Millä helvetin olkapäillä vuonna 1979 syntynyt, vuonna 1993 lääketieteen tohtoriksi sittemmin aika pian lakkautetusta kokeiluluontoisesta Interflex-tohtorinkoulutusohjel-masta, johon oppilaat valittiin suoraan high schooleista, valmistunut alle 30-vuotias tohtorinplanttu Sanjay Gupta päästi vuosina 1997-1998 just Monica Lewinsky-aikaan Valkoiseen taloon presidentin ja Hillaryn puheiden kirjoittajaksi ja erityisesti jälkim-mäisen neuvonantajaksi? HOITIKO hän mahdollisesti Hillarya jostakin vaivasta tai ongelmasta? KOKEILTIINKO jotakin "superuudenaikaista" ja juonittiinko pelkästään sellaisia, millaisia? (Ja Bill sitten juoni Monican kanssa omiaan...)

" Sanjay Gupta (/ˈsɑːn ˈɡptə/ SAHN-jay GOOP-tə; born October 23, 1969) is an American neurosurgeon and media reporter.He serves as associate chief of the neu-rosurgery service at Grady Memorial Hospital in Atlanta, Georgia and as assistant professor of neurosurgery at the Emory University School of Medicine.

A media personality on health-related issues, he is best known as CNN's multiple Emmy Award-winning chief medical correspondent,hosting the network's weekend health program Sanjay Gupta,M.D.,and making frequent appearances on their Ame-rican Morning,Larry King Live and Anderson Cooper 360° programs.His reports from Charity Hospital, New Orleans, Louisiana,in the wake of Hurricane Katrina led to him winning a 2006 Emmy Award for Outstanding Feature Story in a Regularly Sche-duled Newscast. Additionally, Gupta publishes a column in Time magazine and is a special correspondent for CBS News. His books Chasing Life and Cheating Death were New York Times and national bestsellers.[2][3] His latest book,Monday Mornings a novel, was released in March 2012 and became an instant New York Times bestseller. It was adapted as a 2013 television series with David E. Kelley and Gupta serving as executive producers.

From 1997 to 1998, he served as one of fifteen White House Fellows, primarily as an advisor to Hillary Clinton. In January 2009, it was reported that Gupta was offered the position of Surgeon General of the United States in the Obama administration, [1] but he withdrew his name from consideration.[4] In January 2011,he was named "one of the 10 most influential celebrities" by Forbes magazine. [5]

Tuona aikana noilla hommilla ratsastaen Gupta aloitti myös TV-hommat CCN:llä. Vuonna 2001 hän sai oman terveysohjelman ja hänestä tuli yksi tunnetuimmista julk-kiksista. Vuonna 2003 hän lähti Irakin sotaan ilmeisestikin (info)sotakoulutukseen. Hän toimi sekä aivokirurgina että toimittajana ja kohosi "liberaalia" esittävän, sodan- lietsonnastaan kuuluisan Ruutisbyroo CNN:n Aasian-johtajaksi. Hän oli osakas, ilmeisesti johtaja myös USAlaisessa laboratoriossa, jonka tutkimuaihe oli - "kuolemattomuus"!

Pistetään tämäkin näkyville, ennen kuin katoaa. Tämä on harvinaisen kesy lajissaan häntä ja "kuolemattomuutta" koskevista pläjäyksistän tuolta ajalta... Tyyliä selittää, että korkein täyttymys on taistella katsojista.

" Life Extension Magazine

Dr. Sanjay Gupta's Search for Biological Immortality

August 2007, By Philip Smith

... "

Hänen saavutuksiaan tuolloin, jolloin hänellä oli vauhti päällä, kuulluvat mm.:

- Osallistui siamilaisten kaksosten Laleh ja Ladan Bijanin,joilla oli yhteinen aivo-kuori mutta täysin eri persoonallisuudet,puoskarimurhaan epäonnistumaan tuo-mitun erotusleikkauksen muodossa Ruutisbyroo CNN:n Intian-johtajan ominaisuu- dessa. Syy oli, että erilliset persoonat samaa aivokuorta hyödyntäen todistavat per-soonallisuuden olevan aistimusperäinen kielellinen konstruktio eikä mikään "biologis-kemiallinen" entiteetti.

