*ked (1. smoke): Outstanding / solid presence (k), active subject (e), loss of condition (d)
*ked (2. tree): Outstanding solid presence (k), active subject (e), related to (d)
*keh₁u (to sway, totter): Dutstanding presence (k), active subject (e), alike / together (h1), passive subject inwards (
*keh₂ (greatness > desirable, wish): Outstanding presence (k), active subject (e), spread (h2)
*keh₂d (to rob, harm , damage): Outstanding / external presence (k), active subject (e), spread ("), loss of conditio
*keh₂i (and): Outstanding / solid presence (k), active subject (e), spread (h2), action outwards (i"&)
*keh₂id (1. heat, hot): Outstanding / solid presence (k), active subject (e), spread (h2), action outwards (ih3), loss o
*keh₂id (3. damage, limit): Dutstanding / solid presence (k), active subject (e), spread (h2), action outwards (ih3), l
*keh₂i-lo (whole, healthy):outstanding / solid presence (k),active subject (e),spread (h2), action outwards (i"&), in
*keh₂ito (forest, uncultivated land): outstanding presence (k), active subject (e), spread (h2), action (i), group (t), o
*keh₂k (to croak 2 cracking sound): Dutstanding presence (k), active subject (e), pread (h2), confined limited pres
*keh₂# (wish, desire): outstanding / solid presence (k), active subject (e), spread (h2), solid (m)
*keh₂' (1. to grasp): outstanding / solid presence (k), active subject (e), spread (h2), take away (p)
*keh₂' (2. garden, piece of land): Dutstanding / solid presence (k), active subject (e), spread (h2), take away (p)
*keh₂' (3. thing in the water): Dutstanding / solid presence (k), active subject (e), spread (h2), take away (p)
*keh₂ro (to like, wish,desire): outstanding / solid presence (k),active subject (e), spread (h2), internal feature mo
*keh₂u (1. to humble, discourage): Dutstanding / solid presence (k),active subject (e),spread (h2), passive subject i
*keh₂u (2. to howl): outstanding / solid presence (k), active subject (e), spread (h2), passive subject inwards (u"&)
*keh₂u(d) (separate, cleaved): outstanding / solid presence (k), active subject (e), spread (h2), passive subject inwa
*keh₂ul (abscess, swelling): outstanding / solid presence (k), active subject (e), spread (h2), passive subject inwards
*kei(h₂) (to move, set in motion): external presence (k), active subject (e), action outwards (ih3), spread (h2)
*keis (arm, thigh): outstanding presence (k),active subject (e), action outwards (ih3), attached (s´ *keku (cudgel): protruding presence (k), active subject (e), confined presence (k), passive subject
inwards (uh3)
*ke& (weasel): Dutstanding presence (k), active subject (e), e#ternal presence (k´)
*kel (1. to be elevated, to be prominent): Dutstanding solid presence (k), active subject (e), up (l)
*kel ($. s"ell, cup): Dutstanding solid presence (k), active subject (e), e#ternal (l)
*kel ('. t"orny, pricky): Dutstanding solid presence (k), active subject (e), e#ternal emission (l)
*kelh₂ (to strike): Dutstanding solid presence (k), active subject (e), emission (l), spread (")
*keli (to drive, compel): Dutstanding solid presence (k), active subject (e), e#ternal (l), action outwards (ih3)
*ke# (1. to s!uee3e, compress): outstanding solid presence (k), active subject (e), packed (m)
*ke# (2. to disperse, fragment): outstanding solid presence (k), active subject (e), dispersion, fragmentation (m)
*ken (1. young): outstanding solid presence (k), active subject (e), complete (n)
*ken (2. to be active): outstanding solid presence (k), active subject (e), complete (n)
*ke(n)g (hook): protruding presence (k), active subject (e), complete (n), degraded presence (g)
*kenk ( bind,gird): protruding presence (k),active subject (e),complete (n), conined presence (k)
*kenk (2. hunger, thirst): Dutstanding solid presence (k), active subject (e), complete (n), conined presence (k)
*kenk (3. "eel, "ock): Dutstanding solid presence (k), active subject (e), end (n), movement related presence (k)
*ke(n)k ("ook): ?rotruding presence (k), active subject (e), complete (n), conined presence (k)
*kent (1. new, fres"): Dutstanding solid presence (k), active subject (e), complete (n), group approac" (t)
*kent (2. last): outstanding solid presence (k), active subject (e), end (n), group approac" (t)
*ke(n)tʰ (rag, clot"): Dutstanding solid presence (k), active subject (e), end (n), internal limit (t-)
("ard): Dutstanding solid presence (k), active subject (e) impersonal (a) , e#ternal feature (r)
*kerd (1. talent, craft): outstanding solid presence (k), active subject (e), e#ternal feature (r), relation to depend
*kerd (2. gird): protruding presence (k), active subject (e), e#ternal feature (r), loss of condition (d)
*kerno (jaw, chin): Solid /protruding presence (k), active subject (e), e#ternal feature (r), virtual (no)
*kers (1. to run): Dutstanding solid presence (k), active subject (e), e#ternal movement (r), dispersion / movemen
*kers (2. dirty, dark): /#ternal presence (k), active subject (e), e#ternal feature (r), grounded (s)
*kes (to comb, scrape): protruding presence (k), active subject (e), dispersion out (s)
*ket kot (dwelling place): outstanding solid presence (k), active subject (e) or object (o), group approac" (t)
*keu (to bend): Dutstanding solid presence (k), active subject (e), passive subject inwards (uh3)
