvitaan uusi puheenjohtaja...


This administration may be the least science- and science education-friendly one in generations. One possible nominee for the education department, Ben Carson, is a young-Earth creationist. Vice President[-elect] Pence has supported antievolution legislation in Indiana and has even pronounced evolution as unscientific on the floor of the House of Representatives. At the National Center for Science Education, we found that creationists are emboldened to act locally and at the state level when the “bully pulpit” of the presidency favors them - even if the federal government has little or no role in determining local curricula. Nominees for Energy [the Department of Energy], EPA [U.S. Environmental Protection Agency], NIH [National Institutes of Health], NSF (National Science Foundation] and other agencies are likely to be equ-ally problematic and, of course, many members of the administration have declared their rejection of climate change. Should they and their appointees act upon that belief, agreements made with China and other nations by the current administration are at risk - which means that the future of the planet is at risk. Science and science education did not come out ahead in this election.

Eugenie Scott, founding executive director, National Center for Science Education

Säätiösäätäjä, haistapaskan hallintotantta!

Ämmä valehtelee kuin harmaantunut ruuna: missään ei ole sanottu, että tohtori Ben Carson olisi Nuoren Maan Kreationisti. Kyseinen oppi on vuodelta 1923, eikä se ole sellaisenaan minkään uskotokunnan välttämätön tunnutuksellinen dogmi, mutta sitä pidetään sallittuna ainakin Luterilaisessa,Baptistisessa, Episkopaalisessa ja Kalvinis- tisessa kirkossa sekä seitsemännen päivän Adventisteissa (joka on tuo oppia paljon vanhempi kirkko),jonka jäsen Ben Carson on kuten 18 miljoonaa muutakin, eli se on kuusi kertaa suurempi kuin Donald Trumpin PCUSA-presbyteerikirkko.

Varapresidentti Michael Pence EI OLE ESITTÄNYT MITÄÄN ANTIEVOLUUTIO- LAINSÄÄDÄNTÖÄ MISSÄÄN eikä kukaan muukaan! Kyseinen termi on (pöpöjä näkevien piirien valematerialistipiirien ("amerikanskeptikoide") vääristely Academic Freedom bill -lakiehdotuksista. Pence uskoo "evoltuution taustalla" vaikuttavaan "ohjaukseen".


Science was sidelined during the presidential campaign and we will have to wait to see the science policy of the new administration with an open mind.

Terry Sejnowski, professor and laboratory head of Computational Neurobiology Laboratory, Salk Institute for Biological Studies

Laskenyteoreetikko. Varmaan saisikin Uudesta Seelannista jonkin viran... Eisiintynyt epämääräisissäkin yhteyksissä ja julkaisuissa (muissakin kuin tässä).


When it appeared Trump would win, the Dow plunged 800 points in after-hours trading, and pundits predicted [Wednesday] would be the worst economic collapse since 9/11 and the 2008 meltdown. As I write this, the Dow is up 265 points, the NASDAQ up 43 points. Predictions are hard to make, especially about the future, particularly in elections and economics. With that caveat I predict:

Markets will be fine and economic growth will continue steady and may even improve one half to 1 percent in 2017.

No wall will be built on the Mexican border (and Canadians will not build a wall blocking us!).

We will not change our nuclear policies, we will not adopt “no first use” policy (as Obama did not either), and we will go another four years without using nuclear weapons.

North Korea ...oh who the hell knows what that wingnut will do,but very likely nothing will change and eventually the country will go out of business with their failing econo- my, and North and South Korea will reunite just like East and West Germany did.

Putin will hesitate to challenge NATO or take further territory in eastern Europe.

ISIS will be completely eradicated before the end of 2017,but global terrorism will not be, as no president or government can reduce it to zero, but it will continue to fail as a means of bringing about political change.

Tensions in the Middle East will continue as they have since I was in college and voted for the first time in 1972. Some things never change.