Tällä hän ilmeisesti tienasi luvatun ikuisen "vihreän oksan" infosotajohtamisen ja puoskari"tutkimuksen" piirissä näiden tuloksista riippumatta. Obina, roisto hänkin, ei kuitenkaan nimittänyt Guplaa valtakunnanlääkärin (Surgeon General) virkaan, jollai-nen vapautui, vaikka tämä oli jo elänyt ja tiedotellut jonkin aikaa, kuin olisi siinä jo. (Fauci on Epidemiologist General.)

On The Scene

CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta

CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta

Dr. Sanjay Gupta: 'Tragic outcome' for twins

Tuesday, July 8, 2003 Posted: 1325 GMT ( 9:25 PM HKT)

(CNN) -The risky surgery to separate conjoined Iranian twins Ladan and Laleh Bijani ended tragically Tuesday with the deaths of both women, a Singapore hospital said. ... "

Luultavasi hän ideoi ja organisoi koko homman.Pahinta hommassa ei suinkaan ollut, että "tohtorit eivät osanneet" hommaa, jota ei ollut koskaan ennen edes yritetty aikui-silla. Vastasyntyneitä, joilla oli osin yhteinen aivokuori,oli erotettu. "Pahinta silloin val- lalla olevien puoskariteorioiden kannalta oli, ettei heidän teorioihinsa mahtunut eikä sopinut sellainen seikka, että yhteiselle aivokuorelle voi rakentua kaksi täysin eri persoonaa. (Näkemättä jäi, miten erotus olisi kuitenkin näitä molempia persoonia "leikannut", sillä tytöt kuolivat.

"Sankarilääketiede" oli hävittänyt korvaamattoman arvokkaan persoonallisuusneuro- fysiologisen tutkimuskohteen. (Moni puoskari ja toimittajanlalla huokasi syvään helpotuksesta...)

-Sanjay "Gupla" sepitti uutisankan "Osama bin Ladenin vaikeasta munuaistaudista", joka johti 10 vuotta harhaan varsinkin kaikkia muita toimittajia.

" Dr. Sanjay Gupta, 2002: Osama Has Kidney Failure

Mainstream doctor guy Sanjay Gupta said Osama probably had kidney failure 9 years ago.

Having known a guy with kidney failure (now long dead) who was undergoing dialysis treatments, I gotta tell ya.

This whole b***sh***t story about about a guy in this condition, living a life on the run for 10 years, dragging a room full of dialysis gear behind him is EXTREMELY hard to swallow.

- Kärysi CNN:n Aasian-johtajana muka "Tiibetin-mellakoiden" dokumenttien väärentämisestä Nepalissa. Nepalkaan ei tästä tykännyt lainkaan hyvää.

- Kiina sulki CNN:n ulos Pekingin olympialaisten televisioinneita. Kostoksi Saaka-shvilin vanha yhteistyökumppani CNN järjesti (ajoitti) Georgian hyökkäyksen Etelä-Ossetiaan olympialaisten avajaispäiväksi.
Kuvassa niinikään CNN-uralle silloin spekuloitu Georgian presidetti Mihail Saakashvili imppaa haastatteklun välillä kravatistaan...

Грузинские власти заявляют, что по-прежнему будут настаивать на экстрадиции бывшего президента на родину.

- Gupta myös äänestytti itsensä televisiokanavansa äänestyksessä "maailman seksikkäimmäksi mieheksi" intialaisten naiskatsojien voimalla, jotka LUULI-VAT ÄÄNESTÄVÄNSÄ BOLLYWOOD-OHJAAJA JA -NÄYTTELIJÄ SANJAY GUPTAA, joka tosiaan on komea (ja tiettävästi järjissäänkin).


