perjantai, 11. syyskuu 2015

Sahtivaari valehtelee Syyrian Al-Assadin "tappaneen 200000 kansalaista"!

Martti Ahtisaari: ”Minä olen raivoissani”

YK:n turvaneuvoston pysyvillä jäsenmailla on Syyrian tilanteesta erityisvastuu, presidentti sanoo.

Katri Merikallio

10.9.2015 16:35|Päivitetty 10.9.2015 16:36

Martti Ahtisaari


" Martti Oiva Kalevi "MOKA" Ahtisaari (born 23 June 1937) is a former President of Finland (1994 - 2000),

2008 Nobel Peace Prize winner and United Nations diplomat and mediator, noted for his international peace work.

Ahtisaari was a UN Special Envoy at the Kosovo status process negotiations,

aimed at resolving a long-running dispute in Kosovo,

which declared its independence from Serbia in 2008.

In October 2008 he was awarded the Nobel peace Prize "for his important efforts, on several continents and over more than three decades, to resolve international conflicts".  "


" LONTOO – ”Minä olen raivoissani siitä saamattomuudesta, jota kansainvälinen yhteisö ja erityisesti YK:n turvallisuusneuvoston viisi pysyvää jäsentä osoittavat Syyrian tilanteessa”, sanoo presidentti Martti Ahtisaari.

”Meidän täytyy vaatia turvallisuusneuvoston pysyviltä jäseniltä aivan toisenlaista päättäväisyyttä konfliktin ratkaisemiseksi kuin mitä me olemme tähän asti nähneet.”

Suomen Kuvalehden haastattelussa Lontoossa Ahtisaari sanoo,että Euroopan pako- laiskriisi ja koko Syyrian tämän hetken tila on itse aiheutettu tragedia. Kaikki voisi olla toisin, jos Euroopan ja Yhdysvaltain johtajat olisivat aikaisemmin pysähtyneet ajattelemaan.


Venäjän YK-suurlähettiläs 2006 - 2017 Vitaly Tšurkin
Sahti pistää juttua kuolleen henkilön suuhun.

Ratkaisu Syyrian kriisiin oli käsillä jo 2012.

”Venäjän YK-suurlähettiläs Vitaly Churkin sanoi minulle tuolloin selvin sanoin, että jos länsi ei aseista oppositiota, myös Assad voidaan siirtää elegantisti syrjään”, Ahtisaari kertoo.

Venäjä on vuosia ollut Syyrian presidentin Bashar al-Assadin tärkein tukija.

”Minä vielä varmistin, että onko Moskova todella valmis luopumaan Assadista. Ja hän vahvisti että on. ”

”Mutta länsimaat kuvittelivat tuolloin, että oli vain viikkojen kysymys, että Assad kaatuisi joka tapauksessa.”

Länsimaiden johtajat eivät joustaneet. Aloite kaatui, mutta Assad ei. Eikä sota loppunut.

Vuonna 2012 Syyrian sodassa oli kuollut alle 20 000 ihmistä. Nyt kuolleita on liki 300 000.

Sen lisäksi alueella riehuu nyt Isis, jota nyt niin Yhdysvallat, Britannia, Ranska kuin Venäjä – Assadin lisäksi – yrittävät pommittamalla saada aisoihin. Huonolla menestyksellä. "

HM: "Elegantti ratkaisu" olisi tarkoittanut, että TN olisi peruuttanut Al-Assadin aseman valtionpäämiehenä. Venäjä ei sellaista kuitenkaan yksin olisi voinut "luvata", sillä Kiina olisi myös voinut estää erottamisen vetollaan.

Lisäksi erottamiseen olisi pitänyt olla laillinen syy.

Siksi sepitettiin tarinoita kemiallista aseista, joita jo silloin käytti varmasti ISIS, pahimmassa tapauksessa "Lännen" tilauksesta.

On lisäksi edelleen huomattava, että ISISIN OLEMASSAOLO EI OLE ASSADIN SYY. Se olisi josssain muodossa olemassa, vaikka Assad olisi syrjäytettykin.


" Ahtisaaren elämäkerta The Mediator julkistettiin englanniksi Lontoossa keskiviik- kona 9. syyskuuta. The Elders -ryhmän ja CMI:n järjestämässä julkistamistilaisuu- dessa Ahtisaari muistutti, että kaikki konfliktit voidaan ratkaista, eikä Syyria ole poikkeus.

”Meillä on kaikki edellytykset löytää siihen ratkaisu.”

Tiekartta tähän on jo olemassa.

”Ensin pitää saada aikaan tulitaukosopimus, ja kaikki ulkopuoliset joukot ulos maasta”, Ahtisaari sanoo.

Sen jälkeen Syyriaan tuodaan merkittävä määrä rauhanturvaajia sekä tarkkailijoita valvomaan, että tulitaukoa ei rikota.

”Myös maan jälleenrakentaminen pitää käynnistää heti,jotta miljoonat maanpaossa olevat syyrialaiset rohkenevat palata takaisin.”

”Ihmisille pitää antaa toivoa.”

Ratkaistavana on vielä se,mitä tehdä yli kaksisataatuhatta oman maansa kansalaista tapattaneelle Assadille. "

HM: Nyt tuli vähintäänkin nollavirhe! ISISin uhrit EIVÄT OLE ASSADIN UHREJA!!

" Britannian pääministeri David Cameron on tällä viikolla sanonut, että jos rauha saataisiin aikaan, Assad voisi jatkaa maan presidenttinä puoli vuotta kestävän siirtymäajan. Mutta ilman asevoimiaan. Tämä on selvä linjanmuutos. "

Ahtisaari ei halua ottaa kantaa siihen, mitä Assadille pitäisi tehdä.

”Se riippuu niin monesta tekijästä. Patenttiratkaisua ei ole.” "

HM: Sahtivaari on ilman muuta tarkastanut jutun, ennen kuin se on julkaistu!


Turvallisuusneuvostolle (joka ei hänenhorinoitaan noteeraa, EI INAKAAN SITEN KUIN HÄN ODOTTAA!


" Juuri presidentti Assadin asema on jakanut syvästi YK:n turvallisuusneuvostoa.

Venäjä ja Kiina seisovat vankasti Assadin takana. Länsi on yhä laimeammin sanan-kääntein pitänyt kiinni vaatimuksissaan Assadin erosta. Kahdesta pahasta Isisiä pidetään sittenkin suurempana uhkana.

Ahtisaari kuitenkin varoittaa, että jos ja kun rauhansopimus joskus saadaan aikaan, vaalien järjestämisessä ei pidä kiirehtiä.

”Tilanteen pitää ensin antaa rauhoittua ja poliittisten ryhmien organisoitua ainakin kahden vuoden ajan. Ei pidä tehdä samaa virhettä kuin Egyptissä.”

Ahtisaari viittaa Egyptissä arabikevään jälkeen pikaisesti järjestettyihin vaaleihin, jossa muslimiveljeskunta ainoa organisoituna poliittisena liikkeenä sai ylivoimaisen voiton. Maa ajautui kaaokseen ja lopulta sotilasvallankaappaukseen.

Keskeistä hänen mukaansa on se, että Syyrian vähemmistöt saavat uskottavan suojan. Muuten rauhasta ei tule kestävä. "

HM: Sellainen on hoidettavissa, pelkkä tahto kysmys YK_lle ja kysyisille vähemmistöille itselleen, joista kurdit ovatkin hyvin varustautuneita...


" Kenen kanssa Ahtisaaren mielestä pitäisi nyt ryhtyä neuvottelemaan? Isisin?

”Ei välttämättä. Olennaisempaa on puhua niiden kanssa, jotka rahoittavat Isisiä. On puhuttava ja myös painostettava. Rahoittajien vastuu on hoitaa Isis pois kuviosta.”

Alueelliset vaikuttajavaltiot – Iran, Saudi-Arabia, Qatar ja Turkki – Ahtisaari sitouttaisi ja vastuuttaisi vahvasti. "

”Saudien ja qatarilaisten pitää osallistua Syyrian jälleenrakentamiseen sen sijaan että ne rahoittavat Isistä.”

HM: Homma ei saa jäädä niiden "hyvästä tahdosta" kiinni.


" Britannia on viime päivinä kiihdyttänyt ilmaiskuja Isisiä vastaan Yhdysvaltain rinnalla. Myös Ranska on aloittanut ilmaiskut.

Ahtisaari sanoo, että pommit eivät tätä kriisiä ratkaise.

”Meidän on löydettävä rauhanomainen ratkaisu. YK:n turvaneuvoston pysyviltä jäsenmailta on vaadittava paljon enemmän. Heillä on tässä erityisvastuu.”

Tilanteessa on kuitenkin myös toivonpilkahduksia. Ydinsovun löytyminen Iranin kanssa avaa hänen mukaan mahdollisuuden uudenlaiselle dialogille. Iran on Syyrian presidentin Bashar al-Assadin tärkein tukija alueella.

”Kun Iranin-vastaiset pakotteet saadaan poistettua, tästä yhteistyötä voi aueta uusia avauksia.”

Israelin pääministeri Benjamin Netanjahun maalaamat kauhukuvat Iranin uhasta alueella Ahtisaari sen sijaan laittaisi romukoppaan.

”Ne ovat höpönlöpöä. Hän voisi välillä katsoa itse peiliin.”

Ahtisaari haluaa palauttaa ihmisten muistiin sen, että jopa kaikkein syvimmän kyl- män sodan aikana suurvallat pysyivät löytämään ratkaisuja, kun asioita riittävästi pohjustettiin – ja osapuolia painostettiin.

”Neuvostoliitto ja Yhdysvallat kykenivät 1980-luvun lopulla sopimaan esimerkiksi Kuuban joukkojen vetämisestä Angolasta. Näin luotiin pohja Namibian itsenäisty-miselle ja lopulta myös Etelä-Afrikan apartheid-järjestelmän kaatumiselle. Mikään ei ole mahdotonta.” "

HM: Sahdin pitäisi tietää, että painostettu sopimus ei ole laillinen sopimus.


" Entisistä valtionpäämiehistä ja -naisista koostuva Elders-ryhmä on ollut aloitteellinen niin Syyrian tilanteessa kuin YK-uudistusten läpiajamisessakin.

YK:n turvaneuvoston on ollut käytännössä halvaantunut viime vuosina, koska sen pysyvät jäsenet ovat toistuvasti uhanneet käyttää veto-oikeuttaan heille epämieluisien asioiden käsittelyssä.

”Me Elders-ryhmässä olemme tehneet ehdotuksen, että turvallisuusneuvoston pysyviltä jäseniltä poistetaan veto-oikeus tilanteissa, jotka uhkaavat johtaa kansanmurhien kaltaisiin tilanteisiin.”

Nyt yli neljä miljoonaa syyrialaista on paennut sotaa naapurimaihin. Eurooppaan syyrialaisia on tullut 350 000. "

HM: Tämä ehdotus tarkoittaisi veto-oikeuden mitätöimistä,sillä sen perustarkoitus koskee sotilaallisen voiman käyttöä YK:n lipun alla rauhaanpakottamisessa. YK:n omaa sostillaallista väliin menoa ei muissa tulanteissa yleensä edes suunnitella. Sa- moin YK:n Pääsihteeriksi,joka johtaa Sihteeristön päällikkönä mm.YK:n kansianvä- listä oikeusjärjestelmää, pitää valita kaikkien pysyväisjäsenten inakin jonkinmoista luottamusta nauttiva henkilö, eikä mitään yhden ilmanuunnan sahtivaaria!

Veto-oikeuden perutarkoitus on, ettei paikalliset konfliktit eskaloidu globaaleiksi ITSE YK:N KAUTTA, kun TN:n pysyvät jäsenet, jotak hallitsevat n. 90% maailman asevoimasta, ilman muutajoskus tuevat eri osapuolia kriiseissä.

Ensisijainen keino estää asioita jumittumasta veto-oikeuden kautta on YLEISKO- KOUKSEN PAREMPI KÄYTTÖ KRIISINHALLINNASSA. Siellä kenelläkään nimittäin ei ole veto-oikeutta.

Eikä TN voi vetota YLEISKOKOUKSEN PÄÄTÖKSIÄ,vaan pelkästään YK:n lipun pantaessa niitä toimeen sotilaallisesti!

Tähän mennessä YK:n Yleiskokousta ovat tehokkaasti pystyneet käyttämään kriisinhallinnassa lähinnä Hugo Chavez ja mahmud Ahmadinejad.

YK:n kriisinhallintaa haukutaan turhasta, kun sitä ei osata eikä haluta käyttää


" Ahtisaari joka itse lapsena joutui pakenemaan Neuvostoliiton hyökkäystä Viipurista 1939, sanoo ymmärtävänsä hyvin turvaa hakevia syyrialaisia.

”Ihmisten on ollut pakko lähteä. Niin minäkin tekisin heidän asemassaan, jos olisin nuori.”


Toimittaja Katri Merikallio on toinen Ahtisaaren elämäkerran kirjoittajista. Kirja ilmestyi suomeksi vuonna 2011. "

Suomi ajaa NATOa YK:n TILALLE ei- jäsenyyttä viikunanlehtenä käyttäen (2008)


Sahtivaarin töräytyskselle the Guardianissa "Al-Assadin syrjättämissopimuksesta" törähti heti täystyrmäys niin Venäjältä kuin lännestäkin. Sahdin valehtelua "200000:sta Assadin uhrista" Suomen kuvalehdessä ei ole noteerattu ulkomailla.

Venäjä kiistää Ahtisaaren Syyria-puheet – ”Emme osallistu vallanvaihtoihin”

" Venäjä kiistää, että se olisi missään vaiheessa ollut valmis syrjäyttämään Syyrian presidenttiä Bashar al-Assadia.

Presidentti Vladimir Putinin tiedottaja Dmitri Peskov sanoo, että Venäjä ei ole missään vaiheessa tarjonnut tällaista mahdollisuutta.

Presidentti Martti Ahtisaari kertoi brittiläiselle Guardian-lehdelle Venäjän YK-suurlä-hettilään ehdottaneen suunnitelmaa, jonka yksi osa oli al-Assadin siirtyminen syrjään.

– Toistan vielä kerran, että Venäjä ei osallistu vallanvaihtoihin, Peskov totesi Tassin mukaan toimittajille Moskovassa.

Ahtisaari keskusteli Syyrian kriisistä vuonna 2012 YK:n turvallisuusneuvoston viiden pysyvän jäsenmaan kanssa.
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Did the West Really Miss a Chance to End the Syrian War?

On a cold February day in 2012, Western diplomats at the United Nations Security Council believed they were on the cusp of a deal that could bring an end to Syria’s already devastating civil war.

In painstaking negotiations that week, Russia’s envoy, Vitaly Churkin, expressed confidence to his Western counterparts that his country would back a resolution clearing the way for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s exit from power as part of a political transition.

But shortly before it came time to vote on the resolution on Feb. 4, Churkin pro- posed a flurry of last-minute amendments that - in the view of Western diplomats - derailed a fragile consensus. Russia and China vetoed the resolution, and the pros- pect of a political settlement to the war dissolved. Three years later, more than 200,000 are dead, and millions of refugees are fleeing the war-ravaged country, desperately seeking shelter in Europe and in neighboring Arab states.

The diplomatic denouement was a crushing disappointment for American and Euro- pean diplomats who had tried to broker an agreement. And they came away con- vinced that Churkin could not necessarily speak for Moscow when it came to high- stakes issues.

That old history resurfaced Tuesday, when Finland’s former president, Martti Ahti- saari,told British newspaper the Guardian that the West had thrown away a Russian olive branch that could have ended the war. The story,which paints Russia as a spur- ned broker of peace, comes just as Moscow is doubling down on its military support for Assad’s embattled regime, including the construction of an airfield and the dispatch of heavy military hardware to Syria on Russian ships and planes.

Ahtisaari apparently took Churkin at his word when the veteran diplomat reported- ly told him the same month that Moscow was ready to support an arrangement in which Assad would quit power once the opposition and the regime began peace talks.

According to Ahtisaari, the Russian envoy said, “We should find an elegant way for Assad to step aside.”

In the interview with the Guardian, Ahtisaari accused the United States, Britain, and France of ignoring the promising proposal because they were convinced at the time that Assad was on the verge of falling.

“It was an opportunity lost in 2012,” said Ahtisaari, who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2008 for his decades-long dedication to peace negotiations on several continents.

Western officials acknowledged that Churkin may have floated the idea to the Fin- nish diplomat. But they also recounted that Russian President Vladimir Putin and other top leaders in Moscow never made such an offer, including at crucial talks in Geneva four month after the episode cited by Ahtisaari.

A spokesman for Hillary Clinton, who served as U.S. secretary of state at the time, expressed skepticism about any serious offer and noted the limits of Churkin’s power within the Kremlin hierarchy.

“Frankly, there was a lot that the Russians would say, especially Churkin, that Putin would overrule,” Nick Merrill told Foreign Policy.

France’s then-representative to the U.N., Gérard Araud, dismissed the idea of a lost opportunity and noted that Churkin would be an unlikely messenger for a genuine overture.

Answering a question from FP via Twitter about a possible Russian proposal to major powers, Araud said the Russians “never” put an offer on the table for Assad’s departure.

He added: “Anyway, Churkin wouldn’t have been the channel.”

