By Panopticon
A sad, funny story of Sergei and Yulia – not ‘funny ha-ha’, but funny peculiar…
One Sunday in March they decided to eat at a nice little café, then stopped at a seat where they both felt unwell at the very same minute – now I think that’s quite a coincidence, ‘innit?
So an ambulance came for the pair, as requested.
But when they were studied, and prodded, and tested, nefarious substances in them were found –and not only there, but spread all around old Salisbury town, up hill and down valley – (the High Street is now known as ‘Chemical Alley’).
A passing D.S. who just happened to be there, was poisoned like them when he went off to see where they lived – or did he succumb at the scene?
(His bosses told two different stories on screen).
And while a good nurse who had tended them well suffered no side effects, ‘far as I can tell, some thirty-eight people were treated as victims, but I think that someone was taking the mick, since a day or two after those numbers were stated the whole bloody lot of them evaporated.
*** Hmm. ***
The media descended like swivel-eyed dervishes, paid no attention to church Sunday services;campanologists’ melodies had to be quietened, so BBC viewers could all be enlightened: “Could you silence those chimes, my parochial friend?”
“Well I could, but at least can we hear the bell end?”
Now Boris mistakenly took that as cue to appear on the telly, and give us his view that the case had been cracked by his government sources, e’en though the police had advised “Hold your horses”; his bods back at Whitehall had worked round the clock to identify something called ‘Doorknobichok’ which he claimed had been smeared on the victims’ front door, under cover of darkness on March 3 or 4.
‘Twas a devilish stuff that will kill you in seconds, and was put there by Russkies (or so his boss reckons).
So lethal that only a tenth of a gram would transport you to heaven, to visit your gran.
“So we have two deceased?” the reporters surmised;
“No, they’re not dead” said Boris, “just hoskripalised!”.
*** I thank you. ***
Then someone observed something really quite odd – that the door didn’t seem to have bothered the plod who was tasked with the duty of guarding the place, long before it was clear that a poison was traced.
“So how could this be?” it was asked of the Tory, who conferred with his bosses, and then changed his story:
“No, it wasn’t the handle, but gas-tainted air in the Skripals’ jalopy, ‘cause Vlad put it there!”
Then when this didn’t wash, he tried yet another – “it was smuggled from Moscow by Yulia’s mother! (in law)”
In one last attempt to convince us that Putin had ordered his henchmen to go put the boot in:
“They may have consumed it at breakfast, you see – in Ricincles or Special K(GB); for although it would seem like the plot of a thriller, I’m convinced that our Vlad is a cereal killer!”
*** Hmmm. ***
Then a cordon was thrown around Salisbury town, which was only a bus ride from old Porton Down (a village connected to our alleged traitor – for Sergei is he – but more of that later).
The government said that their duty of care, because of the obvious dangers in there meant they might have to pull down the café and pub, so the locals would have to go elsewhere for grub;
And because of the contaminated front door, their dwelling might need to be razed to the floor.
Well, this understandably raised some concerns with the Salisbury folk, who took it in turns to request some advice, because nobody knows if they’d gotten the stuff on their shoes, or their clothes:
“Should we burn our belongings, or dump them at sea?”
“Nah, just wash ‘em on ‘quick rinse’ at forty degrees”.
“And what of that sinister place up the lane where your poisons are made, is that whence it came?”
“If you don’t mind me saying, your question’s absurd, as of Doorknobichok TMay, we never have heard, except for the stockpiles we keep for ourselves, and they are all safe and secure on our shelves”.
*** Oops. ***
The blame was laid squarely on Moscow and Vlad (as we know from our Bond films that Russians are bad); expulsion of diplomats worldwide arranged; accusations thrown, and insults exchanged.
All cultural visits were cancelled or put off, and Julie Assange had his internet cut off.
Then lo! and behold, our story got murky, in a village you’ll find in a country near Turkey.
The Syrian leader, one Bashar Assad, was repelling invaders, which made the West mad; but just as his victory was nearing at last, his own population he cruelly gassed – or so we were told by the Powers That Be, who strung us a line, didn’t want us to see that some brave independents were taking a risk, like Bartlett and Beeley, Stuart and Fisk, to show us the true situation in Douma – if the press did its job we’d have realised sooner that far from Assad being a monster, and hated by all of his people, he was celebrated and trusted to stand up as their only true hope, in the face of attacks from the U.S. and Europe. And he wasn’t a ‘butcher’, on murderous mission, but a family man, and a licenced optician.
*** We should’ve gone to Specsavers. ***
Emotional images filled up our screens, showing suffering women, and babies, and teens; they were choking on chlorine, which made us all furious – but no men affected, which did seem quite curious…
The West didn’t wait, we accepted the claim that the evil Assad was entirely to blame.
He was guilty of war crimes, as evidence proved – for the good of the people, he must be removed!
Notwithstanding the signs that the Syrians may seem broadly in favour of Mr. A’s ‘regime’ and the fact that with Russia they had some protection from outside attacks, or their own insurrection.
Our Washington friends would insist that they need someof Uncle Sam’s good ol’ American freedom which had been so successful, I’m frequently told, where nations had hardships, and oil, gas, and gold.
The narrative blaming Assad for the crimes was reported as fact in The Sun and The Times and most western leaders were keen to appease the hawkish intentions of Boris and Theresa.
But a doubt did remain that the entire event might have been a ‘false flag’, with malicious intent –would our lovable ‘BoJo’ condone such a stunt?
Yes he would, because he’s an untrustworthy cad.
Before we continue I think that we ought’ta return to the poor stricken father and daughter whose problems all started when they were infected with poison – but how this event was connected to wider concerns internationally, and the threat of an outbreak of World War III can be found in the c.v. of old Mister S., and the time he was caught and was made to confess that a Brit double-agent was his part-time job, with some colleagues betrayed for a few extra bob. So a jail cell in Moscow was where he would stay, till a spy swap arrangement took him to U.K. Here he stayed for a while, but he yearned to go home, which worried the spooks listening in on his phone. Was this why the homesick old Russian was nobbled? Or was it the claim that with help he had cobbled together a dossier aimed at the POTUS, that the Democrats hoped would dissuade U.S. voters
And result in the triumph of Hillary Clinton, with subsequent guaranteed hell, fire and brimstone?
The plot didn’t work, and old Trump was elected, but whatever the reason the pair were infected, our government said “It’s clear if you ask us, that this can be traced all the way to Damascus, for it shows that the Russians will use any measure to help young Assad and incur our displeasure;
The agents of Putin can poison to order And will have no respect for law, life or border.
But nothing must stop the success of our plan which began in Baghdad and will end in Tehran.”
*** “Highly Likely” ***
So despite all the evidence proving this crisis was carefully staged by the West’s friends in ISIS, these facts were ignored by the Beeb and the papers, who called for an end to the Syrian’s capers.
This gave our P.M. all the reasons she needed to mount an attack, with all protests unheeded, along with her chums in the U.S. and France, but they thoughtfully notified Vlad in advance; for this wasn’t a true act of war, but a sham, to convince all the voters that they had a plan.
A fortune was spent on some shiny new rockets (replacements would benefit shareholders’ pockets); so where shall we fire ‘em? Mrs. May scratched her head:
“Well we wouldn’t want anyone injured, or dead, but we know where he hides his consignment of gases, to terrorise all of his downtrodden masses, so we’ll send in these missiles, with shock and with awe, and we’ll blow the dumps up, which will shorten the war”.
“Won’t those missiles release all the toxins therein, to destroy one and all – a terrible sin??”
A blank look appeared, then Theresa retorted: “I’d not thought of that, could you please not report it?”
*** Jesus H. Christ. ***
The bombing commenced, on irrelevant target
So the Maybot could emulate her idol, Margaret, and show that in conflict she was strong and mighty but meanwhile, something was stirring in Blighty…..
Our young Russian lady, whose certain demise was expected, suddenly opened her eyes just as Easter approached, in her hospital prison, To be greeted with cries of “Christ, she is risen!” And to make matters worse, she had borrowed a phone and confirmed her good health to her cousin back home – which scuppered the prospect that Yulia could have been quietly forgotten, or silenced for good.
But what of her daddy, who’d been at death’s door ‘cause he’d got on the outside of A-234?
Well I’m glad to report that, despite the prognosis that follows ingestion of such fatal doses both he and the bobby awoke from their comas, which filled sceptics’ nostrils with fishy aromas; for what kind of poison, designed to be lethal has no such effect on these three lucky people?
There were so many questions we needed to ask, but journalists didn’t seem up to the task; this global concern that had Doomsday advancing took a sad second place behind ‘Strictly Come Dancing’.
And the government proved they had something to hide by imposing a ban on reporting worldwide.
*** Russians can dance too! ***
So the Skripals survived , but we still couldn’t see them, the Powers That Be had denied them their freedom And took them away to location unknown without access to newspapers, TV or phone.
(I thought that their chances were now slim-to-none – remember the plotline of ‘Capricorn One’?)
Then just as our hopes had been starting to fade our Yulie appeared in a green English glade and read out a statement, author unknown, that asked if we kindly would leave her alone; for although she was well she would like to appeal that we give her more time to get through her ordeal; and this sentiment really had nothing to do with the fact that her kidnappers bloody well knew that if they could escape from their new adversaries they’d scoot back to Moscow and sing like canaries.
For if you think that Russia was guilty, I’ll tell you where we can meet up, there’s a bridge I can sell you…
So that was the last that we saw of the pair but it isn’t the end of this sorry affair
For although we’re not sure why the Skripals were picked on
It’s clear the official response was pure fiction and twisted to play to the NeoCons’ plan to annihilate Syria, to get to Iran and to demonise Russia, who stands in the way of a world dominated by U.S. of A.
Who’d support this assault? The U.K. and E.U. did and lied through their teeth, ‘cause they think we’re all stupid.
But the crimes we commit on behalf of our rotten regimes to our neighbours, will not be forgotten; their patience will only protect us so far then the West will provoke an unwinnable war.
And we’ll wonder how things could have got to the state where we fear for ourselves and our own children’s fate but forget that this land, where democracy lives is now governed by liars, and traitors, and spivs who will rig the roulette wheel for guaranteed wins till we find that they’ve played us like cheap violins; whose fake manifestos fight for our attention with lies about justice, and healthcare, and pensions; who’ll cheat, kill and steal, till they’ve conquered all nations preaching hatred of Africans, Russians and Asians and throughout their pursuits they’ll accept no dissent and it’s all on behalf of the great one per cent.
And we’ll ask God how He could allow such a sin And He’ll say “It was you lot who voted them in”.
In Memory of Nash Van Drake and friends
© Panopticon
Donald Trump sanoi Theresa Mayta valehtelijaksi Skripal-kysymyksessä ja Britannian hallitusta "arvaamattomaksi".
Hän ei myöskään koskaan maininnut Putinin kanssa asiasta mitään julkisesti eikä yksityisesti, vaikka NATO vaati sellaista.
Все испортил: Трамп подставил лгунью Мэй со Скрипалями
Лондон взбесила выходка американского лидера
Британцам пришлось наспех придумывать откровенно дешевую постановку в деле Скрипалей из-за неожиданного поведения Дональда Трампа, вызвавше-го негодование британских властей во главе с премьером Терезой Мэй.
История с подлогом фотографий детей и уток,якобы отравленных "Новичком", была выдумана вскоре после телефонного разговора Трампа с президентом России Владимиром Путиным от 20 марта 2018 года. В тот день Трамп позво-нил Путину, чтобы поздравить его с победой на президентских выборах. При этом за неделю до звонка Путину он имел разговор с Мэй по поводу отравле-ния Сергея и Юлии Скрипаль и заверил ее,что США разделяют позицию Вели- кобритании о виновности Москвы и готовы поддержать любые предложенные меры. Лондон собирался выслать из страны российских дипломатов и, видимо, от Вашингтона ждал того же.
Однако семь дней спустя, беседуя с российским коллегой, Трамп "забыл" под-нять тему Скрипалей. Как пишет английский журналист Роб Слэйн, глубоко изучающий дело об отравлении в Солсбери, это вывело Лондон из себя.
"Неспособность Трампа поднять в разговоре вероятную причастность Москвы к отравлению в Британии бывшего шпиона чуть не разгневало чиновников в Лондоне, которые пытались сплотить ближайших союзников Великобритании с тем, чтобы осудить нападение",
– пишет он на странице издания The BlogMire.
... "
Abigail McCourt, 16, thought Sergei Skripal was having a heart attack, but also noticed that his daughter wasn’t breathing
Oletteko muuten huomannut, että Suomen meedia ei ole käytännössä hiiskahtanut-kaan tapaus Skripalista - ei vanhaa eikä uutta "tietoa", siis myöskään propagandaa. Hiljaisuus alkoi suurin piirtein kuin Skrpialit itse katosivat lagoilta - oikeina tai "tekoälyversioina".
Britit ovat silti pitäneet yllä showta: tammikuussa he toivat esiin 16-vuotiaan armeijan sairaanhoitajaopiskelijan, joka olisi antanut ensiapua Sergei Skripalille, jonka oletti saaneen sydänkohtauksen.
" Teenager honoured for being first to help Skripals after Salisbury poisoning
Lucy Fisher, Defence Correspondent
January 21 2019, 12:01am, The Times
A 16-year-old girl has been honoured for her efforts to save Sergei Skripal, the former Russian spy who was poisoned in Salisbury in March. Abigail McCourt was named as a “lifesaver” at a ceremony yesterday.
She was the first to treat Mr Skripal and his daughter, Yulia, who had collapsed on a bench in the city centre.
Ms McCourt, who is a qualified first aider, had thought that Mr Skripal was having a heart attack and noticed that his daughter was not breathing.“We were coming home and I saw them on the bench and at this point people were still walking past and I don’t think anyone had really noticed them,” she told Spire FM. She pointed the pair out to her mother, Alison,…
Tohtorit hoitivat aluksi Skripaleja "opiaatin yliannostuksena", kunnes armeijan myrk-kytutkimulaistos Porton Down, jossa tutkitaan ebola-virustakin, aivan naapurissa, veti hihastaan "Novichokin" (jonka kanssa aineella ei ole ollut tekemistä).
UK medics treated Skripals for opioid overdose until Porton Down claimed nerve agent poisoning
News compilation on A Socialist In Canada, May 30, 2018
Introduction by Roger Annis:
Readers can compare the following news report published in RT to this May 29 print report by the British state broadcaster BBC. Each news item reports on the same, five-minute broadcast on BBC2 ‘Newsnight’ television program on May 29, 2018.
In the BBC print report (where the BBC2 video broadcast can be viewed),there is no effort to explain why medical officials at the Sainsbury Hospital in Salisbury, England ‘survived’ some 12 hours of treating without precautions two alleged victims of an ap-parent attack by one of the deadliest classes of chemical weapons agents known to humankind, namely ‘Novichok’.The BBC report contains no timeline of events, hence obscuring that the Skripals were treated for some with what was diagnosed to be an opioid overdose before British police officials convinced the hospital to go into emergency, ‘chemical weapons’ mode. Treatment for a ‘chemical weapon’ only com-mended afer 48 hours. (The full BBC2 Newsnight episode of May 29,2018 is here but can only be viewed in the UK due to “rights issues”.)
The United Nations’ Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons has said from the get-go that it does not list the ‘Novichok’ class of chemical weapons in its registry. The organizatoin has “no record” of production or possession of such a chemical.
Two articles are enclosed, along with weblinks for suggested, related readings.
UK medics treated Skripals for opioid overdose until Porton Down tests showed nerve agent poisoning
RT, May 30, 2018 (with four-minute news report)
The medical team at Sainsbury Hospital were treating Sergei and Yulia Skripal for opioid overdose without any extra precautions until UK chemical weapon experts “confirmed” nerve agent poisoning and “advised” them on treatment, BBC reports.
Staff at Salisbury District Hospital say that former Russian spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter, Yulia, who were found unconscious on a bench in Salisbury on Sunday, March 4, were initially treated for opioid overdose, a new documentary reveals.
“The evening that Yulia and Sergei were admitted,at that point we were led to believe that they have taken an overdose, so there was no mention of nerve agent poiso-ning,” Sarah Clark, ward sister in charge of the shift on March 4, told BBC2‘s ‘News-night’ in an interview broadcast on May 29. “They were needing their support with their breathing and support with their cardiovascular system.”
Russian scientist Vladimir Uglev told the Russian news outlet The Bell how he helped develop the nerve agent Novichok as part of a program ordered by the Soviet ministry of defence. He says there is no antidote. Vladimir Uglev
Vuosi sitten: Novitshok-myrkyn venäläinen kehittäjä Vladimir Uglëv latelee faktat tis-kiin:Skripalit kuolevat,jos myrkky on Novichokia,siihen ei ole vastamyrkkyä, eikä siitä parane.
Russian Novichok Developer Says There Is No Antidote so Sergei Skripal and His Daughter Will Die
By Brendan Cole On 3/21/18 at 7:50 AM EDT
The Russian scientist who helped develop the nerve agent that the British govern-ment says left former spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia in a critical condition in Salisbury has said they will die if they are taken off life support because there is no antidote.
Vladimir Uglev worked at Russia’s state scientific research institute for organic che-mistry and technology, or GOSNIIOKHT, where he helped develop "Novichok" in a pilot project between 1972 and 1988 in the town of Volsk in the Saratov region.
Uglev pointed out Novichok is in fact a group of four nerve agents, each named after the year they were created.He developed B-1976 and C-1976. The other two, A-1972 and D-1980, were developed by Pyotr Kirpichev, who led the so-called “Foliant program” ordered by the then Soviet ministry of defense.
He said they produced doses of up to several kilograms in liquid form, apart from D-1980 which was a powder, and they were stored in a special warehouse in sealed packaging.
He told the Russian news outlet The Bell that the person who poisoned Skripal would have had to transport the nerve agent via a carrier like cotton balls or powder, which would have been in a container covered in a degassing solution.
“If Skripal and his daughter received a lethal dose of B-1976, C-1976, or D-1980, then, most likely,they will suffer the same fate as earlier victims.There is no anti- dote to these agents. I can say with nearly 100% certainty that if Skripal and his daughter are taken off of life support, they will die, although they are now only technically alive,” said Uglev.
Kappas vaan, täällä on yksi juttu, jossa Britannian suurlähettiläs väittää Skrpalien olevan hengissä mutta haluttomia esiintymään ja antamaan mitään vinkkiä olinpaikastaan: "Sergei ei puhu mitään ja Julija ei tiedä mitään."...
" Раскрыта причина молчания Скрипаля
30 апреля | Источник новости: utro Юлия Фадеева
Судьба полковника ГРУ начала немного проясняться
Почему от Сергея Скрипаля ничего не слышно? Жив он или мертв? Эти вопро-сы до сих пор волновали всех, кто следит за развитием громкой истории отрав-ления в Солсебри. Загадка судьбы бывшего советского шпиона и его дочери постепенно превращается в легенду вроде тайны перевала Дятлова: спустя без малого год и два месяца появилось большое количество теорий, объясня-ющих их исчезновение. Тем страннее и, даже можно сказать, нелепее прозву-чали слова британского адвоката Ника Вамоса, в прошлом возглавлявшего отдел по особо тяжким преступлениям и отдел экстрадиции Королевской прокурорской службы.
"Британские власти не могут ограничить его свободу выражения, значит, он предпочитает сам этого не делать", – так на голубом глазу объяснил Вамос молчание Скрипаля изданию "Новая газета".
"Brtannian valtio ei halua rajoittaa hänen sananvapauttaan, siis, hän pitää itse parempana ollasitä käyttämättä".
Если верить словам адвоката, то выходит, что Скрипаль не хочет озвучивать свою позицию в споре между Лондоном и Москвой по поводу того, кто же его отравил.