*k(e)uh₁d (to shout, cry): outstanding presence (k), active subject (e), passive subject inwards (uh3), alike toget"
*k(e)u' (1. to desire): outstanding /solid presence (k), active subject (e), passive subject (u), loss (p)
*krh₂-ti (to bring in): outstanding solid presence (k), e#ternal * internal movement (r+), spread ("), advance (t), a
*krk (1. ish eggs, frogspawn): protruding presence (k), internal * external movement (r+), internally conined prese
*krk (2. to weave): internal presence (k), e#ternal * internal movement (r+), internally confined presence (k)
*krk (2. to distort): protruding presence (k), internal * e#ternal movement (r+), internally confined presence (k)
*krk (3. to pull in): ?rotruding e#ternal presence (k), external * internal movement (r+), internally conined presen
*krk (4. rooster): outstanding solid presence (k), internal * e#ternal feature (r+), internal conined presence (k)
*krk (5. to jut out2 beam): outstanding solid presence (k), internal * e#ternal feature (r+), internal conined prese
*krk-sko (arm): outstanding solid presence (k), internal * e#ternal feature (r+), internal conined presence (k), a
*kr& (1. to wrinkle, shrivel up): Dutstanding presence (k), external * internal movement (r+), protruding presence (
*kr& (2. kind of bird): Dutstanding solid presence (k), internal * external feature (r+), outstanding presence (k)
*kr# (1. onion, garlic): outstanding solid presence (k), internal * external feature (r+), dispersion fragmentation
*kr# (2. ash tree): outstanding / solid presence (k), internal * external feature (r+), solid (m)
*kr# (3. to be tired, rest): outstanding / solid presence (k), internal * external feature (r+), dispersion / fragmentati
*kro# (constrained): outstanding / solid presence (k), internal feature / movement (r), object (o), packed (m)
*kr' (cloth, shoe): internal presence (k), external * internal movement (r+), take away (p)
*krt (1. to turn, wind): Dutstanding / solid presence (k), internal * external movement (r+), group / approac" (t)
*krt (2. cage): outstanding / solid presence (k), internal * external movement (r+), limit (t)
*krt (3. agglomeration): outstanding / solid presence (k), external * internal movement (r+), group / approac" (t)
*krut (breast, belly, protuberance): outstanding / solid presence (k), internal feature (r), passive subject inwards (u
*ksei' (to toss, throw): outstanding / solid presence (k), settled / attached (s), active subject (e), action outwards (i
*kses (to carve): outstanding/ solid presence (k), settled / attached (s), active subject (e), dispersion / loss (s)
*kseu (1. to shave,scratch): outstanding solid presence (k), settled attac"ed (s), active subject (e), passive subje
*kseu (2. to sneeze): outstanding presence (k), out dispersion loss unstable * liquid (s´), active subject (e), pas
*kseubʰ (to shake, totter): outstanding solid presence (k), settled attac"ed (s), active subject (e), passive subject
*kseud (to grind, stamp): outstanding solid presence (k), settled attached (s), active subject (e), passive subject (
*ksn(e)u (to scrape): outstanding solid presence (k), settled attached (s), start * end (n+), active subject (e), pass
*ksnie (to comb): outstanding solid presence (k), settled attac"ed (s), start * end (n+), action outwards (ih3), acti
*ktʰeh₁(i) (to gain, ac!uire): Dutstanding solid presence (k), e#ternal advance (t-), active subject (e), union ("), a
*kus (to kiss): Dutstanding / solid presence (k), passive subject (u), attac"ed (s´)
*k"ei (to shine white): Dutstanding / protruding presence (k), passive subject (w), active subject (e), action outwar
*k"eid (white): Dutstanding protruding presence (k), passive subject (w), active subject (e), action outwards (ih3)
*k"eis (bright): outstanding / protruding presence (k), passive subject (w), active subject (e), action outwards (ih3)
*k"eit (white): Dutstanding protruding presence (k), passive subject (w), active subject (e), action outwards (ih3),
*k"el' (1. arch, vault): outstanding / protruding presence (k), passive subject (w), active subject (e), external emi
*k"el' (3. to stumble): outstanding / protruding presence (k), passive subject (w), active subject (e), external emi
*k"h₂t (to ferment, become sour):outstanding presence (k),passive subject inwards (wh), spread (h2), group re
*k"ih₁ (to want, wis for): Dutstanding / protruding presence (k), passive subject inwards (wh), action outwards (
*&e &i &o (this, here, now): internally confined presence (k´), active subject (e) or action (i) or object (o)
*&eh₁-ro (colorful): internally confined presence (k´),active subject (e),alike (h2),internal feature (r), object (o)
*&eh₂d (to hate):internally confined presence (k´),active subject (e),spread (h2),loss of condition (d)
*&(e)h₂u (to burn): internally confined presence (k´), active subject (e), spread (h2), passive subject inwards (uh3)
*&(e)h₃ (to sharpen): internally conined presence (k´), active subject (e), outwards (h2)
*&ei (1. to lie, settle): internally confined presence (k´), active subject (e), action outwards (ih3)
*&ei (3. skin): internally confined presence (k´), active subject (e), action outwards (i)
*keh₂i-lo (whole, healthy): outstanding / solid presence (k), active subject (e), spread (h2), action outwards (h3), in