The Russian Embassy in Washington and Churkin’s spokesman in New York did not respond to requests for comment.

“In the end, what counts is how the Russians acted in the Security Council,” recalled Peter Wittig, Germany’s ambassador to the United States, who served as Berlin’s U.N. envoy in February 2012.

“I am sure it was a decision of President Putin himself [to veto the U.N. resolution],” said Wittig.

“If Churkin ever had the thoughts Ahtisaari ascribes to him — ‘an elegant way for Assad to step aside’ — then it did not meet the litmus test in Moscow,” Wittig told FP by email.

Reza Afshar, a former British diplomat who works as the policy director at the Inde- pendent Diplomat, a nonprofit advisory group that counsels the Syrian National Coalition, doubted Churkin was really serious about such a proposal.

“Churkin was continually flying kites to keep everyone thinking that there was a discussion to be had with the Russians. But there never was,” Afshar said.

But “once you got into the detail of any of Churkin’s ‘ideas,’ he was never able to deliver Moscow,” he said.

Four months after Churkin’s alleged offer was made to Ahtisaari, Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov made no reference to such a deal at U.N.-sponsored talks in Geneva, according to Robert Ford, former U.S. ambassador to Damascus.

According to Ford, Lavrov’s delegation consistently hit three points: that Assad was leading a legitimate government,that outside powers should not compel him to exit, and that the Syrian dictator was fighting dangerous terrorists. Similar rhetoric underlies Moscow’s ongoing support for Assad today.

“What Churkin was talking about according to the Finnish president is very diffe- rent than what Foreign Minister Lavrov was saying in Geneva” in June 2012,  Ford told FP.

Ahmad Fawzi, who served as spokesman for U.N. envoys Kofi Annan and Lakhdar Brahimi on Syria talks in 2012, said that in his experience “the Russian position was steadfast and unwavering: Assad was elected by the Syrian people, and only the Syrian people had the right to remove him.”

U.S. officials said Tuesday they had never heard of any Russian proposal on Assad’s departure, but State Department press secretary John Kirby said Moscow’s track record was clear when it came to their stance on the Syrian dictator.

“I think history speaks for itself in terms of who’s supporting Assad and who has historically — before 2012 and after 2012 — supported Assad and who’s doing it today as we speak,” Kirby said.

Ahtisaari’s account, which portrayed Russia in a flattering light as a peacemaker, surfaced just as Moscow is engaged in an unprecedented military buildup in Syria that was widely interpreted as a bid to shore up Assad’s embattled regime.

“Russia is one of the single most significant reasons for the extent and duration of the carnage in Syria and the epic global consequences,” said Afshar, the former British diplomat.

“We should never forget that.”

Johann Bäckman:


Friday, September 18, 2015

Suomi on ISIS-terroristien kohde numero 1. Matkaraportti II Syyriasta ja Libanonista
Nobel-rauhanpalkinto EU-ruutitynnysrille peruutettava!

Ahtisaari pönkittää islamistista Hamasia ja nakertaa YK:ta

Venäjän UM: Venäjä ei keskustele Syyrian hallituksen syrjäyttämisestä

© Sputnik/ Anton Denisov
16:53 29.10.2015

Tärkein lokakuun 30. päivänä järjestettävän Syyriaan liittyvän tapaami- sen tehtävä on poliittisen dialogin aloittaminen. Asiasta ilmoitti Venäjän ulkoministeriön tiedottaja Maria Zaharova.


"Tapaamisen osanottajien tärkein tehtävä on myötävaikuttaminen pikaiseen poliitti- sen prosessin aloittamiseen Syyriassa maan sisäisen dialogin avulla. Olemme ilok- semme panneet merkille, että Wienin tapaamiseen Turkin ohella osallistuvat myös Syyrian naapurivaltiot sekä muita alueen vaikutusvaltaisia maita, mukaan lukien Egypti ja Iran", huomautti Zaharova.

Venäjän ulkoministeriön tiedottaja ilmoitti lisäksi, ettei Venäjä toimi hallitusten syr-jäyttämisen parissa. Näin ei toimita myöskään Syyrian kohdalla, sillä Wienin tapaa-misen tavoitteet ovat muualla. Näin Maria Zaharova kommentoi USA:n ulkoministe- riön tiedottajan John Kirbyn ilmoitusta siitä,että Wienin tapaamisessa keskustellaan Syyrian hallituksen kokonpanosta: "Nämä ovat USA:n suunnitelmia.

Suvereenina valtiona se voi keskustella mistä haluaa. Me emme kuitenkaan harjoita keskusteluja hallitusten koonpanoista tai syrjäyttämisestä", sanoi Zaharova.

"Meidän tehtävänämme on, olemassa olevin kansainvälisten asiakirjojen pohjalta ja turvata poliittinen prosessi Syyriassa. Tämän toteuttamiselle tapaaminen on omis- tettava, sillä vain siinä tapauksessa siitä muodostuu rakentava", korosti Zaharova.

Lue lisää:

FSB on toteuttanut vaativia operaatioita kuten ISISin, erityisesti Al-Nusran (jota Englanti aseisti vielä silloin) soluttaminen, jota johti Ramzan Kadyrov (ja ehkä pisti siinä vähän Al-Haidia ja Storsjö-odjuretiakin hommiin...) Al-Nusra on justiin se, joka käytti niitä Saddamin vanhoja hermokaasujakin provokaatiomielessä. Nusran tarkoitus oli käyttää myös YK:ta.

Nyt kun Irakin kurdit ampuivat alas kaksi Englannin aselähetystä Al-Nusralle, lienee erittäin, että kurdit olivat saaneet juuri venäläisiltä nuo tarpeelliset tiedot.

" CAUGHT RED-HANDED : Two British Planes Shot Down in Iraq Carrying Weapons For ISIS Terrorists

Tuesday, February 24, 2015 12:11


By Fars News Agency

Global Research, February 24, 2015


Iraq’s army has shot down two British planes as they were carrying weapons for the ISIL terrorists in Al-Anbar province, a senior lawmaker disclosed on Monday.

“The Iraqi Parliament’s National Security and Defense Committee has access to the photos of both planes that are British and have crashed while they were carrying weapons for the ISIL,” Head of the committee Hakem al-Zameli said, according to a Monday report of the Arabic-language information center of the Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq.

He said the Iraqi parliament has asked London for explanations in this regard.

The senior Iraqi legislator further unveiled that the government in Baghdad is recei-ving daily reports from people and security forces in al-Anbar province on numerous flights by the US-led coalition planes that airdrop weapons and supplies for ISIL in terrorist-held areas.

The Iraqi lawmaker further noted the cause of such western aids to the terrorist group, and explained that the US prefers a chaotic situation in Anbar Province which is near the cities of Karbala and Baghdad as it does not want the ISIL crisis to come to an end.

Earlier today, a senior Iraqi provincial official lashed out at the western countries and their regional allies for supporting Takfiri terrorists in Iraq, revealing that US and Israeli-made weapons have been discovered from the areas purged of ISIL terrorists.

“We have discovered weapons made in the US, European countries and Israel from the areas liberated from ISIL’s control in Al-Baqdadi region,” the Al-Ahad news website quoted Head of Al-Anbar Provincial Council Khalaf Tarmouz as saying.

He noted that the weapons made by the European countries and Israel were discovered from the terrorists in the Eastern parts of the city of Ramadi.

Al-Zameli had also disclosed in January that the anti-ISIL coalition’s planes have dropped weapons and foodstuff for the ISIL in Salahuddin, Al-Anbar and Diyala provinces.

Al-Zameli underlined that  the coalition is the main cause of ISIL’s survival in Iraq.
“There are proofs and evidence for the US-led coalition’s military aid to ISIL terrorists through air(dropped cargoes),” he told FNA in January.

He noted that the members of his committee have already proved that the US planes have dropped advanced weaponry, including anti-aircraft weapons, for the ISIL, and that it has set up an investigation committee to probe into the matter.

“The US drops weapons for the ISIL on the excuse of not knowing about the where-abouts of the ISIL positions and it is trying to distort the reality with its allegations.
He noted that the committee had collected the data and the evidence provided by eyewitnesses, including Iraqi army officers and the popular forces, and said, “These documents are given to the investigation committee … and the necessary measures will be taken to protect the Iraqi airspace.”

Also in January, another senior Iraqi legislator reiterated that the US-led coalition is the main cause of ISIL’s survival in Iraq.

“The international coalition is only an excuse for protecting the ISIL and helping the terrorist group with equipment and weapons,” Jome Divan, who is member of the al-Sadr bloc in the Iraqi parliament, said.

He said the coalition’s support for the ISIL is now evident to everyone, and continued, “The coalition has not targeted ISIL’s main positions in Iraq.”

In late December, Iraqi Parliamentary Security and Defense Commission MP disclosed that a US plane supplied the ISIL terrorist organization with arms and ammunition in Salahuddin province.

MP Majid al-Gharawi stated that the available information pointed out that US planes are supplying ISIL organization, not only in Salahuddin province, but also other provinces, Iraq TradeLink reported.

He added that the US and the international coalition are “not serious in fighting against the ISIL organization, because they have the technological power to determine the presence of ISIL gunmen and destroy them in one month”.'

Gharawi added that “the US is trying to expand the time of the war against the ISIL to get guarantees from the Iraqi government to have its bases in Mosul and Anbar provinces.”

Salahuddin security commission also disclosed that “unknown planes threw arms and ammunition to the ISIL gunmen Southeast of Tikrit city”.

Also in Late December, a senior Iraqi lawmaker raised doubts about the seriousness of the anti-ISIL coalition led by the US, and said that the terrorist group still received aids dropped by unidentified aircraft.

“The international coalition is not serious about air strikes on ISIL terrorists and is even seeking to take out the popular (voluntary) forces from the battlefield against the Takfiris so that the problem with ISIL remains unsolved in the near future,” Nahlah al-Hababi told FNA.

“The ISIL terrorists are still receiving aids from unidentified fighter jets in Iraq and Syria,” she added.

Hababi said that the coalition’s precise airstrikes are launched only in those areas where the Kurdish Pishmarga forces are present, while military strikes in other regions are not so much precise.

In late December, the US-led coalition dropped aids to the Takfiri militants in an area North of Baghdad.

Field sources in Iraq told al-Manar that the international coalition airplanes dropped aids to the terrorist militants in Balad, an area which lies in Salahuddin province North of Baghdad.

In October, a high-ranking Iranian commander also slammed the US for providing aid supplies to ISIL, adding that the US claims that the weapons were mistakenly airdropped to ISIL were untrue.

“The US and the so-called anti-ISIL coalition claim that they have launched a cam-paign against this terrorist and criminal group - while supplying them with weapons, food and medicine in Jalawla region (a town in Diyala Governorate, Iraq). This expli-citly displays the falsity of the coalition’s and the US’ claims,” Deputy Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces Brigadier General Massoud Jazayeri said.

The US claimed that it had airdropped weapons and medical aid to Kurdish fighters confronting the ISIL in Kobani, near the Turkish border in Northern Syria.

The US Defense Department said that it had airdropped 28 bundles of weapons and supplies, but one of them did not make it into the hands of the Kurdish fighters.
Video footage later showed that some of the weapons that the US airdropped were taken by ISIL militants.

The Iranian commander insisted that the US had the necessary intelligence about ISIL’s deployment in the region and that their claims to have mistakenly airdropped weapons to them are as unlikely as they are untrue.

Sitten kohta Venäjä pommitti myös Al-Nusran johdon paratiisiin...

Al-Nusran rintaman sotilasjohtaja surmattu Syyriassa – ”Valtava isku”

06.03.2015 klo 18:42

Syyrian kapinallisiin kuuluva jihadistijärjestö on kärsinyt kovan tappion.

Neljä al-Nusran rintaman (Jabhat al-Nusra) johtohenkilöä on saanut surmansa pommituksessa Syyriassa torstaina. Heidän joukossaan oli järjestön sotilasjohtaja Abu Hammam al-Shami.

– Islamilainen maailma vuotaa verta marttyyri Abu Hammamin takia, al-Nusra tviittasi.

Al-Shami oli pitkän linjan taistelija. Noin vuosi sitten julkaistun videon mukaan hän sai koulutusta Afganistanissa 90-luvun lopulla. Hän osallistui myös al-Qaidan koulu-tusleirille ja vannoi henkilökohtaisesti uskollisuutta Osama bin Ladenille. Afganista-nista al-Shami pakeni Talebanien kaaduttua Egyptiin ja liittyi Irakissa paikallisen al-Qaidan perustajan Abu Musab al-Zarqawin joukkoihin. Irakissa hän toimi kouluttajana Al-Zarqawin alaisuudessa, videolla väitetään.

Vuonna 2006 kuollutta Al-Zarqawia seurasi al-Qaidan johdossa Abu Omar al-Bagh-dadi ja tämän kuoltua tilalle nousi nykyinen Isis-johtaja ja kalifiksi julistautunut Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. Tämän myrskyisän viisivuotiskauden al-Shami kuitenkin vietti vankilassa Libanonissa, jonka jälkeen hän matkusti Syyriaan ja liittyi al-Nusraan.

Al-Nusran rintama onkin ollut osa al-Qaidan terroristiverkostoa. Ääri-islamistinen jihadistijärjestö on yksi Syyrian kapinallisryhmistä. Sen ideologia eroaa kuitenkin Isisistä, joka on järjestön vihollinen siinä missä Syyrian hallintokin.



EU toimitti kemiallisia aseita Syyrian Doumaan vuonna 2018 (tai aiemmin):



Tätä voisi pitää tunnustuksena...:

Report: Kerry promises Lavrov that support for Nusra and Daesh is over - Geneva negotiations coming to an end

Washington and Moscow have managed to maintain their agreements on Syria after John Kerry assured his Russian oppposite number that the wea-pons sent by the Pentagon to Al-Qaïda and Daesh in April had been deli-vered to honour an old programme which is now abandoned. We are mo-ving towards the end of the Geneva negotiations, and the resumption of intra-Sy-rian discussions - they will include the Kurds, but not the the pro-Saudi faction.


Meeting of the International Syria Support Group (Vienna, 17 May 2016).

US implication in Syria is as bewildering as ever. Despite the fact that John Kerry had negotiated a cessation of hostilites on the 22 February 2016, and that Russia had withdrawn its bombers, Turkey - a member of NATO - continued its support for Daesh.

On the 8 March, Russia registered a report with the Security Council accusing An-kara of controlling the traffic of antiques for the benefit of Daesh [1]. On the 18 March,it registered a further report accusing Turkey of delivering arms and munitions to Daesh [2]. In both cases, Turkey «totally refuted» these allegations and accused Russia of organising a diversionary manœuvre to «distract the attention of the international community from the civilian losses, the chaos and the conside-rable destruction caused by the Syrian régime and Russian military operations in Syria». The Russian Chief of Staff retaliated by revealing that Ankara had just allowed 9,000 new jihadists to enter Syria. However, it is possible to imagine that Turkey had acted alone, without referring to the United States.

On the 7 April, the US Department of Defense delivered 2,000 tonnes of weapons to the «moderate armed groups», of which 500 tonnes were im-mediately redistributed to Al-Nusra (Al-Qaïda), and 500 more to Daesh.

In any case, Turkey's support for Daesh seems to have diminished rapidly over the last few days.

It would seem that Moscow had secretly but violently protested, to the extent that on the 9 May, John Kerry and Sergeï Lavrov published a joint declaration. They called on «all states to implement Security Council Resolution 2253 (2015), which forbids all material or financial assistance to Daesh, the al-Nusra Front or any other group qualified as terrorist by the UN Security Council, and to prevent any of these groups from crossing the frontier into Syria».

Above all, it was agreed that Washington would set a deadline for its allies - the start of July - to arrive at a negotiated agreement in Geneva. Beyond that date, the US would withdraw all their armed forces, while Russia would redirect its aircraft-carrier Admiral Kutznesov to the Syrian coast in order to resume, on a reduced scale, its bombing campaign against the terrorist organisations (who have since been re-armed) [5].

However, the uncertainty has still not been definitively resolved.A heated dispute op-posed Russia and the United States at the UN concerning the Army of Islam (Jaysh al-islam) and the Islamic Movement of the Free Men of the Levant (Ahrar al-Sham). Moscow intended to add them to the list of «terrorist organisations», while Washington still wants to consider them as a «moderate armed group».

The Army of Islam is a formation funded by Saudi Arabia and supervised by the British SAS. Originally commanded by Zahran Allouche, it spread terror throughout the suburbs of Damascus and threatened the capital for three years. Its leader, who worshipped Osama Bin Laden, was characterised by his cruelty, ordering the decapitation of a number of local inhabitants, and using others, locked in cages, as human shields. Finally, the 'bunker-buster' bombs of the Russian Air Force destroyed the underground head-quarters specially built to house his Staff. After a period of confusion, one of Allouche's assistants, Issam el-Bouaydani, tempo-rarily assumed his succession. He was rapidly ousted in favour of a Wahabist cleric, Sheikh Abou Abdarrahman Kaake, who recommended the nomination of one of Zahran Allouche's cousins, Mohamed Allouche, to direct the delegation of the Saudi opposition at the intra-Syrian peace negotiations in Geneva. Mohamed Allouche had become celebrated for having thrown Syrians accused of being gay from the rooftops - the Syrian Arab Republic is the only Arab state to re-spect the private life of its citizens, and does not penalise homosexuals.