Varoittaako Bond-elokuva "Huominen ei koskaan kuole" (Tomorrow never dies), Englanti 1998, Ruutisbyroo CNN:stä, Guptasta kaltaisineen - ja Clintoneista?


Kuvaa on erilaisissa äänestyksissä pidetty jopa parhaana Bondina. Se toistaa toisen parhaisiin kuuluvan bondin "Elät vain kahdesti" (You only live twice) juonikuviota, jossa kansainvälinen gangsteriporukka yrittää saada aikaan suurvaltojen, nyt USA:n ja Kiinan välisen maailmasodan tekemällä näille vastapuolen piikkiin meneviä koiruuksia, jollaisia muiden kuin supervaltojen ei pitäisi osata eikä kustantaa tehdä. Englantilainen sotalaiva uppoaa Kiinanmerellä Vietnamin edustalla, mistä epäillään kiinalaisia.

Sitä ennen on kuitenkin tapahtunut, että NATO:lta on varastettu sotaharjoituksissa "GPS-kooderi", jolla pystytään tuottamaan vihollisen GPS-paikantimiin väärennettyä GPS-tietoa, joka saa lentokoneet lentämään ja laivat uimaan päin helvettiä. (Viittaa ainakin minun mielestäni huumorimuodossa väärennettyyn tieteeseen, mutta nykyäänhän niitä jammereitakin, maksaa Kiinasta tilattuna muutaman kympin.)

Tällaista laitetta osaa käyttää (joskin huonosti...) myös roistotahon (R)Uutistoimisto Huomisen (Tomorrow, viittaa myös kuvan nimeen, että "niistä ei suinkaan tällä ole päästy eroon ... eikä ehkä päästäkkän..."), jolla on mahtavat poliittiset suhteet, kak-koskonna Henry Gupta, jota Bond arvelee ekoterroristiksi. Bondilla, vähän jähmeä Pierce Brosnan,on hampaankolossa Tomorrowta kohtaan, ja hän on tutkinut sen tou-huja myös omin päin, sillä hänen ex-tyttöystävänsä (Teri Hatcher, Desperate House-wives) on lähtenyt mediamoguli Elliott Carverin (= puusorvari, about Ted Turner = puusorvari niin ikään) matkaan.

Meediatalon suunnitelma on sytyttää kolmas maailmansota saadakseen mahdol-lisimman paljon ja raflaavia uutisia ja voidaakseen jos oikein hyvin sattuu myös vaikuttaa sodan kulkuun voittojensa eduksi...Henry (Kissinger?) (Sanjay?) Gupta on ahne ja tyhmä suurilla panoksilla ja armottomalla moukantuurilla pelaava gangsteri, joka pettää myös pomoaan Carveria - ja Carver ja muutkin myös häntä.

Pomo lähettää Bondin Afganistaniin "Terroristien tavarataloon" katsomaan, olisiko GPS-kooderi päätynyt sinne myyntiin. Ja kuinka ollakaan ilmestyy myös kaksi venä-läisittäin murtavaa asekauppiasta, joilla on kuin onkin GPS-kooderi! Hän havaitsee tutun Henry Guptan myös tulleen ostoksille matkalaukku täynnä käteistä.Koska Gup- ta kohta tunnistaisi hänet, on pantava hösseliksi, ja yritettävä kaapata tai hävittää "kooderi". Syntyneessä häslingissä kooderi putoaa ehjänä Guptan matkalaukkuun - ilmaiseksi. Rahatkin hän pitää itsellään.

Elokuvan käsikirjoittaja on amerikkakainen TV-koomikko ja poliittinen kommentaatto- ri (Fox-TV) Bruce Feirstein, joka toimi myös demokraattisenaattori Michael Dukakisin kampanjajohtajana. Henry Guptaa esittää CNN:n kanssa kilpaileva TV-kasvo TV-taikuri ja -juontaja Ricky Jay. Elliot Carver on walesilainen Jonathan Pryce.


Sheryl Crow: Tomorrow never dies:

VARSINAINEN PROFETIA tuo kuva oli, jos tästä oli kysymys....