" Jos uskoa asianajajaa, Sergei Skripal ei halua ilmaista kantaansa, kuka hänet myrkytti. "
И появиться на публике он тоже не может, ведь журналисты не отстанут от него с вопросами про Россию, Путина, яда "Новичок", агентов ГРУ Александре Петрове и Руслане Боширове и так далее.
Возможно, отошедший от дел шпион просто не хочет принимать активного участия в распре между Западом и Россией, понимая, что первому на самом деле плевать на него – США,Великобритании и их союзникам нужен был прос- то повод для давления на Москву. Возможно, что он молчит, потому что на самом деле не верит в причастность родной страны к попытке убить его.
"Mahdollisesti hän vaikenee, koska ei usko Venäjän syyllisyyteen."
Стоит вспомнить, как в октябре прошлого года в информационное поле буквально ворвалась сенсационная новость о том, что Скрипаль заговорил, правда, не публично.
"Kannattaa muistaa, että viime lokakuussa info(sota)kentälle sensaatiomainen uutinen, mitä Skripal, sanoi, mutta ei julkisesti."
Но то, что он тогда сказал своему знакомому журналисту Марку Урбану, могло пошатнуть позицию Лондона.
"Mutta se, mitä hän silloin sanoi tutulle lehtimiehelle Mark Urbanille, saattoi horjuttaa Lontoon asemia. "
Оказалось,что Скрипаль практически во всем поддерживал внешнюю полити-ку Кремля,в том числе присоединение Крыма и действия в отношении Украины. "
"Kävi ilmi, että Skripal käytännössä kannatti kaikessa kremlin ulkoplitiikkaa, siinä ohessa Krimin liittämistä maahan ja suhtaustumista Ukrainaan. "
" Но самое главное – он не верил в то, что Россия виновата в его отравлении. "
Mutta ennen kaikkea hän ei uskonut Venäjää syylliseksi myrkyttämiseensä.
" Впрочем Урбан в своей книге о Скрипале отметил, что ему вроде бы удалось убедить его в обратном. "
Muutoin Urban kirjassaan Skripalista totesi, että hän "uskoi onnistuneensa vakuuttamaan hänet päinvastaisesta".
А если все-таки не удалось?
"Vaan entäpä jos ei onnistunut sittenkään."
Вероятно,нежелание британских властей использовать Скрипаля в публичном пространстве говорит о том, что на него надежды нет. А может быть, и его са-мого уже нет. Ник Вамос в том же интервью "Новой газете" сделал довольно странное заявление о деле Скрипаля. Мол, нет у этого дела никаких перспек-тив. И добавил, что если полицейское расследование не даст результатов, то дело передадут в коронерский суд,который занимается исследованием причин смерти.
" Расследование коронерского суда отличается от криминального тем, что он не скажет, кого обвинять в случившемся. Они не могут решать, кто преступник. Их обязанность установить, кто умер и как",– объяснил Вамос.
Адвокат имел в виду погибшую британку Дон Стерджес,расследование смерти которой должно указать на виновность Москвы. Хотя по поводу нее как раз у властей Великобритании изначально не было никаких вопросов – отравление "Новичком" насмерть. А что, если адвокат говорил и о Скрипале тоже? "
Tokkura kirjoitti:
Tohtorit hoitivat aluksi Skripaleja "opiaatin yliannostuksena", kunnes armeijan myrkkytutkimulaistos Porton Down, jossa tutkitaan ebola-virustakin,aivan naapu- rissa, veti hihastaan "Novichokin" (jonka kanssa aineella ei ole ollut tekemistä).
UK medics treated Skripals for opioid overdose until Porton Down claimed nerve agent poisoning
News compilation on A Socialist In Canada, May 30, 2018
Introduction by Roger Annis:
Readers can compare the following news report published in RT to this May 29 print report by the British state broadcaster BBC. Each news item reports on the same, five-minute broadcast on BBC2 ‘Newsnight’ television program on May 29, 2018.
In the BBC print report (where the BBC2 video broadcast can be viewed), there is no effort to explain why medical officials at the Sainsbury Hospital in Salisbury, England ‘survived’ some 12 hours of treating without precautions two alleged victims of an apparent attack by one of the deadliest classes of chemical weapons agents known to humankind,namely ‘Novichok’. The BBC report contains no time- line of events, hence obscuring that the Skripals were treated for some with what was diagnosed to be an opioid overdose before British police officials convinced the hospital to go into emergency,‘chemical weapons’ mode. Treatment for a ‘chemical weapon’ only commended afer 48 hours.(The full BBC2 Newsnight episode of May 29, 2018 is here but can only be viewed in the UK due to “rights issues”.)
The United Nations’ Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons has said from the get-go that it does not list the ‘Novichok’ class of chemical weapons in its registry. The organizatoin has “no record” of production or possession of such a chemical.
Two articles are enclosed, along with weblinks for suggested, related readings.
UK medics treated Skripals for opioid overdose until Porton Down tests showed nerve agent poisoning
RT, May 30, 2018 (with four-minute news report)
The medical team at Sainsbury Hospital were treating Sergei and Yulia Skripal for opioid overdose without any extra precautions until UK chemical weapon experts “confirmed” nerve agent poisoning and “advised” them on treatment,BBC reports.
Staff at Salisbury District Hospital say that former Russian spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter, Yulia, who were found unconscious on a bench in Salisbury on Sun-day,March 4,were initially treated for opioid overdose, a new documentary reveals.
“The evening that Yulia and Sergei were admitted,at that point we were led to be- lieve that they have taken an overdose, so there was no mention of nerve agent poisoning,” Sarah Clark, ward sister in charge of the shift on March 4, told BBC2‘s ‘Newsnight’ in an interview broadcast on May 29. “They were needing their support with their breathing and support with their cardiovascular system.”
Sveitsiläinen tutkimulaitos on esittänyt uuden järkeenkäypän teorian tapausten ku-lusta: Skripalit myrkytettiin atvaratalossa OPIAATILLA, luultavasti fentanyylillä, joka on erittäin pieninä määrinä tappavaa ja haihtuu nopeasti. Ohikulkijoiden kuten 16-vuotiaan sairaanhoidonopiskelijan ja ostoskeskuksen henkilökunnan nopea toimin-ta, jossa mm. annettiin "summamutikassa" opiaattien vasta-ainetta,jotka myös tehosi- vat heti toisin kuin mihinkään "Novichokiin, ja pelasti heidät vaikka mm. Julija Skripalin sydän oli ehtinyt pysähtyä. He "sörssivät" provokaation.
"Novichok" vedettiin hihasta,koska ulkoministeri Boris Johnson oli ehtinyt lörpsäis-tä sellaisen "tiedon" maailman infosotamediaan "ennen aikojaan" - ennen kuin mit-kään nopeimmatkaan kokeet viereisessä Porton Downin kemiallisten aseiden tutki-muskeskuksessa olisivat ehtineet valmistua. Laitoksen johtaja kiisti tiedon tuolloin annetusta "tiedosta".
" Лондонские русофобы все и сразу решили по пресловутому делу Скрипалей. Хотя сегодня, 30 июля, появилось кое-что новое и очень интересное, идущее вразрез с их фирменным "хайли лайкли".
Tämä menee ohi Lontoon russobien "highly likelyjen"!
Швейцарский эксперт провел свое расследование и выяснил много интересных деталей и стало понятно, кому было вообще выгодно отравление Скрипалей. Их исчезновение было выгодно, в первую очередь, самому Лондону."
Sveitsiläinen spesialsiti toi julki omia tutkimuksiaan, joista kävi ilme, keille ja miksi olisi tarpeen Skrpalien eliminoinoiminen ja siihen liitetty infosotaprovokaatio. Se oli tarpeen Bellingcat-Lontoolle itselleen.
Дело в том,что Сергею,как перебежчику из России, наверняка доставались за-дания от английской разведки, касающиеся анализа материалов о его бывшей родине. Об этом заявил швейцарский эксперт Майкл Энтони,который выдвинул свою версию событий по громкому "делу Скрипалей".
Teorian mukaan entinen kaksoisagentti Sergei Skripal oli edelleen aktiivinen Eng-lannin vakoilija, joka analysoi entisen kotimaansa Venäjän materiaaleja. Tästä kertoi sveitsiläinen spesialisti Michael Anthony, joka on tuonut esiin oman nämyksensä tapaus Skrpalista. (Tätä on sitteemmin tarkasteltu eri tahojen toimesta.)
Skripalin tehtävä olisi ollut tuottaa "materiaalia" Donald Trumpista, tämän muka "hä-märistä Venäjän-suhteista" Steelen projektiin liittyen. Homma oli Skripalin mielestä perseestä, hän hoiti sen huonosta, ja suunnitteli paluuta Venäjälle. Sieltä hän olisi voinut paljastaa vaikka mitä.
Salisburyn aluesairaala
Piilota aiemmat lainaukset (2)
ekavekara kirjoitti:
Tokkura kirjoitti:
Tokkura kirjoitti:
Tohtorit hoitivat aluksi Skripaleja "opiaatin yliannostuksena", kunnes armei-jan myrkkytutkimulaistos Porton Down, jossa tutkitaan ebola-virustakin, aivan naapurissa, veti hihastaan "Novichokin" (jonka kanssa aineella ei ole ollut tekemistä).
UK medics treated Skripals for opioid overdose until Porton Down claimed nerve agent poisoning
News compilation on A Socialist In Canada, May 30, 2018
Introduction by Roger Annis:
Readers can compare the following news report published in RT to this May 29 print report by the British state broadcaster BBC. Each news item reports on the same, five-minute broadcast on BBC2 ‘Newsnight’ television program on May 29, 2018.
In the BBC print report (where the BBC2 video broadcast can be viewed), there is no effort to explain why medical officials at the Sainsbury Hospital in Salisbury, England ‘survived’ some 12 hours of treating without precautions two alleged victims of an apparent attack by one of the deadliest classes of chemical weapons agents known to humankind,namely ‘Novichok’. The BBC report contains no timeline of events,hence obscuring that the Skripals were treated for some with what was diagnosed to be an opioid over-dose before British police officials convinced the hospital to go into emer-gency, ‘chemical weapons’ mode. Treatment for a ‘chemical weapon’ only commended afer 48 hours. (The full BBC2 Newsnight episode of May 29, 2018 is here but can only be viewed in the UK due to “rights issues”.)
The United Nations’ Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Wea-pons has said from the get-go that it does not list the ‘Novichok’ class of chemical weapons in its registry. The organizatoin has “no record” of production or possession of such a chemical.
Two articles are enclosed, along with weblinks for suggested, related readings.
UK medics treated Skripals for opioid overdose until Porton Down tests showed nerve agent poisoning
RT, May 30, 2018 (with four-minute news report)
The medical team at Sainsbury Hospital were treating Sergei and Yulia Skripal for opioid overdose without any extra precautions until UK chemical weapon experts “confirmed” nerve agent poisoning and “advised” them on treatment, BBC reports.
Staff at Salisbury District Hospital say that former Russian spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter, Yulia, who were found unconscious on a bench in Salisbury on Sunday, March 4, were initially treated for opioid overdose, a new documentary reveals.
“The evening that Yulia and Sergei were admitted, at that point we were led to believe that they have taken an overdose, so there was no mention of nerve agent poisoning,” Sarah Clark, ward sister in charge of the shift on March 4, told BBC2‘s ‘Newsnight’ in an interview broadcast on May 29. “They were needing their support with their breathing and support with their cardiovascular system.”
Sveitsiläinen tutkimulaitos on esittänyt uuden järkeenkäypän teorian tapausten kulusta: Skripalit myrkytettiin atvaratalossa OPIAATILLA, luultavasti fentanyy-lillä, joka on erittäin pieninä määrinä tappavaa ja haihtuu nopeasti.
Ohikulkijoiden kuten 16-vuotiaan sairaanhoidonopiskelijan ja ostoskeskuksen henkilökunnan nopea toiminta, jossa mm. annettiin "summamutikassa" opiaat-tien vasta-ainetta, jotka myös tehosivat heti toisin kuin mihinkään "Novichokiin, ja pelasti heidät vaikka mm. Julija Skripalin sydän oli ehtinyt pysähtyä. He "sörssivät" provokaation.
"Novichok" vedettiin hihasta, koska ulkoministeri Boris Johnson oli ehtinyt lörpsäistä sellaisen "tiedon" maailman infosotameediaan "ennen aikojaan", en-nen kuin mitkään nopeimmatkaan kokeet viereisessä Porton Downin kemiallis-ten aseiden tutkimuskekskuksessa olisivat ehtineet valmistua. Laitoksen johtaja kiisti tiedon tuolloin annetusta "tiedosta".
" Лондонские русофобы все и сразу решили по пресловутому делу Скрипалей. Хотя сегодня, 30 июля, появилось кое-что новое и очень интересное, идущее вразрез с их фирменным "хайли лайкли".
Tämä menee ohi Lontoon russobien "highly likelyjen"!
Швейцарский эксперт провел свое расследование и выяснил много инте-ресных деталей и стало понятно, кому было вообще выгодно отравление Скрипалей. Их исчезновение было выгодно, в первую очередь, самому Лондону."
Sveitsiläinen spesialsiti toi julki omia tutkimuksiaan,joista kävi ilme,keille ja miksi olisi tarpeen Skrpalien eliminoinoiminen ja siihen liitetty infosotaprovokaatio. Se oli tarpeen Bellingcat-Lontoolle itselleen.
Дело в том, что Сергею, как перебежчику из России, наверняка достава-лись задания от английской разведки, касающиеся анализа материалов о его бывшей родине.Об этом заявил швейцарский эксперт Майкл Энтони, который выдвинул свою версию событий по громкому "делу Скрипалей".
Teorian mukaan entinen kaksoisagentti Sergei Skripal oli edelleen aktiivinen Englannin vakoilija, joka analysoi entisen kotimaansa Venäjän materiaaleja. Tästä kertoi sveitsiläinen spesialisti Michael Anthony, joka on tuonut esiin oman nämyksensä tapaus Skrpalista.
(Tätä on sitteemmin tarkasteltu eri tahojen toimesta.)
Skripalin tehtävä olisi ollut tuotta "materiaalia" Donald Trumpista, tämän muka "hämäristä Venäjän-suhteista" Steelen projektiin liittyen. Homma oli Skripalin mielestä perseestä, hän hoiti sen huonosta, ja suunnitteli paluuta Venäjälle. Sieltä hän olisi voinut paljastaa vaikka mitä.
Trump ei tainnut uskoa kertomustasi. ;)
Yhdysvallat määräsi uusia pakotteita Venäjälle ex-kaksoisagentti Skripalin murhayrityksen takia
https://yle.fi/uutiset/3-10906775 .
Donald ei vaan sano tuolla YLEn muka lähteessä tavuakaan Skripaleista.
YLE:n juttu vuoden takaa Julija ja Sergei Skripalin myrkyttämisestä vuoden takaa, joka "perustelee" asiasta annettuja pakotteita Venäjää kohtaan, JOHON YLE EDELLEEN JATKUVASTI VIITTAA "LÄHTEENÄ", on myöhemmän tiedon valossa TÄYSIN PÄIN PERSETTÄ sitä, koskien, mitä paikalla TODELLA TAPAHTUI.
Juttu perustuu BBC:n toimittaja Mark Urbanin raporttiin, MITÄ KAIKKEA SALISBU-RYN PAIKALLISAIRAALASSA TAPAHTUI tapauksen tiimoilta. Jutussa annetaan myös vääriä tietoja, ilmeisesti rikostutkinnallisista syistä,ja salataan tapauksien varsi- nainen kulku,mihin rikospoliisilla on oikeus.Ne on myuöhemmin paljastettu, ja toimit- taja Urbankin on kirjoittanut asiasta uutta, jopa kirjan mm. haastatellut Sergei Skripalia, aivan muuta kuin tuo.
The Guardian ei edes väittänyt,että MITÄÄN MUUA ei ollut tapahtunutkaan - että hoi- to olisi alkanut Salisburyn paikallissairaalasta - MUTTA SUOMEN EDUSKUNNAN YLE KYLLÄ VÄITTÄÄ NIIN, JA YHÄ EDELLEEN!
Skripaleita ei ylipäätään pelastanut Salisburyn paikallissairaala, vaan OHIKULKIJAT JA KAUPPAKESKUKSEN LÄÄKINTÄPÄIVYSTYS, jotka olivat mm. saaneet sydä-met ja hengitykset pelaamaan ja antaneet OPIAATIN VASTAMYRKKYÄ (summamu- tikassa, koska henki lähtee muuten kumminkin), joka sitten tehosikin, MITÄ SE NOVICHOKkiin ei olisi tehnyt, niillä ei ole muuta yhteistä kuin hermomyrkyllisyys.
Ensiavun antajat eivät olleet saaneet mainitsemisen arvoisia oireita itse.
jussipussi kirjoitti:
"Nerosta" en tiedä, mutta asia on totta.
Tuo Brexit-porukka on muuten sörssinyt sellaisen, mitävarten se varsinaisesti sitä Brexitiä ajoi, erityisesti Syyrian sodan ja Lähi-Idän "jakamisen" ILMAN EU:TA USA:n ja ehkä (Gülemin...) Turkin kanssa. Valkoisessa talossakin on heidän kannaltaan "väärä" isäntä...
Minä en viitsi noita mukamas "loputtomia" tyhjänpäiväsiä "Trumpin valheita" lukea.
Trumpin "14 suurvaleesta", joilla hänen väitettiin jopa vaittaneen vaalit, tarkemmassa analyysissä vain yksi (1), nimitääin "Trumpin huippuyliopisto" osittautui pesunkestä-väksi sellaiseksi. Muut olivat jotakin muuta: esimerkiksi harhaanjohtavia mutta kirjai-mellisesti ottaen totta (11/9 juhlivat muslimit, Hillaryn tappava seura, Obaman fyysi-nen syntymäpaikka. Jotkin olivat päin vastoin kirjaimellisesti ehkä perättömiä mutta asiallisesti täysin merkityksettömä, määrittelykysymyksiä tai mahdottomia tarkastaa: suku Ruotsista, suurin viinintuottaja,suurlahjoitus veteraaneille, vastusti aina periaat- tellisesti Irakin sotaa, tavannut (naamakkain?) Putinin,siirtolaiset elävät sosiaalituilla, riippumaton rahoittajista, muuri maksuun. Pari oli sellaista, joiden olisi ehdottomasti pitänytolla totta: "Obama ottaa 200000 Syyriasta", "valtionvelka hallintaan"...
"Huippuyliopistoa" lukuun ottamatta nämä olivat minusta ainakin sellaisia, jossa juri-dinen ja poliittinenkin, journalistisesta puhumattakaan, vastuu kuuluu kuulijalle - ja pysyy siellä.
Näinon0070 kirjoitti:
Tokkura, jos Putinin halaaja Donalt ei sano sanaakaan, niin pakotteet kuitenkin perustuvat Skripalien myrkyttämiseen.
Mitä widdua sinä muuten säädät täysin selvistä asioista, ja viellä omilla täysin naurettavilla väitteillä.
Ei Putin heitä ole myrkyttänyt, eikä myrkkykään ole ollut Novichokia, vaan ilmeisesti fentanyyliä. Theresa ja ilmeisesti myös Boris vaativat kuitenkin Venäjän selvittävän nimenomaan, miten muka "venäläistä Novichokia on joutunut Britanniaan"!
" May gave Russia a May 13 deadline to explain how a Soviet-era nerve agent ended up in Salisbury, southern England. "
May on pidetty pihalla tutkimuksista, kuten oikein onkin... Hänhän kuuluu epäiltyihinkin!