Stay calm everyone.We have a strong republic that will continue growing stronger. We have lots of checks and balances in place to prevent any extreme actions taken by anyone, and as Pres. Obama has been reiterating this past year to those pessi- mists who think things are bad and getting worse, this is and will continue to be the best time there has ever been to be alive.

Michael Shermer, publisher, Skeptic magazine; monthly columnist, Scientific American; Presidential Fellow, Chapman University; author of The Moral Arc

Skeptikko/höpstikköliikkeen tappi (varmman sikäläinen Jukka-Pekka Häkkinen)...


Advancement of science transcends partisan boundaries and is fundamental for hu-man health,and is a bedrock for US.technological advances and the economy. Hope- fully, this will continue under any new administration. Although there is a rise in natio-nalism around the world, I think it is important that the international open-ness of science,its collaborations and its benefits be maintained for the benefit of all.

Michael Snyder, professor of genetics, Stanford University School of Medicine

RJK: En ymmärrä. Voi olla vaikka haistapaskantieteilijä.


The main questions are whether Trump/Pence will 1) support science research as a core to the economic engine and American competitiveness and 2) use science outcomes to inform policymaking.

The rhetoric on the campaign trail implies “no” on both counts,but the desire to make good on campaign promises to promote our economic interests implies that they should.

Michael E. Webber, co-director,Clean Energy Incubator, and associate professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Texas at Austin

RJK: Mekaniikkainsinöörikollega. Emme päätä tieteen suunnasta.


It took the U.S. two decades to go from climate obstructionist to climate leader, and one ugly season to throw it away. Now we will see if we are truly a nation of laws and due process, or as weak as we tend to characterize some dictatorships.

I am embarrassed for my generation and am having trouble facing a younger generation that have very basic questions about our selfishness.

If there is a “silver lining” it is that we are a nation of strong institutions and now we shall see, are our ideals up to the task? My state of California - hardly popular to the Trump voters - offers a hopeful perspective.

The problem today is that the U.S. has truly “hit its stride” on climate, and, while also far from perfect,was progressing.Now,advocates of sustainability and intra- and international equity and partnership must re-tool, but without any buffer or luxury of time.

Above all, this new strategy and route to integrate and partner must evolve fast, and must find common ground with an electorate infused with the sad anger and pessimism that led to the Trump victory.

What California - and Morocco,Kenya, Denmark,Bangladesh,The Vatican, Germany, Nicaragua,and others - offer are imperfect but very real examples that show that our energy and material system can actually evolve much faster than previously thought. It takes steadily evolving technology. But more important is the development of a coherent plan.

What we have just done is to steal from our children's future — and personally from my two dear daughters.

- Daniel Kammen, founding director, Renewable and Appropriate Energy Laboratory, University California, Berkeley

This article has been updated to include comment from Daniel Kammen. 

RJK: Ilmastotaistelija Al Gore




Trump esitetään yksikäsitteisesti tunnetun, kiistellyn meediapastorin, -puoskarin ja kirjailijan,"positiivisen ajattelun" profeetan, American Foundation of Religion and Psychiatry -organisaation perustajan, käännynnäisen (metodismista)   predesti-naatiokalvinistin,"menestyksen teologin" (sikäläisen "mersulähetyksen") johtajan, Manhattanin kalvinistisen Marmorikirkon pastorin Norman Vincent Pealen (1898 - 1993) opetuslapsena,

VAIKKA SEKÄ TRUMP ITSE ETTÄ MARMORIKIRKKOSEURAKUNTA OVAT TÄMÄN KIISTÄNEET kerta toisensa jälkeen, kun muut ovat sellaista tuputtaneet!

" Marble has said that though Trump has a longstanding history with the church and that he is a Presbyterian, he is not currently an active member of Marble's congregation. [5] "

Norman Peale oli kyllä Trumpin isän ihailema ja tutkima henkilö ja hän on vihkinyt Marmorikirkossa Donaldin tämän ensimmäisen vaimon Ivana Zelníčkován kanssa. Donaldissa hän ihaili tämän maallista menestystä.