Mutta siihen haastatteluun, kopsaisen tähän lähinnä vain Hillarya koskevia kohtia. loput voi katsoa likistä:

" Playboy Interview: Sanjay Gupta

By David Hochman August 12, 2015

Yes, there is a doctor in the house.Whether it's mass injuries in an earthquake, a ce-lebrity cancer scare or the war on obesity,Dr.Sanjay Gupta is the source millions rely on for health information. CNN's chief medical correspondent zips from war zones to virus hot zones and somehow finds time to practice brain surgery three days a week. When, say, a measles outbreak or a congressional health care hearing makes head-lines at CNN headquarters in Atlanta, the multi-Emmy-winning newsman barely has time to pee, before Wolf Blitzer once again barks out, "Doctor, tell us the latest."

Born and raised outside Detroit,where his immigrant Indian parents worked as engi-neers for Ford Motor Company,Gupta has always been a go-to sort of guy. He spent weekends as a kid reading in the library, got accepted into a medical school program at the age of 16, began practicing neurosurgery in his early 20s and

was writing speeches in the Clinton White House before the age of 30.

When he landed a job on the medical staff at Emory University in Atlanta in 2001, he figured he'd hatch plan B as a TV talking head.

He now juggles time in the OR with his CNN gig and as a special correspondent for CBS News, where he occasionally appears on 60 Minutes. Since that pace is too breezy, Gupta writes novels,competes in triathlons (before his first race, at the age of 40, he taught himself to swim by watching YouTube videos) and spends quality time with his wife and three young daughters.

Contributing writer David Hochman, who last interviewed Bill Maher, met with Gupta during a week when Ebola was briefly back in the news. "I was astonished that Sanjay never lost his focus or his cool even as the pressures mounted to find quick answers about the virus," Hochman says. "People were panicking, but the doctor, operating on virtually no sleep, remained the picture of intelligent reassurance."

Which is tougher, brain surgery or the news business?

It's funny. When I did my residency in neurosurgery,I couldn't imagine anything more demanding or physically exhausting. But now I have weeks at CNN when I'll go five days on three and a half hours of sleep a night if there's breaking health news.

They're both extremely busy, intense jobs. Some weeks I practically live in the news-room, and I still see patients and do surgery on Mondays,many Fridays and often on Thursdays too. But I like the balance. My job at the hospital gives meaning to my job on TV and vice versa.They're similar challenges in many ways. They both have the element of surprise. You need to stay sharp and on your game, on top of the latest information, and both get your adrenaline going in a serious way.

Health news has become a media circus all its own in recent years. Scary viru- ses, various doping scandals, debates on vaccinations, autism, genetics re-search,assisted suicide.What happened to "Take two aspirin and call me in the morning"?

It's why I got into the news business, actually - to help people make sense of the im-mense amount of information out there. I don't think more is happening on the health front. I think people are just more tuned in to these issues. But it doesn't have to be overwhelming. You end up choosing what's important to you. If you're not dealing with, say, Alzheimer's in your family, you switch the channel if I'm talking about it. But if you are dealing with Alzheimer's, it could be the most important five minutes of in-formation you get all day,all month or all year. The question is how to make it broadly relevant to people.

A lot of health news is based on weak science, if not completely bogus data, even when published by reliable sources such as The New York Times, Time magazine and CNN. How can we as consumers tell good from bad?

News gets out and it's not easy for people who aren't scientists to parse the infor- mation in a meaningful way. That's my main responsibility as a journalist. What I do comes from a purely selfish perspective.I'm a consumer of this content too, so I want to know what's true, what's sensationalistic and what's ultimately going to help me. At CNN we have the luxury of being an international news organization. Reporting facts is our primary driver. Whether it's some new study or the latest headline about MERS or cholesterol, I can turn to our researchers, fact-checkers, et cetera, to know we're dealing with sound information.