The Islamic Movement of the Free Men of the Levant is also supervised by the British. Like the Army of Islam, its communications are handled by InCoStrat [6]. Its «Minister for Foreign Affairs», Labib al-Nahhas, circulates freely in the West. He is in fact also British, and a member of MI6. He published an op-ed in the Washington Post [7], and paid a secret visit to New York last December to present his report to Jeffrey Feltman.

On the 17 May, the International Syria Support Group met in Vienna. In its final declaration [8], it questions the Syrian Arab Army's strategy of encircling the villages controlled by the jihadists of the «moderate opposition». But above all, it once more validates all of the Russo-US decisions of these last months, namely -

  • to form a common organisation for the transition between the Syrian government and the entire range of opposition parties when the moment for transition is reached;
  • to elaborate a new Constitution;
  • then to organise new Presidential and parliamentary elections on that basis.

However, even though Saudi Arabia is a member of the International Syria Support Group, the moderate opposition still refuses to accept these three points. It persists in demanding the departure of President el-Assad and most of the Christian, Chiite and Alawite senior civil servants before the formation of the transition organisation. Furthermore, it does not intend to run against the current leaders in a round of democratic elections.

It is not inconsequential that during the meeting in Vienna, a diplomat declared that his country was ready to fight Al-Qaïda, but that he was concerned as to who would then ocupy the terrain. Sergeï Lavrov noted what he considered to be a «lapsus» - this diplomat was admitting, de facto, that his country preferred the victory of Al-Qaïda to the victory of the Syrian Arab Republic. By doing so, he was distancing himself from the decision of the Security Council to make the fight against terrorism its primary objective.

On the same day,the 17 May, the special representative for the UN Secretary General, Terje Rød-Larsen, presented his final report on the application of Resolution 1559, and announced his resignation. The Resolution had been drawn up in 2004, on the initiative of the United States, France and Saudi Arabia, to demand the disarmement of the Lebanese Hezbollah, the non-renewal of President Emile Lahoud's mandate, and the withdrawal of the Syrian peace force from Lebanon. The Resolution had ne-ver been applied, although Syria withdrew its soldiers of its own accord when asked to do so by the Lebanese public during the «Cedar Revolution». Mr. Ban immedia-tely charged his assistant for Political Affaires, Jeffrey Feltman, with taking over Mr. Terje Rød-Larsen's functions as well as his own until the end of the year. However, very many observers consider that Jeffrey Feltman, ex-US Ambassador in Beirut, is the real author of Resolution 1559,and that today,he secretly directs the military coalition against Syria from New York.

On the 19 May, Jeffrey Feltman took part in a ceremony in Paris alongside members of the foreign Syrian opposition, Burhan Ghalioun, Michel Kilo, Bassma Kodmani and Samar Yazbeck.

Still in France, General Benoît Puga announced his resignation as the French President's personal Chief of Staff, in order to join the Chancellory of the Légion d'Honneur. An integrist Christian, nostalgic for the monarchy and colonisation, he was the only military man to occupy his post during the mandates of two successive Presidents, Nicolas Sarkozy and François Hollande.He had personally directed France's secret operations in Syria - sometimes in contradiction to the advice of the Army's Chief of Staff - notably with the assistance of the officers of the French Foreign Legion who worked directly for the Presidency.

We are moving inexorably towards an interruption of the Geneva negotiations. Moreover, if an agreement should be found between the Syrian parties present, it would be invalidated in the light of earlier international decisions, taking into account the exclusion - demanded by Turkey - of the main Kurdish party. This is why the failure of the Geneva talks would probably be followed by the resumption of the intra-Syrian negotiations between those who wish to take part - in other words, without the pro-Saudis, but with the Kurds. Then the formation of a transitional system with new participants. On the military side, the Syrian Arab Army should take back the country's main cities, but combats will probably persist at the Iraqi-Syrian frontier.

Translation: Pete Kimberley

  1. "Russian Intelligence report on Daesh's smuggling of antiquities", Voltaire Network, March 8th, 2016.
  2. "Second Russian intelligence report on Turkey's current assistance to Daesh", Voltaire Network, March 18th, 2016.
  3. « Les États-Unis violent le cessez-le-feu en Syrie et arment Al-Qaïda », « Qui arme les jihadistes durant le cessez-le-feu ? », par Thierry Meyssan, Télévision nationale syrienne, Réseau Voltaire, 25 et 30 avril 2016.
  4. "Joint Statement of the Russian Federation and the United States on Syria", Voltaire Network, May 9th, 2016.
  5. "The imminent return of Russian planes to Syria", by Valentin Vasilescu, Translation Pete Kimberley, Voltaire Network, May 16th, 2016.
  6. « Comment le Royaume-Uni met en scène les jihadistes »,Réseau Voltaire, 13 mai 2016.
  7. "The deadly consequences of mislabeling Syria's revolutionaries", Labib Al Nahhas, Washington Post, July 10th, 2015.
  8. "Statement of the International Syria Support Group", Voltaire Network, May 17th, 2016.

Comment: Even if true, it's unlikely that the U.S.'s allies will agree to either ceasing support for terrorists or abiding by the ceasefire. Saudi Arabia is calling for more weapons and boots on the ground in Syria to remove Assad. Turkey is still stating that it will act unilaterally in Syria. So the U.S. can benefit by pretending to be 'moderate', while allowing Turkey and the Sauds to do their dirty work for them. "



Obina väittää nyt, että "ei olisi muka ikinä väittänytkään Syyrian Hallituksen käyttä-neen taistelukaasuja - ja olisi jopa kieltäytynyt tekemästä maahyökkäystä Syyriaan "kaasujen perusteeella", kun tiesi, että ne olivat muiden kuin hallituksen!


" Obama admits his failure in Syria

News Room

November 22, 2020

Steven Sahiounie, journalist and political commentator

Former US President Barack Obama has admitted in an interview with German channel NTV on Wednesday, November 18, that his administration failed to deal with Syria during his presidency.

He was asked about the failures in his administration, and he answered, “In the area of foreign policy, the tragedy in Syria is still bothering me. During the Arab Spring, Egypt was in the spotlight, and later Libya, but at the same time, Syria was beginning to fall apart. In any case, I was not in a position to win the international community over to hold Syria together. I can’t stop thinking about the human suffering that followed.”

Obama acknowledged that his legacy has been negatively affected by his refusal to invade Syria with a US occupation force.  However, his successor, President Donald J. Trump has invaded Syria, and the US military is occupying Syria and stealing the oil resources, in a scene reminiscent of Dick Cheney and George W. Bush administration’s history in Iraq.

The Red Line crossed

Seymour M. Hersh wrote in April 2014, “The Red Line and the Rat Line”, concerning Obama, Turkey, and the US-backed terrorists.

In August 2013, after the sarin attack in the Damascus suburb of Ghouta, Obama was ready to launch an airstrike on Syria, for allegedly crossing the ‘red line’ he had set in 2012 on the use of chemical weapons.

Obama changed his mind because of research conducted at Porton Down, the UK defense laboratory. British intelligence had obtained a sample of the sarin used in the attack and analysis demonstrated that the gas didn’t match the Syrian army’s chemical weapons arsenal.

A former senior US intelligence official told Hersh that Prime Minister Recep Erdogan of Turkey had operatives who believed they could force Obama to attack the Syrian government by staging a sarin attack inside Syria.

Erdogan was supporting Jibhat al-Nusra, the Al Qaeda affiliate in Syria, as well as other foreign Radical Islamic terrorist groups. Hersh was assured by a former senior US intelligence official that, ‘Turkey and Saudi-based chemical facilitators were attempting to obtain sarin precursors in bulk, tens of kilograms, likely for the anticipated large scale production effort in Syria.’

The US joint chiefs also knew that the media claims that only the Syrian army had access to sarin were wrong.The US and UK intelligence communities had been aware since the spring of 2013 that some terrorist units in Syria were developing chemical weapons. The US Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) issued a highly classified report which stated that Jibhat al-Nusra maintained a sarin production cell, and was ‘the most advanced sarin plot since al-Qaida’s pre-9/11 effort’.

Jibhat al-Nusra changed their name to Hayat Tahrir al-Sham to circumvent the US restrictions on support of Al Qaeda terrorist groups,and are today holding the 3 million civilians in Idlib as hostages and human shields. The US-NATO-EU conti-nue to demand protection for the terrorists, by insisting on a ceasefire which seeks to prevent Russian and Syrian military attacks on the terrorists, which contravenes the UN-mandated global war on terror.

A series of chemical weapon attacks in March and April 2013 was investigated by a special UN mission to Syria, there was evidence linking the terrorists to the first gas attack, on March 19, 2013, at Khan Al-Assal. Investigators interviewed the victims and their doctors, and it was clear that the terrorists used the gas.

The Obama target list to attack Syria in 2013 included all the electric grids, oil and gas depots, all weapons depots, and all military buildings. But, Obama put the brakes on the plan after the UK defense findings were sent to the US joint chiefs, effectively telling them they were being set-up by the terrorists.

The US military had already questioned who would benefit from the use of sarin gas attack, and they concluded that from a military standpoint,Syria would not use nerve gas at that stage, because Assad was winning the war against the terrorists.

Obama supported the Al Qaeda affiliate in Syria

David H. Petraeus, who was then CIA director, first proposed a covert program of arming and training terrorists in the summer of 2012. Obama signed a presidential order authorizing the CIA to secretly arm and train terrorists at bases in Jordan in 2013. Obama’s decision came after intense lobbying by US allies, King Abdullah II of Jordan and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel, who were united in their support of using the Muslim Brotherhood ideology to topple the Assad government.

White House officials also received reports that the CIA-trained terrorists had executed prisoners and committed war crimes and atrocities.

“The Dark Side of the Free Syrian Army” was published in December 2012, and ex-posed the US government’s support of the Free Syrian Army (FSA), which was being armed by financial and military assistance from NATO, EU, and Arab Gulf nations allied with the US.  The FSA was being used as the boots on the ground for the US and their allies, for regime change.

Western media had portrayed the FSA as ‘the good guys’ and was not reporting de-tails of human rights violations, attacks on civilians, rapes, kidnappings, and torture. Western media was turning a blind eye to the facts, and painting the battle as between a dictator, and the FSA, which was labeled freedom-fighters.

Of the 23 million citizens in Syria, about eight million are minorities such as Chris-tians, Druze, Alawites, and Kurds,who are protected by the government, and the ma- jority of the Syrian people support President Assad. The facts on the ground, were of an armed terrorist group, following Radical Islam, with the intent of establishing an Islamic government in Syria, while being supported by democratic western govern-ment, fighting against the majority of the Syrian people and their legitimate govern-ment. The FSA acted as a force opposed to the citizens of Syria, and never intended democracy to be the outcome. 

The FSA had instituted Sharia law in a secular country that has never known Sharia Law, and the FSA targeted the infrastructure of the country, as they destroyed power plants, water systems, schools, hospitals, and factories. 

The FSA was being supported by the US, and Jibhat al-Nusra, the Al Qaeda affiliate, was being supported by the Saudis and Qataris. Once the FSA and Jibhat al-Nusra became partners on the battlefield,the US was in the position of supporting Al Qaeda in Syria; something that Americans had thought impossible after 9/11.

The Obama sanctioned war crimes in a Syrian Christian village

‘Timber Sycamore’, the secret CIA program to support the terrorists in Syria was fo-cused on pushing into areas of which were considered to be government strongholds, such as the northern coastal strip. On the morning of March 21, 2014,the US-suppor- ted terrorists, along with international terrorist partners, attacked the village of Kas-sab, which is an Armenian Christian village on the Turkish border. They attacked from the Turkish side, with the help of the Turkish military who used helicopters and canons to break down the defenses.

The US-backed FSA caused the entire village to flee for their lives, as people were shot, homes were ransacked and looted, women raped, and elderly immobile residents kidnapped to Turkey. 

On April 11, the Syrian opposition leader, Ahmad Jarba, visited his troops at Kassab, and congratulated them on their victory, and predicted the Syrian government would soon fall.  The village would remain occupied for three months, during which time all three churches were burned, religious icons and books destroyed, the graveyard dug up and bones desecrated, and virtually every home, farm, and business destroyed. 

Just weeks later in May, President Obama, and Susan Rice met with Ahmad Jarba in the Oval Office and praised the Syrian National Coalition’s role in trying to find a political solution to the crisis in Syria.

The US officially recognized the Syrian National Coalition as the sole representative of the Syrian people, with Ahmad Jarba as its president, and boosted financial assistance to the group.

“President Obama welcomed the coalition’s leadership and constructive approach to dialogue, and encouraged the coalition to further its vision for an inclusive govern-ment that represents all of the people of Syria,” the White House said. The statement should have added that only those following the Muslim Brotherhood would be part of the ‘inclusive government’, and Christians need not apply.

History repeats itself

The US ties with Radical Islamic groups were cemented in the 1980s when the Reagan administration used Islam as an ideological tool to use jihad against the Soviet intervention in Afghanistan.

Using Radical Islam for geopolitical aims has come to diminish global security, inclu-ding the rise of the jihadists, or “holy warriors,” and as a result, the US still props up the Wahhabist monarchs in Saudi Arabia, while secular Arab states, such as Syria, Libya, and Iraq have fallen victim to the US sponsored regime change and sanctions.

Sen. John McCain’s support of Radical Islam 

In 2011, Brahma Chellany wrote in ‘The Japan Times’, recalling President Ronald Reagan in 1985 introducing the Afghan mujahedeen leaders at the White House as, “These gentlemen are the moral equivalent of America’s Founding Fathers.”  Osama bin Laden was later to be found not so moral as Regan espoused.

In 2011, US Senator John McCain had announced after meeting Libyan jihadists that they are “willing to reimburse us and our allies” for the costs of effecting the regime change. By May of 2013, McCain was crossing illegally into Idlib, Syria to meet with his ‘freedom-fighters’ the FSA, but was caught in a photo-op with Mohammad Nour, who was identified as a known international kidnapper.

McCain had denounced Obama’s decision not to put boots on the ground, while aware of the US support for the Radical Islamic terrorists, pretending to be freedom-loving heroes.

Trump cut-off the Obama funding to terrorists in Syria

In 2017, President Trump cut funding for the $1 billion CIA support of the terrorists in Syria.It was well known that the FSA had been selling and giving their US supplies weapons to Jibhat al-Nusra, the Al Qaeda affiliate in Syria, and ISIS. 

The US liked to support Jibhat al-Nusra, despite being Al Qaeda, because they were fierce fighters. The US had used the rationale that the group was focused on battles in Syria, and not on plotting terrorist attacks against the US and Europe. However, the French government recently stated they are at war against Radical Islam, and some of the attacks which occurred on French soil have connections to training in Syria. The US,UK, France,and Germany continued to feed a monster of their creation and now will continue to pay the price with the blood of their citizens.

Steven Sahiounie is an award-winning journalist "



Tulsi Gabbard Introduces Bill to Stop US Government Funding and Arming Jihadist Terrorists in Syria

21st Century Wire says…

Finally,a US government official with character has emerged to condemn Washington’s clandestine support of extremist terrorists overseas.

Previously 21WIRE reported how US Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard (HI-D) received a somewhat hostile reception when talking with CNN’s Jake Tapper about her “Stop Funding Terrorism Bill.” Gabbard is the first US legislator since the 1980’s to openly highlight the very real problem of US clandestine services arming and supporting violent internatonal terrorist organizations, particularly those currently operating inside of Syria.

Interestingly,Gabbard’s important move to stop international terrorism comes at the exact same time when the outgoing President Obama has pushed his own executive action to lift all restrictions on US arms exports and support to proxy “rebel” or terro-rist fighting groups operating in Syria and elsewhere. In this context, we can see clearly that there is a moral battle being fought in Washington - between those who oppose terrorism – and those like President Obama and Senator John McCain, who have seen it as ‘useful’ in the pursuit of their own geopolitical objectives, particularly by their open support of terrorist factions in Syria.

The following piece of legislation was introduced on in the US Congress on December 8, 2016…


Washington, DC — Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (HI-02) introduced the Stop Ar-ming Terrorists Act today.The legislation would prohibit the U.S. govern- ment from using American taxpayer dollars to provide funding, wea-pons, training, and intelligence support to groups like the Levant Front, Fursan al Ha and other allies of Jabhat Fateh al-Sham,al-Qaeda and ISIS, or to countries who are providing direct or indirect support to those same groups.

The legislation is cosponsored by Reps.Peter Welch (D-VT-AL),Barbara Lee (D-CA- 13), Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA-48), and Thomas Massie (R-KY-04), and supported by the Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) and the U.S. Peace Council.

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard said
, “Under U.S. law it is illegal for any American to provide money or assistance to al-Qaeda, ISIS or other terrorist groups. If you or I gave mo-ney, weapons or support to al-Qaeda or ISIS, we would be thrown in jail. Yet the U.S. government has been violating this law for years, quietly supporting allies and part-ners of al-Qaeda, ISIL, Jabhat Fateh al Sham and other terrorist groups with money, weapons,and intelligence support,in their fight to overthrow the Syrian government.

“The CIA has also been funneling weapons and money through Saudi Arabia, Tur-key,Qatar and others who provide direct and indirect support to groups like ISIS and al-Qaeda. This support has allowed al-Qaeda and their fellow terrorist organizations to establish strongholds throughout Syria, including in Aleppo.