*keh₂ito (forest, uncultivated land): outstanding presence (k), active subject (e), spread (h2), action (i), group (t), o
*keh₂k (to croak, cracking sound): outstanding presence (k), active subject (e), spread (h2), conined / limited pres
*keh₂# (wish, desire): Dutstanding / solid presence (k), active subject (e), spread (h2), solid (m)
*keh₂' (1. to grasp): outstanding / solid presence (k), active subject (e), spread (h2), take away (p)
*keh₂' (2. garden, piece of land): outstanding / solid presence (k), active subject (e), spread (h2), take away (p)
*keh₂' (3. thing in the water): outstanding / solid presence (k), active subject (e), spread (h2), take away (p)
*keh₂ro (to like, wish, desire): outstanding / solid presence (k), active subject (e), spread (h2), internal feature / mo
*keh₂u (1. to humble, discourage): Dutstanding / solid presence (k), active subject (e), spread (h2), passive subject i
*keh₂u (2. to howl): outstanding / solid presence (k), active subject (e), spread (h2), passive subject inwards (uh3)
*keh₂u(d) (separate, cleaved): outstanding / solid presence (k), active subject (e), spread (h2), passive subject inwa
*keh₂ul (abscess, swelling): outstanding / solid presence (k), active subject (e), spread (h2), passive subject inwards
*kei(h₂) (to move, set in motion): internal presence (k), active subject (e), action outwards (ih3), spread (h2)
*keis (arm, thigh): Dutstanding presence (k), active subject (e), action outwards (ih3), attached (s´)
*keku (cudgel): protruding presence (k), active subject (e), confined presence (k), passive subject inwards (uh3)
*ke& (weasel): outstanding presence (k), active subject (e), external presence (k´)
*kel (1. to be elevated, to be prominent): outstanding / solid presence (k), active subject (e), up (l)
*kel (2. shell, cup): outstanding / solid presence (k), active subject (e), external (l)
*kel (3. thorny, pricky): outstanding /solid presence (k), active subject (e), external / emission (l)
*kelh₂ (to strike): outstanding / solid presence (k), active subject (e), emission (l), spread (h2)
*keli (to drive, compel): outstanding / solid presence (k), active subject (e), external (l), action outwards (ih3)
*ke# (1. to squeeze, compress): outstanding / solid presence (k), active subject (e), packed (m)
*ke# (2. to disperse, fragment): outstanding / solid presence (k), active subject (e), dispersion, fragmentation (m)
*ken (1. young): outstanding / solid presence (k), active subject (e), complete (n)
*ken (2. to be active): outstanding / solid presence (k), active subject (e), complete (n)
*ke(n)g (hook): protruding presence (k), active subject (e), complete (n), degraded presence (g)
*kenk (1. to bind, gird): protruding presence (k), active subject (e), complete (n), confined
presence (k)
*kenk (2. kunger, thirst): outstanding / solid presence (k), active subject (e), complete (n), confined presence (k)
*kenk (3. heel, hock): Dutstanding / solid presence (k), active subject (e), end (n), movement related presence (k)
*ke(n)k (hook): protruding presence (k), active subject (e), complete (n), confined presence (k)
*kent (1. new, fresh): outstanding / solid presence (k), active subject (e), complete (n), group / approach(t)
*kent (2. last): outstanding / solid presence (k), active subject (e), end (n), group / approach (t)
*ke(n)tʰ (rag, cloth): outstanding / solid presence (k), active subject (e), end (n), internal limit (t-)
*kerkar (hard): outstanding /solid presence (k),active subject (e) impersonal (a),external feature (r)
*kerd (1. talent, craft): outstanding/ solid presence (k),active subject (e), external feature (r), relation to depend
*kerd (2. gird): protruding presence (k), active subject (e), external feature (r), loss of condition (d)
*kerno (jaw, chin): Solid / protruding presence (k), active subject (e), external feature (r), virtual (no)
*kers (1. to run): outstanding / solid presence (k), active subject (e), external movement (r), dispersion / movemen
*kers (3. dirty, dark): internal presence (k), active subject (e), e#ternal feature (r), grounded (s´)
*kes (to comb, scrape): protruding presence (k), active subject (e), dispersion / out (s)
*ket kot (dwelling place): outstanding / solid presence (k), active subject (e) or object (o), group / approach (t)
*keu (to bend): Dutstanding / solid presence (k), active subject (e), passive subject inwards (uh3)
*k(e)uh₁d (to sh out, cry): uutstanding presence (k), active subject (e), passive subject inwards (uh3), alike /together
*k(e)u' ( desire): outstanding / solid presence (k), active subject (e), passive subject (u), loss (p)
*k(e)u' ( boil,cook):outstanding/ solid presence (k),active subject (e),passive subject (u), loss (p)
*k(e)u' (3. hole): outstanding / solid presence (k), active subject (e), passive subject (u), loss (p)
*kh₂dʰ > *kadʰ (to guard, cover): Dutstanding presence (k), apart (h2), inside (d-)
*kh₂gʰ > *kagʰ (to catch, seize, fence): Dutstanding presence (k), apart (h2), internal indistinct presence (g-)
*kh₂gloʰ > *kagʰlo (pebbles, gravel): outstanding presence (k), apart (h2), internal indistinct presence (g-), ground
*kh₂i& (1. hair, comb): dutstanding / solid presence (k), spread ("), action outwards (ih3), protruding / external pr
*kh₂i& (2. to itch, scratch): dutstanding solid presence (k), spread ("), action outwards (ih3), protruding extern