Mikä on motiivisi tuon sontaläjä Putinin puolustamisessa, hänhän on vai este Venäjän kehittymisessä?
Ei mulla ole mitään erityistä intressiä häntä puolustaa kuten ei Trumpiakaan.
Sen sijaan minä haluan näyttää kaikille sokeille, mikä maailman ehkä pahin sonta-tuutti ja pirunsilmä meidän kammareidemme nurkassa suoltaa fasismia ja väären-nystä. Sille eivät edes juuri koskaan muitten valeet sellaisinaan kelpaa, vaan sen pi-tää aina vääntää "paremmksi" vaikkapa esmerkiksi sanotaan nyt, vahän vanhentu-neesti: ISISinkin "uutisista"! Kunnes touhhussa ei olemitäänjärkeä eikä protia jäljellä.
Mutta tietenkin tuollaiseen sontaläjään ovat niin monet ryssän kourat tahriintuneet ettei vaihdos ole kivuton. Kuten ei ole ollut muissakaan diktatuureissa, Putinin huolenpidon vuoksi.
Venäjä on porvarillinen muodollinen monipuoluedemokratia valtiomuodoltaan. Esi-merkiksi Moskopvan nykyisiin mellakoihin kaksi suurinta oppositiopuoluetta Kommu-nistit ja Leberaalidemkraatit (zhirinovskilaiset) suhtaustuvat vielä selvästi kielteisem-min kuin Putinin puolue. Nuo on myös ainoat oppositioppuolueet, jotka ovat (ainakin olleet) vallassa joissa taavalloissa tai kuvernementeissä.
Diktatuurit on Putinin opein tehty maailmalle kalliiksi purkaa, joten maailman ei pitäisi koskea niihin.
Sehän ei ole maailman asia miten noiden diktaatoreiden kansa kärsii, vain sopivien sylikoirien rikastumisesta 👎
En ymmärrä.
elmis kirjoitti:
Erikoista. Miksiköhän he sitten väittivät olleensa turisteina liikkeellä eivätkä paljastaneet, että heidät oli sinne kutsuttu?
Ei heitä maahanpääsyn takia ole tarvinnut kutsua: heillä oli molemmilla Englannin myöntämä "ikuinen" bisnesviisumi koko EU:n alueelle.
ekavekara kirjoitti:
Hal9000 kirjoitti:
ekavekara kirjoitti:
Hal9000 kirjoitti:
ekavekara kirjoitti:
Ei ole olennaista ristiriitaa. Jutussa ei erityisesti painoteta kuka sanoi mitä
Hei c'mon. Juttu sanottiin täysin selkeästi "Putin is assessed by UK intelligence agencies as having been “likely” to have approved..."
mutta kaikki on otsakoitu "Met(ropolitan) police examine Vladimir Put-in's role in Salisbury attack" -otsakkeen alle. Voi toki olla, että tieto Pu-tinin epäilystä on tullut suoraan tiedustelupalvelulta (ei mainita jutussa) eikä poliisin kautta, mutta se ei ole itse asian suhteen lainkaan olennaista.
Mutta YLE esitti, että väitteen takana olisi poliisi. Luojan kiitos olemme edes siitä samaa mieltä, että näin ei ole.
Eihän poliisi keksi tietojaan, vaan saa ne jostain. Tällaisessa keississä se saa niitä tiedustelupalveluilta. Ihan normaalia tiedonvaihtoa. Joka tapauksessa poliisi tutkii Putinin osuutta Skripalien murhayritykseen.
Ja joka tapauksessa suorista lainauksista selviää, ettei poliisi ollut esittänyt todennäköisintä syyllistä, toisin kuin YLE väittää Guardianin esittäneen.
Nyt sä itse tulkitset väärin. Ei YLE ole puhunut mitään Putinin syyllisyydestä, vaan että hyväksyi/antoi luvan Skripalin murhayritykselle. Hieman tarkkaavaisuutta, kun haukut YLEä sanamuodoista. ;)
YLE, eli SUOMEN EDUSKUNTA tuuttinsa välityksellä syyttää, että Putin muka olisi TILANNUT MURHAN, joka on lähes yhtävä vakavarikos kuin murhan suorittaminen-kin. Tällaisen kuvion henkirikos on myös aina murha eikä esimerkiksi tappo (joka mm. venheneekin toisin kuin murha).
Halonen myös presidenttinä syytti Putinia ainakin Litvinenkon murhan tilaamisesta. Minä taas epäilen,että halonen on itse tilannut suorastaan JOUKKOMURHAN ja että sillä on myös ollut ratkaiseva vaikutus hänen uransa muotoutumiseen. SITÄHÄN MUISTAKIN AINA EPÄILEE ITSE KUKIN, MITÄ ITSE ON!
Hal9000 kirjoitti:
YLEllä omituinen otsikointi;
"The Guardian: Britannian poliisin mukaan Putin antoi todennäköisesti luvan Skripalien salamurhayritykselle"
Miksi ihmeessä poliisi lähtisi keskeneräisessä tutkimuksessa julistamaan "todennäköistä syyllistä"?
Guardianin jutussa kerrotaankin, että se on tiedustelupalvelujen arvio, ei poliisin. Poliisin edustaja kertoo:
" Basu said the issues involved in bringing charges over the attack were complex. “You’d have to prove he [Putin] was directly involved,” he said.
“In order to get an EAW, you have to have a case capable of being charged in this country. We haven’t got a case capable of being charged.
“We’re police officers, so we have to go for evidence. There has been a huge amount of speculation about who is responsible, who gave the orders, all based on people’s expert knowledge of Russia. I have to go with evidence.”"
Huomionarvoista tuossa jutussa kuitenkin on, että venäläisparivaljakkoa ilmeises-ti syytetään edelleen nimillä Petrov ja Boshirov, ei Bellingcatin paljastimalla todellisilla(?) identiteeteillä. Miksiköhän.
Ainoa varsinainen syy olettaa vaihdettua tai peitehenkilöllisyyttä onsellainen tieto, kuinkahan varma sekään, että he olisivat noilla nimillä ilmaantuneet Venäjän väestö-kirjanpitoon vuonna 2009 ja vielä lähellä toisiaan olevilla passinnumeroilla. Passit ovat kaikin puolin laillisia.
Ensimmäinen selitys ei kuitenkaan ole henkilöllisyydenvaihto, vaan että he ovat muuttaneet venäjälle muista IVY-maista, joissa heillä olisi varmaan ollut Venäjäkin passi, mutta eimerkintää väestöluettelossa. Bashirov on tietääkseni syntynyt Tazhikistanissa ja kansallisuudestaan ukrainalainen, nimi viittaisi tataarisuuntaiseen syntyperään. Petrov on syntynyt 1959 mainitsemattomassa paikassa.
" Verkkojulkaisut: Salisburyn myrkyttäjiksi syytetyt miehet ilmestyivät tyhjästä Venäjän väestörekisteriin vuonna 2009 – tukee epäilyä peitenimistä
Toisen epäillyn henkilötietolomakkeeseen on merkitty puhelinnumero, joka kuuluu ilmeisesti Venäjän puolustusministeriölle.
Sergei Skripal
15.9.2018 klo 21.11
Parfyymipullolla ei ole ollut tekemistä tämän kanssa: se on eri aineita. Miten wirussa tommonen muusa kaupungissakin tapahtunut sotku alueen työnantajan tuotteidn kanssa on sekin tähän sotkettu...
Впервые после Солсбери: откровения отравленного Скрипаля
Газета.Ru 23 мая 2019 Об этом сообщает Рамблер. Далее:
Бывший полковник ГРУ Сергей Скрипаль, отравленный в Солсбери, жив и звонит родственникам в Россию. СМИ опубликовали аудиозапись сообщения, которое Скрипаль оставил на автоответчике своей племяннице Виктории. Мужчина поздравил семью с Днем Победы и сказал, что у него и его дочери Юлии «все нормально».
Экс-полковник ГРУ Сергей Скрипаль, осужденный в России за шпионаж, впервые после отравления в Солсбери вышел на связь с родственниками — он позвонил в Ярославль своей племяннице Виктории. Она была вне доступа, и Скрипаль оставил сообщение на автоответчике.
Газета «МК» опубликовала аудиозапись этого звонка, уточнив, что Скрипаль пытался связаться с семьей 9 мая. Бывший полковник спросил у Виктории, как ее дела, а также поинтересовался здоровьем мужа Арсения — в апреле тот вместе с супругой подрался с бывшим председателем ТСЖ.
Скрипаль поздравил родных с Днем Победы, пожелал им «всего самого доброго» и передал поздравления своей матери.
В конце он сказал, что у него и дочери Юлии «все нормально». Виктория Скри-паль не сомневается, что звонил именно ее дядя. «МК» также сообщает, что это был не первый звонок Скрипаля в Россию.Ранее он поговорил с Викторией по поводу избиения и посоветовал ей привлекать к себе меньше внимания.
В мае Виктория Скрипаль сообщила журналистам, что ее двоюродная сестра Юлия пытается продать квартиру в России — для этого она якобы сделала доверенность на одну из своих подруг. Племянница экс-полковнику ГРУ была убеждена, что девушка не намерена возвращаться обратно, так как квартира — «это последнее, что связывает Юлию с родиной».
Виктория Скрипаль также добавила, что ее сестра, возможно, в ближайшее время выступит с заявлением, в котором расскажет о своих планах остаться жить в Великобритании. При этом она допустила, что Лондон «способен прос-то заставить Юлию» остаться в Великобритании. Как утверждает Виктория, ей удалось выяснить, что Скрипали на данный момент находятся на территории Соединенного королевства.
«С ними общались другие люди. По их словам, их перемещают с одного места на другое и всячески заметают следы, чтобы никто не узнал, где они содержатся в конкретный момент», — пояснила она.
В феврале нынешнего года Виктория Скрипаль сообщила «Газете.Ru» о том, что 91-летняя мать экс-полковника ГРУ написала заявление в полицию с просьбой признать ее сына пропавшим без вести. Тогда Виктория поясняла, что если власти признают Сергея и Юлию пропавшими без вести, в наследство матери перейдут московская квартира, машина и собака.
В своем заявлении мать Скрипаля также попросила правоохранителей проверить столичную недвижимость Юлии Скрипаль на предмет незаконных жильцов.
«Есть информация, что там кто-то проживает. Однако кто — мне неизвест-но. Ключей от дома у меня нет, проверить не могу», — пояснила собеседница «Газеты.Ru».
Тогда Виктория отмечала, что не может связаться с Юлией Скрипаль по ста-рым контактам — в последний раз на связь с родственниками девушка выходи-ла 24 июля 2018 года. В тот день она сказала, что занимается здоровьем отца.
«А когда она звонила мне в первый раз, сказала, что серьезного ущерба ее здоровью и здоровью отца не нанесено, примерно так. Но если ущерба не на-несено, то почему папа не может взять трубку и сказать пару слов? Я не знаю, что думать», — заявляла Виктория, добавив, что всю информацию ее семье приходится получать из СМИ.
18 февраля 2019 года в посольстве России в Великобритании также сообщи-ли, что не имеют «ни малейшего представления» о том, что происходит со Скрипалями.
Инцидент в британском Солсбери произошел 4 марта прошлого года. Тогда экс-полковника ГРУ Сергея Скрипаля и его дочь Юлию обнаружили без созна-ния на лавочке рядом с торговым центром. По сообщению СМИ, их госпитали-зировали в местную больницу. Как выяснилось впоследствии, на Скрипалей было совершено покушение с использованием нервно-паралитического вещества класса «Новичок».
23 мая 2018 года Юлия Скрипаль выпустила единственное видеообращение, в котором рассказала о процессе своего лечения. Она отметила, что рассматри-вает вариант возвращения на родину, но пока хочет сконцентрироваться на восстановлении своего здоровья и помощи отцу. Сам Сергей Скрипаль ни разу не делал публичных заявлений после отравления. По данным британских влас-тей, спустя продолжительный период времени оба Скрипаля были выписаны из больницы и сейчас находятся в убежище. Об этом сообщает Рамблер.
Forensic investigators in protective suits examine evidence near the scene of the Amesbury poisoning © Henry Nicholls © Reuters
Kuvassa on kuuluisa hajuvesipullo Salisburyn naapurikaupungista Amesburysta... Sillä ei ole suoraa tekemistä Skrpalien kanssa, sillä Skripaleja ei myrkytetty Novichokilla. Tuossa sitä kyllä saattoi olla.
Tokkura kirjoitti:
Abigail McCourt, 16, thought Sergei Skripal was having a heart attack, but also noticed that his daughter wasn’t breathing
Oletteko muuten huomannut, että Suomen meedia ei ole käytännössä hiiskahta-nutkaan tapaus Skripalista - ei vanhaa eikä uutta "tietoa", siis myöskään propa-gandaa.Hiljaisuus alkoi suurin piirtein kuin Skrpialit itse katosivat lagoilta - oikeina tai "tekoälyversioina".
Britit ovat silti pitäneet yllä showta: tammikuussa he toivat esiin 16-vuotiaan armei-jan sairaanhoitajaopiskelijan, joka olisi antanut ensiapua Sergei Skripalille, jonka oletti saaneen sydänkohtauksen.
" Teenager honoured for being first to help Skripals after Salisbury poisoning
Lucy Fisher, Defence Correspondent
January 21 2019, 12:01am, The Times
A 16-year-old girl has been honoured for her efforts to save Sergei Skripal, the former Russian spy who was poisoned in Salisbury in March. Abigail McCourt was named as a “lifesaver” at a ceremony yesterday.
She was the first to treat Mr Skripal and his daughter, Yulia, who had collapsed on a bench in the city centre.
Ms McCourt, who is a qualified first aider, had thought that Mr Skripal was having a heart attack and noticed that his daughter was not breathing. “We were coming home and I saw them on the bench and at this point people were still walking past and I don’t think anyone had really noticed them,” she told Spire FM. She pointed the pair out to her mother, Alison,…
Se ei siis voinut olla Novichokia, vaan aivan ilmeisesti fentanyyliä, jonka (opiaattien) vasta-ainetta Skripaleille antoi kauppakeskuksen ensiapupäivystys.
Tämä tieto muka "sama(nlaise)sta aineesta" EI SITTEN OLLUT TOTTA, vaikka meni RT:lle saakka... hetkeksi.
OPWC:llakaan ei ollut oikeata tietoa Skripalien pelastushistoriasta rikostutkinnallisista syistä.
The Organisation for the prevention of chemical weapons has concluded that the chemical agent that poisoned a couple in Amesbury in June was the same one used to poison Sergei and Yulia Skripal in March.
The OPCW’s findings, released in a report on Tuesday, confirm British authorities’ suspicions that Charlie Rowley and Dawn Sturgess were exposed to ‘Novichok,’ a nerve agent supposedly manufactured in the former Soviet Union.
The same kind of agent was used to poison former Russian double agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia in Salisbury in March. The poisoning ignited a diplo-matic spat between the UK and Russia,with the British government blaming Moscow. No concrete, publicly-available evidence has been produced to link the case to Russia.
British authorities have attempted to tie the incidents together, with the premise that the perpetrators left behind some of the “military-grade nerve agent” when they targeted the Skripals.
Rowley, 45, and Sturgess, 44, allegedly came in contact with the chemical while they were out drinking in a park in Amesbury, a short drive away from where the Skripals were poisoned. Sturgess is said to have sprayed herself with the chemical from a perfume bottle the pair picked up in the park. She would later die in hospital, while Rowley survived.
Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt welcomed the OPCW’s findings, and pointed the finger at Russia again on Tuesday.
“The recklessness of the Russian state in bringing a nerve agent in to the UK, and total disregard for the safety of the public, is appalling and irresponsible,” he said. “Our thoughts are with the family of Dawn Sturgess, and with Charlie Rowley.”
Moscow has repeatedly and pointedly denied any involvement in either case. Russian authorities have offered to assist in the investigation, but have so far been denied a say in the matter.
Alexander Shulgin, the Russian envoy to the organization, told RT: “Even though the OPCW report doesn’t pinpoint Russia as the source of the chemical agent, the UK continues to blame Russia.” In his view, London “wants to somehow use the authority of the OPCW and its findings to back up the domestic investigation.”
Tokkura kirjoitti:
Saattaisi kuvitella sellaistakin, että Borin Johnson olisi lörpsäyttänyt "Novichokin" hämäysmielessä saadakseen venäläiset kiinni fentanyylimyrkytyksestä, jos he olisivat ruvenneet jotakin selittämään, mitä heidän ei olisi pitänyt tietää. Vaikka silloin oletettiinkin, että Skripalit kuolevat, myös se tiedettiin, että vasta-aine oli kuitenkin lähtenyt tehoamaan. Ja oletetaan, että Boris ei todellakaan olisi tiennyt kuka myrkyttäjä oli....
Scotland Yard vahvisti, että tapaus Skripalin tiimoilta ilmenneiden myrkytysuhrien verestä ei ole löydetty Novichokia. "Novichok" oli Boris Johnsonin aivopieru, joka lipsahti vanhingossa "hyvinvalmisteltuun" infosotafloodaukseen.
Скотленд-Ярд не нашел следов «Новичка» в крови «пострадавших»
Британские специалисты завершили проведение экспертизы проб крови, взя-тых у людей, которые по версии следствия, могли быть подвержены действию нервно-паралитического вещества «Новичок» в марте 2018 года. Проведенное исследование не выявило новых пострадавших, сообщила пресс-служба Скотленд-Ярда.
В заявлении говорится, что сотрудники контртеррористического подразделе-ния не выявили следов «Новичка» в образцах крови, взятых в марте 2018 года. Для проведения экспертизы следователи месяц назад связались с лицами, чью кровь проверяли на наличие яда и попросили разрешение на проведение данной экспертизы.
Ситуация с ложными обвинениями в сторону России по «делу Скрипалей» уже слишком затянулась. Член Совфеда РФ Франц Клинцевич считает, что британцы будут вынуждены принести извинения Москве.
Автор: Артем Шишков
Andrej Kokov
Mediakanava REN TV kertoo Navalnyin Siperian reissusta. Navalnyi on FBK -nimisen korruptiovastaisen säätiön johtaja.
14.8 Navalnyi ja FBK:n tiimi saapuneet Novosibirskiin. Työmatkaan mahtui illanviet-toja, jolloin työtoverit maistoivat väkeviä hotelli Park Inn by Radisson Novosibirsk -ravintolassa.
15.8 Matkalla olleella säätiön naispuolisella työntekijällä oli synttärit, joita juhlittiin DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Novisibirsk hotellin Beerman -baarissa.
16.8. Vasta seuraavana päivänä juhlaseurue palasi Radisson -hotelliin, ja tähän Novosibirskin ”työmatka” päättyi.
17.8. Navalnyi ja työryhmä siirtyivät autolla Tomskiin ja majoittuneet Xander hotelliin.
18.8. Navalnyi ja FBK:n tiimi viettivät iltaa Xander Hotel hotellin ravintolassa ja olivat aiheuttaneet sen verran melua, että henkilökunta joutui huomauttamaan häiriöstä. Sen jälkeen juhlinta siirtyi hotellihuoneisiin.
19.8. Tämä oli viimeinen päivä Tomskissa. Navalnyi ja hänen tiimin jäsenet sekä FBK:n Tomskin toimiston työntekijät ja pari paikallista aktivistia lähtivät vuokraasun-nolle, jossa viettäneet noin 5 tuntia. Valvontakamera tallensi, kuinka yksi tiimin jäse-nistä puoli kuuden aikaan illalla kävi alkoholimarketissa hakemassa muutama pullo. Noin samoihin aikoihin seurue tilasi asuntoon sushitoimituksen Tomskin tunnetusta japanilaisravintolasta.