“A recent New York Times article confirmed that ‘rebel groups’ supported by the U.S. ‘have entered into battlefield alliances with the affiliate of al-Qaeda in Syria, formerly known as al Nusra´. This alliance has rendered the phrase ‘moderate rebels’ mea-ningless. Reports confirm that ‘every armed anti-Assad organization unit in those provinces [of Idlib and Aleppo] is engaged in a military structure controlled by [al-Qaeda’s] Nusra militants.’

“A recent Wall Street Journal article reported that many rebel groups are ‘doubling down on their alliance’ with al Nusra. Some rebel groups are renewing their alliance, while others, like Nour al-Din al-Zinki, a former CIA-backed group and one of the largest factions in Aleppo are joining for the first time. “The Syria Conquest Front—formerly known as the al-Qaeda-linked Nusra Front—is deeply intermingled with armed opposition groups of all stripes across Syria’s battlefields.”

“The CIA has long been supporting a group called Fursan al Haqq, providing them with salaries, weapons and support, including surface to air missiles.  This group is cooperating with and fighting alongside an al-Qaeda affiliated group trying to over-throw the Syrian government. The Levant Front is another so-called moderate umb-rella group of Syrian opposition fighters. Over the past year, the United States has been working with Turkey to give this group intelligence support and other forms of military assistance. This group has joined forces with al-Qaeda’s offshoot group in Syria.

“This madness must end. We must stop arming terrorists. The Government must end this hypocrisy and abide by the same laws that apply to its’ citizens.”

“That is why I’ve introduced the Stop Arming Terrorists bill—legislation based on congressional action during the Iran-Contra affair to stop the CIA’s illegal arming of rebels in Nicaragua. It will prohibit any Federal agency from using taxpayer dollars to provide weapons, cash, intelligence, or any support to al-Qaeda, ISIS and other terrorist groups, and it will prohibit the government from funneling money and wea-pons through other countries who are directly or indirectly supporting terrorists,” concluded Rep. Tulsi Gabbard.

Stephen Kinzer, a senior fellow at the Watson Institute for International Studies at Brown University, and award-winning author and journalist said, “The proposal to stop sending weapons to insurgents in Syria is based on the principle that pouring arms into a war zone only intensifies suffering and makes peace more difficult to achieve. Congress made a decision like this about the Nicara-guan contras during the 1980s. Aid to the contras was cut off by the Boland Amend-ment. The result was a peace process that finally brought an end to wars not only in Nicaragua, but also in El Salvador and Guatemala. This is the example we should be following. Cutting off arms shipments forces belligerents to negotiate. That is what we achieved in Nicaragua. It should be our goal in Syria as well.”

Donna Smith, Executive Director of Progressive Democrats of America said, “Progressive Democrats of America believes that it is fundamentally wrong for the United States to fund those groups or individuals aligned with al-Qaeda, Jabhat Fateh al-Sham, ISIS, or other terrorist/extremist organizations.  The ‘Stop Arming Terrorists’ bill authored by Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, of Hawaii’s 2nd Congressional District, would help bring an end to the human tragedy unfolding in Syria where the haunting eyes of the innocent children of Aleppo call on us all to stop supporting those who threaten and kill them with ferocious intention. War is war, and terrorism is terrorism whether waged by the state or from external forces. PDA supports this measure.”

Alfred Marder, President of the U.S. Peace Council said, “The U.S. Peace Council is honored to endorse and support the ‘Stop Arming Terrorists Bill’ as a ma-jor contribution to peace. This legislation will serve to galvanize the anti-war move-ment and the opposition to regime change policies that characterize our present foreign policy.”

Background:The Stop Arming Terrorists bill prohibits U.S.government funds from being used to support al-Qaeda, ISIS or other terrorist groups. In the same way that Congress passed the Boland Amendment to prohibit the funding and support to CIA backed-Nicaraguan Contras during the 1980’s,this bill would stop CIA or other Fede- ral government activities in places like Syria by ensuring U.S. funds are not used to support al-Qaeda, Jabhat Fateh al-Sham, ISIS,or other terrorist groups working with them. It would also prohibit the Federal government from funding assistance to countries that are directly or indirectly supporting those terrorist groups. The bill achieves this by:

  1. Making it illegal for any U.S. Federal government funds to be used to provide assistance covered in this bill to terrorists. The assistance covered includes wea-pons, munitions, weapons platforms, intelligence, logistics, training, and cash.
  2. Making it illegal for the U.S. government to provide assistance covered in the bill to any nation that has given or continues to give such assistance to terrorists.
  3. Requiring the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) to determine the individual and groups that should be considered terrorists, for the purposes of this bill, by determining: (a) the individuals and groups that are associated with, affiliated with, adherents to or cooperating with al-Qaeda, Jabhat Fateh al-Sham, or ISIS; (b) the countries that are providing assistance covered in this bill to those individuals or groups.
  4. Requiring the DNI to review and update the list of countries and groups to which assistance is prohibited every six months, in consultation with the House Foreign Affairs and Armed Services Committees, as well as the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.
  5. Requiring the DNI to brief Congress on the determinations.

[i] Levant Front (U.S. backed, via the MOC in Turkey) is working under an Ahrar al Sham led umbrella group: ;

U.S. support for Levant Front: ;

CIA groups cooperated with Jayesh al-Fateh;

U.S. weapons arriving in Syria through covert, CIA-led program, via Saudi Arabia and Turkey; CIA can provide support

SEE ALSO: CNN’s hostile treatment of Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard after revealing US are arming, funding Terrorists in Syria

READ MORE SYRIA NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Syria Files




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Ahtisaari syksyllä 2000 Rauli Virtasen haastattelussa. Silloin aiemmin Nato pommituksineen oli pysäyttänyt Milosevicin Kosovossa.

"Öykkärit oli pakko pysäyttää"



INTERVIEW ‘The government does not want us to know the truth’

Dutch media have revealed that aid to armed ‘rebels’ in Syria has benefited notorious terrorists. Patrik Paulov talks to Dutch Socialist MP SADET KARABULUT about the Rutte government’s attempts to obstruct a probe into where public funds ended up


Socialist Party’s Sadet Karabulut

AT THE end of 2020, the Socialist Party’s Sadet Karabulut had a debate in the Dutch parliament with Mark Rutte, prime minister of the right-wing government.

At that time almost two-and-a-half years had passed since the Dutch Syrian scandal began to unfold.

According to revelations made by Dutch media, financial and material support had been given to war criminals and jihadist groups in so-called opposition-controlled areas in Syria.

In the parliamentary debate, Sadet Karabulut asked whether it was true that Rutte and his government had tried to stop a motion for an independent inquiry into the Netherlands’ support for opposition groups in Syria.

“Yes, of course … We have advised to vote against the motion,” Rutte replied, according to the protocol of the debate.

An investigation would be a threat to the Syrians in the opposition and might create tensions between the Netherlands and its allies, he said.

A few weeks after the debate, I talk to Sadet Karabulut via Zoom. She has been an MP for the Socialist Party since 2006 and their foreign policy spokesperson.

When I ask her to comment on Prime Minister Rutte’s answer to her question, she does not mince words.

“This is bullshit,” she says, and continues: “The Dutch constitution states that we must comply with international law.

“Therefore, we have an obligation to bring out the truth and investigate whether the Netherlands has violated international law and thus our own constitution. But the government has blocked that until today.”

Let us go back to September 2018. That was the time when the public service programme Nieuwsuur and the daily paper Trouw began to publish their detailed review of the Netherlands’ support for “moderate armed groups” in Syria.

According to the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs data from August of the same year, it was more than €25 million in the years 2015-18.

“This act must be seen in its context. When the war in Syria started in 2011, Western nations believed that the regime change was imminent.

“Together with Turkey and the Gulf States, they began to support all sorts of armed groups to get rid of Assad,” says Karabulut.

When the Dutch aid programme was launched, the government declared it meant to send “non-lethal aid” to “moderate rebels” and the opposition.

The aid would not be used in warfare. Responsible ministers gave assurances that groups receiving support would be monitored.

If someone violated the agreements or committed human rights violations, the support would be suspended immediately.

Nieuwsuur’s and Trouws’s review showed that the statement above was not true.

In addition to €27 million for the Free Syrian Police and the White Helmets, it emerged that the Netherlands had provided material support to 22 armed organisations.

Among them were forces guilty of terrorist crimes and ethnic cleansing.

“The revelations showed that we supported war criminals and jihadists and also those who collaborated with al-Qaida.

“The Netherlands has supported groups involved in Turkey’s illegal invasion of Afrin in northern Syria and the expulsion of Kurds, and we have supported the terrorist group Jabhat al-Shamiya, who committed massacres of Alawites,” Karabulut says.

The review gave concrete examples of how the support — computers, communication equipment, satellite telephones, generators etc — was used in the battles.

For example, the Netherlands sent Toyota and Isuzu pick-up trucks to northern Syria.

In a video that Nieuwsuur and Trouw published, it is shown how the recipients of these seemingly peaceful vehicles mounted machine guns on the flatbed.

“This was a huge revelation. We had two debates about it in parliament. But unfortunately, we still do not know the whole truth. It is stamped as a state secret.

“It is obvious to me that the government does not want us to know the truth. It is fortunate that we have talented, digging journalists who have revealed this.”

You are a member of the Socialist Party, I say, which is on the far left in parliament.

How do the other parties stand in relation to the Dutch involvement in Syria and the importance of finding out what happened?

“I am a socialist, an internationalist and a leftist, but there is broad support in the parliament in this issue.

“The people which I have collaborated with the most are members of the government parties, Christian Democratic Appeal and the Christian Union, who are also very critical of what has happened.

“The Social Democrats, on the other hand, are reluctant to dig further into the issue.”

The support programme for the Syrian armed “opposition” was officially slashed in the autumn of 2018.

The stop also included payments to the Free Syrian Police and the White Helmets.

The Dutch Foreign Ministry’s own investigation found that it could not guarantee that the multimillion sums that the police force and White Helmets received in cash did not end up in the hands of armed extremists.

After some political discussion and compromise, the majority of the parliament later that year voted in favour of a motion to examine the Syrian aid, with the aim of learning for the future.

However, the two committees that were given the task said that they lacked competence to review what had happened in Syria.

Because of that, they presented their lessons for the future without finding out the facts.

Even today, it is not even known which 22 groups have received money. Only a few of them have been named.

The continued secrecy is one of the reasons why Karabulut’s Socialist Party, together with members from the Green Left and several right-wing parties, has raised the issue again.

Another reason is that in October 2020 it turned out that the Netherlands had not interrupted all support for Syrian opposition groups with extremist links.

The public service channel VPRO revealed that since 2018, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs had financed a Syrian human rights organisation, Syrian Association for Citizens’ Dignity (SACD).

The amazing thing about this was that SADC’s programme director Labib al-Nahhas until 2017 was the spokesperson for Ahrar al-Sham.

This is a notorious armed Islamist group, which the Netherlands now lists as a terrorist organisation.

“It was another shocking revelation,” says Karabulut. “How could that happen? Everyone knows that Ahrar al-Sham is a jihadist organisation. We asked the government many questions but got no good answers.

“They said he left the organisation and had no blood on his hands. But in any case, the support was stopped after the revelation.”

In Europe, the threat of terrorism is often highlighted, I point out, and horrific acts have taken place in several countries. Why do you think the Rutte government does not want to investigate whether its aid programme has benefited terrorists in Syria, I ask.

“My conclusion is that the government does not want to know, because it would be painful for them if the truth came out.

“We have seen heinous attacks in Europe, but they should not come as a surprise. One cannot say that Salafists and jihadists are terrible in Europe and at the same time support them in Syria. What we do there has consequences here.”

The Rutte government thus does not want to examine the actions of its own and the allied Western countries in Syria.

But they are not opposed to scrutinising and prosecuting other actors. In September 2020, Foreign Minister Stef Blok declared that he wanted to hold the “Assad regime” accountable for war crimes and crimes against humanity.

On that issue, Karabulut agrees with the Foreign Minister. She does not in any way defend the current Syrian regime, which she says is a dictatorship.

“We also want Assad to be brought to justice in the International Criminal Court. But the Dutch government will not be credible if it simultaneously blocks an investigation into our own involvement in violations of human rights and international law.”

So what could the Netherlands and other Western countries do to improve the situation in Syria?

“We must learn from lessons learned from recent decades,” Karabulut says and explains further.

“Illegal bombings and regime change policies are not about helping the people. It’s about power, geopolitics and oil, but they sell it in terms of democracy and human rights.

“I think the most important thing we can do is to always follow international law and stop spending billions on wars that give no-one anything.”

In conclusion, she addresses perhaps the most crucial issue for Syria at the moment.

“I wish the Syrians had a different political leadership, and I neither support nor praise Assad. But the United States and the European Union must lift their severe economic sanctions and stop collectively punishing the entire Syrian people.”

This article was originally published in Swedish weekly Proletären (

Patrik Paulov is a freelance writer based in Gothenburg, Sweden. He is author of the book Syria’s Silenced Voices (Syriens Tystade Röster), which is due be published in English later this year.

Shortly after the interview was conducted, the government in the Netherlands resigned. Not due to the Syria aid scandal, but due to a domestic political scandal. But Mark Rutte remains as leader of a transitional government until the parliamentary elections on March 17. "


Tunisia to resume diplomatic relations with Syria

Thursday, 09 February 2023 11:44 PM 


Tunisia's President Kais Saied waves as he enters the Elysee Palace in Paris, France, on June 22, 2020. (File photo by Reuters)

Tunisia has said that it aims to resume diplomatic ties with Syria after a ten-year interval.

Tunis, which cut diplomatic ties with Damascus following the start of the foreign-backed insurgency in Syria in 2011, announced on Thursday that it wanted to resume its diplomatic ties with the Middle Eastern Arab country.

Tunisian President Kais Saied said his country had decided to boost its diplomatic ties with Syria,

Saied said in a statement following a meeting with his country's foreign affairs minister that the issue of the Syrian conflict was an internal affair that concerned only the Syrian people.

Tunis and Damascus severed diplomatic relations almost a decade ago.

Tunisia began limited diplomatic links with Syria in 2017, in part to help track more than 3,000 Tunisian militants reportedly fighting in Syria.

However, since Saied took the helm in 2021 and consolidated his power, Tunis has been sending Damascus signals that it is ready to resume full diplomatic ties with it.

Several other Arab countries, including Egypt, Jordan, Oman and the United Arab Emirates, in the past months, have sent similar signals, indicating that they too are prepared to resume ambassador-level diplomatic ties with the Syrian government.

The foreign-backed insurgency, which started in Syria in 2011, became a platform for the Daesh (ISIS) forces, and other western-backed terrorist groups, to wreak havoc in the Arab country, and beyond its borders, particularly in Iraq.

Eventually, defense forces mobilized from Iran, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon and Afghanistan were able to overpower the Daesh forces and push the terrorist takfiri forces out of the region.

Press TV’s website can also be accessed at the following alternate addresses:



" Vladimir Putin Knows Exactly Where US Special Forces Are in Syria

Obama needs to make sure his token contribution to the fight against ISIS doesn't end up getting pounded by Putin and Assad

Russia Insider Tip Jar - Keep truth alive!

The insertion of U.S. Special Forces into Syria became even more bungled on Thursday when the Defense Department revealed that it had asked Russia to avoid bombing certain areas inside the country because that’s where the several dozen soldiers are working.

"We've told them these are areas that we have coalition forces in — general areas where we have coalition forces," Lt. Gen. Charles Brown, head of U.S. Air Force Central Command, told reporters during a Pentagon press conference from his headquarters in Qatar. "We don't want them to strike there because all it's going to do is escalate things. And I don't think the Russians want to escalate against the coalition.”



The request goes above and beyond the memorandum of understanding Washington and Moscow reached soon after Russian forces deployed to Syria last September. That agreement was aimed at avoiding military air collisions as the two former Cold War enemies carried out bombing campaigns — Washington against Islamic State forces, Moscow on behalf the government of Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad.

Pentagon press secretary Peter Cook confirmed that the request had been made, but refused to get into specifics “other than to say that there was an effort made to protect the safety of our people from the risk of Russian airstrikes.”


"And that those steps were taken, and those so far have been honored,” he added.


Cook said he has no additional requests between the two countries to disclose.

Just because Washington and Moscow have an agreement not to bomb specific sites doesn’t necessarily mean that an accident can’t happen or that the Syrian air force, dilapidated as it is, has to abide by it. So the revelation of the deal is bound to set alarm bells ringing on Capitol Hill and on the presidential campaign trail. President Obama has long been criticized by Republicans who feel he is not doing enough to eradicate ISIS, especially in Syria.

The condemnation reached new heights in October when the president announced he had decided to send around 50 Special Operations forces into Syria to assist moderate rebel groups fighting the Assad regime, with everyone from Senate Armed Services Committee chair John McCain (R-AZ) to GOP presidential frontrunner Donald Trump skewering the decision and its very public announcement.

"I think we have a president who just doesn't know what he's doing," Trump said at the time. "You either do it or you don't do it. Fifty people. He puts 50 people.”


While the administration signaled the number of commandos could grow, the idea that Russian President Vladimir Putin, and possibly Assad himself, know where they are located may spark waves of new attacks on Obama for potentially putting U.S. troops in harm’s way.