*kh₂is > *kais (hair): outstanding presence (k), spread ("), action outwards (iih3), attaced (s)
*kh₂l > *kal (1. handsome): outstanding solid presence (k), spread ("), external (l)
*kh₂l > *kal (2. "ard): outstanding solid presence (k), spread ("), external (l)
*kh₂# > *ka# (1. completely solid): outstanding solid presence (k), spread ("), solid (m)
*kh₂# > *ka# (2. to bend, curve): outstanding solid presence (k), spread ("), dispersion (m)
*kh₂#' > *ka#' (open space):outstanding /solid presence (k),spread (h2), dispersion (m),bodiless (p)
*kh₂n > *kan (to sing): outstanding solid presence (k), spread ("), complete sound (n)
*kh₂nt > *kant (corner): outstanding solid presence (k), spread ("), end (n), group approac" (t)
*kh₂'ro (he-goat, buck): outstanding solid presence (k), spread ("), bodiless take away (p), internal movement
*kh₂'-ut > *ka'-ut (head): Dutstanding solid presence (k), spread ("), bodiless loss (p), passive subject (u), gro
*kh₂t > *kat (1. link, chain): outstanding solid presence (k), spread ("), group approac" (t)
*kh₂t > *kat (2. to bear young): outstanding solid presence (k), spread ("), group approac" (t)
*kh₂t > *kat (3. fight, battle): outstanding solid presence (k), apart (h2), confrontation (t)
*kh₂us > *kaus (fate, lot): outstanding presence (k), spread ("), passive subject (u), attac"ed (s)
*kik (jay bird): Dutstanding presence (k), action (i), hidden presence (k)
*kisteh₂ (basket): outstanding presence (k), action (i), attached (s), advance (t), active subject (e), spread (h2)
*kl (1. stain, spot): outstanding solid presence (k), internal * e#ternal (l+)
*kl (2. white): outstanding solid presence (k), internal * emission (l+)
*kl (3. to wander2 way, path): Dutstanding solid presence (k), internal * emission (l+)
*kleh₂ (to place, lay down): Dutstanding / solid presence (k), internal (l), active subject (e), spread (h2)
*kleh₂dʰ-rh₂ (alder): outstanding solid presence (k), internal (l), active subject (e), spread ("), inside (d-), intern
*kleh₂u (1. to close): outstanding /solid presence (k), property (l), active subject (e), apart (h2), passive subject in
*kleh₂u (2. nail, peg): outstanding / solid presence (k), property (l), active subject (e), spread (h2), passive subject i
*klei& (to squeeze): outstanding solid presence (k), internal (l), active subject (e), action (i), external presence (k)
*kle# (weak, feeble): outstanding / solid presence (k), internal (l), active subject (e), dispersion, fragmentation (m)
*kleng (to bend, wind): outstanding / solid presence (k), internal (l), active subject (e), complete (n), degraded / weak
*klenk (to bend, wind): outstanding / solid presence (k), internal (l), active subject (e), complete (n), confined presence
*kle' (1. wet, damp): outstanding presence (k), internal (l), active subject (e), bodiless (p)
*kle' (2. to hold in arms and/or lap): outstanding presence (k),internal (l), active subject (e), take away (p)
*klg (1. wind around):outstanding /solid presence (k),internal * e#ternal (l+), degraded presence (g)
*klg (2. deception): outstanding / solid presence (k), internal * e#xternal (l+), harm evil (g)
*klg (3. to cry, shout): outstanding / solid presence (k), internal * external (l+), weak presence (g)
*klh₁ (1. to call): outstanding / solid presence (k), e#ternal * internal (l+), together (h2)
*klh₂ (to break up, cut, inheritance): outstanding / solid presence (k), property internal * external (l+), spread (h2)
*klh₂uo (bald, bare): outstanding / solid presence (k), internal * e#ternal (l+), apart (h2), passive subject (u), object
*klh₃ (1. glue): Dutstanding solid presence (k), external * internal (l+), inwards (h3)
*klh₃ (2. prison, to be captured): outstanding/ solid presence (k), external * internal (l+), inwards (h3)
*klh₃ (3. to spin): Dutstanding solid presence (k), internal * external (l+), inwards ("&)
*klk (to cry, shout): Dutstanding solid presence (k), internal * external (l+), conined limited presence (k)
*kl' (jug, cauldron): Dutstanding presence (k), e#ternal * internal (l+), take away (p)
*kneigʷʰ (to strain, exert pressure, bow): outstanding /solid presence (k), virtual (n), active subject (e), action (i), i
*knei(h₃)d (to itc", irritate): Dutstanding solid presence (k), virtual (n), active subject (e), action (i), inwards ("&),
*kneu (nut): Dutstanding solid presence (k), start (n), active subject (e), passive subject (u)
*kneug (to growl, whimper): outstanding solid presence (k), virtual (n), active subject (e), passive subject (u), weak
*knh₂ (nectar * honey): outstanding solid presence (k), nothingness (n), spread (h2)
*kn# (ham, shin): outstanding solid presence (k), nothingness * complete (n+), solid (m)
*kob (to suit, fit, succeed): outstanding solid presence (k), body object (o), extension (b)
*koi-lo (miserable, bare, naked): outstanding solid presence (k), body (o), action outwards (ih3), internal (l), object
*kois (to cure, care for): outstanding presence (k), body (o), action outwards (i), settled (s)
*ko&sh₂ (limb, joint): outstanding solid presence (k), body (o), protruding presence (k), attac"ed (s), spread (")
*ko# (with): outstanding solid presence (k), object (o), packed (m)
*ko' (hoof): outstanding solid presence (k), object (o), bodiless loss (p)