Juotuaan ja syötyään porukka lähti kaupungista Kaftanchikovon kylään saunaan. Erään version mukaan siellä maistettiin myös paikallista pontikkaa, toiset väittävät että kaikki viina oli ainoastaan kaupasta ostettu. Hotellin päästiin vasta myöhään, ja lehdistösihteerin mukaan hotellissa Navalnyi ei syönyt enää mitään. Aamulla hän joi teetä lentokentän rakennuksessa ja tunsi olonsa heikoksi. Navalnyi viime aikoina kärsinyt ruuansulatusongelmista, mutta ei hakenut lääkärin apua.
Untamo kirjoitti:
On sille, sama atropiini. Myrkyn nimeä ei toki Omskissa vielä tiedetty, mutta lääkityksestä päätellen jotain hermomyrkkyä epäiltiin.
Ei se ainakan niihin hermomuutoksiin vaikuta.
Venäläiset etsivät nyt Navanlnyin seurassa ollutta Marija Pevtsyk -nimistä henkilöä, joka on asunut Lontoossa. Hänen epäillään nyt siirtyneen Saksaan (ehkä jossain diplomaattitakakontissa?).
МВД ищет спутницу Навального, уклонившуюся от дачи показаний
МОСКВА, 11 сен — РИА Новости. Одна из сопровождающих Алексея Наваль-ного в поездке по регионам от дачи показаний уклонилась. Об этом сообщает управление на транспорте МВД России по Сибирскому федеральному округу.
Всего вместе с Навальным было шесть человек. Кира Ярмыш, Илья Пахомов, Владлен Лось, Георгий Албуров и Павел Зеленский на вопросы ответили, тогда как постоянно проживающая в Великобритании Марина Певчих 20 августа уклонилась от дачи объяснений.
По данным следствия, 22 августа Певчих вылетела в Германию, и получить от нее объяснение невозможно. Ее местонахождение устанавливается.
Navalnyin outo reuralainen on lontoolisen biolsboratorion johtajan tytär.
Armas Mashin
53 min ·
Versio: Navalnyin velkaantumisen aiheuttama riita on hänen myrkytyksensä taustana, hän on velkaa Lontooseen muiden velkojensa ohella, ja mahdollinen myrkyttäjä oli tullut Lontoosta hänen seuralaisekseen. Eli omat koirat purivat kun raha muuttui veloiksi.'
11 Сентября 2020 18:18
Политика / Происшествия
Круг сужается: Загадочная спутница Навального оказалась дочкой главы биолаборатории
Отец спутницы Навального Марии Певчих возглавляет биолабораторию, а сама девушка имеет отношение к стартапу Skinport, который разработал микроиглы для безболезненных инъекций.
Загадочная спутница Алексея Навального Мария Певчих, сопровождавшая его во время роковой поездки в Томск, оказалась дочерью главы биолаборатории. Более того, девушка имеет отношение к стартапу Skinport, который разработал микроиглы для безболезненных инъекций.
Мария Певчих прибыла в Россию из Лондона, чтобы сопровождать Алексея Навального в его поездке в Томск. Однако женщина почему-то не стала лететь в Москву тем же самолётом, что и оппозиционер. Зато она не отходила от жены Навального в Омске, а потом вместе с оппозиционером улетела на немецком самолёте под видом переводчицы.
СМИ сообщают, что Мария Певчих связана с бизнесменом Владимиром Ашурковым, который также скрывается от России в Лондоне и у которого вышел конфликт с Алексеем Навальным из-за намерений последнего ликвидировать ФБК. Именно Ашурков давал деньги Навальному на раскрутку этого проекта. Также в Сети практически не нашлось фотографий Марии Певчих, что по нынешним временам крайне странно и наводит на определённые подозрения.
Теперь же выяснилось, что её отец Константин Певчих является руководителем и учредителем сразу двух действующих научных предприятий, а также занимается научной деятельностью в области биокибернетики, пишет Nation News.
Kannaattajalla oli pääsy kemiallisiin aineisiin, mm. myrkkyihin.
Отец подозреваемой в отравлении Навального Певчих имел доступ к химическим веществам
Mimmin ei ole tarvinnut perskohtaisesti olla myrkyttäjä, mutta hän on voinut toimittaa vaikka Novitshokkia.
‘No need to lie’: Zeman says Czech Republic tested nerve agent similar to Novichok used on Skripals
Czech President's 'Novichok bombshell' undermines London's credibility in Skripal case
4 May, 2018 03:02 / Updated 3 months ago
The UK's intelligence services seem to have lost all remaining credibility, after the Czech President's admission that his country had previously produced a nerve agent similar to the one Britain claims was used against Skripals.
"I think there are problems in and around the English spy agencies, who seem to be quite ready to manufacture evidence, in the case of the Steele dossier, maybe manufacture evidence in the case of the Skripal poisoning. And they are damaging their credibility. It takes a long time to regain credibility if you damage it this severely," political analyst Charles Ortel told RT.
On Thursday, the Czech Republic's president Milos Zeman revealed that his county had previously developed and tested an A-230 chemical agent of the Novichok group, similar to the one which, according to London, was Russia's exclusively and was "highly likely" used by Moscow to poison former double agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia in Salisbury on March 4.
... "
Команда Алексея Навального скрывает информацию о Марии Певчих, которую журналисты заподозрили в причастности к отравлению блогера. В пятницу стало известно, что девушкой всерьез заинтересовались в МВД.
ФАН поговорил с бывшим юристом ФБК Виталием Серукановым и главным редактором PolitRussia Русланом Осташко о новом повороте в деле Навального. Собеседники ФАН сошлись во мнении, что именно таинственная и неуловимая Мария Певчих, вероятнее всего, отравила Алексея Навального. Эта версия выглядит еще более правдоподобно, учитывая, что отец Певчих — глава биолаборатории, а значит, вполне мог обеспечить дочери доступ к ядам.
Таинственная компаньонка
Издание «Правда.ру» и ФАН ранее выяснили, что Мария Певчих сопровождала Навального в той самой поездке в Томск, которая обернулась для блогера реанимацией и аппаратом ИВЛ. Более того, она не стала садиться вместе с остальной командой в самолет Томск — Москва, где Навальному стало плохо. Позже (когда уже стало известно о том, что Навальному стало плохо) Певчих вылетела в Омск рейсом через Новосибирск, а затем сопроводила блогера в Германию. При этом никто из ФБК имени девушки не сообщал.
В полиции рассказали, что Певчих была в числе сопровождавших Навального в поездке по Сибири. От общения с правоохранительными органами она отказалась, хотя все остальные — Кира Ярмыш, Владлен Лось, Илья Пахомов, Георгий Албуров и Павел Зеленский — были опрошены.
«По данным следствия, 22 августа указанная гражданка вылетела в Германию, в связи с чем получить от нее объяснение не представилось возможным», — сообщили в управлении на транспорте МВД России по СФО.
Читайте также: Лукашенко впервые с начала протестов покинул Беларусь. ВИДЕО
Бывший юрист «Фонда борьбы с коррупцией» Виталий Серуканов указал на странное поведение сторонников Навального, которые всячески скрывают информацию о Певчих.
Я не был с ней (Марией Певчих. — Прим. ФАН) лично знаком, но знаю, что она существовала. Не знаю, травила оно кого-то или нет. Для меня является крайне странным тот факт, что команда Навального просто супер-усердно скрывает ее присутствие в той поездке или не хочет дать хотя бы комментарий на тему того, была она там или нет», — рассказал Серуканов корреспонденту ФАН.
Такая секретность в отношении сотрудников не свойственна ФБК, объяснил юрист. Это значит, что у команды Навального есть свои причины умалчивать о девушке.
«Люди изменили своей манере поведения просто кардинально и закрылись. Это крайне странно. Команда Навального в плане презентации своих сотрудников — даже каких-то своих нештатных сотрудников — и друзей всегда очень открыта. А тут просто режим суперсекретности. Ну откуда он взялся? Значит, есть какие-то детали, которые они просто боятся раскрыть. Почему?» — задался вопросом Виталий Серуканов.
По данным СМИ, Мария Певчих постоянно проживает в Великобритании. В Россию она прибыла по заданию Владимира Ашуркова — спонсора Алексея Навального и исполнительного директора ФБК.
Valeuutishuarra Marjo Reinille on varattu majovimmat valeuutiset kuten tässä, että muka "Navalnyi varmasti myrkytettiin Novichokilla" - mikä on yhtä paskainen vale kuin että Skripalit olisi myrkytetty sillä. Hänellä on erityinen pöllämystynyt huarra"uutis"ilme lähetyksen alusta alakoen, sellainen kuin esimerkiksi Koneen palstan Juhani Putkisella on aina, kun aivan erityinen huarra"uutinen"on tulossa...
Novichok, Navalny, Nordstream, Nonsense
Once Navalny was in Berlin it was only a matter of time before it was declared that he was poisoned with Novichok. The Russophobes are delighted. This of course eliminates all vestiges of doubt about what happened to the Skripals, and proves that Russia must be isolated and sanctioned to death and we must spend untold billions on weapons and security services. We must also increase domestic surveillance, crack down on dissenting online opinion. It also proves that Donald Trump is a Russian puppet and Brexit is a Russian plot.
I am going to prove beyond all doubt that I am a Russian troll by asking the question Cui Bono?, brilliantly identified by the Integrity Initiative’s Ben Nimmo as a sure sign of Russian influence.
I should state that I have no difficulty at all with the notion that a powerful oligarch or an organ of the Russian state may have tried to assassinate Navalny. He is a minor irritant, rather more famous here than in Russia, but not being a major threat does not protect you against political assassination in Russia.
What I do have difficulty with is the notion that if Putin, or other very powerful Russian actors, wanted Navalny dead, and had attacked him while he was in Siberia, he would not be alive in Germany today. If Putin wanted him dead, he would be dead.
Let us first take the weapon of attack. One thing we know about a “Novichok” for sure is that it appears not to be very good at assassination. Poor Dawn Sturgess is the only person ever to have allegedly died from “Novichok”, accidentally according to the official narrative. “Novichok” did not kill the Skripals, the actual target. If Putin wanted Navalny dead, he would try something that works. Like a bullet to the head, or an actually deadly poison.
“Novichok” is not a specific chemical. It is a class of chemical weapon designed to be improvised in the field from common domestic or industrial precursors. It makes some sense to use on foreign soil as you are not carrying around the actual nerve agent, and may be able to buy the ingredients locally. But it makes no sense at all in your own country, where the FSB or GRU can swan around with any deadly weapon they wish, to be making homemade nerve agents in the sink. Why would you do that?
Further we are expected to believe that, the Russian state having poisoned Navalny, the Russian state then allowed the airplane he was traveling in, on a domestic flight, to divert to another airport, and make an emergency landing, so he could be rushed to hospital. If the Russian secret services had poisoned Navalny at the airport before takeoff as alleged, why would they not insist the plane stick to its original flight plan and let him die on the plane? They would have foreseen what would happen to the plane he was on.
Next, we are supposed to believe that the Russian state, having poisoned Navalny, was not able to contrive his death in the intensive care unit of a Russian state hospital. We are supposed to believe that the evil Russian state was able to falsify all his toxicology tests and prevent doctors telling the truth about his poisoning, but the evil Russian state lacked the power to switch off the ventilator for a few minutes or slip something into his drip. In a Russian state hospital.
Next we are supposed to believe that Putin, having poisoned Navalny with novichok, allowed him to be flown to Germany to be saved, making it certain the novichok would be discovered. And that Putin did this because he was worried Merkel was angry, not realising she might be still more angry when she discovered Putin had poisoned him with novichok
There are a whole stream of utterly unbelievable points there, every single one of which you have to believe to go along with the western narrative. Personally I do not buy a single one of them, but then I am a notorious Russophile traitor.
The United States is very keen indeed to stop Germany completing the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, which will supply Russian gas to Germany on a massive scale, sufficient for about 40% of its electricity generation. Personally I am opposed to Nord Stream 2 myself, on both environmental and strategic grounds. I would much rather Germany put its formidable industrial might into renewables and self-sufficiency. But my reasons are very different from those of the USA, which is concerned about the market for liquefied gas to Europe for US produces and for the Gulf allies of the US. Key decisions on the completion of Nord Stream 2 are now in train in Germany.
The US and Saudi Arabia have every reason to instigate a split between Germany and Russia at this time. Navalny is certainly a victim of international politics. That he is a victim of Putin I tend to doubt.
The UK state is of course currently trying to silence one small bubble of dissent by imprisoning me, so you will not have access to another minor but informed view of world events for you to consider. Yesterday I launched a renewed appeal for funds for my legal defence in the Contempt of Court action against me for my reporting of the attempted fit-up of Alex Salmond. I should be extremely grateful if you can contribute to my defence fund, or subscribe to my blog.
Venäjä on hävittänyt kaikki hermomyrkky Novichokin varastot - ulkomaantiedustelu | TASS
MOSKOVA, 15. syyskuuta, (TASS) - Venäjä on eliminoinut kaikki kemialliset aseet, mukaan lukien Novichokin, joka on osa asetettuja sääntöjä, kertoi ulkaantiedustelun päällikkö SERGEI NARYSHKIN medialle tiistaina.
Myrkylliset ainekset eivät olleet venäläisen bloggaajan Alexei Navalnyn kehossa silloin kun hän poistui Venäjältä.
Venäjä on hävittänyt kaikki hermomyrkky Novichokin varastot - ulkomaantiedustelu | TASS
- Myrkylliset ainekset eivät olleet venäläisen bloggaajan Alexei Navalnyn kehossa silloin kun hän poistui Venäjältä
Saksaan hoitoa varteen, asiasta kertoi ulkomaantiedustelun johtaja.
MOSKOVA, 15. syyskuuta, (TASS) - Venäjä on eliminoinut kaikki kemialliset aseet, mukaan lukien Novichokin, joka on osa asetettuja sääntöjä, kertoi ulkaantiedustelun päällikkö SERGEI NARYSHKIN medialle tiistaina.
"Kyseiset aseet olivat eliminoitu OPCW:n proseduurien ja sääntöjen mukaan, joka dokumentoitiin kunnollisesti. Mikään spekulaatio Venäjän vielä valmistavan tai pitääkseen varastoa vanhoista kemiallisista aseista ovat, tietysti, valetta," tiedustelujohtaja kertoi.
Myrkylliset aineet eivät olleet läsnä venäläisen bloggaajan Alexei Navalnyn kehossa kun hän lähti pois Venäjältä Saksaan hoitoa varten, Sergei Naryshkin kertoi.
"Ei ollut olemassa merkkejä myrkyllisistä aineista Navalnyn kehossa, niitä ei ollut yhtään. ... Kun Alexei Navalny lähti Venäjältä, hänen kehossaan ei ollut myrkkyä tai myrkyllistä ainesosaa," johtaja vakuutti.
Naryshkinin lausunto on seurausta tapahtumasta venäläisen bloggaajan Aleksei Navalnyn kanssa, joka vietiin Omskin sairaalaan 20. elokuuta sen jälkeen, kun hän tunsi huonovointisuutta Tomskista Moskovaan matkalla olevalla koneella. Hän upposi koomaan ja hänet laitettiin keuhkotuulettimeen. Myöhemmin hänet tuotiin Berliinin Charite-sairaalaan.
2. syyskuuta Saksan hallitus väitti, että Bundeswehrin toksikologit olivat tutkineet Navalnyn testinäytteitä saadakseen päätelmän, että Novichok-luokan agentti oli vaikuttanut häneen.
Maanantaina Berliini ilmoitti, että EU: n laboratoriot, myös Ranskassa ja Ruotsissa, vahvistivat Saksan johtopäätökset. Saksan ulkoministeriön mukaan Navalnyn testinäytteet otettiin kemiallisten aseiden kieltojärjestön asiantuntijoiden toimesta ja lähetettiin järjestön vertailulaboratorioihin.
Venäjän presidentin edustaja Dmitri Peskov sanoi, että Moskova oli valmistautunut kaikenlaiseen yhteistyöhön Berliinin kanssa. Hän korosti, ettei Navalnyn ruumiista ollut löydetty myrkyllisiä aineita ennen hänen kuljetustaan Saksaan. Venäjän ulkoministeriön tiedottaja Maria Zakharova sanoi, että Saksan ulkoministeriö ei ollut esittänyt mitään todisteita Venäjän suurlähettiläälle.
Sergey Lavrov SLAMS new US sanctions over Skripal case
by Seraphim Hanisch August 13, 2018 3k Views
The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of this site. This site does not give financial, investment or medical advice.
TASS News Agency reported on Sunday, 12 August that Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov slammed the US Department of State’s accusation against Russia regarding the attack on Sergey and Yuliya Skripal in Salisbury, England earlier this year.
The State Department made the decision to impose new and very painful sanctions against Russia based on this premise.
This new round of sanctions is hitting the Russian economy very hard. The Ruble slid against the dollar from about 63 rubles on Thursday to more than 67.6 rubles as of 1:30pm UTC (Greenwich Summer Time) on Sunday.
Foreign Minister Lavrov had this to say:
“I think that all who know even a little bit about the so-called Skripal case, understand the absurdity of the statement in the official document of the US. Department of State that the US has established it was Russia behind the Salisbury incident.”
TASS went on to outline the circumstances:
On Wednesday, the US Department of State said in a statement that Washington was imposing new sanctions on Moscow over its alleged involvement in the poisoning of Sergei and Yulia Skripal in the British city of Salisbury. The first round of sanctions will take effect on August 22, while a second round may be introduced in 90 days in case Russia fails to meet certain conditions, the State Department said. Moscow has on numerous occasions rejected all the allegations about its involvement in the Salisbury incident.
The current round of sanctions goes into effect on 22 August, and is directed as follows, according to Bloomberg.com:
The initial round of these sanctions will limit exports to Russia of U.S. goods and technology considered sensitive on national security grounds, including electronics, lasers and some specialized oil and gas production technologies, according to a State Department official who briefed reporters on condition of anonymity Thursday. The official said the action could block hundreds of millions of dollars in exports. Waivers will be allowed for space-flight activities and U.S. foreign assistance.
Under the 1991 law — invoked previously only against North Korea and Syria — a second, far more extensive round of sanctions would follow later unless Russia meets conditions including providing assurances it will no longer use chemical or biological weapons and will allow on-site inspections to verify it has stopped doing so, the official said.
Russia Thursday repeated its denials that it has the weapons or used them and held out little hope for compromise.
The added sanctions could include a downgrading in diplomatic relations, blanket bans on the import of Russian oil and exports of “all other goods and technology” aside from agricultural products, as well as limits on loans from U.S. banks. The U.S. also would have to suspend aviation agreements and oppose any multilateral development bank assistance.
The additional sanctions also could be averted if Trump declared that waiving them would be in the U.S. national interest, a politically risky move in light of criticism that he’s been too soft on Russia on issues including interference in the 2016 presidential campaign.
The action by the US State Department is being viewed as an internal political counterattack against US President Donald Trump in response to his overtures to President Vladimir Putin at the Helsinki Summit in July of this year. In that summit, the two leaders had very frank discussions that looked incredibly positive for the prospect of a true thawing out of the troubled relations between the two great world powers.
However, the event appears to have drawn out the elements within the American power establishment which presently comprises most of Congress and almost all of the news media. Even some conservative media outlets joined briefly in condemning Mr. Trump for “selling out” to Vladimir Putin by saying he had no reason to believe Russia would interfere with the American elections.
While Mr. Trump tried to politically backpedal this remark, the die had been cast and now much of this establishment has invested their time and energy into branding Mr. Trump a traitor to the USA. In a similar vein, as reported by Jim Jatras in his piece here, US Senator Rand Paul also made overtures that were warmly received by Russian senators, and now he too, has been marked as a traitor.