Donald oli kuitenkin varhaisteini-ikäisenä Sotilasakatemian oppilaana valinnut omasta aloitteesta tuon toisen, huomattavan erilaisen kirkon ja on aina ilmoittanut olleensa TÄHÄN valintaansa tyytyväinen!

Myös Trumpin Presbyteerikirkon nimi tarkoittaa "sielunhoitajakirkkoa".

Mutta sen erilaisempaa sielukuvaa tuskin voisi olla kuin calvinistisella ja  USA:n Presbyteerikirkolla ja sen perustajapatriarkoilla!

Paavi on sanonut,että hän ei pidä Trumpia kristittynä.Uhkaus rakentaa aita katolisen Meksikon suuntaan (jossa nytkin on hyvinvartioitu raja) ei kuitenkaan riitä tuollaisen "tuomion" teologiseksi perusteeksi katolisessa kirkossa .Sen sijaan monien presby-teerien unitarismi (areiolaisuus, Unitarism, Arianism) pyhän kolminaisuuden kiistäminen usko pelkkään Pyhään henkeen kyllä riittää (joskaan ei pakota) ...

Ulkolinja: Clinton vastaan Trump

Uusi kaksiosainen dokumentti hahmottaa Hillary Clintonin ja Donald Trumpin henkilökuvaa.

TV1 torstaina 27.10.2016 klo 22.50 - 23.50 ja torstaina 3.11. klo 22.00 - 23.00, uusinta keskiviikkoisin klo 23.05

Yle Areenassa 90 päivää

Yhdysvaltain presidenttiehdokkaat Hillary Clinton ja Donald Trump jakavat äänestäjien mielipiteitä enemmän kuin ketkään muut ehdokkaat aikaisemmin.

Ulkolinja esittää uunituoreen Clinton vastaan Trump -dokumentin, joka hahmottaa kahden erilaisen kandidaatin henkilökuvaa. Millaisen presidentin amerikkalaiset valitsevat?

Kahdessa osassa nähtävässä dokumentissa katsotaan otsikoiden taakse ja tutkitaan sitä,mikä ehdokkaita on ihmisinä muokannut,mistä he ovat tulleet, miten he johtavat ja miksi he haluavat tulla valituiksi vaikeimpaan kuviteltavissa olevaan työtehtävään.

Ohjelmaa varten on haastateltu kymmeniä ehdokkaat parhaiten tuntevia ihmisiä – ys-täviä,perheenjäseniä, neuvonantajia ja vastustajia – sekä myös kirjailijoita, toimittajia ja politiikan sisäpiiriläisiä.

The Choice 2016. Tuotanto: PBS, USA 2016.

Lisää aiheesta:

TV1 keskiviikkona 9.11.2016 Ulkolinja: USA:n uudet vaikuttajat
Yle seuraa USA:n presidentinvaaleja
Yle Uutiset: USA:n vaalit

" Religious views

Trump is a Presbyterian.[561] He has said that he began going to church at the First Presbyterian Church in the Jamaica neighborhood in Queens as a child.[562] Trump attended Sunday school and had his confirmation at that church. [562] In an April 2011 interview on The 700 Club,he commented: "I'm a Protestant,I'm a Presbyterian. And you know I've had a good relationship with the church over the years. I think religion is a wonderful thing. I think my religion is a wonderful religion. " [563] [564]

Trump told a 2015 South Carolina campaign audience he attends Marble Collegiate Church, where he married his first wife Ivana in 1977.