*ko'so (blackbird): outstanding solid presence (k), object (o), take away (p), dispersion (s), object body (o)
*koro (war, army): outstanding solid presence (k), body object (o), external feature (r), body object (o)
*kost (bone): Solid presence (k), object (o), growth (s), group (t)
*kr (1. cherry): outstanding solid presence (k), internal * external feature (r+)
*kr (2. ordure): outstanding solid presence (k), internal * external feature (r+)
*kr (3. dark color): outstanding solid presence (k), internal * external feature (r+)
*kr (. to hang): outstanding solid presence (k), external * internal movement (r+)
*kr (4. to scold, punish): Dutstanding solid presence (k), internal * external feature (r+)
*kr (5. hoarse sound): outstanding solid presence (k), internal * eternal feature (r+)
*krbr (checkered, variegated): outstanding solid presence (k), external * internal feature (r+), hiden body presence
*krd (beam): outstanding solid presence (k), internal * external feature (r+), related to (d)
*kreh₂u (to hide, conceal): outstanding solid presence (k), internal movement (r), active subject (e), spread (h2), p
*krei (1. to act): outstanding solid presence (k), internal feature (r), active subject (e), action outwards (ih3)
*krei (2. emission ): outstanding solid presence (k), internal feature (r), active subject (e), action outwards (ih3)
*kret (1. to shake): outstanding solid presence (k), internal movement (r), active subject (e), reduction limit (t)
*kret (2. to hit, beat): outstanding solid presence (k), internal movement (r), active subject (e), reduction limit (t
*kreu (1. to strike, beat): outstanding solid presence (k), internal feature (r), active subject (e), passive subject in
*kr(e)u (2. to collapse): outstanding solid presence (k), internal feature (r), active subject (e), passive subject inw
*kr(e)u (3. hoarse sound): outstanding solid presence (k), internal feature (r), active subject (e), passive subject i
*kreudʰ (to shake): outstanding solid presence (k), internal movement (r), active subject (e), passive subject inwa
*kreuh₂ (raw flesh, thick blood): outstanding solid presence (k), internal feature (r), active subject (e), passive su
*kreu' (scab): outstanding solid presence (k), internal feature (r), active subject (e), passive subject (u), bodiless
*kreus (1. to form a crust, to begin to free3e): Dutstanding solid presence (k), internal feature (r), active subject (e)
*kreus (2. to crush, shatter): Dutstanding / solid presence (k), internal feature (r), active subject (e), passive subject
*kreut (to shake): Dutstanding solid presence (k), internal movement (r), active subject (e), passive subject inwar
*krg (1. to torture, torment): protruding presence (k), external * internal movement (r+), harm (g)
*krg (2. to croak): Dutstanding / solid presence (k), internal * e#ternal feature (r+), degraded / weak presence (g)
*krh₁' (leather, cloth, shoe): Dutstanding / solid presence (k), internal * external feature (r+), alike (h2), take away (
*krh₂ (to glorify, praise aloud): Dutstanding / solid presence (k), internal * e#ternal feature (r+), spread (h2)
*krh₂-ti (to bring in): Dutstanding / solid presence (k), external * internal movement (r+), spread (h2), advance (t), a
*krk (1. ish eggs, frogspawn): protruding presence (k), internal * external movement (r+), internally confined prese
*krk (2. to weave): internal presence (k), external * internal movement (r+), internally confined presence (k)
*krk (3. to distort): ?rotruding presence (k), internal * e#ternal movement (r+), internally confined presence (k)
*krk (4. to pull in): protruding / external presence (k), external * internal movement (r+), internally confined present
*krk (4. rooster): Dutstanding / solid presence (k), internal * external feature (r+), internal / conined presence (k)
*krk (5. to jut out, beam): Dutstanding / solid presence (k), internal * external feature (r+), internal /conined prese
*krk-sko (arm): Dutstanding / solid presence (k), internal * e#ternal feature (r+), internal / conined presence (k), a
*kr& (1. to wrinkle, shrivel up): Dutstanding presence (k), e#ternal * internal movement (r+), protruding presence (
*kr& (2. kind of bird): Dutstanding / solid presence (k), internal * e#ternal feature (r+), outstanding presence (k)
*kr# (1. onion, garlic): outstanding / solid presence (k), internal * external feature (r+), dispersion / fragmentation
*kr# (h. ash tree): Dutstanding / solid presence (k), internal * external feature (r+), solid (m)
*kr# (3. to be tired, rest): outstanding / solid presence (k), internal * external feature (r+), dispersion / fragmentati
*kro# (constrained): Dutstanding / solid presence (k), internal feature / movement (r), object (o), packed (m)
*kr' (cloth, shoe): /#ternal presence (k), external * internal movement (r+), take away (p)
*krt (1. to turn, wind): Dutstanding / solid presence (k), internal * external movement (r+), group / approac" (t)
*krt (2. cage): outstanding / solid presence (k), internal * external movement (r+), limit (t)
*krt (3. agglomeration): Dutstanding / solid presence (k), external * internal movement (r+), group / approach (t)
*krut (breast, belly, protuberance): outstanding / solid presence (k), internal feature (r), passive subject inwards (u