In that light, plus even British media acknowledgement that there is no hard evidence whatsoever that ties the Russian Federation to the poisoning of the Skripals or the second couple in Amesbury more recently, it is clear that all deductions have been made on spurious reasoning and no hard facts.
LONDON, June 27. /TASS/. The Skripal poisoning narrative is not worth a dime, Russian President Vladimir Putin said in an interview with The Financial Times on Thursday.
"Listen, all this fuss about spies and counterspies, it is not worth serious interstate relations. This spy story, as we say, it is not worth five kopecks. Or even five pounds, for that matter," he said. "And the issues concerning interstate relations, they are measured in billions and the fate of millions of people. How can we compare one with the other?"
According to the Russian leader, Moscow and London can keep on accusing each other endlessly but any allegations about Russia’s involvement in the Skripal poisoning must be proved.
"The average person listens and says, "Who are these Skripals?" And it turns out that Skripal was engaged in espionage against us [Russia]. So this person asks the next question, "Why did you spy on us using Skripal? Maybe you should not have done that?" You know, these questions are infinite," he noted. "We need to just leave it alone and let security agencies deal with it."
According to Putin, treason is "the most despicable crime that one can imagine."
"As a matter of fact, treason is the gravest crime possible and traitors must be punished. I am not saying that the Salisbury incident is the way to do it. Not at all. But traitors must be punished," he went on.
"This gentleman, Skripal, had already been punished. He was arrested, sentenced and then served time in prison. He received his punishment. For that matter, he was off the radar. Why would anybody be interested in him? He got punished. He was detained, arrested, sentenced and then spent five years in prison. Then he was released and that was it.
Russia-UK ties
In Putin's words, outgoing UK Prime Minister Theresa May "could not help but be concerned" by the devastating effect those spy scandals produced on bilateral relations. Both Russia and the United Kingdom are interested in restoring full-format bilateral relations, he added.
"I think that both Russia and the United Kingdom are interested in fully restoring our relations," Putin said. "At least I hope that a few preliminary steps will be made. I think it would be easier for Mrs May, maybe, because she is leaving and is free to do what she thinks is right, important and necessary and not to bother about some domestic political consequences."
"I think that Mrs May, despite her resignation, could not help but be concerned that these spy scandals made our relations reach a deadlock so we could not develop our ties normally and support business people, who are doing what? They do not only earn money, this is what is on the outside. They create jobs and added value, plus they provide revenue at all levels of the tax system of their countries. This is a serious and multifaceted job, with the same risks you mentioned, including risks related to business operations. And if we add an unpredictable political situation, they will not be able to work at all," Putin added.
Russian presidential aide Yuri Ushakov told reporters that Putin would meet with May in Osaka late on June 28. According to him, the talks are scheduled for 17:00 local time (11:00 Moscow time). The talks will follow a meeting with US President Donald Trump, whom Putin is too meet three hours earlier.
The UK government confirmed that the Putin-May talks have indeed been scheduled.
Skripal poisoning incident
If the British version of the affair is to be believed former Russian military intelligence (GRU) Colonel Sergei Skripal, 66, who had been convicted in Russia of spying for Great Britain and later swapped for Russian intelligence officers, and his daughter Yulia, 33, suffered the effects of a nerve agent in the British city of Salisbury on March 4. Claiming that the substance used in the attack had been a Novichok-class nerve agent developed in the Soviet Union, London rushed to accuse Russia of being involved in the incident. Moscow rejected all of the United Kingdom’s accusations, saying that neither the Soviet Union nor Russia ever had any program aimed at developing such an agent. Notably, Britain’s military chemical laboratory at Porton Down near Salisbury it failed to trace the origin of the substance that poisoned Sergei and Yulia Skripals.
" Salisbury plot thickens, questions without answers multiply
Published On: September 6, 2018 11:00 AM NPT By: Agencies
Police officers search Queen Elizabeth Gardens in Salisbury, Britain, July 19, 2018. | Photo Courtesy: Hannah McKay / Reuters
WASHINGTON DC, Sept 6: Britain has shown images of the people allegedly responsible for the Skripals chemical weapons saga and claimed there were Russian military spies. As the case moves forward, questions remain unanswered about the British narrative.
Right from the start, the poisoning attack of Sergei Skripal, a retired double agent, in Salisbury was shaped by the British establishment as a barbaric and reckless attack by the Russian government on a perceived traitor under the protection of the British crown. The assertion was a political one, not based on actual evidence. Russia's request for access to the investigation – a reasonable request considering two of the victims hold Russian citizenship – was stonewalled and any doubts about the narrative dismissed as mere obfuscation.
The latest development on Wednesday went along the same lines. While the investigators themselves were careful to stress that there was no evidence linking the two alleged perpetrators with the Russian government. Prime Minister Theresa May didn't hesitate to bump up her cabinet's level of certainty in the Kremlin's guilt from 'highly likely' to 'certainly', based on classified intelligence.
The public, of course, is not allowed to test the validity of this intelligence and has to trust May that the two men were indeed officers of the Russian intelligence service GRU acting on an order from the highest echelons of the government, as she claims. After all, it's been over 15 years since the public was told to trust their government on Saddam’s WMDs, so who would doubt the intelligence?
Here are some of the lingering questions, which put the dent in the prevailing British narrative of the case.
The "weapons-grade nerve agent Novichok" used to poison Skripal and four other people in Britain seems to be a remarkably poor tool for the job. It claimed one life – not that of its presumed intended target – and was swiftly identified by the British authorities, who didn't wait long to cry "Russia did it" based on its nature.
The Soviet Union did develop various poisons, including those that could be used by assassins. Novichok is the nickname given to some, developed under a program called Foliant. There were numerous "Novichoks" developed. Other nations, including Britain, are in possession of samples of the same chemicals that once were researched in the USSR. But the link between Novichok and Russia in the public eye was long established before the poisoning in Salisbury – it even featured in thriller shows.
So the GRU sends agents armed with a faulty weapon that would inevitably be considered Russian after a Russian defector? Well, General Korobov does look somewhat like Mike Myers' Dr. Evil, so it seems plausible, right?
Fake perfume bottle
So the highly-trained Russian assassins planted their Novichok gel or whatever from the fake Nina Ricci bottle to the handle of the Skripal house door, confirmed that their mark contacted the poison and now need to quickly flee the country. What they do with the murder weapon? Do they throw it into the Avon River, which is right there in Salisbury, or uses some other crafty way to get rid of the incriminating evidence for good?
No, they throw it somewhere to be found two months later by a struggling couple living in Amesbury, one of whom, Dawn Sturgess, sadly did die from the poison. It seems the executors of the operation were as sloppy as its planners were thick.
It is interesting though that there is no way to tell whether the poison in the fake perfume bottle came from the same sample as the one that was used against the Skripals. It's the same chemical, for sure, as confirmed by the OPCW, but a number of factors “do not make it possible to draw conclusions as to whether the samples are from the same synthesis batch,” the chemical weapons watchdog reported. So are the investigators certain that the bottle is actually the weapon, as common sense suggests?
Russian nationals, false personas
The British police used CCTV footage to thoroughly track down the movements of the suspects in Britain. They arrived from Moscow by plane under what is presumed to be false identities, stayed in a hotel room (where they somehow left traces of Novichok) went twice to Salisbury, one for reconnaissance and one for the actual hit and then flew back to Moscow.
It doesn't seem like the Russian assassins bothered about covering their tracks, right? Why pose as a gay Finnish couple on a honeymoon during a clandestine mission that would land you in jail for life if caught, when you can simply be Boris and Natasha, sorry, Alexander Petrov and Ruslan Boshirov?
However, if the identities were fake, what makes them Russian nationals, yet alone GRU agents? Why not Ukrainians or some other ethnically close nationals or just some white guys who can deliver a good menacing Russian accent? And if the British intelligence did positively identify them, names and rank included, why this call on the public to tell the police who these guys are? Oh, sure, “to protect sources and methods” – the usual mantra of the intelligence community when asked to produce evidence in the latest assessment on Russia's bad deeds.
Motive, anyone?
Motive is often the weak part of a criminal investigation. People do strangest of things for all the wrong reasons. But the GRU is an organization, which is supposed to act rationally, especially under on order from the Russian government. So what was the goal of this bizarre operation?
May's explanation is that Russia wanted to send a signal to Russians living in the West not to mess with Moscow, or something. The message is presumably "we can take any amount of damage to our reputation to get a random double agent, who no longer poses any threat to our nation". It seems like a geopolitical equivalent of the Tide pod challenge.
The British prime minister would not be baited on Wednesday into naming President Vladimir Putin as personally responsible for ordering Skripal's death, but let's not be coy about it. Putin, who indeed has a lot of authority in Russia, is perceived by many in the West as a dictatorial all-controlling figure. So it's natural that the public is not offered any other explanation in the Skripal case.
Is organized crime getting their hands on a Novichok poison? No way, even if it happened in the past. Rogue agents? Certainly not. A false flag operation, which carefully aligned all the evidence to point at Russia? How preposterous!
There can be only one scenario. "
HM: It was british government...
" Russian company creates 'Our Guys in Salisbury' board game in 'humorous' response to novichok attack
The finish line in the 'Our Guys in Salisbury' game shows Salisbury cathedral and people in hazmat suits Credit: GalaMart.ru
A Russian company has produced a children's board game in which players retrace Russian assassins' route to the nerve agent attack Salisbury, prompting anger from residents...... "
" Russian Embassy Accuses CIA of Showing Fake Photos on Skripal Case to Trump
04.19.2019, 16:33
© Peter Nicholls © Reuters
The Russian Embassy in the UK has questioned the grounds on which the US government took action against Moscow in light of The New York Times report suggesting that the CIA had shown fake images of dead ducks and hospitalised children in wake of the Skripal poisoning in March 2018, Sputnik News reports.
"The CIA presented the president with fake photos – either made by themselves or received from [their] British colleagues. We urge the British authorities to urgently clarify this issue. In the meantime, astatement by Tracy Daszkiewicz, the director of public health at Wiltshire council, emerged in the media today, according to which neither children, nor animals suffered in the 4 March 2018 incident. Thus, the question of the grounds on which the US authorities (as well as the British) made decisions in wake of the Salisbury incident only acquires additional relevance", the embassy stated.
" London systematically destroying evidence in Skripal case – Russia’s UN envoy
The UK continues to conceal and destroy evidence relating to the Salisbury incident and have crossed all boundaries in their rhetoric by alleging President Putin’s personal involvement, Russia’s UN envoy Vassily Nebenzia has said.
April 2018
The UK continues to conceal and destroy evidence relating to the Salisbury incident and have crossed all boundaries in their rhetoric by alleging President Putin’s personal involvement, Russia’s UN envoy Vassily Nebenzia has said.
“The British authorities are engaged in the systematic destruction of evidence,” Nebenzia told the United Nations Security Council, which held a session, called by UK on Wednesday, to discuss the OPCW report and other developments in the Skripal case
Skripal’s pets were killed. No samples were obviously taken. The places attended by the Skripals – a bar, a restaurant, a bench, park ground, etc – are all being cleared,” the diplomat said, pointing out that, despite some loud statements about the alleged contamination of the area, “people continue to live in Salisbury as if nothing happened.”
In a summary of its report, the OPCW didn’t not independently identify the nerve agent used in the Salisbury case nor its origin, but instead only confirmed “the findings of the United Kingdom relating to the identity of the toxic chemical that was used in Salisbury.”
The conclusions made by OPCW were based on samples provided by the UK investigators and do not prove London’s claim of Russia’s involvement in the poisoning, Nebenzia noted. “The main thing that the report lacks, and what the British side was so eager to see, is the conclusion that the substance used in Salisbury was produced in Russia,” he said.
The UK Ambassador to the United Nations, Karen Pierce, however, downplayed the lack of technical evidence and urged the council members to look at “the wider picture which has led the United Kingdom to assess that there’s no plausible alternative explanation than Russian State responsibility for what happened in Salisbury.”
Extensively using the ‘highly likely’ argument, the UK envoy once again claimed in her address to the UNSC that only Russia had the “technical means, operational experience and the motive to target the Skripals.” At one point she even claimed that “President Putin himself was closely involved in the Russian chemical weapons programme.”
“London apparently thinks the Russian President has a hobby of running chemical weapons programs in his free time. I don’t know whether you appreciate that you’ve crossed all possible boundaries,” Nebenzia replied.
While the UK is yet to produce clear evidence of Russian involvement in the alleged poisoning of the former double agent and his daughter, US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley once again attacked Moscow during the council meeting, parroting its ally’s narrative.
“As we have stated previously, the United States agrees with the UK's assessment that Russia is responsible for the chemical weapons in Salisbury,” Haley said. “Whether that is in their direct act, or irresponsibly losing control of the agent, which could be worse, our support for our British friends and colleagues is unwavering "
Jos tiedustelupalvelun agentit rymyävät hotellissa tai julkisuudessa, heidän tarkoituksensa on nimenomaan tulla huomatuksi!
Donald Trump sanoi Theresa Mayta valehtelijaksi Skripal-kysymyksessä ja Britannian hallitusta "arvaamattomaksi".
Hän ei myöskään koskaan maininnut Putinin kanssa asiasta mitään julkisesti eikä yksityisesti, vaikka NATO vaati sellaista.
Все испортил: Трамп подставил лгунью Мэй со Скрипалями
Лондон взбесила выходка американского лидера
Британцам пришлось наспех придумывать откровенно дешевую постановку в деле Скрипалей из-за неожиданного поведения Дональда Трампа, вызвавше-го негодование британских властей во главе с премьером Терезой Мэй.
История с подлогом фотографий детей и уток,якобы отравленных "Новичком", была выдумана вскоре после телефонного разговора Трампа с президентом России Владимиром Путиным от 20 марта 2018 года. В тот день Трамп позво-нил Путину, чтобы поздравить его с победой на президентских выборах. При этом за неделю до звонка Путину он имел разговор с Мэй по поводу отравле-ния Сергея и Юлии Скрипаль и заверил ее,что США разделяют позицию Вели- кобритании о виновности Москвы и готовы поддержать любые предложенные меры. Лондон собирался выслать из страны российских дипломатов и, видимо, от Вашингтона ждал того же.
Однако семь дней спустя, беседуя с российским коллегой, Трамп "забыл" под-нять тему Скрипалей. Как пишет английский журналист Роб Слэйн, глубоко изучающий дело об отравлении в Солсбери, это вывело Лондон из себя.
"Неспособность Трампа поднять в разговоре вероятную причастность Москвы к отравлению в Британии бывшего шпиона чуть не разгневало чиновников в Лондоне, которые пытались сплотить ближайших союзников Великобритании с тем, чтобы осудить нападение",
– пишет он на странице издания The BlogMire.
... "
Abigail McCourt, 16, thought Sergei Skripal was having a heart attack, but also noticed that his daughter wasn’t breathing
Oletteko muuten huomannut, että Suomen meedia ei ole käytännössä hiiskahtanut-kaan tapaus Skripalista - ei vanhaa eikä uutta "tietoa", siis myöskään propagandaa. Hiljaisuus alkoi suurin piirtein kuin Skrpialit itse katosivat lagoilta - oikeina tai "tekoälyversioina".
Britit ovat silti pitäneet yllä showta: tammikuussa he toivat esiin 16-vuotiaan armeijan sairaanhoitajaopiskelijan, joka olisi antanut ensiapua Sergei Skripalille, jonka oletti saaneen sydänkohtauksen.
" Teenager honoured for being first to help Skripals after Salisbury poisoning
Lucy Fisher, Defence Correspondent
January 21 2019, 12:01am, The Times
A 16-year-old girl has been honoured for her efforts to save Sergei Skripal, the former Russian spy who was poisoned in Salisbury in March. Abigail McCourt was named as a “lifesaver” at a ceremony yesterday.
She was the first to treat Mr Skripal and his daughter, Yulia, who had collapsed on a bench in the city centre.
Ms McCourt, who is a qualified first aider, had thought that Mr Skripal was having a heart attack and noticed that his daughter was not breathing.“We were coming home and I saw them on the bench and at this point people were still walking past and I don’t think anyone had really noticed them,” she told Spire FM. She pointed the pair out to her mother, Alison,…
Tohtorit hoitivat aluksi Skripaleja "opiaatin yliannostuksena", kunnes armeijan myrk-kytutkimulaistos Porton Down, jossa tutkitaan ebola-virustakin, aivan naapurissa, veti hihastaan "Novichokin" (jonka kanssa aineella ei ole ollut tekemistä).
UK medics treated Skripals for opioid overdose until Porton Down claimed nerve agent poisoning
News compilation on A Socialist In Canada, May 30, 2018
Introduction by Roger Annis:
Readers can compare the following news report published in RT to this May 29 print report by the British state broadcaster BBC. Each news item reports on the same, five-minute broadcast on BBC2 ‘Newsnight’ television program on May 29, 2018.
In the BBC print report (where the BBC2 video broadcast can be viewed),there is no effort to explain why medical officials at the Sainsbury Hospital in Salisbury, England ‘survived’ some 12 hours of treating without precautions two alleged victims of an ap-parent attack by one of the deadliest classes of chemical weapons agents known to humankind, namely ‘Novichok’.The BBC report contains no timeline of events, hence obscuring that the Skripals were treated for some with what was diagnosed to be an opioid overdose before British police officials convinced the hospital to go into emergency, ‘chemical weapons’ mode. Treatment for a ‘chemical weapon’ only com-mended afer 48 hours. (The full BBC2 Newsnight episode of May 29,2018 is here but can only be viewed in the UK due to “rights issues”.)
The United Nations’ Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons has said from the get-go that it does not list the ‘Novichok’ class of chemical weapons in its registry. The organizatoin has “no record” of production or possession of such a chemical.
Two articles are enclosed, along with weblinks for suggested, related readings.
UK medics treated Skripals for opioid overdose until Porton Down tests showed nerve agent poisoning
RT, May 30, 2018 (with four-minute news report)
The medical team at Sainsbury Hospital were treating Sergei and Yulia Skripal for opioid overdose without any extra precautions until UK chemical weapon experts “confirmed” nerve agent poisoning and “advised” them on treatment, BBC reports.
Staff at Salisbury District Hospital say that former Russian spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter, Yulia, who were found unconscious on a bench in Salisbury on Sunday, March 4, were initially treated for opioid overdose, a new documentary reveals.
“The evening that Yulia and Sergei were admitted,at that point we were led to believe that they have taken an overdose, so there was no mention of nerve agent poiso-ning,” Sarah Clark, ward sister in charge of the shift on March 4, told BBC2‘s ‘News-night’ in an interview broadcast on May 29. “They were needing their support with their breathing and support with their cardiovascular system.”
Russian scientist Vladimir Uglev told the Russian news outlet The Bell how he helped develop the nerve agent Novichok as part of a program ordered by the Soviet ministry of defence. He says there is no antidote. Vladimir Uglev
Vuosi sitten: Novitshok-myrkyn venäläinen kehittäjä Vladimir Uglëv latelee faktat tis-kiin:Skripalit kuolevat,jos myrkky on Novichokia,siihen ei ole vastamyrkkyä, eikä siitä parane.
Russian Novichok Developer Says There Is No Antidote so Sergei Skripal and His Daughter Will Die
By Brendan Cole On 3/21/18 at 7:50 AM EDT
The Russian scientist who helped develop the nerve agent that the British govern-ment says left former spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia in a critical condition in Salisbury has said they will die if they are taken off life support because there is no antidote.
Vladimir Uglev worked at Russia’s state scientific research institute for organic che-mistry and technology, or GOSNIIOKHT, where he helped develop "Novichok" in a pilot project between 1972 and 1988 in the town of Volsk in the Saratov region.