The biggest thing isn't being right or wrong,it's the quality of the data. When you look at sources,if someone has an agenda,that's a red flag. A study funded by a pharma-ceutical company should raise suspicions. It's also up to the consumer to be diligent and smart. A headline or 50-word online article doesn't give you a full picture. Good information requires a little more digging. Which populations benefit most? Are there genetic factors that matter? What's the metadata over the long term on this study? Like everything else, it's ultimately up to you to make smart decisions about your health and health care.

What's your biggest concern about the health of America right now?

I think it's sugar.The thing about sugar is that it's insidious.We get it in our sodas, our juices, our cereals and candy, of course, but it's also in our sauces, breads, yogurts. Even if something's not sweet there's often a ton of sugar added to make it moist. As human beings,we used to have to work for our sugar.You got it once a year after harvest when fruit fell from the trees. You could eat as many apples as you wanted. Even honey was protected by the bees. But now we eat as much as 130 pounds of it a year. And that's killing us.

Should we treat sugar the way we treat tobacco?

I think people just need to be more aware. Obesity and obesity-related diseases are the biggest health issues in the United States, and that means diabetes, heart di-sease, stroke, certain cancers,those types of things.It's a result of what the American diet has become.Chicken wings,sodas, ketchup,energy drinks - they all have a ton of sugar. But it's hard to change behavior, particularly when it comes to eating. Also, we're victims of our own success. We've become a society where we can take pills for high cholesterol.We can have operations for clogged arteries and operations to remove huge amounts of fat. Philosophically, you could say, "I'm just going to enjoy my life.I'll eat what I want to eat,and if I get in trouble,medicine can take care of me. "

We used to be a country other countries looked to as an example of health. Ameri-cans were fit. People wanted to be fit like us. Now we're one of the fattest countries on the planet. Instead of making people motivated to get in shape, people just say, "Oh, I'll get liposuction or gastric bypass surgery and keep eating what I want." It has become the American way.

How does our health care stack up against health care in places like Norway, the U.K. and Australia? Are they beating us?

In some ways, definitely. We're dealing with a much larger population, of course, but we spend too much and get too little in return. We don't have as much to show for it in terms of the things that matter to people: life expectancy, quality of life, overall out-comes. Even for very basic things like prenatal deaths the numbers aren't great. We need to do better.

What's your assessment of Obamacare so far?

Fundamentally, the Affordable Care Act is a good thing,but it has problems. The roll-out was terrible. Kathleen Sebelius did one interview after the rollout, and that was with me. She didn't come off looking so good. There was this sense that having clea-red all the hurdles of Congress and the Supreme Court, they could relax. Not very impressive. I also think the numbers of people being helped by this could have been higher had more states agreed to expand Medicare coverage under the act. But they said no thanks, and that left around 30 million people without benefits. Overall, it's great that more people are insured, but even that doesn't create a healthier America.

Access to health care doesn't solve the problem. We all know people with terrific health insurance who are still wildly unhealthy.You almost need to take a beat and ask what the real goal is. Is this an equality issue? Is this a health issue? These are questions the government could have asked more forcefully.


SB: Vaikka toimittaja vittuilee mm. "tohtorin" suhteesta huumeisiin (joka noudattaa CNN:n tavallista kaavaa), puoskaritieteisiin (huolellisesti vaieten karmeimmista mo-kista), Hillaryyn jne,hän pelaa ja valehtelee sovitulla tavalla härskisti esimerkiksi täs-sä kysymyksessä "Valtakunnanlääkärin" (Surgeon General) virasta: Gupta haki sitä, ja oli varma tulemisestaan valituksi,CNN uutisoi sitä "varmana asiana",mutta Obama ei nimittänytkään häntä.Obamalla on parempia neuvonantajia,Hillarylla taas ei (loput on vieläkin huonompia...)!

" You turned down President Obama's offer in 2009 to become surgeon gene-ral. Do you feel you've had more influence as a media person than you would have had in that position?

Aside from a few cases, such as C. Everett Koop, the surgeon general hasn't been highly influential. I was looking to take the job at first,but I knew the Senate confirma- tion hearing and the vetting would be laborious for me and my family. My father wor-ked in the automotive industry for 30 years and has retirement investments that he would have had to divest himself of if there were any related to health care. The big-ger issue was that I wouldn't be able to practice surgery anymore, and I love being a surgeon.