*ksei' (to toss, throw): Dutstanding / solid presence (k), settled / attached (s), active subject (e), action outwards (i
*kses (to carve): Dutstanding / solid presence (k), settled / attached (s), active subject (e), dispersion / loss (s)
*kseu (1. to shave, scratch): Dutstanding / solid presence (k), settled / attac"ed (s), active subject (e), passive subje
*kseu (3. to sneeze): Dutstanding presence (k), out dispersion loss unstable * liquid (s´), active subject (e), pas
*kseubʰ (to shake, totter): Dutstanding / solid presence (k), settled / attached (s), active subject (e), passive subject
*kseud (to grind, stamp): Dutstanding / solid presence (k), settled / attached (s), active subject (e), passive subject (
*ksn(e)u (to scrape): Dutstanding / solid presence (k), settled / attached (s), start * end (n+), active subject (e), passive
*ksnie (to comb): Dutstanding / solid presence (k), settled / attached (s), start * end (n+), action outwards (ih3), action
*ktʰeh₁(i) (to gain, ac!uire): outstanding / solid presence (k), external advance (t-), active subject (e), union (h2), a
*kus (to kiss): Dutstanding / solid presence (k), passive subject (u), attached (s´)
*k"ei (to shine2 white): outstanding / protruding presence (k), passive subject (w), active subject (e), action outwar
*k"eid (white): Dutstanding / protruding presence (k), passive subject (w), active subject (e), action outwards (ih3)
*k"eis (bright): Dutstanding / protruding presence (k), passive subject (w), active subject (e), action outwards (ih3)
*k"eit (white): Dutstanding / protruding presence (k), passive subject (w), active subject (e), action outwards (ih3),
*k"el' (1. arch, vault): Dutstanding / protruding presence (k), passive subject (w), active subject (e), external emi
*k"el' (3. to stumble): outstanding / protruding presence (k), passive subject (w), active subject (e), external emi
*k"h₂t (to ferment, become sour): Dutstanding presence (k), passive subject inwards (wh2), spread (h2), group re
*k"ih₁ (to want, wis" for): Dutstanding protruding presence (k), passive subject inwards (w"&), action outwards (
*&e &i &o
(t"is, "ere, now): >nternally conined presence (k), active subject (e) or action (i) or object (o)
(colorful): >nternally conined presence (k), active subject (e), alike ("), internal feature (r), object (o)
(to "ate): >nternally conined presence (k), active subject (e), spread ("), loss of condition (d)
*&(e)h₂u (to burn): internally confined presence (k´), active subject (e), spread (h2), passive subject inwards (uh3)
*&(e)h₃ (to sharpen): internally confined presence (k´), active subject (e), outwards (h2)
*&ei (1. to lie, settle): internally confined presence (k´), active subject (e), action outwards (ih3)
*&ei (2. skin): internally confined presence (k´), active subject (e), action outwards (ih3)
*&ei (3. to sharpen): internally confined presence (k´), active subject (e), action outwards (ih3)
*&eibʰ (1. fast, hasty): internally confined / movement related presence (k´), active subject (e), action (i), internal los
*&eibʰ (2. violent): internally conined / movement related presence (k´), active subject (e), action (i), internal loss (
*&eigʰ (to strive, hasten): >nternally conined movement related presence (k), active subject (e), action (i), internal
*&ei'(1. physical limit): internally confined presence (kk), active subject (e), action (i), lack loss of body (p)
*&ei' (3. loss of physical presence): internally confined presence (k´), active subject (e), action (i), lack, loss of body
*&ei' (3. to wag): Fovement related presence (k´), active subject (e), action (i), lack, loss ofbody (p)
*&ekʷ (to cack, defecate): internally confined presence (k´), active subject (e), emission (k0)
*&el (1. to cover, conceal): internally confined presence (k´), active subject (e), external (l)
*&el (2. tail): internally confined presence (k´), active subject (e), emission (l)
*&elb (to help): internally confined presence (k´), active subject (e), emission (l), extension (b)
*&e# (1. young or female animal * hornless animal): internally confined presence (k´), active subject (e), dispersion
*&e# (3. prop, saft, pole): internally confined presence (k´), active subject (e), solid packed (m)
*&e#er (armored animal): internally confined presence (k´), active subject (e), solid packed (m), active subject (e),
*&e#ero (poisonous cathartic plant): internally confined presence (k´), active subject (e), dispersion fragmentation
*&e#u (toil, trouble): internally confined presence (k´), active subject (e), dispersion fragmentation (m), passive su
*&en (1. emptiness): internally confined presence (k´), active subject (e), end (n)
*&en (3. to rise, ascend): internally confined presence (k´), active subject (e), complete (n)
*&en-i (ash, dust): nternally confined presence (k´), active subject (e), end (n), action outwards (ih3)
*&e(n)k *&h₂(n)k > *&a(n)k (1. branch): internally confined presence (k´), active subject (e) or spread (h2), compl
*&e(n)k *&h₂(n)k > *&a(n)k (3. to get thin): internally confined presence (k´), active subject (e) or spread (h2), co
*&e(n)k *&h₂(n)k > *&a(n)k (3. to hang): internally confined presence (k´), active subject (e) or spread (h2), comp
*&ent (1. to stab, pierce): internally confined presence (k´), active subject (e), complete (n), approach group (t)