OHO! Ruutisbyroo CNN:nkin (Joka mm. lietsoi ja ajoitti Georgian sodan Pekingin olympialaisten avajaispäiväksi, joista se oli bannattu) myöntää, että syyrialaset toivottavat alueillaan "länsiopposition" tervemenneeksi, ja Venäjän toimet ISISin hävittämiseksi tervetulleiksi!

" ‘Thank you Russia!’ Life after the siege for pro-regime Syrians

Updated 4:39 PM EST, Fri February 12, 2016
Nubl, Syria CNN  — 

“Thank you Russia! Thank you Hezbollah! Thank you Iran!” shouts the man, as he passes us in the busy square.

Nearby, a photograph of Bashar al-Assad beams down from the front of the town hall, and banners in support of the Syrian President hang outside the main mosque.

This is Nubl, a mostly Shia, pro-government town in Syria, so close to the border with Turkey that on the way here our phones constantly switched to Turkish mobile networks.


Until two weeks ago Nubl and its neighbor al-Zahra were under siege; various rebel factions, including the al-Nusra Front and others linked to the Free Syrian Army, controlled the countryside nearby for more than three years.

Then the Syrian army – backed by pro-Iranian militias and supported by controversial Russian air strikes – broke through.

In Nubl, al-Assad-supporting local residents are still jubilant; “God, Syria, Bashar, and nothing else,” a group of them chanted as we approached.


Many houses are decorated with posters of Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah and Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

Outside the town hall, 14-year-old Zolfiqar Ali Jawish is selling cigarettes and candy. He says life under siege was a struggle.

“It was tough,” he tells us. “Many people got sick and the kids were very scared. But after a while we became numb to the fear.

“Sometimes it took very long to get aid in here,” he added. “It was awful because there was shelling all the time as well.”

Humanitarian relief

Some supplies were able to get through, so the situation in Nubl was never as life-threatening as that seen in Madaya, where Syrian government forces were accused of leaving residents on the brink of starvation.

But those here say the army had to send aid in via airdrops, and earlier this week, the Syrian Red Crescent says it delivered humanitarian relief to the town and to Al Zahra.

Now, a few weeks on from the end of the siege, stores in Nubl are well stocked.

In the town’s market, we saw several stalls offering an array of fruit and vegetables for sale; a barrow full of bright green apples was lined up next to trays loaded with tomatoes and potatoes.


The lifting of the sieges of al-Zahra and Nubl were key victories for the Syrian military not just because they boosted morale among pro Assad forces, but also because this area north of Aleppo is a decisive battleground in Syria’s brutal five year long civil war.

The towns and villages here lie between the rebel-held parts of Aleppo and the border with Turkey; fully controlling this area would allow the Syrian army to choke off almost all supplies to rebels inside Aleppo, potentially dealing a crushing blow to the already weakened opposition.

One soldier who fought to end the siege of Nubl offered a stern warning to rebel fighters:

“Their families should encourage them to look for reconciliation or, I say, they will be killed,” he tells us. “They have no other option.”

‘Cessation of hostilities’

But the opposition does not believe that reconciliation is truly on the government’s mind; rebel factions say they are simply being slaughtered by Russian air power and a newly invigorated Syrian army.

The U.N. and other aid groups fear a protracted siege of rebel-held areas in Aleppo would lead to a humanitarian disaster for the many civilians also trapped there.

Already, tens of thousands of people have fled the city, heading for the Turkish border, leading to warnings of a surge in an already overwhelming refugee crisis.

Major world powers meeting in Munich, Germany, on Friday agreed on a plan to end the use of starvation and denial of medical aid as a weapon in this conflict. The U.N. has strongly criticized the Syrian government, various rebel factions, and ISIS for not allowing aid deliveries to surrounded areas.

They also agreed to what U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry called a “cessation of hostilities” in Syria.

Russia, however, says it plans to continue its airstrikes in Aleppo, as well as attacks against what it believes are terrorist targets across Syria.

The Syrian soldiers we spoke to said they were confident that, backed by Russian air power, their forces could make it all the way to the Turkish border – dealing what could be a decisive blow to the opposition.



Presidenttiehdokas Mika Aaltola sanoi ainoana höperturoana tähän mennessä ainakin minun havaintojeni mukaan, että mua "VENÄJÄ KÄYTTI KAASUSASEITA SYYRIASSA!"!



Mika Aaltolalta kylmäävä arvio: Venäjä saattaa iskeä siviileihin uudella julmalla tavalla

Mika Aaltolan mukaan Ukrainan kriisin kärjistyminen idän ja lännen välillä on edelleen mahdollista.

18.10.2022 7:00

Ulkopoliittisen instituutin johtajan Mika Aaltolan mielestä Ukrainan kriisissä on edelleen vaarana sodan eskaloituminen Venäjän ja lännen väliseksi.

Aaltolan mukaan Venäjä voi esimerkiksi iskeä Puolan rajalle liittolaisvaltio Valko-Venäjää maasiltana käyttäen.

– Sodan eskalaatioita ei voi ohittaa mahdollisuutena.

Aaltolan arvion mukaan todennäköisempi skenaario on kuitenkin se, että Venäjä ajautuu yhä ahtaammalle, koska sen sotilaalliset keinot ovat käyneet vähiin.

– Venäjä on ampunut jo ison osan ohjuksistaan eikä maan sotateollisuus ole kykenevä tuottamaan uusia. Tehtaat eivät toimi, sillä sieltä on otettu miehiä rintamalle ja komponentteja puuttuu. Venäjän ahdinko on syvä.

Jo nyt sota on joka tapauksessa temmannut mukaansa yhä useampia valtioita.
– Suuressa sodassa harvan maan on vaikea jäädä neutraaliksi, Aaltola toteaa.

Venäjä pyrkii nyt kasvattamaan sotaa saamalla liittolaisia tuekseen. Viikko sitten Valko-Venäjä ilmoitti perustavansa yhteiset alueelliset joukot Venäjän kanssa.

Lisäksi Iran on viime aikoina aseistanut Venäjää muun muassa niin sanotuilla ”itsemurhalennokeilla”, joilla Venäjä on iskenyt eri puolille Ukrainaa, kuten pääkaupunkiin Kiovaan.

Lue lisää: Onko tässä Ukrainan uusi uhka? Tällainen on iranilainen ”mopedi-lennokki”, jota on vaikea pysäyttää

– Venäjä pyrkii saamaan muita mukaan ahdinkoonsa, mikä saa taas aikaan sen, että esimerkiksi Israel on nyt päättänyt tukea Ukrainaa. Sota imee nyt tiiviimmin mukaan maita niin lännessä kuin idässä, Aaltola sanoo.

Aaltola muistuttaa kuitenkin, että harvat Venäjää tukevat maat ovat niin kutsuttuja ”hylkiövaltioita”. Samaan aikaan kansainvälisessä yhteisössä Venäjän vastainen rintama on käynyt entistä leveämmäksi.

– Ei tämä Venäjän ongelmia ratkaise, mutta kuuluu sodan luonteeseen, Aaltola summaa.

Venäjälle Ukrainan sodassa on ennen kaikkea kyse kunniasta.

Näin Mika Aaltola summaa helmikuussa alkanutta hyökkäyssotaa maanantaina julkaistussa kirjassaan Mihin menet Suomi? – Pelon aika Euroopassa.

Presidentti Vladimir Putinille Ukrainan valtaaminen on rakennettu yhden ja saman pyrkimyksen ympärille: palauttaa Venäjä neuvostoaikaiseen suurvalta-asemaansa.

Kun sodan todellisuus on osoittanut Venäjän olevan puheitaan heikompi sotilaallinen mahti, on Putin joutunut Aaltolan mukaan turvautumaan yhä epätoivoisimpiin temppuihin kunnian menettämisen peittelemiseksi.

Kirjassaan Aaltola myös toteaa, että länsimaiden, Suomi mukaan lukien, on varauduttava tulevaisuudessa häväistyyn Venäjään ulko- ja turvallisuuspolitiikassaan.
Kunniansa menettänyt, häpeän ryvettämä ja sotilaallisesti monin tavoin lyöty Venäjä on edelleen vaarallinen myös Ukrainan rintamilla, Aaltola painottaa.
– Jos Venäjä haluaa näyttää mahtiaan ukrainalaisia tappamalla, on sillä edelleen varastossaan muun muassa kemiallisia aseita, joita se käytti esimerkiksi Syyriassa. Venäjä on saanut myös Iranilta uutta aseistusta.


Mika Aaltola puhui maanantaina uuden kirjansa julkistamistilaisuudessa Helsingissä.

Reilu viikko sitten tapahtuneen Krimin sillan räjähdyksen jälkeen Venäjä on kiih-dyttänyt iskujaan siviilejä kohtaan. Aaltolan mukaan sama kierre on vaarana käydä yhä synkemmäksi.

– Summittainen tappaminen Ukrainassa voi vielä kiihtyä, mikä taas kuvaa Venäjän epätoivoa. Iskuista puuttuu tolkku. Ei ukrainalaisten taistelutahtoa lannisteta heitä tappamalla, sillä vaan lisätään sitä.

Jos Venäjä siirtyy Ukrainassa kemialliseen sodankäyntiin, kysyy se Aaltolan mielestä länneltä entistä vahvempaa aseellista tukea, kuten lisää pitkän kantaman ohjuksia ja sekä ilmatorjunta-aseita.
Aaltola pitää kuitenkin käsittämättömänä sitä, miten länsi on kiihdyttänyt ilmatorjunta-aseiden toimituksia aina silloin, kun Venäjä on iskenyt ukrainalaisiin kaupunkeihin.
– Pitäisi olla askel edellä Venäjän mahdollisissa eskalaatioissa. Toivottavasti kemi-allisten aseiden käyttöön onkin varauduttu toimittamalla Ukrainalle esimerkiksi siihen sopivaa suojavarustusta.
Kaikkien muiden aseellisten keinojen käydessä vähiin syöksykierteessä oleva Venäjä on tarrautunut yhä tiukemmin kiinni ydinaseilla uhkailuun.


Uhkailussa ei itsessään ole mitään uutta, onhan Venäjä jo sodan alkuvaiheesta asti uhannut vastaavansa ydinasein, jos länsi päättää puuttua sotilaallisesti maan hyökkäykseen Ukrainassa.

Venäjän sotaoperaation käytyä yhä tukalammaksi ydinuhka on saanut uuden käänteen, kun Venäjän äärimilitaristiset voimahahmot ovat vaatineet taktisten ydinaseilla iskemistä Ukrainaan.

Länsitiedustelun mukaan Venäjältä ei ole tullut selviä signaaleja ydinaseiden valmistelusta. Etenkin Yhdysvallat on varoittanut seurausten olevan vakavia, jos Venäjä päättää käyttää ydinaseita.

Lukuisat asiantuntijat ovat korostaneet, että atomiaseiden käyttö olisi hyvin tuhoisaa myös jo valmiiksi pahoin rampautetulle Venäjälle.
Aaltola ei usko Venäjän kaivavan ydinkärkiä käyttöön, vaikka jännite niiden ympärillä onkin kiristynyt entistään.

– Kaikki asiat eivät vaan toimi tietyssä tilanteessa, enkä usko ydinaseiden muodos-tavan Venäjälle tapaa ratkaista tätä sotaa. Venäjällä ei yksinkertaisesti ole välineitä, jotka toimisivat tappiotilanteeseen Ukrainassa.  "


Obama valehtelee kuin harmaantunut ruuna julkaisemassaan muistelmakirjassa

Osa epätotuuksista on Trumpin tyylistä suhteellisen harmitonta hölötystä - esimer-kiksi että hänen isoisänsä olisi ollut paikan päällä vapauttamassa Auschwitzin van-keja - vaikka jenkit olivat silloin vielä helvetin kaukana - eivätkä tainneet armeijana siellä olla koskaan, ennen Puolan NATO-jäsenyyttä. Osa on todella härskiä kuten nuo taistelukaasujutut edelleen.

" Intel Today

Intelligence Matters


Fake News — Obama Tells One Whopper Of A Lie [Halabja chemical attack — March 16 1988]

“Unlike some, I actually try to state facts. I believe in facts. I believe in a fact-based reality and a fact-based politics. I don’t believe in just making stuff up. I think you should actually say to people what’s true.”

Barack Obama — Las Vegas (October 22 2018)


November 23 2020 — In his book, the former US President writes that the Soviets supplied Iran with chemical weapons during the 8 years long war with Iraq. This is totally untrue. Follow us on Twitter: @INTEL_TODAY

RELATED POST: Belgium — World Top Arms Dealer Sentenced to 4 Years. Not Jailed for Now. [UPDATE : BELGA News Agency Launches Disinformation Campaign]



Barack Obama is no stranger to big lies. On May 26 2008, Obama actually told a crowd that his uncle was among the American soldiers who liberated the Jewish people held in Auschwitz. 

“I had an uncle … who was part of the first American troops to go into Auschwitz and liberate the concentration camps.”

That is of course utter nonsense. The Auschwitz survivors were liberated by the Soviet troops on January 27 1945.

Well, the worst is never certain. In his book, Obama manages to get a much bigger lie in print for all the idiots out there to read and appreciate.

The Soviets never supplied Iran with chemical weapons. On the other end, US companies did supply Iraq with chemical precursors that Saddam used against the Kurds at Halabja on March 16 1988.

“You will remember that for many years, Iraqi used chemical warfare against Iranians. And we never retaliated because we abide by our Islamic principles. And this is a principle that we always abide by. We act upon our own Islamic principles, which to some extent covered international regulations. ”

Mohammad Jaafar Mahallati, Iran’s Ambassador at the United Nations (July 4 1988)

The Halabja chemical attack

On March 16 1988, Iraqi military killed several thousands people when it used mustard gas in an attack at Halabja, a Kurdish city located in an Iranian-held section of Iraq.

Saddam Hussein was not charged for the events related to the Halabja attacks at the Iraqi Special Tribunal. There is circumstantial evidence that Saddam had personally authorized the use of chemical weapons against the Kurds.

It is estimated that 30,000 Kurds died from these weapons during the 8 years long war. Ali Hasan al-Majid, better known as Chemical Ali, also escaped the charge of crime against humanity for his direct role in the chemical attacks of Halabja. Why on earth?

As the Reagan administration had removed Iraq from the State Department list of State Sponsors of Terrorism, US companies were allowed to export chemical precursors to the Saddam regime.

For instance, US Companies Alcolac International and Philips provided Thiodiglycol, a precursor of mustard gaz.

On March 12 2008, the Iraqi government announced that it would take legal actions against the suppliers of chemical used in the Halabja attacks. Both Alcolac International and Philips were reorganized.

The origin of the lie

In the immediate aftermath of the incident, the U.S. State Department — quoting a US Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) study — took the official position that Iran was responsible for the attack.

This erroneous assessment was used subsequently by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) for much of the early 1990s.

The UK National Archives

On July 24 2018, the National Archives released files from the Prime Minister’s Office and Cabinet Office predominantly covering the year of 1993. 

Richard Norton-Taylor quickly pointed out that many entire files have been retained, some temporarily, most indefinitely.

Even more curiously, four files relating to the Scott arms-to-Iraq inquiry have been retained.

The judge-led public inquiry that was bitterly opposed by ministers who had been involved in supplying Saddam Hussein with equipment he used for his weapons of mass destruction programme, heard devastating evidence.

It included the Thatcher government’s secret decision to supply Saddam with equipment that could be used to manufacture weapons after he shelled the Kurdish town of Halabja in March 1988 with gas bombs, killing an estimated 5,000 civilians and maiming thousands more.

The TEREX Affair

On January 25 1992, Seymour M. Hersh published an article in the NYT headlined “U.S. Linked to Iraq Scud Launchers”. [1]

Hersh reported that a Congressional subcommittee was investigating allegations against the Terex Corporation made by Dr. Fuisz.

In Sept. 1987, Dr Fuisz was given a tour of the main Terex plant in Motherwell, Scotland. The Terex Corporation is a subsidiary of KCS of Westport, Connecticut.

“I had noticed two large armor-plated vehicles painted in desert camouflage with specially attached steel backs.”

I asked the plant manager, Art Rowe, about them and was told they were missile launchers for the Iraqi military,” Fuisz said in an affidavit taken for a US Congressional subcommittee investigating the matter.

“These shipments were all requested by the C.I.A. with the cooperation of the British intelligence people,” David J. Langevin, the vice president of Terex, told Fuisz according to his deposition.

John J. Clements was named a Terex vice president in 1987.

“One of Terex’s pressing needs when I joined the company was to borrow money for the purchase of the truck plant in Scotland,” Clements said.

Clements added that he had repeatedly heard Randolph W. Lenz, the president of Terex, tell potential investors:

“We’ve got a purchase order from Iraq for 90 to 100 units. It’s great business.”

“I knew there was business in Iraq,” Clements told NYT journalist  Seymour Hersh in 1992.

Terex successfully sued Fuisz for libel and the NYT apologized for the story in 1995. [2]

The gist of the article could be read to charge Terex with supplying Scud missile launchers to Iraq before the Persian Gulf War, a charge neither The Times nor Mr. Hersh intended.

This resulted from an inaccurate headline, erroneous changes made to the content and emphasis of the article in the course of the editorial process, and the inclusion of information supplied by Dr. Fuisz that Terex asserts is false.