Wait -- the surgeon general can't be a surgeon?

It's the great irony of the job. You can practice afterward,but you need to be surgeon general full-time while you're in the position. The problem is that if you leave surgery for four or eight years,you have to retrain.For neurosurgery it's a seven-year training program. To not be able to practice medicine for essentially a decade seemed a very big deal. I was only 39 at the time.The surgeon generals have mostly been a lot older and retired.

It seems you've always been an early achiever and an overachiever. Did you sell a million dollars' worth of lemonade on the corner as a kid?

It's funny. I did the Junior Achievement thing when I was young and was named out-standing businessman of the year. I sold greeting cards that you could personalize. I got a ton of orders. This was pre-internet, pre-everything, but it was actually a real business. I was 12 or 13 years old, and at that time I thought it was going to be my career.

You went to college at the age of 16 and graduated from medical school at 23. When did you sow your wild oats?

You know,I missed out on many things in life -- the sowing-the-wild-oats period being one of them. I think there's real value to it; it just wasn't in the cards for me. And it wasn't just about getting into medical school. After that,I went straight into a seven-year residency, then into a faculty position and ultimately into this dual life I have now. There's been no rest. I've had no rest for 30 years.I'm 45.For 29 years it's been nonstop. Partying and carousing were never my strong suit.

Were you surprised by the reaction you got when you came out in favor of medi-cal marijuana? One late-night talk show host started calling you Ganjay Supta.

A little surprised, yes. I was concerned years ago about the potential for substance abuse with legalized marijuana.But I hadn't really dug into the research on the bene-fits of this plant. When I did,I saw how useful marijuana is for many patients and also that it doesn't have a high potential for abuse. Nobody overdoses on weed. I've spoken to hundreds of people - patients, scientists, researchers - who have used it to calm down epilepsy, to ease symptoms of multiple sclerosis, to help with pain. We need to start thinking about marijuana as medicine. It has been used as medicine for thousands of years.While I think developing brains are susceptible to certain harmful effects and would never advocate marijuana use for young people, I think time will show that cannabis can help adult patients with symptoms when nothing else can. It can be useful when everything else has been tried and hasn't worked. Look around the world. Israel has done some incredible research in this area. We visited and talked with scientists like Dr. Raphael Mechoulam about marijuana's anti-cancer effects and the benefits for those suffering from PTSD. I think it should be a legalized medication in this country.

Let's talk about sexual health. Can a person masturbate too much?

[Laughs] I've heard the expression "Everything in moderation except masturbation." I don't think you can overdo it. But it raises a point: We don't talk enough about sexual health in this country.It's probably one of the most important areas people can talk to their doctors about, and they don't. STDs are an issue, for instance, because people don't like to talk about them, or think about them.

Since 2005 the number of syphilis cases has doubled, with men accounting for 91 percent of those cases.

And many are older men. We did a story on retirement homes where older guys who are newly widowed or divorced are out there again and not thinking about protection. The discussions regarding safe sex were more for my generation than my parents', so it's probably time for some public awareness.

Okay, moving on up: Is it true we use only 10 percent of our brains?

We use almost all of our brain but not at the same time.I'm not sure where that 10 percent thing even comes from. It may be from a really bad Cheech and Chong mo-vie. I like to think of the brain as major cities spread out in different locations, and the brain is made up mostly of highways that connect those cities. The highways don't always have stuff on them. There's a traffic jam on one highway and no traffic on an-other. I think that's where the myth that we're not using all our brain comes from. But we need all the parts,and you're able to call on them at any given time.

Researchers last year replicated Alzheimer's cells in a petri dish, which some say is a key to finding a cure to brain illnesses. How close are we to ending diseases such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and ALS?