*&ent (3. center): internally confined presence (k´), active subject (e), complete (n), approach group (t)
*&er (liaison, tie, relationship): internally confined presence (k´), active subject (e), external feature (r)
*&erdʰ (herd, flock, row, line): internally confined presence (k´), active subject (e), external feature (r), internal depe
*&er(h₂) (horn): internally confined presence (k´), active subject (e), external feature (r), spread (h2)
*&erh₃ (to feed): internally confined presence (k´), active subject (e), external feature (r), inwards (h2)
*&er(s) ("air): internally conined presence (k´), active subject (e), e#ternal feature (r), attached (s´)
*&es (to cut): internally confined presence (k´), active subject (e), segmentation dispersion (s)
*&et &at (anger): internally confined presence (k´), active subject (e) or impersonal (a), confrontation (t)
*&eu (to show up * to shine, be bright): internally confined presence (k´), active subject (e), passive subject inwards
*&eub (thorn): internally confined presence (k´), active subject (e), passive subject (u), material extension (b)
*&eubʰ (to embellish): internally confined presence (k´), active subject (e), passive subject (u), inwards addition (b-)
*&eudʰ (to purify): internally confined presence (k´), active subject (e), passive subject (u), internal dependence (d-)
*&(e)u& (to whirl, mix together): internally conined presence (k´), active subject (e), passive subject inwards (uh3),
*&e"k (1. white, to glow): internal con ined presence (k´), active subject (e), passive subject (w), movement related
*&e"k (3. pain, suffering): internal confined presence (k´), active subject (e), passive subject (w), limited internal pre
*&h₁u-er (northern wind): internally confined presence (k´), together (h2) passive subject (u), active subject (e), external
*&h₂d > *&ad (1. to fall): internally confined presence (k´), spread (h2), loss of condition (d)
*&h₂d > *&ad (3. distinguished): internally confined presence (k´), spread (h2), related to (d)
*&h₂k > *&ak (1. to enable): internally confined presence (k´), spread (h2), internal movement related presence (k)
*&h₂k > *&ak (3. to jump): internally conined presence (k´), spread (h2), internal movement related presence (k)
*&h₂s > *&as &us
(to s"ow, teac"): >nternally conined presence (k), spread (") or passive subject (u), e#pansion
*&h₂s > *&as (1. gray): internally conined presence (k´), spread (h´), dispersion
*&h₂s > *&as (2. hare): internally conined presence (k´), spread (h´), out (s)
*&ih₃k (drizzle): Fovement related presence (k), action (i), downwards (h2), limited presence (k)
*&ik (belt, strap): Fovement related presence (k´), action (i), confined presence (k)
*&i-&erh₃ (chick; pea): internally conined presence (k´), action outwards (ih2), internally confined presence (k), acti
*&i'ʰ (root, flexible twig): internally confined presence (k´), action outwards (ih2), internal lack (p-)
*&leh₁ (warm): internally confined presence (k´), internal (l), active subject (e), together (h2)
*&leh₂ (hidden, clandestine): internally confined presence (k´), internal (l), active subject (e), spread (")
*&lei (1. to lean): internally confined presence (k´), ground (l), active subject (e), action outwards (i"&)
*&lei (2. ownership): internally confined presence (k´), property (l), active subject (e), action outwards (i"&)
*&le' (to steal): internally confined presence (k´), property , internal (l), active subject (e), bodiless take away (p)
*&leuh₃ (1. to clean, rinse): internally conined presence (k´), internal (l), active subject (e), passive subject (u), outw
*&leuh₃ (2. fip, buttock): internally confined presence (kk), internal (l), active subject (e), passive subject (u), outwar
*&le" (to hear): internally conined presence (k´), internal (l), active subject (e), passive subject inwards (w"&)
*&lh₁ (to deceive, enthrall): internally confined presence (k´), internal * external (l+), alike (h2)
*&neid (nit): internally confine/ hidden presence (kk´), small (n), passive subject (e), action (i), loss of condition (d)
*&olh₂#o (stalk, stem, straw): internally conined presence (k´), object (o), external (l), spread (h2), weak object (mo
*&onk (to doubt, vacillate): internally confined presence (k´),object (o), complete (n), internal / limited presence (k)
*&onkh₃os (conch, shell): internally confined presence (k´), object (o), complete (n), internal / limited presence (k),
*&or(h₂) (crow, raven): internally confined presence (k´), body (o), external feature (r), spread (h2)
*&or#o ("arm): internally confined presence (k´), object (o), external feature (r),bad dispersion fragmentation (
*&or#on (weasel): internally confined presence (k´), object (o), external feature (r), bad / dispersion (m), object (o),
*&ouh₃ (hollow): internally confined presence (k´), object (o), passive subject (u), outwards (h3)
*&o!no (grass): internally confined presence (k´), body (o), action outwards (yh3), small (no)
*&r (1. dark color): internally confined presence (k´), internal * external feature (r+)
*&r (3. "oarse sound): internally confined presence (k´), internal * external feature (r+)
*&rbʰ (1. coal): internally confined presence (k´), internal * external feature (r+), internal loss (p-)
*&rbʰ (3. to entrust): internally confined presence (k´), external * internal movement (r+), inwards addition (b-)