Uglev pointed out Novichok is in fact a group of four nerve agents, each named after the year they were created.He developed B-1976 and C-1976. The other two, A-1972 and D-1980, were developed by Pyotr Kirpichev, who led the so-called “Foliant program” ordered by the then Soviet ministry of defense.
He said they produced doses of up to several kilograms in liquid form, apart from D-1980 which was a powder, and they were stored in a special warehouse in sealed packaging.
He told the Russian news outlet The Bell that the person who poisoned Skripal would have had to transport the nerve agent via a carrier like cotton balls or powder, which would have been in a container covered in a degassing solution.
“If Skripal and his daughter received a lethal dose of B-1976, C-1976, or D-1980, then, most likely,they will suffer the same fate as earlier victims.There is no anti- dote to these agents. I can say with nearly 100% certainty that if Skripal and his daughter are taken off of life support, they will die, although they are now only technically alive,” said Uglev.
Kappas vaan, täällä on yksi juttu, jossa Britannian suurlähettiläs väittää Skrpalien olevan hengissä mutta haluttomia esiintymään ja antamaan mitään vinkkiä olinpaikastaan: "Sergei ei puhu mitään ja Julija ei tiedä mitään."...
" Раскрыта причина молчания Скрипаля
30 апреля | Источник новости: utro Юлия Фадеева
Судьба полковника ГРУ начала немного проясняться
Почему от Сергея Скрипаля ничего не слышно? Жив он или мертв? Эти вопро-сы до сих пор волновали всех, кто следит за развитием громкой истории отрав-ления в Солсебри. Загадка судьбы бывшего советского шпиона и его дочери постепенно превращается в легенду вроде тайны перевала Дятлова: спустя без малого год и два месяца появилось большое количество теорий, объясня-ющих их исчезновение. Тем страннее и, даже можно сказать, нелепее прозву-чали слова британского адвоката Ника Вамоса, в прошлом возглавлявшего отдел по особо тяжким преступлениям и отдел экстрадиции Королевской прокурорской службы.
"Британские власти не могут ограничить его свободу выражения, значит, он предпочитает сам этого не делать", – так на голубом глазу объяснил Вамос молчание Скрипаля изданию "Новая газета".
"Brtannian valtio ei halua rajoittaa hänen sananvapauttaan, siis, hän pitää itse parempana ollasitä käyttämättä".
Если верить словам адвоката, то выходит, что Скрипаль не хочет озвучивать свою позицию в споре между Лондоном и Москвой по поводу того, кто же его отравил.
" Jos uskoa asianajajaa, Sergei Skripal ei halua ilmaista kantaansa, kuka hänet myrkytti. "
И появиться на публике он тоже не может, ведь журналисты не отстанут от него с вопросами про Россию, Путина, яда "Новичок", агентов ГРУ Александре Петрове и Руслане Боширове и так далее.
Возможно, отошедший от дел шпион просто не хочет принимать активного участия в распре между Западом и Россией, понимая, что первому на самом деле плевать на него – США,Великобритании и их союзникам нужен был прос- то повод для давления на Москву. Возможно, что он молчит, потому что на самом деле не верит в причастность родной страны к попытке убить его.
"Mahdollisesti hän vaikenee, koska ei usko Venäjän syyllisyyteen."
Стоит вспомнить, как в октябре прошлого года в информационное поле буквально ворвалась сенсационная новость о том, что Скрипаль заговорил, правда, не публично.
"Kannattaa muistaa, että viime lokakuussa info(sota)kentälle sensaatiomainen uutinen, mitä Skripal, sanoi, mutta ei julkisesti."
Но то, что он тогда сказал своему знакомому журналисту Марку Урбану, могло пошатнуть позицию Лондона.
"Mutta se, mitä hän silloin sanoi tutulle lehtimiehelle Mark Urbanille, saattoi horjuttaa Lontoon asemia. "
Оказалось,что Скрипаль практически во всем поддерживал внешнюю полити-ку Кремля,в том числе присоединение Крыма и действия в отношении Украины. "
"Kävi ilmi, että Skripal käytännössä kannatti kaikessa kremlin ulkoplitiikkaa, siinä ohessa Krimin liittämistä maahan ja suhtaustumista Ukrainaan. "
" Но самое главное – он не верил в то, что Россия виновата в его отравлении. "
Mutta ennen kaikkea hän ei uskonut Venäjää syylliseksi myrkyttämiseensä.
" Впрочем Урбан в своей книге о Скрипале отметил, что ему вроде бы удалось убедить его в обратном. "
Muutoin Urban kirjassaan Skripalista totesi, että hän "uskoi onnistuneensa vakuuttamaan hänet päinvastaisesta".
А если все-таки не удалось?
"Vaan entäpä jos ei onnistunut sittenkään."
Вероятно,нежелание британских властей использовать Скрипаля в публичном пространстве говорит о том, что на него надежды нет. А может быть, и его са-мого уже нет. Ник Вамос в том же интервью "Новой газете" сделал довольно странное заявление о деле Скрипаля. Мол, нет у этого дела никаких перспек-тив. И добавил, что если полицейское расследование не даст результатов, то дело передадут в коронерский суд,который занимается исследованием причин смерти.
" Расследование коронерского суда отличается от криминального тем, что он не скажет, кого обвинять в случившемся. Они не могут решать, кто преступник. Их обязанность установить, кто умер и как",– объяснил Вамос.
Адвокат имел в виду погибшую британку Дон Стерджес,расследование смерти которой должно указать на виновность Москвы. Хотя по поводу нее как раз у властей Великобритании изначально не было никаких вопросов – отравление "Новичком" насмерть. А что, если адвокат говорил и о Скрипале тоже? "
Sveitsiläinen tutkimulaitos on esittänyt uuden järkeenkäypän teorian tapausten ku-lusta: Skripalit myrkytettiin atvaratalossa OPIAATILLA, luultavasti fentanyylillä, joka on erittäin pieninä määrinä tappavaa ja haihtuu nopeasti. Ohikulkijoiden kuten 16-vuotiaan sairaanhoidonopiskelijan ja ostoskeskuksen henkilökunnan nopea toimin-ta, jossa mm. annettiin "summamutikassa" opiaattien vasta-ainetta,jotka myös tehosi- vat heti toisin kuin mihinkään "Novichokiin, ja pelasti heidät vaikka mm. Julija Skripalin sydän oli ehtinyt pysähtyä. He "sörssivät" provokaation.
"Novichok" vedettiin hihasta,koska ulkoministeri Boris Johnson oli ehtinyt lörpsäis-tä sellaisen "tiedon" maailman infosotamediaan "ennen aikojaan" - ennen kuin mit-kään nopeimmatkaan kokeet viereisessä Porton Downin kemiallisten aseiden tutki-muskeskuksessa olisivat ehtineet valmistua. Laitoksen johtaja kiisti tiedon tuolloin annetusta "tiedosta".
" Лондонские русофобы все и сразу решили по пресловутому делу Скрипалей. Хотя сегодня, 30 июля, появилось кое-что новое и очень интересное, идущее вразрез с их фирменным "хайли лайкли".
Tämä menee ohi Lontoon russobien "highly likelyjen"!
Швейцарский эксперт провел свое расследование и выяснил много интересных деталей и стало понятно, кому было вообще выгодно отравление Скрипалей. Их исчезновение было выгодно, в первую очередь, самому Лондону."
Sveitsiläinen spesialsiti toi julki omia tutkimuksiaan, joista kävi ilme, keille ja miksi olisi tarpeen Skrpalien eliminoinoiminen ja siihen liitetty infosotaprovokaatio. Se oli tarpeen Bellingcat-Lontoolle itselleen.
Дело в том,что Сергею,как перебежчику из России, наверняка доставались за-дания от английской разведки, касающиеся анализа материалов о его бывшей родине. Об этом заявил швейцарский эксперт Майкл Энтони,который выдвинул свою версию событий по громкому "делу Скрипалей".
Teorian mukaan entinen kaksoisagentti Sergei Skripal oli edelleen aktiivinen Eng-lannin vakoilija, joka analysoi entisen kotimaansa Venäjän materiaaleja. Tästä kertoi sveitsiläinen spesialisti Michael Anthony, joka on tuonut esiin oman nämyksensä tapaus Skrpalista. (Tätä on sitteemmin tarkasteltu eri tahojen toimesta.)
Skripalin tehtävä olisi ollut tuottaa "materiaalia" Donald Trumpista, tämän muka "hä-märistä Venäjän-suhteista" Steelen projektiin liittyen. Homma oli Skripalin mielestä perseestä, hän hoiti sen huonosta, ja suunnitteli paluuta Venäjälle. Sieltä hän olisi voinut paljastaa vaikka mitä.
Salisburyn aluesairaala
Donald ei vaan sano tuolla YLEn muka lähteessä tavuakaan Skripaleista.
YLE:n juttu vuoden takaa Julija ja Sergei Skripalin myrkyttämisestä vuoden takaa, joka "perustelee" asiasta annettuja pakotteita Venäjää kohtaan, JOHON YLE EDELLEEN JATKUVASTI VIITTAA "LÄHTEENÄ", on myöhemmän tiedon valossa TÄYSIN PÄIN PERSETTÄ sitä, koskien, mitä paikalla TODELLA TAPAHTUI.
Juttu perustuu BBC:n toimittaja Mark Urbanin raporttiin, MITÄ KAIKKEA SALISBU-RYN PAIKALLISAIRAALASSA TAPAHTUI tapauksen tiimoilta. Jutussa annetaan myös vääriä tietoja, ilmeisesti rikostutkinnallisista syistä,ja salataan tapauksien varsi- nainen kulku,mihin rikospoliisilla on oikeus.Ne on myuöhemmin paljastettu, ja toimit- taja Urbankin on kirjoittanut asiasta uutta, jopa kirjan mm. haastatellut Sergei Skripalia, aivan muuta kuin tuo.
The Guardian ei edes väittänyt,että MITÄÄN MUUA ei ollut tapahtunutkaan - että hoi- to olisi alkanut Salisburyn paikallissairaalasta - MUTTA SUOMEN EDUSKUNNAN YLE KYLLÄ VÄITTÄÄ NIIN, JA YHÄ EDELLEEN!
Skripaleita ei ylipäätään pelastanut Salisburyn paikallissairaala, vaan OHIKULKIJAT JA KAUPPAKESKUKSEN LÄÄKINTÄPÄIVYSTYS, jotka olivat mm. saaneet sydä-met ja hengitykset pelaamaan ja antaneet OPIAATIN VASTAMYRKKYÄ (summamu- tikassa, koska henki lähtee muuten kumminkin), joka sitten tehosikin, MITÄ SE NOVICHOKkiin ei olisi tehnyt, niillä ei ole muuta yhteistä kuin hermomyrkyllisyys.
Ensiavun antajat eivät olleet saaneet mainitsemisen arvoisia oireita itse.
"Nerosta" en tiedä, mutta asia on totta.
Tuo Brexit-porukka on muuten sörssinyt sellaisen, mitävarten se varsinaisesti sitä Brexitiä ajoi, erityisesti Syyrian sodan ja Lähi-Idän "jakamisen" ILMAN EU:TA USA:n ja ehkä (Gülemin...) Turkin kanssa. Valkoisessa talossakin on heidän kannaltaan "väärä" isäntä...
Minä en viitsi noita mukamas "loputtomia" tyhjänpäiväsiä "Trumpin valheita" lukea.
Trumpin "14 suurvaleesta", joilla hänen väitettiin jopa vaittaneen vaalit, tarkemmassa analyysissä vain yksi (1), nimitääin "Trumpin huippuyliopisto" osittautui pesunkestä-väksi sellaiseksi. Muut olivat jotakin muuta: esimerkiksi harhaanjohtavia mutta kirjai-mellisesti ottaen totta (11/9 juhlivat muslimit, Hillaryn tappava seura, Obaman fyysi-nen syntymäpaikka. Jotkin olivat päin vastoin kirjaimellisesti ehkä perättömiä mutta asiallisesti täysin merkityksettömä, määrittelykysymyksiä tai mahdottomia tarkastaa: suku Ruotsista, suurin viinintuottaja,suurlahjoitus veteraaneille, vastusti aina periaat- tellisesti Irakin sotaa, tavannut (naamakkain?) Putinin,siirtolaiset elävät sosiaalituilla, riippumaton rahoittajista, muuri maksuun. Pari oli sellaista, joiden olisi ehdottomasti pitänytolla totta: "Obama ottaa 200000 Syyriasta", "valtionvelka hallintaan"...
"Huippuyliopistoa" lukuun ottamatta nämä olivat minusta ainakin sellaisia, jossa juri-dinen ja poliittinenkin, journalistisesta puhumattakaan, vastuu kuuluu kuulijalle - ja pysyy siellä.
" May gave Russia a May 13 deadline to explain how a Soviet-era nerve agent ended up in Salisbury, southern England. "
May on pidetty pihalla tutkimuksista, kuten oikein onkin... Hänhän kuuluu epäiltyihinkin!
Ei mulla ole mitään erityistä intressiä häntä puolustaa kuten ei Trumpiakaan.
Sen sijaan minä haluan näyttää kaikille sokeille, mikä maailman ehkä pahin sonta-tuutti ja pirunsilmä meidän kammareidemme nurkassa suoltaa fasismia ja väären-nystä. Sille eivät edes juuri koskaan muitten valeet sellaisinaan kelpaa, vaan sen pi-tää aina vääntää "paremmksi" vaikkapa esmerkiksi sanotaan nyt, vahän vanhentu-neesti: ISISinkin "uutisista"! Kunnes touhhussa ei olemitäänjärkeä eikä protia jäljellä.
Venäjä on porvarillinen muodollinen monipuoluedemokratia valtiomuodoltaan. Esi-merkiksi Moskopvan nykyisiin mellakoihin kaksi suurinta oppositiopuoluetta Kommu-nistit ja Leberaalidemkraatit (zhirinovskilaiset) suhtaustuvat vielä selvästi kielteisem-min kuin Putinin puolue. Nuo on myös ainoat oppositioppuolueet, jotka ovat (ainakin olleet) vallassa joissa taavalloissa tai kuvernementeissä.
En ymmärrä.
Ei heitä maahanpääsyn takia ole tarvinnut kutsua: heillä oli molemmilla Englannin myöntämä "ikuinen" bisnesviisumi koko EU:n alueelle.
YLE, eli SUOMEN EDUSKUNTA tuuttinsa välityksellä syyttää, että Putin muka olisi TILANNUT MURHAN, joka on lähes yhtävä vakavarikos kuin murhan suorittaminen-kin. Tällaisen kuvion henkirikos on myös aina murha eikä esimerkiksi tappo (joka mm. venheneekin toisin kuin murha).
Halonen myös presidenttinä syytti Putinia ainakin Litvinenkon murhan tilaamisesta. Minä taas epäilen,että halonen on itse tilannut suorastaan JOUKKOMURHAN ja että sillä on myös ollut ratkaiseva vaikutus hänen uransa muotoutumiseen. SITÄHÄN MUISTAKIN AINA EPÄILEE ITSE KUKIN, MITÄ ITSE ON!
Ainoa varsinainen syy olettaa vaihdettua tai peitehenkilöllisyyttä onsellainen tieto, kuinkahan varma sekään, että he olisivat noilla nimillä ilmaantuneet Venäjän väestö-kirjanpitoon vuonna 2009 ja vielä lähellä toisiaan olevilla passinnumeroilla. Passit ovat kaikin puolin laillisia.
Ensimmäinen selitys ei kuitenkaan ole henkilöllisyydenvaihto, vaan että he ovat muuttaneet venäjälle muista IVY-maista, joissa heillä olisi varmaan ollut Venäjäkin passi, mutta eimerkintää väestöluettelossa. Bashirov on tietääkseni syntynyt Tazhikistanissa ja kansallisuudestaan ukrainalainen, nimi viittaisi tataarisuuntaiseen syntyperään. Petrov on syntynyt 1959 mainitsemattomassa paikassa.
" Verkkojulkaisut: Salisburyn myrkyttäjiksi syytetyt miehet ilmestyivät tyhjästä Venäjän väestörekisteriin vuonna 2009 – tukee epäilyä peitenimistä
Toisen epäillyn henkilötietolomakkeeseen on merkitty puhelinnumero, joka kuuluu ilmeisesti Venäjän puolustusministeriölle.
Sergei Skripal
15.9.2018 klo 21.11
Parfyymipullolla ei ole ollut tekemistä tämän kanssa: se on eri aineita. Miten wirussa tommonen muusa kaupungissakin tapahtunut sotku alueen työnantajan tuotteidn kanssa on sekin tähän sotkettu...
Впервые после Солсбери: откровения отравленного Скрипаля
Газета.Ru 23 мая 2019 Об этом сообщает Рамблер. Далее:
Бывший полковник ГРУ Сергей Скрипаль, отравленный в Солсбери, жив и звонит родственникам в Россию. СМИ опубликовали аудиозапись сообщения, которое Скрипаль оставил на автоответчике своей племяннице Виктории. Мужчина поздравил семью с Днем Победы и сказал, что у него и его дочери Юлии «все нормально».
Экс-полковник ГРУ Сергей Скрипаль, осужденный в России за шпионаж, впервые после отравления в Солсбери вышел на связь с родственниками — он позвонил в Ярославль своей племяннице Виктории. Она была вне доступа, и Скрипаль оставил сообщение на автоответчике.
Газета «МК» опубликовала аудиозапись этого звонка, уточнив, что Скрипаль пытался связаться с семьей 9 мая. Бывший полковник спросил у Виктории, как ее дела, а также поинтересовался здоровьем мужа Арсения — в апреле тот вместе с супругой подрался с бывшим председателем ТСЖ.
Скрипаль поздравил родных с Днем Победы, пожелал им «всего самого доброго» и передал поздравления своей матери.
В конце он сказал, что у него и дочери Юлии «все нормально». Виктория Скри-паль не сомневается, что звонил именно ее дядя. «МК» также сообщает, что это был не первый звонок Скрипаля в Россию.Ранее он поговорил с Викторией по поводу избиения и посоветовал ей привлекать к себе меньше внимания.
В мае Виктория Скрипаль сообщила журналистам, что ее двоюродная сестра Юлия пытается продать квартиру в России — для этого она якобы сделала доверенность на одну из своих подруг. Племянница экс-полковнику ГРУ была убеждена, что девушка не намерена возвращаться обратно, так как квартира — «это последнее, что связывает Юлию с родиной».
Виктория Скрипаль также добавила, что ее сестра, возможно, в ближайшее время выступит с заявлением, в котором расскажет о своих планах остаться жить в Великобритании. При этом она допустила, что Лондон «способен прос-то заставить Юлию» остаться в Великобритании. Как утверждает Виктория, ей удалось выяснить, что Скрипали на данный момент находятся на территории Соединенного королевства.
«С ними общались другие люди. По их словам, их перемещают с одного места на другое и всячески заметают следы, чтобы никто не узнал, где они содержатся в конкретный момент», — пояснила она.
В феврале нынешнего года Виктория Скрипаль сообщила «Газете.Ru» о том, что 91-летняя мать экс-полковника ГРУ написала заявление в полицию с просьбой признать ее сына пропавшим без вести. Тогда Виктория поясняла, что если власти признают Сергея и Юлию пропавшими без вести, в наследство матери перейдут московская квартира, машина и собака.
В своем заявлении мать Скрипаля также попросила правоохранителей проверить столичную недвижимость Юлии Скрипаль на предмет незаконных жильцов.
«Есть информация, что там кто-то проживает. Однако кто — мне неизвест-но. Ключей от дома у меня нет, проверить не могу», — пояснила собеседница «Газеты.Ru».