Well, they're all neurodegenerative diseases,but they're different,so we're at different points. Parkinson's affects a very discrete,tiny area of the brain. We know there's not enough dopamine in that part of the brain. You could potentially, either through stem cell injections or actual cell genesis, create new cells or inject cells that make dopa- mine and affect Parkinson's. Alzheimer's is different because plaques can be located in different parts of the brain. It's more global.Our best hope might be an Alzheimer's vaccine or something that creates a system in the body like immune cells that fight cancer. We're working on that. I think we could see something within our lifetime.

You're an avid football fan. What needs to be done in light of the NFL concussions scandal?

They're doing their best to rethink protocol. From a player perspective, the real prob-lem starts long before the NFL. Sub-concussive injuries happen during practices and drills over and over again, even at the peewee level on into college and the pros. Shifting from a three-point stance,where the lineman leads with his head, to a two-point stance could make a big difference,even during drills and practice.But the most devastating damage comes from what's known as second-impact syndrome. Say someone has had a concussion, which is a true brain injury, and it's not taken seri-ously,and they go back into the game.If they get hit again,they could die. We've seen that happen. Too often coaches, trainers and medics just let it slide.

Speaking of letting it slide,is it safe to say the NFL gets a pass when it comes to steroid use, or are we just missing it the way we did with Lance Armstrong?

There's a funny thing about doping in the NFL. I don't think we're missing it; I think we've just become complacent. There's no way these guys can be that gigantic. Humans don't evolve that fast. If you look at pro football players from the 1970s and compare them with their counterparts today, you wouldn't recognize them. Football play-ers from that time were sort of lean and trim, and today's players in those same posi-tions are massive. Clearly there is doping going on in the NFL and perhaps the NBA and NHL too. But the whole sport of football is based on hitting people hard, so these guys make themselves huge.

Do you think steroid use explains the rise in violence in the NFL outside the game?

I think so. You can actually put steroids at the nexus of a few different things. First of all, I think they make the players bigger and stronger. Long-term steroid use has an impact on the body in terms of weakening heart muscle and stuff. You hear about retired NFL players developing diseases associated with steroid use at an early age. We know that as a result of being big and strong, you hit people harder, and we're seeing more devastating injuries.Thirdly,yes,they make you aggressive. It was so jar-ring to watch Ray Rice punch his fiancée in that elevator video.I'm not saying it was steroids, but it would make sense if doping was behind the general rise in aggression in the sport. You can't just turn that stuff off when you get off the field.

SB: Gupta puolustaa "ritaliineja" (amfetamiinia) "keskittymislääkkeenä, vaikka se on monissa maissa kielletty, ja ja vaikka KEKSIJÄ EISENSBERG TUNNUSTI, ETTÄ "SAIRAUS" KEKSITTIIN JÄLKIKÄTEEN "LÄÄKKEELLE"...

Some say another kind of juicing is going on, and that's the rampant use of Adderall and Ritalin on campuses to stay competitive and improve test performance. What's your take on that?

It's a reality. Many students believe medications like those give them a cognitive ad-vantage or cognitive enhancement right before a test.The truth is they might. A drug like Adderall does make people very focused,particularly people who are more easily distracted, even without a diagnosis of ADD or ADHD. I don't think it's a good long-term strategy, and those drugs are wildly overprescribed. With some-thing like Ritalin we're not seeing the results parents,doctors and teachers thought they would see. If you look at the data on Adderall, for example, it has not been great when it comes to pursuing novel tasks or thinking creatively or being able to figure out complex prob-lems. But for regurgitating things you've already studied,for focusing on details, it seems to have some benefit, which is why I think students are taking it.

SB: Toimittaja kyselee muiden pölhöjen (Larry Page, Mark Zuckerberg, Ray Kurz-weil jne.) aivopieruista ja rinnastaa näin Guptan näihin. Kaksi jälkimmästä ovat kui-tenkin piereskelleet informaatioteknologiasta, vaikka siinä tasan sama väärä ihmis-kuva onkin takana,Page on informaatioteknologi,joka on hölöttänyt ja rahoittanut jär-jettömyyksiä lääketieteestä. Gupta pitää mahdollisena "yhteiskuntaan vaikuttamista leikkauveitsellä" (=uusi versio "lobotomiasta",joka muuten kiellettiin Neuvostoliitossa "kättelyssä" ideologiaperustein aivan oikein!):

Google co-founder Larry Page is spending a ton of money to find genes that predict certain diseases before they reveal themselves. There's even talk of sequencing genes to see if someone is prone to crime and violence. What are the ethical implications?