Terex vigorously denied the charge and instituted a libel suit against Mr. Hersh and Dr. Fuisz.

The article should not have suggested that Terex has ever supplied Scud missile launchers to Iraq, and The Times regrets any damage that may have resulted to Terex from any false impression the article may have created.

On February 23 2003, the Sunday Herald published a story headlined “Revealed: 17 British Firms Armed Saddam with his Weapons”.

The Terex Corporation is listed as a UK company having provided rocket technology to Iraq. To my knowledge, Terex never sued the Herald for libel. [3]

PS — Dreaming of a Pulitzer Prize?

In his piece ‘The intelligence coup of the century” published by the Washington Post on February 11 2020, Greg Miller ‘revealed’ that Crypto AG was actually owned by the CIA.

Maybe, just maybe, the time has come for a brave journalist to investigate who really owned TEREX at the time it illegally supplied Iraq with weapons. Is this clue too subtle?


The Halabja chemical attack — Wikipedia

1. “U.S. Linked to Iraqi Scud Launchers,” Jan. 26, 1992.

2. “Editors’ Note,” Dec. 7, 1995.

3. “Revealed: 17 British Firms Armed Saddam with his Weapons” — Feb. 23, 2003.

= Fake News — Obama Tells One Whopper Of A Lie [Halabja chemical attack — March 16 1988]



Risto Koivula

Jaettu seuraaville: Julkinen
Venäläiset osoittavat valokuvin USA:n yhteistuön ISISin kanssa Syyriassa:
#РФ предоставили фото доказательства о сотрудничестве США и ДАИШ ДАЕШ ["ИГ"-"ИГИЛ"] - террористической организации, запрещенной в #РоссийскаяФедерация
#RF has provided photo evidence of cooperation between the USA and DAESH DAISH ["ISIL"-"IS"-"ISIS"] - is a terrorist organization banned in the #RussianFederation






" Syria

Real News and Updates on Syria

Syria Real Update

Does the U.S. Army have any peacekeeping missions in Syria?


Posted on September 26, 2021

Categories News, Politics, russia, Syria, Terrorism, USA

Tags Al Qaeda, economy, ISIS, israel, military, NATO, News, oil, Politics, regime change, Syria, Terrorism, US Armed Forces, US Military, USA,   نفط, أخبار, اقتصاد, الولايات المتحدة, سورية


Don’t laugh, yet, the above is a real question asked by a member of the Quora Q & A wiki platform, it was sent to my inbox for an answer.

The person asking cannot be blamed for ignorance of the nature of missions the US Army carries out around the world, let alone the heinous and obvious criminal mis-sion in Syria, the western audience is bombarded with brainwashing media by the Pentagon’s mouthpieces the likes of the BBC, the Guardian, Washington Post, New York Times, CNN, Fox News, Sky News, et al, just see how all of them rally behind the US interventionist wars and how they demonize the Pentagon’s targets.

I’m sharing my answer here to preserve it from Quora’s heavy censorship and to share the information in it with readers of this platform:

Q: Does the U.S. Army have any peacekeeping missions in Syria?

My Answer:
I’m sorry but the question itself contains two contradicting phrases: the ‘US Army’ and ‘Peacekeeping’, the two do not go along.

What US officials would label as ‘peacekeeping missions’ is literally an occupation of territories of another country, or if invited by a state official in that country that would be to protect an unpopular ruling class from their people.

John Kerry, the former US secretary of state and career legislator with vast expe-rience in foreign policy, international law, and the US’s own legislation, he simply explains it:

“The Russians were invited in by the legitimate ‘regime’ and we’re not invited in, we’re flying in airspace there where they (the Syrian air defense) can turn on air defense and we have a very different scene..”

Listen to him in the leaked recording in this explosive post:


The Pentagon Threatening to Revive ISIS

So, the US Army presence in Syria is anything but ‘peacekeeping’ they’re not wel-comed in the country,in the matter of fact, they’re asked to leave not only by the Sy- rian state but also by most other countries around the world and even by the Uni-ted States Security Council resolutions they vote in favor each time, in each of the UNSC resolutions relating to Syria, the preface starts with: ‘respecting Syria’s sove-reignty and integral territories’, foreign forces uninvited by the Syrian state which holds a seat in the United Nations and attends UNSC meetings representing Syria, these foreign forces are occupation forces and are not ‘peacekeeping’ missions.

Actually,the US Army has been reported to steal Syrian oil,wheat, burn down wheat fields, and smuggle Syrian gold and antiquities, not to mention aiding terrorist groups including ISIS as in the above report.

Hearing is Not Like Seeing:
NATO’s Terrorists Burning Syrian Wheat Crops – Video



Trump burns Syrian wheat fields on Christian Sabbath

It’s not only in Syria, the US forces have never been part of any real peacekeeping mission anywhere in the world, their missions would always be to aid the unpopular side of any conflict.


End of my answer on Quora.



28. syyskuu 2018  ·
Jaettu seuraaville: Julkinen
If you had any questions about the real purpose of the #WhiteHelmets, this article answers them. This has to be one of the biggest NGO frauds all time, and that's saying a lot...

" WHITE HELMETS: ‘Humanitarians’ and the ‘Moderate’ Bomb Factory in Saqba, Eastern Ghouta

I entered Saqba with my interpreter after a drive through a lush and verdant count-ryside, wheat billowing in the wind as we drove past. There was certainly no reason to believe that food was as scarce as described by Western media in their rush to portray ‘Syrian Government siege’ conditions of starvation and misery for Syrian civilians.

During my time in all districts of liberated Eastern Ghouta, civilian testimony was reminiscent of East Aleppo and Madaya - the terrorist factions received humani-tarian supplies, stockpiled them and traded them at extortionate prices to the civi-lians under their control. The starvation was a direct result of the inter extremist group trade wars and profiteering at the expense of the civilians they claimed to represent.

Saqba, main square. (Photo: Vanessa Beeley)

Failaq Al Rahman was the dominant force in Saqba leading up to the final libera-tion but prior to that the town had been divided into sectors controlled by sectarian groups that intermittently cooperated and fought among themselves. A Syrian Arab Army soldier stationed in the town took us up onto the roof of the army headquar-ters and pointed  out the mosque at one time under control of Saudi-financed Jaish Al Islam and about 200 metres to the left, the mosque occupied by Nusra Front (Al Qaeda) which was recognisable from its blackened minaret. Up on the roof it was easier to see how the town may have been divided by invisible Mafia gang demarcation lines.

The following short video shows the two competing faction mosques in Saqba. Watch: 


Saqba was one of the towns in Eastern Ghouta, whose civilians chose to stay in the town rather than evacuate, via the Syrian/Russian humanitarian corridors, during the battles for liberation. Post-liberation, I was informed that the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) had more than a “security” role in “peace-time” – they also had a humanita-rian one, in charge of restoring electricity, water and essential supplies to the stricken town.


Schoolchildren in Saqba after liberation. (Photo: Vanessa Beeley)

For three years the children here have not had a proper education under terro-rist rule. Our priority is to enable schools to re-open and for secular education to begin again” the General in Saqba told me.

Abandoned furniture showroom in Saqba. The owner left with Failaq Al Rahman for Idlib. (Photo: Vanessa Beeley)

Saqba is historically famous for its furniture industry. Everywhere we went in the narrow streets we saw abandoned furniture storehouses and factories..chairs piled haphazardly on top of ornate desks.

We were told that one furniture show room belonged to a man who had chosen to depart with Failaq Al Rahman to Idlib. Two spacious rooms were packed with dust covered bedside cupboards, tables and wardrobes of all dimensions.

A life disrupted, a lifetime of work discarded, an uncertain future in Idlib province teeming with untold numbers of extremist and terrorist groups, many of them eva-cuated from previously liberated areas such as East Aleppo and Homs. The effects of this war are far-reaching and devastating, sometimes glimpsed in the smallest of details.

Chairs stored in a first floor room visible from the roof of a neighbouring building in Saqba. (Photo: Vanessa Beeley)

Many times in Damascus we had taken one of the servis yellow taxis to our destina-tion. Two of the drivers we spoke to had had furniture factories in Eastern Ghouta. They had been destroyed in the early years of the occupation when many civilians fled for the safety of the Syrian Government protected main City of Damascus. When we asked them if they intended going back now Eastern Ghouta was safe, they told us they have lost everything, they prefer to stay where they are. They had a good life before the war, a life of comfort, stability and security. That all changed when Syria was suddenly plunged into an externally imposed conflict in 2011/12.

Saqba White Helmets

Saqba had also been the location of one of the main White Helmet centres in Eastern Ghouta. The General in charge of operations in Saqba told me:

“The leader of the White Helmets in Eastern Ghouta and Saqba was a Syrian from Damascus who came to this area in 2011. Over time, he persuaded young people here to join the group. To our knowledge, more than twenty persons joined over time, including two women and three people from Saqba. We don’t know where they are now, we assume they are in Idlib with Failaq Al Rahman and the other groups, like Jaish Al Islam, Nusra Front”

The General went on to describe how the White Helmets operated in Saqba and throughout Eastern Ghouta:

“They had a relatively sophisticated communications system. They used codes by phone and SMS to relay information to one another.”

The General went on to tell me that the White Helmets had attempted to destroy all evidence connected to their group before they were evacuated alongside Failaq Al Rahman militants. “They set fire to their main vehicle storage buildings and we only managed to recover a few of the items they left behind.” he told me. “The communications building was gutted, they took everything with them. They only left the satellite dishes and masts behind on the roof”

This is very different to the final evacuation from East Aleppo when the various abandoned White Helmet centres in all districts occupied by over 50 different bri-gades of extremists and terrorists such as Nusra Front, were found strewn with do-cuments, photographs and Al Qaeda memorabilia. It seems that the White Helmets were instructed to be a little more organised when leaving Eastern Ghouta.

Some of the items that were recovered and safely stored can be seen in the slide show of photographs below:

After sifting through the items that had been collected into a room in an office in Saqba, we were able to visit the White Helmet centres themselves.  In contrast to the centres I had seen in East Aleppo, this complex was much bigger and incredibly well positioned. It had water supply via a canal than ran alongside the buildings. In between and surrounding the two structures were small agricultural fields that had obviously been used for growing wheat. The complex was relatively isolated from the surrounding residential appartments and easy to defend. It was also next door to the Saqba electrical power station that was being repaired during my visit.


Saqba electric power station. Viewed from roof of White Helmet communications building. (Photo: Vanessa Beeley)

“We were not allowed anywhere near the White Helmet centre” Ziad B told me, a local resident who had not left Saqba during the six year occupation by the extremist groups.

Outside the second building was the still decaying corpse of a german shepherd dog, decomposing in the sun. A local resident told me the White Helmets had shot the dog when they departed for Idlib but it had been used as a guard dog during their occupation of the two buildings. They reiterated that civilians were forbidden from visiting the centre.

“We serve all the people of Syria – we are from the people and we are for the people.”  according to the White Helmet “about uswebpage – which makes their exclusion zone for Syrian civilians all the more curious. What were they protecting, hiding or doing that should not be witnessed by those civilians?


The burned out remains of the vehicle & equipment storage building used by the White Helmets in Saqba. (Photo: Vanessa Beeley)

In the first building were the burned remains of vehicles and equipment that had been torched prior to evacuation. We could still see White Helmet overalls among the debris and the twisted metal of fire-trucks and ambulances.

“The White Helmets murdered a driver of one of the fire-trucks and then they stole the truck” Mahmoud, an elderly man, told me, pointing at a truck at the back of the building.

“They killed the driver in front of his sister, I was her neighbour so I saw it too, he was responding to a call-out to a fire in Saqba. They (White Helmets) killed him and left his body in the streets for the dogs. His sister fled to Damascus, she was so scared. After that they stopped us from leaving, forced us to stay here in Saqba….they stole the truck and put their logo on it.”


Fire truck reported as stolen, by White Helmets, from a murdered Real Sryia Civil Defence crew member, Saqba. (Photo: Vanessa Beeley)

Again this is a familiar story regarding the White Helmet vehicle acquirement tech-niques.  The following is testimony I took in 2016, from a REAL Syria Civil Defence worker originally from East Aleppo, describing the invasion by armed groups from among whose ranks emerged the White Helmets:

“They came in and they drove us out of our homes and they came to the Syria Civil Defence yard and they killed some of my comrades, they kidnapped others.  They wanted to force me to work with them.  I escaped at night.  I was forced to leave my teenage sons behind. They burned my house to the ground and they put my name on all the terrorist checkpoints so if I go back, they will kill me.

They are terrorists, not rescuers.  They stole our ambulances and three of our fire engines. They don’t do any rescue work.  They drive round with guns in the back of their car like any other terrorist.  Some are from East Aleppo, some are from Syria but not from Aleppo and some are even coming in from abroad.”

~ The Real Syria Civil Defence Exposes White Helmets as Terrorist-Linked Imposters.

Tamkeen (Local Council project pioneered by Adam Smith International and Integrity Consulting) jacket in Saqba White Helmet centre. (Photo: Vanessa Beeley)

In among the rubble of the building I also found a jacket bearing the logo of Tamkeen. This was particularly interesting to me as I had previously investigated the links between White Helmets, Local Councils (Tamkeen Project) and the Free Syrian Police in East Aleppo.All created, financed and promoted by the UK Foreign Office and U.S Administration in Washington, all with clear links to terrorist groups including Nusra Front:

The White Helmets, the Free Syrian Police, the Local Councils in terrorist held areas of Syria – are all being financed, promoted, equipped and supported by the UK FCO in its campaign to undermine the Syrian state, its people & its lea-dership. Money that is taken under false pretences through taxation is almost cer-tainly funding terrorism that has undergone various branding, and rebranding schemes in order to conceal this nefarious activity.” ~ White Helmets and Local Councils – Is the UK FCO Financing Terrorism in Syria with Taxpayer Funds?

The White Helmets tried to destroy any incriminating evidence but thankfully (for those investigating them) they were still careless.

View from 1st floor of second White Helmet building – looking back at first building in Saqba. (Photo: Vanessa Beeley)


White Helmets Communications Centre in Saqba, Eastern Ghouta. Building Two.

White Helmet communications centre, Saqba. (Photo: Vanessa Beeley)

We then walked from the first building to the second communication and residen-tial centre, a six storey building that towered above the surrounding countryside and homes. As we climbed the debris laden stairs to the sixth floor and the roof I saw how advantageous this location had been for the White Helmets. From the roof you have a panoramic birds eye view of almost all of Eastern Ghouta. In fact in the distance I could see the plumes of smoke rising from the SAA military campaign to liberate southern Damascus from ISIS. A campaign that has been declared victorious in the last 24 hours.

Damascus is 100% free from terrorism as of 21st May 2018. A momentous day, that the 7 year misery for all Syrians living in the capital city pounded incessantly by terrorist mortar fire,  finally comes to an end.

View from rooftop of White Helmet communications building in Saqba. (Photo: Vanessa Beeley)

Video taken from the roof of the White Helmet communications centre in Saqba.



Both these buildings were joined by an underground tunnel which clearly enabled the White Helmet operatives to pass undetected between the buildings. The tunnel also extended beyond the electrical power station to the Failaq Al Rahman bomb making factory about 200 metres from the White Helmet centre.

Tunnel passing between White Helmet centres and Failaq Al Rahman bomb factory in Saqba. (Photo: Vanessa Beeley)

Failaq Al Rahman Bomb Factory Next Door to White Helmets.

Having descended from the dizzying views of the White Helmet building rooftop, we continued on past the electric power station to the building that had been converted into a bomb factory and missile launching centre by Nusra Front splinter group – Failaq Al Rahman.

Failaq Al Rahman bomb factory in Saqba, next door to White Helmets centres. (Photo: Vanessa Beeley)

What greeted us inside the building were shocking stockpiles of missiles, bomb making equipment and a number of injection moulding machines that had been converted to produce the shells, mortars and rockets that were scattered all over the building on the first floor and basement.

“Failaq Al Rahman used this area as a launch pad” one of the soldiers pointed to just outside the building, the flatter area between the water wheel and the entrance. From this area the terrorist group would fire the mortars and shells into Damascus City centre, into residential areas, schools and crowded market places.

Since 2012, 11,000 civilians had been killed by mortar fire from Eastern Ghouta, 1500 of those children,30000 had been permanently disabled. Over 14800 missiles had been fired into Damascus from Eastern Ghouta between 2012 and February 2018 when the casualty clock stopped counting as the final liberation drew closer.

(Those statistics were taken from official posters, that I saw displayed in the courtyards of the Churches in the Old City)

Very few of these civilian casualties of the “moderate” extremist attacks are ever mentioned by western media… in their rush to whitewash the crimes of the groups they love to call “rebels”.


We could still see varied dimension hell-cannon poking out of the debris and the two wheeled trolleys that were used to move them around to the optimum position for targeting specific locations in Damascus.




This was an industrial scale factory of death. The sheer number of missiles that had been left behind was staggering for one manufacturing site in a small Eastern Ghouta town.