Marble has said that, though Trump has a longstanding history with the church, he is not an active member of Marble. [562]

Trump has said that although he participates in Holy Communion, he has not asked God for forgiveness for his sins. He stated, "I think if I do something wrong, I think, I just try and make it right. I don't bring God into that picture." [565]

Trump calls his own book The Art of the Deal (1987) "my second favorite book of all time," and has told campaign audiences: "Do you know what my first is? The Bible! Nothing beats the Bible."[566][567] Declining to name his favorite Bible verse, Trump said "I don't like giving that out to people that you hardly know." [562] However, his religious knowledge was questioned after a speech he gave to Liberty University, in which he referred to Second Corinthians as "Two Corinthians," eliciting chuckles from some in the audience.[568]

Trump maintains relationships with several prominent national Evangelical Protes-tant and other Christian leaders,including Tony Perkins and Ralph E.Reed Jr. [569] During his 2016 presidential campaign, he received a blessing from Greek Orthodox priest Emmanuel Lemelson.[570] Trump has ties to the Jewish-American communi-ty. [571] At an Algemeiner Journal awards ceremony honoring him with the Algemei-ner Liberty Award,he was asked about having Jewish grandchildren. In reference to daughter Ivanka, who converted to Judaism before her marriage to Jared Kushner, Trump said:"Not only do I have Jewish grandchildren,I have a Jewish daughter; and I am very honored by wasn't in the plan but I am very glad it happened."[572]

Controversy involving the Pope

In February 2016, while on his way home following a visit to Mexico,

Pope Francis said the following when asked about Trump:

A person who thinks only about building walls — wherever they may be — and not building bridges, is not Christian.

...I'd just say that this man [Trump] is not Christian if he said it this way.

...We must see if he said things in that way and in this I give the benefit of the doubt. [573]

Trump responded that it was "disgraceful" for the Pope to question his faith, sugges-ting that the Mexican government was "using the Pope as a pawn" for political pur-poses,"because they want to continue to rip off the United States." [574][575] Trump added that "if and when" Islamic State attacks the Vatican, the Pope would have "wished and prayed" Trump were President because under his leadership such an attack would not happen. [575]

The following day, Director of the Holy See Press Office Federico Lombardi insisted that the Pope was not launching an attack on Trump nor trying to sway voters by de-claring that someone who advocates building walls isn't Christian.[576][577] After the clarification by Lombardi, Trump downplayed his differences with the Pope, saying "I don't think this is a fight." [578] "

" Norman Vincent Peale (May 31,1898 – December 24, 1993) was an American mi- nister and author (most notably of The Power of Positive Thinking) and a progenitor of "positive thinking".

His ideas were not accepted by mental health experts. [1]"

The Difference Between Donald Trump and Norman Vincent Peale

 Norman Vincent Peale NYWTS.jpg

Early life and education

Peale was born in Bowersville, Ohio, the oldest of three sons of Charles and Anna (née Delaney) Peale. He graduated from Bellefontaine High School, Bellefontaine, Ohio. He earned degrees at Ohio Wesleyan University (where he became a brother of the Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta) and Boston University School of Theology.

Raised as a Methodist and ordained as a Methodist minister in 1922, Peale changed his religious affiliation to the Reformed Church in America in 1932 and began a 52- year tenure as pastor of Marble Collegiate Church in New York City. During that time the church's membership grew from about 600 to over 5,000, and he became one of New York City's most famous preachers.

American Foundation of Religion and Psychiatry

Peale and Smiley Blanton, a psychoanalyst, established a religio-psychiatric outpa- tient clinic next door to the church. The two men wrote books together, notably Faith Is the Answer: A Psychiatrist and a Pastor Discuss Your Problems (1940). The book was written in alternating chapters,with Blanton writing one chapter,then Peale. Blan- ton espoused no particular religious point of view in his chapters.In 1951 this clinic of psychotherapy and religion grew into the American Foundation of Religion and Psy-chiatry, with Peale serving as president and Blanton as executive director. [2] Blanton handled difficult psychiatric cases and Peale, who had no mental health credentials, handled religious issues.[3]