Тогда Виктория отмечала, что не может связаться с Юлией Скрипаль по ста-рым контактам — в последний раз на связь с родственниками девушка выходи-ла 24 июля 2018 года. В тот день она сказала, что занимается здоровьем отца.
«А когда она звонила мне в первый раз, сказала, что серьезного ущерба ее здоровью и здоровью отца не нанесено, примерно так. Но если ущерба не на-несено, то почему папа не может взять трубку и сказать пару слов? Я не знаю, что думать», — заявляла Виктория, добавив, что всю информацию ее семье приходится получать из СМИ.
18 февраля 2019 года в посольстве России в Великобритании также сообщи-ли, что не имеют «ни малейшего представления» о том, что происходит со Скрипалями.
Инцидент в британском Солсбери произошел 4 марта прошлого года. Тогда экс-полковника ГРУ Сергея Скрипаля и его дочь Юлию обнаружили без созна-ния на лавочке рядом с торговым центром. По сообщению СМИ, их госпитали-зировали в местную больницу. Как выяснилось впоследствии, на Скрипалей было совершено покушение с использованием нервно-паралитического вещества класса «Новичок».
23 мая 2018 года Юлия Скрипаль выпустила единственное видеообращение, в котором рассказала о процессе своего лечения. Она отметила, что рассматри-вает вариант возвращения на родину, но пока хочет сконцентрироваться на восстановлении своего здоровья и помощи отцу. Сам Сергей Скрипаль ни разу не делал публичных заявлений после отравления. По данным британских влас-тей, спустя продолжительный период времени оба Скрипаля были выписаны из больницы и сейчас находятся в убежище. Об этом сообщает Рамблер.
Forensic investigators in protective suits examine evidence near the scene of the Amesbury poisoning © Henry Nicholls © Reuters
Kuvassa on kuuluisa hajuvesipullo Salisburyn naapurikaupungista Amesburysta... Sillä ei ole suoraa tekemistä Skrpalien kanssa, sillä Skripaleja ei myrkytetty Novichokilla. Tuossa sitä kyllä saattoi olla.
Se ei siis voinut olla Novichokia, vaan aivan ilmeisesti fentanyyliä, jonka (opiaattien) vasta-ainetta Skripaleille antoi kauppakeskuksen ensiapupäivystys.
Tämä tieto muka "sama(nlaise)sta aineesta" EI SITTEN OLLUT TOTTA, vaikka meni RT:lle saakka... hetkeksi.
OPWC:llakaan ei ollut oikeata tietoa Skripalien pelastushistoriasta rikostutkinnallisista syistä.
The Organisation for the prevention of chemical weapons has concluded that the chemical agent that poisoned a couple in Amesbury in June was the same one used to poison Sergei and Yulia Skripal in March.
The OPCW’s findings, released in a report on Tuesday, confirm British authorities’ suspicions that Charlie Rowley and Dawn Sturgess were exposed to ‘Novichok,’ a nerve agent supposedly manufactured in the former Soviet Union.
The same kind of agent was used to poison former Russian double agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia in Salisbury in March. The poisoning ignited a diplo-matic spat between the UK and Russia,with the British government blaming Moscow. No concrete, publicly-available evidence has been produced to link the case to Russia.
British authorities have attempted to tie the incidents together, with the premise that the perpetrators left behind some of the “military-grade nerve agent” when they targeted the Skripals.
Rowley, 45, and Sturgess, 44, allegedly came in contact with the chemical while they were out drinking in a park in Amesbury, a short drive away from where the Skripals were poisoned. Sturgess is said to have sprayed herself with the chemical from a perfume bottle the pair picked up in the park. She would later die in hospital, while Rowley survived.
Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt welcomed the OPCW’s findings, and pointed the finger at Russia again on Tuesday.
“The recklessness of the Russian state in bringing a nerve agent in to the UK, and total disregard for the safety of the public, is appalling and irresponsible,” he said. “Our thoughts are with the family of Dawn Sturgess, and with Charlie Rowley.”
Moscow has repeatedly and pointedly denied any involvement in either case. Russian authorities have offered to assist in the investigation, but have so far been denied a say in the matter.
Alexander Shulgin, the Russian envoy to the organization, told RT: “Even though the OPCW report doesn’t pinpoint Russia as the source of the chemical agent, the UK continues to blame Russia.” In his view, London “wants to somehow use the authority of the OPCW and its findings to back up the domestic investigation.”
Scotland Yard vahvisti, että tapaus Skripalin tiimoilta ilmenneiden myrkytysuhrien verestä ei ole löydetty Novichokia. "Novichok" oli Boris Johnsonin aivopieru, joka lipsahti vanhingossa "hyvinvalmisteltuun" infosotafloodaukseen.
Скотленд-Ярд не нашел следов «Новичка» в крови «пострадавших»
Британские специалисты завершили проведение экспертизы проб крови, взя-тых у людей, которые по версии следствия, могли быть подвержены действию нервно-паралитического вещества «Новичок» в марте 2018 года. Проведенное исследование не выявило новых пострадавших, сообщила пресс-служба Скотленд-Ярда.
В заявлении говорится, что сотрудники контртеррористического подразделе-ния не выявили следов «Новичка» в образцах крови, взятых в марте 2018 года. Для проведения экспертизы следователи месяц назад связались с лицами, чью кровь проверяли на наличие яда и попросили разрешение на проведение данной экспертизы.
Ситуация с ложными обвинениями в сторону России по «делу Скрипалей» уже слишком затянулась. Член Совфеда РФ Франц Клинцевич считает, что британцы будут вынуждены принести извинения Москве.
Автор: Артем Шишков
Andrej Kokov
Mediakanava REN TV kertoo Navalnyin Siperian reissusta. Navalnyi on FBK -nimisen korruptiovastaisen säätiön johtaja.
14.8 Navalnyi ja FBK:n tiimi saapuneet Novosibirskiin. Työmatkaan mahtui illanviet-toja, jolloin työtoverit maistoivat väkeviä hotelli Park Inn by Radisson Novosibirsk -ravintolassa.
15.8 Matkalla olleella säätiön naispuolisella työntekijällä oli synttärit, joita juhlittiin DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Novisibirsk hotellin Beerman -baarissa.
16.8. Vasta seuraavana päivänä juhlaseurue palasi Radisson -hotelliin, ja tähän Novosibirskin ”työmatka” päättyi.
17.8. Navalnyi ja työryhmä siirtyivät autolla Tomskiin ja majoittuneet Xander hotelliin.
18.8. Navalnyi ja FBK:n tiimi viettivät iltaa Xander Hotel hotellin ravintolassa ja olivat aiheuttaneet sen verran melua, että henkilökunta joutui huomauttamaan häiriöstä. Sen jälkeen juhlinta siirtyi hotellihuoneisiin.
19.8. Tämä oli viimeinen päivä Tomskissa. Navalnyi ja hänen tiimin jäsenet sekä FBK:n Tomskin toimiston työntekijät ja pari paikallista aktivistia lähtivät vuokraasun-nolle, jossa viettäneet noin 5 tuntia. Valvontakamera tallensi, kuinka yksi tiimin jäse-nistä puoli kuuden aikaan illalla kävi alkoholimarketissa hakemassa muutama pullo. Noin samoihin aikoihin seurue tilasi asuntoon sushitoimituksen Tomskin tunnetusta japanilaisravintolasta.
Juotuaan ja syötyään porukka lähti kaupungista Kaftanchikovon kylään saunaan. Erään version mukaan siellä maistettiin myös paikallista pontikkaa, toiset väittävät että kaikki viina oli ainoastaan kaupasta ostettu. Hotellin päästiin vasta myöhään, ja lehdistösihteerin mukaan hotellissa Navalnyi ei syönyt enää mitään. Aamulla hän joi teetä lentokentän rakennuksessa ja tunsi olonsa heikoksi. Navalnyi viime aikoina kärsinyt ruuansulatusongelmista, mutta ei hakenut lääkärin apua.
Skripalit pelastetiin opiaattien vasta-aineella.
Tätä on myöhemmin selitelty, että he olisivat olleet VIEREISISSÄ käytävissä, mutta kuvasta näkyy selkeästi sama käytävä, "samalla sekunnilla".
Ei se ainakan niihin hermomuutoksiin vaikuta.
Venäläiset etsivät nyt Navanlnyin seurassa ollutta Marija Pevtsyk -nimistä henkilöä, joka on asunut Lontoossa. Hänen epäillään nyt siirtyneen Saksaan (ehkä jossain diplomaattitakakontissa?).
МВД ищет спутницу Навального, уклонившуюся от дачи показаний
МОСКВА, 11 сен — РИА Новости. Одна из сопровождающих Алексея Наваль-ного в поездке по регионам от дачи показаний уклонилась. Об этом сообщает управление на транспорте МВД России по Сибирскому федеральному округу.
Всего вместе с Навальным было шесть человек. Кира Ярмыш, Илья Пахомов, Владлен Лось, Георгий Албуров и Павел Зеленский на вопросы ответили, тогда как постоянно проживающая в Великобритании Марина Певчих 20 августа уклонилась от дачи объяснений.
По данным следствия, 22 августа Певчих вылетела в Германию, и получить от нее объяснение невозможно. Ее местонахождение устанавливается.
Navalnyin outo reuralainen on lontoolisen biolsboratorion johtajan tytär.
Armas Mashin
53 min ·
Versio: Navalnyin velkaantumisen aiheuttama riita on hänen myrkytyksensä taustana, hän on velkaa Lontooseen muiden velkojensa ohella, ja mahdollinen myrkyttäjä oli tullut Lontoosta hänen seuralaisekseen. Eli omat koirat purivat kun raha muuttui veloiksi.'
11 Сентября 2020 18:18
Политика / Происшествия
Круг сужается: Загадочная спутница Навального оказалась дочкой главы биолаборатории
Отец спутницы Навального Марии Певчих возглавляет биолабораторию, а сама девушка имеет отношение к стартапу Skinport, который разработал микроиглы для безболезненных инъекций.
Загадочная спутница Алексея Навального Мария Певчих, сопровождавшая его во время роковой поездки в Томск, оказалась дочерью главы биолаборатории. Более того, девушка имеет отношение к стартапу Skinport, который разработал микроиглы для безболезненных инъекций.
Мария Певчих прибыла в Россию из Лондона, чтобы сопровождать Алексея Навального в его поездке в Томск. Однако женщина почему-то не стала лететь в Москву тем же самолётом, что и оппозиционер. Зато она не отходила от жены Навального в Омске, а потом вместе с оппозиционером улетела на немецком самолёте под видом переводчицы.
СМИ сообщают, что Мария Певчих связана с бизнесменом Владимиром Ашурковым, который также скрывается от России в Лондоне и у которого вышел конфликт с Алексеем Навальным из-за намерений последнего ликвидировать ФБК. Именно Ашурков давал деньги Навальному на раскрутку этого проекта. Также в Сети практически не нашлось фотографий Марии Певчих, что по нынешним временам крайне странно и наводит на определённые подозрения.
Теперь же выяснилось, что её отец Константин Певчих является руководителем и учредителем сразу двух действующих научных предприятий, а также занимается научной деятельностью в области биокибернетики, пишет Nation News.
Kannaattajalla oli pääsy kemiallisiin aineisiin, mm. myrkkyihin.
Отец подозреваемой в отравлении Навального Певчих имел доступ к химическим веществам
Mimmin ei ole tarvinnut perskohtaisesti olla myrkyttäjä, mutta hän on voinut toimittaa vaikka Novitshokkia.
‘No need to lie’: Zeman says Czech Republic tested nerve agent similar to Novichok used on Skripals
Czech President's 'Novichok bombshell' undermines London's credibility in Skripal case
4 May, 2018 03:02 / Updated 3 months ago
The UK's intelligence services seem to have lost all remaining credibility, after the Czech President's admission that his country had previously produced a nerve agent similar to the one Britain claims was used against Skripals.
"I think there are problems in and around the English spy agencies, who seem to be quite ready to manufacture evidence, in the case of the Steele dossier, maybe manufacture evidence in the case of the Skripal poisoning. And they are damaging their credibility. It takes a long time to regain credibility if you damage it this severely," political analyst Charles Ortel told RT.
On Thursday, the Czech Republic's president Milos Zeman revealed that his county had previously developed and tested an A-230 chemical agent of the Novichok group, similar to the one which, according to London, was Russia's exclusively and was "highly likely" used by Moscow to poison former double agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia in Salisbury on March 4.
... "
Команда Алексея Навального скрывает информацию о Марии Певчих, которую журналисты заподозрили в причастности к отравлению блогера. В пятницу стало известно, что девушкой всерьез заинтересовались в МВД.
ФАН поговорил с бывшим юристом ФБК Виталием Серукановым и главным редактором PolitRussia Русланом Осташко о новом повороте в деле Навального. Собеседники ФАН сошлись во мнении, что именно таинственная и неуловимая Мария Певчих, вероятнее всего, отравила Алексея Навального. Эта версия выглядит еще более правдоподобно, учитывая, что отец Певчих — глава биолаборатории, а значит, вполне мог обеспечить дочери доступ к ядам.
Таинственная компаньонка
Издание «Правда.ру» и ФАН ранее выяснили, что Мария Певчих сопровождала Навального в той самой поездке в Томск, которая обернулась для блогера реанимацией и аппаратом ИВЛ. Более того, она не стала садиться вместе с остальной командой в самолет Томск — Москва, где Навальному стало плохо. Позже (когда уже стало известно о том, что Навальному стало плохо) Певчих вылетела в Омск рейсом через Новосибирск, а затем сопроводила блогера в Германию. При этом никто из ФБК имени девушки не сообщал.
В полиции рассказали, что Певчих была в числе сопровождавших Навального в поездке по Сибири. От общения с правоохранительными органами она отказалась, хотя все остальные — Кира Ярмыш, Владлен Лось, Илья Пахомов, Георгий Албуров и Павел Зеленский — были опрошены.
«По данным следствия, 22 августа указанная гражданка вылетела в Германию, в связи с чем получить от нее объяснение не представилось возможным», — сообщили в управлении на транспорте МВД России по СФО.
Читайте также: Лукашенко впервые с начала протестов покинул Беларусь. ВИДЕО
Бывший юрист «Фонда борьбы с коррупцией» Виталий Серуканов указал на странное поведение сторонников Навального, которые всячески скрывают информацию о Певчих.
Я не был с ней (Марией Певчих. — Прим. ФАН) лично знаком, но знаю, что она существовала. Не знаю, травила оно кого-то или нет. Для меня является крайне странным тот факт, что команда Навального просто супер-усердно скрывает ее присутствие в той поездке или не хочет дать хотя бы комментарий на тему того, была она там или нет», — рассказал Серуканов корреспонденту ФАН.
Такая секретность в отношении сотрудников не свойственна ФБК, объяснил юрист. Это значит, что у команды Навального есть свои причины умалчивать о девушке.
«Люди изменили своей манере поведения просто кардинально и закрылись. Это крайне странно. Команда Навального в плане презентации своих сотрудников — даже каких-то своих нештатных сотрудников — и друзей всегда очень открыта. А тут просто режим суперсекретности. Ну откуда он взялся? Значит, есть какие-то детали, которые они просто боятся раскрыть. Почему?» — задался вопросом Виталий Серуканов.
По данным СМИ, Мария Певчих постоянно проживает в Великобритании. В Россию она прибыла по заданию Владимира Ашуркова — спонсора Алексея Навального и исполнительного директора ФБК.
Valeuutishuarra Marjo Reinille on varattu majovimmat valeuutiset kuten tässä, että muka "Navalnyi varmasti myrkytettiin Novichokilla" - mikä on yhtä paskainen vale kuin että Skripalit olisi myrkytetty sillä. Hänellä on erityinen pöllämystynyt huarra"uutis"ilme lähetyksen alusta alakoen, sellainen kuin esimerkiksi Koneen palstan Juhani Putkisella on aina, kun aivan erityinen huarra"uutinen"on tulossa...
Novichok, Navalny, Nordstream, Nonsense 435
Once Navalny was in Berlin it was only a matter of time before it was declared that he was poisoned with Novichok. The Russophobes are delighted. This of course eliminates all vestiges of doubt about what happened to the Skripals, and proves that Russia must be isolated and sanctioned to death and we must spend untold billions on weapons and security services. We must also increase domestic surveillance, crack down on dissenting online opinion. It also proves that Donald Trump is a Russian puppet and Brexit is a Russian plot.
I am going to prove beyond all doubt that I am a Russian troll by asking the question Cui Bono?, brilliantly identified by the Integrity Initiative’s Ben Nimmo as a sure sign of Russian influence.
I should state that I have no difficulty at all with the notion that a powerful oligarch or an organ of the Russian state may have tried to assassinate Navalny. He is a minor irritant, rather more famous here than in Russia, but not being a major threat does not protect you against political assassination in Russia.
What I do have difficulty with is the notion that if Putin, or other very powerful Russian actors, wanted Navalny dead, and had attacked him while he was in Siberia, he would not be alive in Germany today. If Putin wanted him dead, he would be dead.
Let us first take the weapon of attack. One thing we know about a “Novichok” for sure is that it appears not to be very good at assassination. Poor Dawn Sturgess is the only person ever to have allegedly died from “Novichok”, accidentally according to the official narrative. “Novichok” did not kill the Skripals, the actual target. If Putin wanted Navalny dead, he would try something that works. Like a bullet to the head, or an actually deadly poison.
“Novichok” is not a specific chemical. It is a class of chemical weapon designed to be improvised in the field from common domestic or industrial precursors. It makes some sense to use on foreign soil as you are not carrying around the actual nerve agent, and may be able to buy the ingredients locally. But it makes no sense at all in your own country, where the FSB or GRU can swan around with any deadly weapon they wish, to be making homemade nerve agents in the sink. Why would you do that?
Further we are expected to believe that, the Russian state having poisoned Navalny, the Russian state then allowed the airplane he was traveling in, on a domestic flight, to divert to another airport, and make an emergency landing, so he could be rushed to hospital. If the Russian secret services had poisoned Navalny at the airport before takeoff as alleged, why would they not insist the plane stick to its original flight plan and let him die on the plane? They would have foreseen what would happen to the plane he was on.
Next, we are supposed to believe that the Russian state, having poisoned Navalny, was not able to contrive his death in the intensive care unit of a Russian state hospital. We are supposed to believe that the evil Russian state was able to falsify all his toxicology tests and prevent doctors telling the truth about his poisoning, but the evil Russian state lacked the power to switch off the ventilator for a few minutes or slip something into his drip. In a Russian state hospital.
Next we are supposed to believe that Putin, having poisoned Navalny with novichok, allowed him to be flown to Germany to be saved, making it certain the novichok would be discovered. And that Putin did this because he was worried Merkel was angry, not realising she might be still more angry when she discovered Putin had poisoned him with novichok
There are a whole stream of utterly unbelievable points there, every single one of which you have to believe to go along with the western narrative. Personally I do not buy a single one of them, but then I am a notorious Russophile traitor.
The United States is very keen indeed to stop Germany completing the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, which will supply Russian gas to Germany on a massive scale, sufficient for about 40% of its electricity generation. Personally I am opposed to Nord Stream 2 myself, on both environmental and strategic grounds. I would much rather Germany put its formidable industrial might into renewables and self-sufficiency. But my reasons are very different from those of the USA, which is concerned about the market for liquefied gas to Europe for US produces and for the Gulf allies of the US. Key decisions on the completion of Nord Stream 2 are now in train in Germany.
The US and Saudi Arabia have every reason to instigate a split between Germany and Russia at this time. Navalny is certainly a victim of international politics. That he is a victim of Putin I tend to doubt.