Everywhere we looked, bombs poked their noses out from the dust, rubble and detritus of war. The basement had obviously been a hive of manufacturing activity. The injection moulding machines were packed into a relatively small space, lined up against the walls surrounded by tools and an assortment of metal objects. I picked up a belt buckle that sparkled next to my foot:

“They used to melt those down to fill the bomb moulds” one of the soldiers told me. It was hard to imagine how many belt buckles would need to be melted down to make a missile that would tear into limbs and flesh over 15 km away in Damascus.. but this is exactly what these militants did, they recycled metal and transformed it into weapons that would murder and maim Syrian civilians.


For a full “tour” of the Failaq Al Rahman factory, I have compiled the photographs into another slide show. Watch:

Video Player


The White Helmets lived next door to this factory and yet never thought to warn the Syrian civilians of its presence or to supply intelligence to their own US/UK bankrollers that these Al Qaeda allied terrorist factions were carrying out human rights violations next door to their “humanitarian” complex that no civilians were allowed to visit.

After all, according to the UK’s Times Newspaper – The White Helmets give the world a window on the atrocities of war

Britain considers that they play an “invaluable reporting and advocacy role”, and Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International has said they are its most routinely reliable source.

The White Helmets have provided video evidence of atrocities in Syria, to the outrage particularly of Russia. The United Nations has relied on their  documenting of alleged war crimes and use of prohibited weapons in Syria.” (Emphasis added)

The Times copy-pasted UK FCO data directly into this report on the White Hel-mets, the phrasing re Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International considering the White Helmets to be their most “routinely reliable  source” was plucked directly from a UK FCO, Syria Resilience CSSF (Conflict Stability and Security Fund) Programme Summary, published in April 2017.

One year later, the Times cited this UK government document as part of a damage limitation exercise after the White Helmets were accused by Russia, of staging the chemical weapon attack in Douma, on 7th April 2018, in a last ditch attempt to prevent its full liberation from Saudi-financed, UK-promoted Jaish Al Islam (Army of Islam).

As we see so often these days,corporate media does not investigate government po-licies or statements,it regurgitates them,verbatim,without analysis or question. The media are nothing more than political instruments for the ruling establishment.

Another interesting element of the original UK FCO document is the following sentence:

“Throughout the bombardment by Russia since September 2015, SCD has provided essential corroboration that strikes were not targeting Da’esh but moderate opposition entities.”

This sounds rather as if the White Helmets are tasked with providing the “evi-dence” that supports/corroborates the UK Government official narrative on Syria and enables their criminalisation of the Syrian government and its allies, particu-larly Russia. Surely the “evidence” from on the ground should be what determines policy not policy that determines the “evidence”?

Another question. Why do the brutally sectarian, extremist groups supposedly the sworn enemy of the “West” accept, embrace and work so closely with an organisa-tion effectively produced,financed and promoted by their arch enemy - the “West”?  Why would these extremist factions not suspect that the White Helmets would be transmitting information to the “West” with their western supplied satellite, com-munication systems? Intelligence information that might jeopardize the continued existence of terrorist groups that are the internationally recognised enemies of the “West” – such as Al Qaeda under any of its diversionary monikers.

Terrorist groups that departed from Eastern Ghouta were accompanied by the White Helmets, just as they were from East Aleppo. Why didn’t the White Helmets remain to ensure the safe evacuation of civilians from Eastern Ghouta or from East Aleppo? Why did they not remain behind to help with the rebuilding? Why do they always move with the militant and terrorist groups?

Perhaps the West is financing both ends of the spectrum?  Perhaps the White Hel-mets do not report or document the atrocities committed against the Syrian people by the aforementioned terrorist groups because that would run contrary to the agenda of their sponsors? How can an alleged “humanitarian” organisation work among extremist groups who torture, execute, imprison, rape and commit endless atrocities against the Syrian people – and not throw their hands up in horror or provide documentation to condemn these groups?

Perhaps because both sides of the intervention coin are working hand in hand and are financed by the same Western states?

For myself and for many of the public in the West increasingly frustrated by the media monopoly on the Syria conflict, these are rhetorical questions. For western media they are questions “that must not be asked under any circumstances”.

‘Feminist War’? Amnesty International’s NATO marketing campaign during the 2012 NATO Summit in Chicago. 

Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch consider the White Helmets to be their “most routinely reliable source“. Mull that one over for a minute. Amnesty In-ternational and Human Rights Watch were created as revolving door instruments of power that would be used to crack target nations open with false humanitarian pre-texts designed to “manufacture consent” for one regime change war after another. Remember  Libya and Iraq. Remember Benghazi, womens rights in Afghanistan, WMDs in Iraq. Remember any of these blatant false flags that took us to war and Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch will be right there dancing in the shadows with their professional poster campaigns and No Fly Zone ‘crusades’.

“In 1991,Amnesty International eagerly acquiesced to the $11 million Wag the Dog public relations campaign–devised for the Pentagon by the Hill & Knowlton PR firm – to generate support for the US invasion of Iraq, and in 2012, AI was an enthusiastic cheerleader in support of the escalated bombing of Afghanistan by NATO.” ~ Impunity International

The White Helmets are not an NGO, they are a NATO-member-state and Gulf State-funded organisation created explicitly to serve the interests of their backers, specifically regime change in Syria, the severing of ties between the Syrian govern-ment in Damascus and Russia,the expulsion of all Iranian and Hezbollah influence  from Syria, the partitioning or destablisation of Syria to serve the interests of the Zionist state on their borders and of course the procurement of as many resources as possible by the imperialist forces.

The White Helmets “corroborate” the UK Government narrative on Syria which is regurgitated by the state aligned media in order to deceive their viewers/readers in the West.The White Helmets are a “routinely reliable” source for Amnesty Interna- tional and Human Rights Watch who corroborate the UK/U.S administration line in order to reinforce the perceived need for “humanitarian” intervention inside a resistant sovereign nation, in this instance, Syria.

The UK FCO document even explains the endgame of all this corroboration:

“This has provided confidence to statements made by UK and other internatio-nal leaders made in condemnation of Russian actions” (emphasis added)

When do the White Helmet narratives “serve” the objectives of the Syrian people, the majority of whom would like this war to be over and for their lives to return to their former stability and security before they were caught up in a war engineered by hostile forces outside Syria who would deprive these people of their right to choose their own future and to defend their secular state from the threat of an extremist, Islamist state financed by the same external powers.

“Maaloula is an ancient town in Syria that still speaks Aramaic, the language of Jesus Christ. [..]We truly believe that the enemies of Syria will no longer exist when we win…and we will win this war. Maaloula was attacked in 2013 – by Free Syrian Army, Nusra Front,DAESH,like Al Farouq, all of these denominations that most Europeans and Americans call “moderate opposition”. When we defended Maaloula we didnt defend churches, we defended people, we defended believers and we defended our choice for a Syrian Secular State, we defended our choice to elect our own government, we defended our choice to live in the Syria we love…” ~ Abdo Haddad, from Maaloula

The White Helmets do not call for Peace, they effectively lobby for war.

The White Helmets are not a “Humanitarian” organisation according to the many civilian testimonies I recorded in Eastern Ghouta and East Aleppo, the two areas where the greatest concentration of this organisation could be found prior to libera-tion by the SAA and allies.Even refugees from Idlib,almost the last terrorist / White Helmet stronghold in Syria, have told me the same thing.  I met one SARC (Syrian Arab Red Crescent) volunteer in Hama. She had been working in Idlib before it became too dangerous and she told me:

“White Helmets are terrorists.They are specialists in acting and drama,not huma- nitarian work. The White Helmets abuse the “humanitarian” title to gain trust and to brainwash people in Syria and outside. They are a big lie. There are many foreigners working in the White Helmets”

I leave you with the words of just one of the many civilians from Eastern Ghouta that I spoke to during my recent trip to Damascus. In April 2018, Sabah Al Mushref told me:

“Civil defence” (White Helmets) were supposed to help wounded civilians, but no! If any of the terrorists were wounded they would run to their aid, but civilians – NO.It was very rare,if they (White Helmets) weren’t going to film it, they wouldn’t come. When the camera was there they would run around as if they were helping people.”


“One day we can hope that those responsible for the war propaganda used against us will face the peoples’ justice but in the meantime we have to be aware that when we are confronted with it, when we open a newspaper, turn on the television, or radio, click that link on the internet, we are the victims of a war crime, the use of war propaganda as part of the crime of aggression, each and every one of us. And if that does not make you angry then what hope is there for peace in this world?” ~ Christopher Black, International Criminal Lawyer.

Please also watch a report from independent journalist, Eva Bartlett, who visited Saqba a few days after I did.




BBC and Guardian Whitewash of UK FCO Funding Scandal in Syria
What to Expect From BBC Panorama and Guardian’s Whitewash of UK Gov’t Funding Terrorists in Syria

White Helmets Evidence Presented at Geneva Press Club:
Vanessa Beeley Presents Exposé on White Helmets at Swiss Press Club in Geneva

‘Global Britain’ – UK Funding a Shadow State in Syria
‘Global Britain’ is Financing Terrorism and Bloodshed in Syria and Calling it ‘Aid’

White Helmets – Hollywood Poster Boys:

WHITE HELMETS: State Sanctioned Terrorism and Hollywood Poster Boys for War

21st Century Wire:
New Report Destroys Fabricated Myth of Syria’s ‘White Helmets’

Initial Investigation into White Helmets:
Who are Syria’s White Helmets?

21st Century Wire article on the White Helmets:  
Syria’s White Helmets: War by Way of Deception ~ the “Moderate” Executioners

Who Funds the White Helmets?
Secret £1bn UK War Chest Used to Fund the White Helmets and Other ‘Initiatives’

Original investigative report:
The REAL Syria Civil Defence Exposes Fake White Helmets as Terrorist-Linked Imposters 

Irish Peace Prize Farce
Tipperary’s White Helmets Peace Prize: A Judas Kiss to the Antiwar Movement and Syria

White Helmets Executions
WHITE HELMETS: Severed Heads of Syrian Arab Army Soldiers Paraded as Trophies

CNN Fabricate News About the White Helmets
A NOBEL LIE: CNN’s Claim That ‘White Helmets Center in Damascus’ Was Hit by a Barrel Bomb

White Helmets Links to Al Nusra
WHITE HELMETS: Hand in Hand with Al Qaeda and Extremist Child Beheaders in Aleppo

Report by Patrick Henningsen
AN INTRODUCTION: Smart Power & The Human Rights Industrial Complex

Open Letter by Vanessa Beeley
White Helmets Campaign for War NOT Peace – Retract RLA & Nobel Peace Prize Nominations

Staged Rescue Videos
(VIDEO) White Helmets: Miraculous ‘Rag Doll Rescue’

White Helmets Oscar Award Farce:
Forget Oscar: Give The White Helmets the Leni Riefenstahl Award for Best War Propaganda Film

Cory Morningstar report:
Investigation into the funding sources of the White Helmets, including Avaaz, Purpose, The Syria Campaign

Open letter to Canadian MPs from Stop the War Hamilton (Canada):
Letter from the Hamilton Coalition to Stop War to the New Democratic Party in Canada ref the White Helmet nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize:

Open letter to Canada’s NDP Leader on Nobel Prize:
Letter to NDP from Prof. John Ryan protesting White Helmet nomination for RLA and Nobel Peace Prize.

READ MORE WHITE HELMETS NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire White Helmets Files

READ MORE SYRIA NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Syria Files




Valkoiset kypärät oli ehdolla Nobelin rauhanpalkinnon saajaksi 2016, mutta sai tyytyä vain "vaihtoehtonobeliin"...

" Home Politics

Terrorist Support Group Nominated For Nobel Peace Prize


white-helmet-infographic-2By Brandon Turbeville

As if the world couldn’t get any crazier, the committee in charge of nominating prospective recipients of the Nobel Peace Prize has recently nominated a terrorist organization for the award.The White Helmets,the notorious mop-up wing of Nusra (Jobhat al-Nusra or Jobhat Fatah al-Sham) will now be in the running for not only the cash prize that comes with winning the Nobel but also the undeserved and cult-like appreciation of winners  as if, in some parallel universe, the award was actually given to people who promote peace.[1]

Indeed, it seems no one finds it noteworthy that the Nobel Prize itself is named af-ter a man who was a groundbreaking armaments manufacturer. In the years since its existence, the Nobel Prize committee has awarded the likes of Henry Kissinger, arguably one of the greatest mass murderers of the 20th Century, Barack Obama (who had done nothing accept allegedly “give hope” to the people of the world be-fore continuing and embarking upon a worldwide campaign of terrorism and war-fare) and Al Gore who has soaked up every dollar and burned immense amounts of fossil fuel promoting neo-Malthusianism policies under the guise of protecting the climate. Shimon Peres, Jimmy Carter, and Kofi Annan (as well as the United Nations) have also received the award in the past.


Thus, it is no surprise that, with a list of recipients such as those mentioned above, the Nobel Peace Prize committee must feel that it needs to top itself.

Enter the nomination of the White Helmets.

The History And Formation Of White Helmets – The Founders And Directors

White Helmets was founded by James Le Mesurier, an admitted former British army officer and mercenary with the Olive Group, a private contracting organization that is now merged with Blackwater-Academi into Constellis Holdings.[2] Although White Helmets half-heartedly attempts to hide its source of funding, the organiza-tion is linked to George Soros through a PR firm named Purpose Inc., a pro-war firm that argues for Western intervention against Assad. The co-founder of Purpose is Jeremy Heimans, who also helped found Avaaz, a “pro-democracy” group connected to Soros’ Open Society Foundation, SEIU, and

In her expose of White Helmets, “White Helmets: War By Way Of Deception,” Vanessa Beeley summarizes the history and funding of the organization when she wrote:

The White Helmets were established in March 2013, in Istanbul, Turkey, and is headed by James Le Mesurier, a British “security” specialist and ‘ex’ British mili-tary intelligence officer with an impressive track record in some of the most du-bious NATO intervention theatres including Bosnia and Kosovo, as well as Iraq, Lebanon, and Palestine. Le Mesurier is a product of Britain’s elite Royal Military Academy at Sandhurst, and has also been placed in a series of high-profile pasts at the United Nations, European Union, and U.K. Foreign and Commonwealth Office.

The origins of The White Helmet’s initial $300k seed funding is a little hazy, re-ports are contradictory but subsequent information leads us to conclude that the UK, US and Syrian opposition [Syrian National Council] are connected. Logisti-cal support has been provided by given by Turkish elite natural disaster response team, AKUT.

A further $13 million was poured into the White Helmet coffers during 2013 and this is where it gets interesting. Early reports suggest that these “donations” came from the US, UK and SNC with the previously explored connections to George Soros in the US.

Soros in Syria: ‘Humanitarian’ NGO Deployed For Regime Change, Not Aid

However, subsequent investigations reveal that USAID has been a major shareholder in the White Helmet organisation.

The website for the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) claims that “our work supports long-term and equitable economic growth and ad-vances U.S. foreign policy objectives by supporting: economic growth, agriculture and trade; global health; and, democracy, conflict prevention and humanitarian assistance.”

In a USAID report update in July 2015 it is clearly stated that they have supplied over $ 16m in assistance to the White Helmets.

In addition to Soros and the $16 million, White Helmets is known to receive appro-ximately $23 million dollars from the U.S. State Department via USAID, a figure that was confirmed more recently by Deputy State Department Spokesman Mark Toner when questioned by reporters at a State Department briefing on April 27, 2016.

It is thus no surprise that White Helmets have been publicly calling for Western in-tervention in Syria,particularly a No-Fly Zone since their creation. The organization is, after all, a fully funded arm of U.S./Western imperialism. It is, therefore, reaso-nable to expect the group to publicly call for the same desires as their bosses in the United States and Europe.

Raed Saleh,head of White Helmets (aka Syrian Civil Defense) has publicly called for the implementation of a “No-Fly Zone” over Syria by the United Nations Security Council, an act that is tantamount to direct military warfare, an example of which can be seen in the rubble of Libya. Indeed, such a decision would simply be a repeat of the Libyan tragedy.

Saleh has stated on the White Helmets website:

Barrel bombs – sometimes filled with chlorine – are the biggest killer of civilians in Syria today. Our unarmed and neutral rescue workers have saved more than 40,823 people from the attacks in Syria, but there are many we cannot reach. There are children trapped in rubble we cannot hear. For them, the UN Security Council must follow through on its demand made last year to stop the barrel bombs, by introducing a ‘no-fly zone’ if necessary.”

Saleh himself is an interesting case. Content to shower Saleh and his organization with millions of dollars and flattering public relations material, the United States apparently does not trust Saleh enough to allow free access to American soil. In Ap-ril, 2016 Saleh was set to receive another typical back-slapping award in Washing-ton, D.C. However, Saleh’s visa was canceled and he was forced to go back to Istanbul. The New York Times reported,

The leader of a Western-backed rescue organization that searches for survivors of bombings in Syria was denied entry into the United States this week, where he was to receive an award recognizing his contributions to humanitarian relief.

Raed Saleh, the head of the Syria Civil Defense, was to accept the award from InterAction, an alliance of aid agencies, at its gala dinner Tuesday night in Washington. The dinner’s keynote speaker was Gayle Smith, the administrator of the United States Agency for International Development.


But when Mr. Saleh, who works in Syria and Turkey, arrived Monday at Wa-shington’s Dulles International Airport on a flight from Istanbul, the authorities said he could not enter the United States.He was told his visa had been canceled.