When Peale came under heavy criticism from the mental health community for his controversial book "The Power of Positive Thinking", (1952) Blanton distanced him-self from Peale and refused to publicly endorse the book.Blanton did not allow Peale to use his name in "The Power of Positive Thinking" and declined to defend Peale publicly when he came under criticism. As scholar Donald Meyer describes it: "Peale evidently imagined that he marched with Blanton in their joint labors in the Religio-psychiatric Institute. This was not exactly so." [3]:266 Meyer notes that Blanton's own book, "Love or Perish, (1956), "contrasted so distinctly at so many points with the Peale evangel", of "positive thinking" that these works had virtually nothing in common. [3]:273

Radio, television, writing and organizations

In 1935, Peale started a radio program,"The Art of Living", which lasted for 54 years. Under sponsorship of the National Council of Churches he moved into television when the new medium arrived. In the meantime he had begun to edit the magazine Guideposts and to write books. His sermons were mailed monthly. [4] During the de- pression Peale teamed with James Cash Penney, founder of J.C. Penney & Co.; Arthur Godfrey, the radio and TV personality; and Thomas J. Watson, President and Founder of IBM to form the first board of 40Plus, an organization that helps unemployed managers and executives.

In 1945,Peale,his wife Ruth Stafford Peale and Raymond Thornburg,a Pawling, New York businessman, founded Guideposts magazine, a non-denominational forum for celebrities and ordinary people to relate inspirational stories. For its launch, they raised US$1200 from Frank Gannett, founder of the Gannett newspaper chain, J. Howard Pew, a Philadelphia industrialist, and Branch Rickey, General Manager of the Brooklyn Dodgers.

Criticism and controversy

Peale's works came under criticism from several mental health experts, one of whom directly said Peale was a con man and a fraud.[13] These critics appeared in the early 1950s after the publication of The Power of Positive Thinking.

Hard to substantiate

One major criticism of The Power of Positive Thinking is that the book is full of anec-dotes that are hard to substantiate.Almost all of the experts and many of the testimo-nials that Peale quotes as supporting his philosophy are unnamed, unknown and unsourced. Examples include a "famous psychologist", [14]:52 a two-page letter from a "practicing physician",[14]:150 another "famous psychologist",[14]:169 a "prominent citi-zen of New York City",[14]:88and dozens,if not hundreds,more unverifiable quotations. Similar scientific studies of questionable validity are also cited. As psychiatrist R.C. Murphy exclaimed, "All this advertising is vindica-ted as it were, by a strict cleaving to the side of part truth",and referred to the work and the quoted material as "implausible and woodenly pious." [15]

Concealed hypnosis

A second major accusation of Peale is that he attempted to conceal that his tech- niques for giving the reader absolute self-confidence and deliverance from suffering are a well known form of hypnosis, and that he attempts to persuade his readers to follow his beliefs through a combination of false evidence and self-hypnosis (auto-suggestion), disguised by the use of terms which may sound more benign from the reader's point of view ("techniques","formulas," "methods," "prayers," and "prescrip- tions.").One author called Peale's book "The Bible of American autohypnotism."[3]:264

While his techniques are not debated by psychologists, Peale said his theological practice and strategy was directed more at self-analysis, forgiveness, character development, and growth[16] much like the Jesuits of the Catholic Church. [17]

Psychiatrist R.C. Murphy writes "Self knowledge,in Mr. Peale's understanding is un- equivocally bad: self hypnosis is good." Murphy adds that repeated hypnosis defeats an individual's self-motivation,self-knowledge, unique sense of self, sense of reality, and ability to think critically. Murphy describes Peale's understanding of the mind as inaccurate, "without depth," and his description of the workings of the mind and the unconscious as deceptively simplistic and false:"It is the very shallowness of his con- cept of 'person' that makes his rules appear easy ... If the un-conscious of man ... can be conceptualized as a container for a small number of psychic fragments, then ideas like 'mind-drainage' follow. So does the reliance on self-hypnosis, which is the cornerstone of Mr. Peale's philosophy.'" [15]