The UK state is of course currently trying to silence one small bubble of dissent by imprisoning me, so you will not have access to another minor but informed view of world events for you to consider. Yesterday I launched a renewed appeal for funds for my legal defence in the Contempt of Court action against me for my reporting of the attempted fit-up of Alex Salmond. I should be extremely grateful if you can contribute to my defence fund, or subscribe to my blog.
Venäjä on hävittänyt kaikki hermomyrkky Novichokin varastot - ulkomaantiedustelu | TASS
Vunet Finland (suomalaisia uutisia)
Vaihtoehtouutiset network Finland.
Tuesday, 15 September 2020
Venäjä on hävittänyt kaikki hermomyrkky Novichokin varastot - ulkomaantiedustelu | TASS
Saksaan hoitoa varteen, asiasta kertoi ulkomaantiedustelun johtaja.
MOSKOVA, 15. syyskuuta, (TASS) - Venäjä on eliminoinut kaikki kemialliset aseet, mukaan lukien Novichokin, joka on osa asetettuja sääntöjä, kertoi ulkaantiedustelun päällikkö SERGEI NARYSHKIN medialle tiistaina.
"Kyseiset aseet olivat eliminoitu OPCW:n proseduurien ja sääntöjen mukaan, joka dokumentoitiin kunnollisesti. Mikään spekulaatio Venäjän vielä valmistavan tai pitääkseen varastoa vanhoista kemiallisista aseista ovat, tietysti, valetta," tiedustelujohtaja kertoi.
Myrkylliset aineet eivät olleet läsnä venäläisen bloggaajan Alexei Navalnyn kehossa kun hän lähti pois Venäjältä Saksaan hoitoa varten, Sergei Naryshkin kertoi.
"Ei ollut olemassa merkkejä myrkyllisistä aineista Navalnyn kehossa, niitä ei ollut yhtään. ... Kun Alexei Navalny lähti Venäjältä, hänen kehossaan ei ollut myrkkyä tai myrkyllistä ainesosaa," johtaja vakuutti.
Naryshkinin lausunto on seurausta tapahtumasta venäläisen bloggaajan Aleksei Navalnyn kanssa, joka vietiin Omskin sairaalaan 20. elokuuta sen jälkeen, kun hän tunsi huonovointisuutta Tomskista Moskovaan matkalla olevalla koneella. Hän upposi koomaan ja hänet laitettiin keuhkotuulettimeen. Myöhemmin hänet tuotiin Berliinin Charite-sairaalaan.
2. syyskuuta Saksan hallitus väitti, että Bundeswehrin toksikologit olivat tutkineet Navalnyn testinäytteitä saadakseen päätelmän, että Novichok-luokan agentti oli vaikuttanut häneen.
Maanantaina Berliini ilmoitti, että EU: n laboratoriot, myös Ranskassa ja Ruotsissa, vahvistivat Saksan johtopäätökset. Saksan ulkoministeriön mukaan Navalnyn testinäytteet otettiin kemiallisten aseiden kieltojärjestön asiantuntijoiden toimesta ja lähetettiin järjestön vertailulaboratorioihin.
Venäjän presidentin edustaja Dmitri Peskov sanoi, että Moskova oli valmistautunut kaikenlaiseen yhteistyöhön Berliinin kanssa. Hän korosti, ettei Navalnyn ruumiista ollut löydetty myrkyllisiä aineita ennen hänen kuljetustaan Saksaan. Venäjän ulkoministeriön tiedottaja Maria Zakharova sanoi, että Saksan ulkoministeriö ei ollut esittänyt mitään todisteita Venäjän suurlähettiläälle.
Sergey Lavrov SLAMS new US sanctions over Skripal case
by Seraphim Hanisch August 13, 2018 3k Views 12 Comments
The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of this site. This site does not give financial, investment or medical advice.
TASS News Agency reported on Sunday, 12 August that Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov slammed the US Department of State’s accusation against Russia regarding the attack on Sergey and Yuliya Skripal in Salisbury, England earlier this year.
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The State Department made the decision to impose new and very painful sanctions against Russia based on this premise.
This new round of sanctions is hitting the Russian economy very hard. The Ruble slid against the dollar from about 63 rubles on Thursday to more than 67.6 rubles as of 1:30pm UTC (Greenwich Summer Time) on Sunday.
Foreign Minister Lavrov had this to say:
TASS went on to outline the circumstances:
The current round of sanctions goes into effect on 22 August, and is directed as follows, according to Bloomberg.com:
The action by the US State Department is being viewed as an internal political counterattack against US President Donald Trump in response to his overtures to President Vladimir Putin at the Helsinki Summit in July of this year. In that summit, the two leaders had very frank discussions that looked incredibly positive for the prospect of a true thawing out of the troubled relations between the two great world powers.
However, the event appears to have drawn out the elements within the American power establishment which presently comprises most of Congress and almost all of the news media. Even some conservative media outlets joined briefly in condemning Mr. Trump for “selling out” to Vladimir Putin by saying he had no reason to believe Russia would interfere with the American elections.
While Mr. Trump tried to politically backpedal this remark, the die had been cast and now much of this establishment has invested their time and energy into branding Mr. Trump a traitor to the USA. In a similar vein, as reported by Jim Jatras in his piece here, US Senator Rand Paul also made overtures that were warmly received by Russian senators, and now he too, has been marked as a traitor.
In that light, plus even British media acknowledgement that there is no hard evidence whatsoever that ties the Russian Federation to the poisoning of the Skripals or the second couple in Amesbury more recently, it is clear that all deductions have been made on spurious reasoning and no hard facts.
Not worth a dime: Putin slams Skripal ‘spy' saga
LONDON, June 27. /TASS/. The Skripal poisoning narrative is not worth a dime, Russian President Vladimir Putin said in an interview with The Financial Times on Thursday.
"Listen, all this fuss about spies and counterspies, it is not worth serious interstate relations. This spy story, as we say, it is not worth five kopecks. Or even five pounds, for that matter," he said. "And the issues concerning interstate relations, they are measured in billions and the fate of millions of people. How can we compare one with the other?"
According to the Russian leader, Moscow and London can keep on accusing each other endlessly but any allegations about Russia’s involvement in the Skripal poisoning must be proved.
"The average person listens and says, "Who are these Skripals?" And it turns out that Skripal was engaged in espionage against us [Russia]. So this person asks the next question, "Why did you spy on us using Skripal? Maybe you should not have done that?" You know, these questions are infinite," he noted. "We need to just leave it alone and let security agencies deal with it."
According to Putin, treason is "the most despicable crime that one can imagine."
"As a matter of fact, treason is the gravest crime possible and traitors must be punished. I am not saying that the Salisbury incident is the way to do it. Not at all. But traitors must be punished," he went on.
"This gentleman, Skripal, had already been punished. He was arrested, sentenced and then served time in prison. He received his punishment. For that matter, he was off the radar. Why would anybody be interested in him? He got punished. He was detained, arrested, sentenced and then spent five years in prison. Then he was released and that was it.
Russia-UK ties
In Putin's words, outgoing UK Prime Minister Theresa May "could not help but be concerned" by the devastating effect those spy scandals produced on bilateral relations. Both Russia and the United Kingdom are interested in restoring full-format bilateral relations, he added.
"I think that both Russia and the United Kingdom are interested in fully restoring our relations," Putin said. "At least I hope that a few preliminary steps will be made. I think it would be easier for Mrs May, maybe, because she is leaving and is free to do what she thinks is right, important and necessary and not to bother about some domestic political consequences."
"I think that Mrs May, despite her resignation, could not help but be concerned that these spy scandals made our relations reach a deadlock so we could not develop our ties normally and support business people, who are doing what? They do not only earn money, this is what is on the outside. They create jobs and added value, plus they provide revenue at all levels of the tax system of their countries. This is a serious and multifaceted job, with the same risks you mentioned, including risks related to business operations. And if we add an unpredictable political situation, they will not be able to work at all," Putin added.
Russian presidential aide Yuri Ushakov told reporters that Putin would meet with May in Osaka late on June 28. According to him, the talks are scheduled for 17:00 local time (11:00 Moscow time). The talks will follow a meeting with US President Donald Trump, whom Putin is too meet three hours earlier.
The UK government confirmed that the Putin-May talks have indeed been scheduled.
Skripal poisoning incident
If the British version of the affair is to be believed former Russian military intelligence (GRU) Colonel Sergei Skripal, 66, who had been convicted in Russia of spying for Great Britain and later swapped for Russian intelligence officers, and his daughter Yulia, 33, suffered the effects of a nerve agent in the British city of Salisbury on March 4. Claiming that the substance used in the attack had been a Novichok-class nerve agent developed in the Soviet Union, London rushed to accuse Russia of being involved in the incident. Moscow rejected all of the United Kingdom’s accusations, saying that neither the Soviet Union nor Russia ever had any program aimed at developing such an agent. Notably, Britain’s military chemical laboratory at Porton Down near Salisbury it failed to trace the origin of the substance that poisoned Sergei and Yulia Skripals.
" Salisbury plot thickens, questions without answers multiply
Published On: September 6, 2018 11:00 AM NPT By: Agencies
WASHINGTON DC, Sept 6: Britain has shown images of the people allegedly responsible for the Skripals chemical weapons saga and claimed there were Russian military spies. As the case moves forward, questions remain unanswered about the British narrative.
Right from the start, the poisoning attack of Sergei Skripal, a retired double agent, in Salisbury was shaped by the British establishment as a barbaric and reckless attack by the Russian government on a perceived traitor under the protection of the British crown. The assertion was a political one, not based on actual evidence. Russia's request for access to the investigation – a reasonable request considering two of the victims hold Russian citizenship – was stonewalled and any doubts about the narrative dismissed as mere obfuscation.
The latest development on Wednesday went along the same lines. While the investigators themselves were careful to stress that there was no evidence linking the two alleged perpetrators with the Russian government. Prime Minister Theresa May didn't hesitate to bump up her cabinet's level of certainty in the Kremlin's guilt from 'highly likely' to 'certainly', based on classified intelligence.
The public, of course, is not allowed to test the validity of this intelligence and has to trust May that the two men were indeed officers of the Russian intelligence service GRU acting on an order from the highest echelons of the government, as she claims. After all, it's been over 15 years since the public was told to trust their government on Saddam’s WMDs, so who would doubt the intelligence?
Here are some of the lingering questions, which put the dent in the prevailing British narrative of the case.
The "weapons-grade nerve agent Novichok" used to poison Skripal and four other people in Britain seems to be a remarkably poor tool for the job. It claimed one life – not that of its presumed intended target – and was swiftly identified by the British authorities, who didn't wait long to cry "Russia did it" based on its nature.
The Soviet Union did develop various poisons, including those that could be used by assassins. Novichok is the nickname given to some, developed under a program called Foliant. There were numerous "Novichoks" developed. Other nations, including Britain, are in possession of samples of the same chemicals that once were researched in the USSR. But the link between Novichok and Russia in the public eye was long established before the poisoning in Salisbury – it even featured in thriller shows.
So the GRU sends agents armed with a faulty weapon that would inevitably be considered Russian after a Russian defector? Well, General Korobov does look somewhat like Mike Myers' Dr. Evil, so it seems plausible, right?
Fake perfume bottle
So the highly-trained Russian assassins planted their Novichok gel or whatever from the fake Nina Ricci bottle to the handle of the Skripal house door, confirmed that their mark contacted the poison and now need to quickly flee the country. What they do with the murder weapon? Do they throw it into the Avon River, which is right there in Salisbury, or uses some other crafty way to get rid of the incriminating evidence for good?
No, they throw it somewhere to be found two months later by a struggling couple living in Amesbury, one of whom, Dawn Sturgess, sadly did die from the poison. It seems the executors of the operation were as sloppy as its planners were thick.
It is interesting though that there is no way to tell whether the poison in the fake perfume bottle came from the same sample as the one that was used against the Skripals. It's the same chemical, for sure, as confirmed by the OPCW, but a number of factors “do not make it possible to draw conclusions as to whether the samples are from the same synthesis batch,” the chemical weapons watchdog reported. So are the investigators certain that the bottle is actually the weapon, as common sense suggests?
Russian nationals, false personas
The British police used CCTV footage to thoroughly track down the movements of the suspects in Britain. They arrived from Moscow by plane under what is presumed to be false identities, stayed in a hotel room (where they somehow left traces of Novichok) went twice to Salisbury, one for reconnaissance and one for the actual hit and then flew back to Moscow.
It doesn't seem like the Russian assassins bothered about covering their tracks, right? Why pose as a gay Finnish couple on a honeymoon during a clandestine mission that would land you in jail for life if caught, when you can simply be Boris and Natasha, sorry, Alexander Petrov and Ruslan Boshirov?
However, if the identities were fake, what makes them Russian nationals, yet alone GRU agents? Why not Ukrainians or some other ethnically close nationals or just some white guys who can deliver a good menacing Russian accent? And if the British intelligence did positively identify them, names and rank included, why this call on the public to tell the police who these guys are? Oh, sure, “to protect sources and methods” – the usual mantra of the intelligence community when asked to produce evidence in the latest assessment on Russia's bad deeds.
Motive, anyone?
Motive is often the weak part of a criminal investigation. People do strangest of things for all the wrong reasons. But the GRU is an organization, which is supposed to act rationally, especially under on order from the Russian government. So what was the goal of this bizarre operation?
May's explanation is that Russia wanted to send a signal to Russians living in the West not to mess with Moscow, or something. The message is presumably "we can take any amount of damage to our reputation to get a random double agent, who no longer poses any threat to our nation". It seems like a geopolitical equivalent of the Tide pod challenge.
The British prime minister would not be baited on Wednesday into naming President Vladimir Putin as personally responsible for ordering Skripal's death, but let's not be coy about it. Putin, who indeed has a lot of authority in Russia, is perceived by many in the West as a dictatorial all-controlling figure. So it's natural that the public is not offered any other explanation in the Skripal case.
Is organized crime getting their hands on a Novichok poison? No way, even if it happened in the past. Rogue agents? Certainly not. A false flag operation, which carefully aligned all the evidence to point at Russia? How preposterous!
There can be only one scenario. "
HM: It was british government...
" Russian company creates 'Our Guys in Salisbury' board game in 'humorous' response to novichok attack
The finish line in the 'Our Guys in Salisbury' game shows Salisbury cathedral and people in hazmat suits Credit: GalaMart.ru
A Russian company has produced a children's board game in which players retrace Russian assassins' route to the nerve agent attack Salisbury, prompting anger from residents...... "
" Russian Embassy Accuses CIA of Showing Fake Photos on Skripal Case to Trump
04.19.2019, 16:33
© Peter Nicholls © Reuters
The Russian Embassy in the UK has questioned the grounds on which the US government took action against Moscow in light of The New York Times report suggesting that the CIA had shown fake images of dead ducks and hospitalised children in wake of the Skripal poisoning in March 2018, Sputnik News reports.
"The CIA presented the president with fake photos – either made by themselves or received from [their] British colleagues. We urge the British authorities to urgently clarify this issue. In the meantime, astatement by Tracy Daszkiewicz, the director of public health at Wiltshire council, emerged in the media today, according to which neither children, nor animals suffered in the 4 March 2018 incident. Thus, the question of the grounds on which the US authorities (as well as the British) made decisions in wake of the Salisbury incident only acquires additional relevance", the embassy stated.
" London systematically destroying evidence in Skripal case – Russia’s UN envoy
The UK continues to conceal and destroy evidence relating to the Salisbury incident and have crossed all boundaries in their rhetoric by alleging President Putin’s personal involvement, Russia’s UN envoy Vassily Nebenzia has said.
The UK continues to conceal and destroy evidence relating to the Salisbury incident and have crossed all boundaries in their rhetoric by alleging President Putin’s personal involvement, Russia’s UN envoy Vassily Nebenzia has said.
“The British authorities are engaged in the systematic destruction of evidence,” Nebenzia told the United Nations Security Council, which held a session, called by UK on Wednesday, to discuss the OPCW report and other developments in the Skripal case
Skripal’s pets were killed. No samples were obviously taken. The places attended by the Skripals – a bar, a restaurant, a bench, park ground, etc – are all being cleared,” the diplomat said, pointing out that, despite some loud statements about the alleged contamination of the area, “people continue to live in Salisbury as if nothing happened.”
In a summary of its report, the OPCW didn’t not independently identify the nerve agent used in the Salisbury case nor its origin, but instead only confirmed “the findings of the United Kingdom relating to the identity of the toxic chemical that was used in Salisbury.”
The conclusions made by OPCW were based on samples provided by the UK investigators and do not prove London’s claim of Russia’s involvement in the poisoning, Nebenzia noted. “The main thing that the report lacks, and what the British side was so eager to see, is the conclusion that the substance used in Salisbury was produced in Russia,” he said.
The UK Ambassador to the United Nations, Karen Pierce, however, downplayed the lack of technical evidence and urged the council members to look at “the wider picture which has led the United Kingdom to assess that there’s no plausible alternative explanation than Russian State responsibility for what happened in Salisbury.”
Extensively using the ‘highly likely’ argument, the UK envoy once again claimed in her address to the UNSC that only Russia had the “technical means, operational experience and the motive to target the Skripals.” At one point she even claimed that “President Putin himself was closely involved in the Russian chemical weapons programme.”
“London apparently thinks the Russian President has a hobby of running chemical weapons programs in his free time. I don’t know whether you appreciate that you’ve crossed all possible boundaries,” Nebenzia replied.
While the UK is yet to produce clear evidence of Russian involvement in the alleged poisoning of the former double agent and his daughter, US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley once again attacked Moscow during the council meeting, parroting its ally’s narrative.
“As we have stated previously, the United States agrees with the UK's assessment that Russia is responsible for the chemical weapons in Salisbury,” Haley said. “Whether that is in their direct act, or irresponsibly losing control of the agent, which could be worse, our support for our British friends and colleagues is unwavering "
Risto Juhani Koivula
Venäjän agentit juhlivat ja riehuivat hotellissa ennen myrkkyiskua
Kasperi Summanen
Julkaistu 16.09.2018 | 14:26
Epäillyt Venäjän sotilastiedustelu GRU:n agentit Aleksader Petrov ja Ruslan Boshirov viettivät rankan illan ennen Salisburyn hermomyrkkyiskua.
Daily Mailin lähteiden mukaan parivaljakko juhli yöllä kovaa ja metelöi huoneessaan Lontoon kahden tähden City Star -hotellissa. Raivoissaan olleiden hotellivieraiden sanotaan valittaneen miehistä henkilökunnalle.
Eräs vieras kertoo Petrovin ja Boshirovin polttaneen kannabista niin, että sen haju levisi hotellin käytävään. Todistajien mukaan miehet myös salakuljettivat prostituoidun huoneeseensa.
Brittilehti The Sunin sunnuntaipainoksen mukaan epäillyt agentit myös riitelivät hotellin henkilökunnan kanssa iskuaamuna ennen lähtöään Salisburyyn.
Tiedustelulähteiden mukaan Britannian Scotland Yardilla ja tiedustelupalvelu MI6:lla on hallussaan ”valtavat määrät” venäläisten syyllisyydestä osoittavaa todistusaineistoa, jota ei ole vielä tuotu julkisuuteen.
Britannian viranomaiset uskovat Petrovin ja Boshirovin yrittäneen surmata entisen venäläisen kaksoisagentin Sergei Skripalin ja hänen Julia-tyttärensä maaliskuussa venäläisvalmisteisella Novitshok-hermomyrkyllä. Venäläismiesten uskotaan matkustaneen peitehenkilöllisyyksillä, mutta aidoilla passeilla. Heidän hotellihuoneestaan löytyi jäämiä Novitshokista. Venäjän mukaan Petrov ja Boshirov ovat viattomia turisteja.
Myrkytysepäillyn tiedoissa GRU:n suuntanumero "