It was unclear whether Mr. Saleh’s name might have shown up on a database, fed by a variety of intelligence and security agencies and intended to guard against the prospect of terrorism suspects slipping into the country.


The State Department declined to give specifics, but a spokesman, John Kirby, said that “the U.S. government’s system of continual vetting means that traveler records are screened against available information in real time.”


“While we can’t confirm any possible specific actions in this case, we do have the ability to immediately coordinate with our interagency partners when new information becomes available,” he added.

State Department Spokesman Mark Toner was also questioned about the details surrounding Saleh’s visa but Toner found it difficult to answer any questions regar-ding this incident in a coherent fashion. According to the State Department’s own published transcripts the reporter/spokesman interaction went as follows:

QUESTION: On the last one —

MR TONER: Yes, sir.

QUESTION: — you commend this group, you’re going to continue to support them, and yet you revoked the visa of their leader. I don’t – that makes zero sense to me.

MR TONER: Well —

QUESTION: What – what’s exactly going on?

MR TONER: Well, I mean, this group, and I would precisely make that —

QUESTION: Yeah, but this is the guy who is the leader of this group who the head of USAID lionized in a – and her – that she lauded him —

MR TONER: Sure. Sure.

QUESTION: — in a speech at the event that he was supposed to be accepting —


QUESTION: — an award that he couldn’t get here for because the State Depart-ment canceled his visa while he was in the middle – while he was in midair, presumably, over the Atlantic so that when he arrived at Dulles, he was promptly thrown on the next plane back to Turkey. And now here you are talking about how wonderful his group is. I just don’t understand how it works.


MR TONER: So a couple responses. One is, unfortunately, we can’t speak to individual visa cases. I think broadly speaking, though, on any visa case we are constantly looking at new information, so-called continually vetting travel or records. And if we do have new information that we believe this – an individual —

QUESTION: But — MR TONER: — let me finish – would pose a security risk, we’ll certainly act on that. I can’t speak again specifically to this case, but what I can talk about is this group. And this group, as I said, has saved some 40,000 lives, that are first responders, they operate in a combat zone, and the fact that they’re being singled out and hit by the Syrian regime is, frankly, cause for a concern. And we do support this group. We do support their efforts to save lives in what is admittedly a very complex and convoluted battlefield scene.


And to speak to your broader – to say that this group’s – which I think is the implication of your question, that they somehow have ties to —


QUESTION: No, I’m not suggesting that at all.


MR TONER: Then – okay.


QUESTION: I’m saying that it just strikes me as a bit odd that you’re saying that this group is wonderful and does such a great job and you’re commending them for their heroism, and yet, this – you’re doing this just 10 days after the leader of this group, who was supposed to be – who got his visa revoked and wasn’t allowed to travel here. I understand there was an attack that killed some of its members, and I know that that’s the immediate cause of it —

MR TONER: Right.

QUESTION: — but it just strikes me as being a bit inconsistent if you say that this group is wonderful, and yet, you also ban its leader from coming to the States to collect an award for which – and you say you’re going to continue to support the group. I mean, if you have reason to revoke his visa, that he could be a security threat or something like that, why would you continue to support —

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MR TONER: But again – but again, I’m trying to separate this individual from the group, which we believe is —

QUESTION: All right. So the guy is – you’re saying that basically he is suspect but his group is not?

MR TONER: Well, again, I can’t speak to the specific allegations against him, Matt.

QUESTION: Well, not if I —

MR TONER: No, I’m sorry, I – my hands are tied too but —

QUESTION: All right. The other thing —

MR TONER: — but yes, we’re not condemning the group in any way whatsoever.


MR TONER: We believe it’s doing good work.

QUESTION: If he is the leader of the group, how do you support this group and he is not allowed to get into the States? This is the question.

MR TONER: I understand that and all I can say is that —

QUESTION: How can you separate the leader of the group from the group?

MR TONER: Well, he’s one individual in the group.

QUESTION: But the leader of the group.

MR TONER: And any individual – again, I’m broadening my language here for specific reasons, but any individual in any group suspected of ties or relations with extremist groups or that we had believed to be a security threat to the Uni-ted States, we would act accordingly. But that does not, by extension, mean we condemn or would cut off ties to the group for which that individual works for.

QUESTION: Okay. It just seems a little odd.

QUESTION: Could I just follow up on the group? Which group is —

MR TONER: Sophisticated. (Laughter.)

QUESTION: I mean, they are a civil defense group, right? They are —

QUESTION: The White Helmets?

QUESTION: Who are —

MR TONER: The White Helmets. So this is a group —

QUESTION: White Helmets. Okay, I understand.

MR TONER: So, yeah, this is the Syrian Civil Defense Group. Yeah.

QUESTION:Do you know – I understand about the White Helmets.Do you know who finances them, how they operate, who are they supported by, what kind of organization they have? How do you get your information from them and so on?

MR TONER: Well – well, I can say we provide them with —

QUESTION: We – you do know a little bit.

MR TONER: Well, I can tell you that we provide, through USAID, about $23 million in assistance to them.

Vanessa Beeley also exposes Mosab Obeidat, White Helmets Project Officer and Farouq al-Habib. She writes,

Mosab Obeidat,previous Assistant Chief of Mission with the Qatar Red Crescent, one of whose officials, Khaled Diab was accused of supplying $ 2.2 m to secure arms for the terrorist groups in Syria. Details of this transaction and its exposure can be found in this Al Akhbar article from June 2013.

At least three other members of the team were a part of the Syrian “revolution” including Farouq al Habib, one of the 3 most prominent White Helmet leaders who was also a leader of the Homs uprising against the Syrian government and according to his testimony, was tortured by the Syrian “regime” security forces in 2012 for smuggling a journalist into Syria to “cover” the “peaceful protests”. Habib was a founder member of the ‘Homs Revolutionary Council’ (the CIA have been linked to nearly all ‘Revolutionary Councils in Syria) before fleeing to Turkey in 2013 (A more in-depth analysis of his anti-Syrian government testimony will be presented in Part II of this article).

Fraudulent Photos: White Helmets And The Propaganda Machine

In addition to calling for the implementation of a “No-Fly Zone",the White Helmets have also gone so far as to post fraudulent photos so as to blame the Syrian military for civilian casualties and intentional targeting of civilians when such is not the case. In October, 2015 White Helmets released pictures on its Twitter account pur-porting to show the aftermath of the Russian bombing campaign against ISIS and assorted terrorists launched on September 30. “Russia strike in Homs today. 33 ci-vilians killed including 3 children and 1 @SyriaCivilDef volunteer” the caption read.

The picture showed a bleeding girl being held by a “Civil Defense” volunteer and claimed that the child was injured along with a number of other civilians.

Unfortunately for the White Helmets, Twitter users immediately exposed the pho-tos as a fraud, since the pictures were actually taken five days prior on September 25, 2015.

Interestingly enough, the White Helmets, in an attempt to assist drumming up opposition to Vladmir Putin and Russia’s attack on jihadists, also managed to tweet about the horror of Russia’s air strikes hours before Russia’s parliament even granted Putin the authority to use the Air Force in Syria, according to Sputnik.

White Helmets: Anti-Assad Propaganda, Support And Rescue Team For Al-Nusra


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Despite being routinely cited as a “humanitarian” organization, however, the White Helmets appear to be much more than even a wolf in sheep’s clothing in the NGO world. Not only providing the basis for carefully crafted propaganda opportunities, the organization appears to actually work side by side with terrorist outfits like Jobhat al-Nusra both on the propaganda angle and the battlefield.

For one, it is important to note that the area of operation for the White Helmets is never within territory controlled by the Syrian government. It is without deviation solely located within territory held by “moderate terrorists,” Nusra, or other related Western-backed terrorist groups. Obviously, if White Helmets truly represented the Syrian people, they would be operating in both territories. As Rick Sterling wrote in his article “Highly Effective Manipulators,”

The trainees are said to be ‘nonpartisan’ but only work in rebel-controlled areas of Idlib (now controlled by Nusra/Al Queda) and Aleppo. There are widely diver-gent claims regarding the number of people trained by the White Helmets and the number of people rescued. The numbers are probably highly exaggerated es-pecially since rebel-controlled territories have few civilians.A doctor who recent-ly served in a rebel-controlled area of Aleppo described it as a ghost town. The White Helmets work primarily with the rebel group Jabat al Nusra (Al Queda in Syria).

White Helmets: ‘Unarmed And Unbiased’

While the White Helmets’ tag line is “unarmed and unbiased,” nothing could be further from the truth. Indeed, the organization is incredibly biased and visibly armed. In the second part to her expose of White Helmets, “Part II: Syria’s White Helmets: War By Way Of Deception,” Vanessa Beeley writes,

As part of the myth-building process, White Helmet members are repetitively described as ‘ordinary people’, specifically, “bakers, tailors, engineers, pharma-cists, painters, carpenters, students”, and are relentlessly depicted as heroes, mi-racle workers,saints and super-humans scaling the “Mount Everest” of war zones with impartiality and neutrality. “Unarmed and unbiased” is their strapline, as they sacrifice themselves for the “Syrian People”. Indeed, those same Syrian people who have never heard of them. The myth-making continues…

. . . . .

Can a organisation rightly be called an ‘independent relief organisation’ when it is being funded by a foreign government who is directly involved in the military over-throw of Syria’s government? Most intelligent people should have no problem answering that question.

… . . .

This video below reveals a White Helmet operative describing the “throwing of Shabiha bodies in the trash”. Shabiha is a derogatory term for Syrian Govern-ment militia or state-employed security forces but is liberally applied by terrorist aka “rebel alliance” factions to any member of the Syrian military, irrespective of whether they are Alawite, Sunni,or Shia. Let’s remind ourselves of White Helmet claims on their websites of how its ‘aid workers’ “have risked sniper fire to rescue SAA bodies to give them a proper burial.”

Watch this shocking video here:


This same neutral White Helmet operative goes on to pledge allegiance to the terrorist forces in the region stating:

“They are our role models, the best of people and we have the honour to serve them”

“SERVE THEM [armed terrorists, Al Nusra/Al Qaeda]”, curious turn of phrase for a neutral, impartial humanitarian “moderate” organisation? Watch here:


He also congratulates the Mujahadeen for liberating Jisr al Shugour from Assad’s forces.

“Glad tidings have reached us in Jisr al Shugour by the hands of our Mujahadeen brothers. May Allah strengthen them and make them steadfast on the correct way and soon, insh’Allah, the strongholds of the Assad regime in Latakia and Damascus will be liberated.”

It should be clear that these alleged “moderates” you are watching here are actually moderate extremists and jihadists, and the western media has been very careful in hiding this fact. Watch:

. . . . .

Moving on to another video, this time revealing White Helmet operatives stan-ding on the discarded dead bodies of SAA [Syrian Arab Army] soldiers and gi-ving the victory sign. This display of support for the Al Nusra extremist terrorists who have just massacred these soldiers once again demonstrates where their true allegiances lie.

Numerous photos and large amounts of video footage is available showing the alleged “unarmed” White Helmets parading about with rifles, virtually indistin-guishable in their appearance and actions from the terrorists they are working with except for their actual white helmets. In at least on instance, White Helmets members were videotaped apparently taking part in the execution of a man con-demned to death by Nusra/ISIS fighters. In this video, the execution of the man who is shot in the head by the terrorists is clearly shown. Before his body is even fully still, the White Helmets arrive at the scene, within seconds, to collect the body as if they were on standby.


With all of the above information taken together, White Helmets should be consi-dered nothing more than a terrorist rescue operation and propaganda wing for al-Nusra Front.This organization is wholly funded, directed,and promoted by Western governments, intelligence agencies and Foundations for the purposes of assisting Western-backed terrorists in destroying secular Syria and replacing it with a collec-tion of impotent religious/ethnicity-based petty squabbling microstates and mini-states.[3] The organization serves as a clever and opportunistic tool to be used by Western media for the purposes of sourcing false claims from “impartial” “activist” groups on the ground in Syria and giving the claims the source and credibility of a “human rights” organization. Clearly, whatever claims are made by the White Helmets should be immediately dismissed as yet another false statement in a long string of lies easily traced directly back to the United States and the UK.

In addition, awarding the White Helmets the Nobel Peace Prize is the utmost level of hypocrisy and deception. It is a decision that should drive the final nail into the coffin of what little credibility was left of the Nobel Prize committee and the Western hegemonic oligarchical system.


[1] White Helmets website. “The White Helmets wake up every day to save the lives others are trying so hard to take. These volunteer rescue wor-kers have saved 60,000 lives in Syria and for that, they are under constant attack. Unarmed and impartial, they have just been nominated for the 2016 Nobel Peace Prize. Stand in solidarity with them.” Accessed on September 8, 2016


[2] Anderson, Tim. The Dirty War On Syria. Pg. 75.

[3] Brzezinski, Zbigniew. The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy And Its Geostrategic Imperatives. Basic Books, 1st Edition. 1998.

Brandon Turbeville – article archive here – is the author of seven books, Codex Alimentarius — The End of Health Freedom, 7 Real Conspiracies, Five Sense Solutions and Dispatches From a Dissident, volume 1 andvolume 2, The Road to Damascus: The Anglo-American Assault on Syria, and The Difference it Makes: 36 Reasons Why Hillary Clinton Should Never Be President. Turbeville has published over 850 articles on a wide variety of subjects including health, economics, government corruption, and civil liberties. Brandon Turbeville’s radio show Truth on The Tracks can be found every Monday night 9 pm EST at UCYTV. His website is He is available for radio and TV interviews. Please contact activistpost (at)

This article may be freely shared in part or in full with author attribution and source link. "



" False Flag Chemical Attack against Syria Brewing in Idlib and Hama, Again

Another false flag chemical attack is brewing in the Levantine republic. Syrian intelligence sources have collected reports that NATO special operative terrorists from France and Belgium (a terrorist special forces operative from Morocco has also been assisting) have overseen modifi-cations in “locally made rockets” to fit warheads loaded with “chlorine and sarin” chemical weapons.On 14 September 2013,Syria deposited its instrument of accession with the UN Secretary-General. Syria’s acces-sion to the Chemical Weapons Convention entered into force on 14 October 2013.

In between, on 27 September, UNSCR 2118 (2013) was passed because the Council somehow declared there was an “extraordinary character” of “the situation posed Syrian chemical weapons.” Given the lack of caractère extraordinaire ever disco-vered in the US still owing the CWC 3,000 since April 1997, and given ANNEX 1 is a paste of the OPCW ‘Executive Council Decision’ included fraudulent concern that CW’s might have been used in the SAR sometime in March 2013.

The statement came with a malignant inference, and omitted all details: On 19 March 2013, terrorists exploded rockets with weapons-grade chlorine into Khan Al Asal, murdering mostly SAA soldiers. Syria immediately requested a UN-OPCW investigation — a request the stenography-hooker media helped sabotage via mass propagation of the criminal lie of a retired Israeli general. Itai Bruin was essentially the puppet run by NATO saboteurs Britain and France against Syria’s request; the F/UK machinations are detailed in a 60-minute press conference given by Dr. Jaafari, forty days after his country requested the investigation, and which no medium reported (statement included, here)

In that great vision called hindsight, it now seems like 20/20 vision to understand that the intention of the NATO junta of the SC getting 2118 passed was opening the door to the false flag phenomenon, whenever needed. The false flag is the raison d’être for the monthly Goebbels chemical hoax fetish, soon to break the 100th meeting, each one filled with the same lies ejaculated by the same P3 liars and their tap-dancing house servants.



Skilled wetworkers from the terror states of France and Belgium spent two weeks overseeing al Qaeda’s building of rockets and accurate placement of the chemical weapons-loaded warheads. JaN (Jabhat al-Nusra aka Al Qaeda Levant) then ship-ped the chemically tweaked rockets via two fake ambulances of the stethoscope-less CIA contra White Helmets.

On 30 September, eight rockets filled with chemical weapons were transported to Bdama village in Jisr al Shughur (Idlib), and where some were handed over to the savages of the ‘Turkistan Islamist [sic] Party,’ which dispatched two of the chemical weapons rockets to an unnamed village in the al Ghab Plain, and to Ahsam village in the Zawiya Mountain region of Hama governate, where they were delivered to the Nusra faction of al Qaeda terrorists.

Syria News reminds our readers that back in May 2013, American terrorist illegal in Aleppo exchanged emails with the pudgy little Brit unemployed ladies under-wear salesman turned gamer stay at home day, Eliot Higgins, that were it not for the “foreign fighters” — terrorists, TERRORISTS, killers, armed insurrec-tionist foreign invaders - there would be no [NATO] revolution.He told Higgins that the terrorists had some chemical weapons and were prepared to use them in a false flag, to blame President Assad, who had no need of them, as he was winning the war against the foreign terrorists (soy boy Higgins received massive financial rewards for his criminal lies, including for time spent as a ‘fellow’ on war-monge-ring think tank/fake charity — thank you, American taxpayers — Atlantic Council, Wetworker VanDyke not only got out of Syria with his head, but won awards from the fake left 5th columnists Hollywood and Sundance,praise from the utterly duped and fake religious conservatives who view the small animal bestialist as some Christian teetering on martyrdom, and bipartisan taxes for his fake Christian 501(c) militia doing the devil’s work in various hotspots around the world).

Let us also not forget that these terrorists were the ones who used chemical weapons as a false flag massacre in al Ghouta, 23 August 2013.