Psychologist Albert Ellis,the founder of cognitive therapy and influential psychologist of the 20th century,compared the Peale techniques with those of the hypnotist Emile Coue,and Ellis says that the repeated use of these hypnotic techniques could lead to significant mental health problems.Ellis has documented in several books the many individuals he has treated who suffered mental breakdowns from following Peale's teachings. Ellis' writings repeatedly warn the public not to follow the Peale message. Ellis contends the Peale approach is dangerous,distorted, un- realistic. He compares the black or white view of life that Peale teaches to a psychological disorder (border- line personality disorder), perhaps implying that dangerous mental habits which he sees in the disorder may be brought on by following the teaching. "In the long run [Peale's teachings] lead to failure and disillusionment, and not only boomerang back against people, but often prejudice them against effective therapy."[18] 

(Ellisin omiakaan käsityksiä ei aina voi maailman kestävästi tieteellisimpinä pitää: hän on mm. sanonut ihmisten olevan "sitä terveempiä (psyykkisesti), mitä enemmän he harrastavat seksiä"...)



The Reverend Billy Graham said at the National Council of Churches on June 12, 1966 that "I don't know of anyone who had done more for the kingdom of God than Norman and Ruth Peale or have meant any more in my life for the encouragement they have given me."[31]

Upon hearing of Peale's death,U.S. President Bill Clinton had this to say: "The name of Dr.Norman Vincent Peale will forever be associated with the wondrously American values of optimism and service. Dr.Peale was an optimist who believed that, what-ever the antagonisms and complexities of modern life brought us, anyone could pre-vail by approaching life with a simple sense of faith. And he served us by instilling that optimism in every Christian and every other person who came in contact with his writings or his hopeful soul.In a productive and giving life that spanned the 20th century, Dr. Peale lifted the spirits of millions and millions of people who were nou-rished and sustained by his example, his teaching, and his giving. While the Clinton family and all Americans mourn his loss,there is some poetry in his passing on a day when the world celebrates the birth of Christ, an idea that was central to Dr. Peale's message and Dr. Peale's work.He will be missed". [32]

Donald Trump claims to attend Marble Collegiate Church, and Trump has repeatedly praised Peale and cited him as a formative influence, though Peale's son has said he wishes he would not.[33][34]"

Clintonit ovat siis ylistäneet kyseenalaista mm. hypnoosin systemaattisesta väärin-käytöstä ja mielenterveysongelmien AIHEUTTAMISESTA syytettyä "sielunhoitajaa" suunnattomasti enemmän kuin ihailijanaapurin toisuskoinen poika Donald Trump!



Doku väittää valjeellisesti, että Trump olsi puoskareiden talutusnuorassa kulkeva puoskareiden hyysääjä, vaikka nimenomaan HILLARY JA BILL OVAT SITÄ TODELLISUUDESSA!

Mutta nyt tulee uutta pahaa puoskarijuttua (mulle entuudestaan tyystin vierasta, vaikka olen titeenfilosofian kannlta seurannut "alaa" kauan...):

Nancy Grace


First Aired: March 29, 2005

The Terri Schiavo situation is discussed with CNN's Dr.Sanjay Gupta; Dr. Eric Braver-man, director of PATH Medical; and Dr. Joseph Deltito of New York Medical College. Also,the Michael Jackson trial is discussed with a panel that includes Jim Moret (“Inside Edition”); defense attorney Renee Rockwell; psychologist Caryn Stark; and defense attorney Mercedes Colwin.

Got it liz, thanks. from Nancy Grace:

GRACE: Dr. Eric Braverman, are we convinced that Terri Schiavo feels nothing? I find it hard to believe that -- taking someone off a ventilator, that`s one thing, but allowing them to starve to death?