*&rd(heart): nternally confined presence (k´), internal * external movement (r+), dependence (d)
*&reh₂ (to mix): internally confined presence (k´), internal movement (r), active subject (e), spread (")
*&reih₁ (to appear,show forth): internally confined presence (k´), internal feature (r),active subject (e), action outw
*&rh₂ (to "arm, break): internally confined presence (k´), internal * external feature (r+), spread (")
*&rh₃ (to make grow): internally confined presence (k´), internal * external movement (r+), outwards ("&)
*&rkeh₂ (grit, gravel): internally confined presence (k´), internal * external feature (r+), solid /
external presence (k),
*&r# (to burn): internally confined presence (k´), internal * eternal movement (r+),dispersion fragmentation (m)
*&r#bʰ (to entrust): internally confined presence (k´), external * internal movement (r+), solid (m), inwards additio
*&r#no (corrosive liquid): internally confined presence (k´), internal * external movement (r+), dispersion (m), smal
*&r' (1. body): internally confined presence (k´), internal * external movement (r+), loss of body (p)
*&r' (2. to crackle, rattle): internally confined presence (k´), internal * external movement (r+), loss of body (p)
*&r' (3. roof): internally confined presence (k´), external * internal movement (r+), take away (p)
*&rus (leg, shank): internally confined presence (k´), internal feature (r), passive
*&"en (to celebrate, saint): internally confined presence (k´), passive subject (w), active subject (e), complete (n)
*&"endʰ-ro (herbal medicine): internally confined presence (k´), passive subject (wh3), active subject (e), complete
*&"e(n)k (1. to gape): internally conined presence (k´), passive subject (wh3), active subject (e), complete (n), confine
*&"e(n)k (2. branc"): internally confined presence (k´), passive subject (wh3), active subject (e), complete (n), confine
*&"es (to pant, puff): Fovement related presence (k´), passive subject inwards (wh3), active subject (e), dispersion (
*&"on (dog): internally conined presence (k´), passive subject (wh3), object /body (o), complete (n)
*kʷe (and): Bdditional body presence (k0), active subject (e)
*kʷe kʷei kʷo (who, that, when, what, which): Bdditional body presence (k0), active subject (e) or active subj
*kʷed(to drill, bore, s"arpen): ?assive e#ternal presence inwards (k0), active subject (e), los of condition (d)
*kʷeh₁ (to observe with respect): passive external presence (k0),active subject (e),alike together (h2)
*kʷ(e)h₂s (to cough): passive external presence inwards (k0), active subject (e), spread ("), dispersion (s)
*kʷei (1. to build, make, pile up): ?assive e#ternal presence (k0), active subject (e), action upwards outwards (ih3)
*kʷei (2. to pay attention to): ?assive e#ternal presence (k0), active subject (e), action outwards (i"&)
*kʷe& (to s"ow, appear, see, seem): ?assive e#ternal presence (k0), active subject (e), outstanding external presen
*kʷel (1. far a way): passive external presence (k0), active subject (e), external (l)
*kʷel (2. crowd, herd, swarm): Bccumulated body presence (k0), active subject (e), e#ternal (l)
*kʷelh₁ (to go round): Bdditional body presence (k0), active subject (e), e#ternal emission (l), toget"er (") *kʷe# (to swallow, gulp, sip): ?assive e#ternal presence inwards (k0), active subject (e), packed (m)
*kʷene (particle for uncertainty, generali3ation): Bccumulated body presence (k0), active subject (e), complete en
*kʷentʰ (to suffer, endure): ?assive e#ternal presence inwards (k0), active subject (e), complete (n), internal confro
*kʷer (pot, dis"): Bccumulated body presence (k0), active subject (e), external feature (r)
*kʷ etuor (four): Bdditional body presence (k0), active subject (e), advance / e#tension (t), passive subject (u), body
*(kʷ)(h₂)"e' (to strew, t"row out): Bccumulated body presence (k0), spread ("), passive subject (w), active subje
*kʷieh₁ (quiet): accumulated body presence (k0), action (i), active subject (e), together (")
*kʷrei (to buy): additional accumulated body presence (k0), internal feature (r), active subject (e), action upward
*kʷrh₁(to increase): Bdditional accumulated body presence (k0), internal * e#ternal movement (r+), alike (")
*kʷr#i (grub, maggot,worm):accumulated body presence (k0), internal/external movement (r+), dispersion (m),
*kʷr' (to turn, wind): additional accumulated body presence (k0), internal * external feature (r+), take away (p)
*kʷrs (trees, small wood): accumulated body presence (k0),internal * external feature (r+), attached settled gro
*kʷru (to chew, grind): Bdditional body presence (k0), external * internal movement (r+), passive subject inwards (
*kʷse´ (dark): accumulated body presence (k0), settled (s), active subject (e), bodiless (p)
*kʷtʰei (to destroy, perish): accumulated body presence (k0), external loss of condition (t-), active subject (e) actiosubject (u), attaced expansion
*&seh₁-ro (dry):internally confined presence (k´),solid (s),active subject (e),alike (h2), internal feature (r), object(
*&seh₂ (to burn):internally confined presence (k´),loss/dispersion (s´),active subject (e), spread (h3)
*&tʰei (to settle): internally confined presence (k´), external advance / evolution (t-), active subject (e), action outwa