DR. ERIC BRAVERMAN, DIRECTOR OF PATH MEDICAL: I appreciate your em-pathy, but Terri has been dead for a very long time,essentially.And she has gone to God. And what you have there is a brain essentially filled with water and a flat line EEG of a persistent vegetative state.

And you need to understand that the empathy is being misplaced. We have a brain health crisis in this country,and this person has been essentially brain dead. Nobody has any hope of function - even if it was MCS, a minimally conscious state, she would never recover. What you`re looking there is a corpse and an embalmed individual that is being preserved unnaturally, a waste of medical re-sources, a misunderstanding of false hope that`s been projected. It is a tragedy.

GRACE: Dr. Braverman, have you ever actually seen Terri Schiavo?

BRAVERMAN: I have spoken with Dr.Cranford.Actually,doctors don`t need to see the patient. The video analysis is a deception.What doctors need is to know a flat line EEG. I`ve kept hamster brains alive and guinea pig brains alive for ten hours in a dish and they had more EEG activity. You have to understand...

GRACE: Sanjay...

BRAVERMAN: You have to understand. She has less brain activity than animals. She has a brain filled with water or cerebral spinal fluid.

GRACE: Let me go very quickly to Dr. Gupta. Response, Sanjay?

GUPTA: First of all, you know, she doesn`t have a flat EEG. And I think that everyone  who initially said that has disagreed that she has a flat EEG.Calling her brain dead just is not right.

And whether or not she`s in a persistent vegetative state,or a permanent vegeta- tive state, or a minimally conscience, you can argue those terms,but I think it`s ir- responsible probably to keep saying that she is brain dead. Because clearly you can look at that person and see that she`s not brain dead.It doesn`t add anything to the argument here, Nancy.

Braverman is using the "shorthand" of saying the EEG is flat because there was one dead section of her brain.The leads measuring activity in those sections would be flat although leads in other areas measuring involuntary activity would not be flat.Gupta ob-jects because there are other sections of her brain that are not dead. Describing her as "brain dead" is wrong because she still had functioning brain matter that was not flat on an EEG. That functioning brain matter governed involuntary activity such as breathing and blinking.


Steve Bannon sai potkut Trumpin Turvallisuusneuvostosta

Kukas nyt on "hirveä rasisti"...?

Steve Bannonin pesti Trumpin turvallisuusneuvostossa päättyi

Keskiviikko 5.4.2017 klo 19.31

Valkoisen talon mukaan Bannonin paikka turvallisuusneuvostossa oli alun perinkin vain väliaikainen.

Steve Bannon ei osallistu enää Trumpin turvallisuusneuvoston kokouksiin.
Steve Bannon ei osallistu enää Trumpin turvallisuusneuvoston kokouksiin. (EPA / AOP)

Yhdysvaltain presidentin Donald Trumpin läheisimpiin neuvonantajiin kuuluva hallinnon päästrategi Steve Bannon, 63, ei osallistu enää Trumpin turvallisuusneuvoston kokouksiin.

Trumpin päätös nimittää Bannon turvallisuusneuvostoon heti virkakau-tensa alussa herätti Yhdysvalloissa paljon närää, koska turvallisuus-neuvostossa ei aiemmin ole ollut poliittisia neuvonantajia samassa asemassa kuin Bannon.

Bannonin suurta roolia Trumpin hallinnossa vastustettiin muun muassa presidentille osoitetulla postikorttikampanjalla.

Valkoisen talon edustajan mukaan Bannonin pesti turvallisuusneuvos-tossa oli alun perinkin vain väliaikainen.

Turvallisuusneuvoston kokoonpanoa muokattiin Bannonin lähdön lisäksi samalla enemmänkin takaisin alkuperäiseen suuntaan.

Lähteet: Bloomberg, CNN



Vastakkaisia käsityksiä Donad Trumpin ideologiasta...

In Search of Trump’s Ideology


" Trump is not a rightwing ideologue because he is not an ideologue at all. "