Well, again, it's happening, and it will happen more as the price of these genome-se-quencing tests goes down. But the moral quandary is trickier. Let's say you find out you're predisposed for something like Huntington's disease,which has no cure. What is the ethical responsibility at that point? To inform? Not inform? People usually want to know only if it's something they can treat.These are real questions.We think about these in the abstract, but I've known people in this situation, and it's life-altering. It completely changes everything about your life to have information that forecasts your future.

As for predicting who's a criminal and who's not, we don't yet have objective signs.We can speculate,but we're not there yet.What we are seeing is data on where something like OCD lives in the brain. There are neuroscientists who believe they know. And if they know, we could, for example, treat OCD surgically.

Wouldn't it be a more boring society if we took a scalpel to all our behavioral tics and foibles?

I think you're right. We could lose the heterogeneity and quirks that make the world interesting. Look,in many ways it could already be happening, because parents want to medicate so many things already and children start younger and younger. If a kid doesn't perform well in school for whatever reason,just give him a pill. I joke that the same qualities that drive you nuts as a parent might actually help a child find success later in life. The same level of diligence an annoying kid uses to get his way could be used later to pursue some wonderful scientific research that cures a disease.

SB: KAIKISTA VITTUILUISTA ON KUITENKIN SOVITTU HAISTATTELIJAN KANS-SA JA NIILLÄ TOSIASIASSA MAINOSTETAAN PUOSKARITIETEITÄ, MINKÄ OSOITTAA SE, ETTÄ HAASTATTELIJA VALEHTELI "VALTAKUNNANLÄÄKÄRI-ASIASSA". Presidentti Obama ei ole puokkoillut puoskaritieteen mukaan, ja on käsittämätöntä, voiko hän todella tukea Hillary Clintonia, haistapaskantieteen gangsterikummitätiä USA:n presidentiksi!

(HM: Obina on myöhemmin ajanut ja propagoinut erittäin näyttävästi haistapaskantieteistä pahimpia.

" Nobelisti Obama levittää vaarallista uususkontoa "ajattelevista koneista"

Risto Koivula 30.9.2018 4:44 )

... "

.. You wrote a novel a couple of years ago that David Kelley adapted as a TV medical drama. When did you squeeze that in?

The novel took me 10 years to write. It was a totally different style of thinking to create characters and plotlines as opposed to having stuff handed to you the way it is in television news, or the type of physical work you do as a surgeon.

How much of your drive comes from being a first-generation American?

I think my parents' lives as immigrants were very different from mine. I learned to ap-preciate the values they brought as I got older.But they were trailblazers themselves. Both worked as engineers. My mom was the first woman hired as an engineer at the Ford Motor Company, which is a point I'm very proud of in our family. We lived in a small town in rural Michigan, and there weren't many people like us.

Were you ever a victim of racism?

Yeah. Everybody was white except me; everybody was the same religion. There was no real diversity where I grew up.Once,we moved into a different house in our neigh-borhood and had given out the wrong forwarding address,but all our mail still arrived. One day I thanked the mailman for finding us,and he was like, "They could just write 'Gupta' and 'Michigan' and it would get to you." We stood out. I would often get digs about our family, our culture, our food. One time in college at a Michigan-Iowa game, these guys from Iowa used some really bad language and threatened an Indian friend and myself with physical violence. I was upset, mostly because I didn't do any-thing about it. It's funny,though.I remember watching the presidential election returns in 2008, and when Obama won, I called my friend and said, "A black man just won Iowa. What do you think those guys are doing now?"

You worked as a White House fellow in the office of first lady Hillary Clinton. Does that tell us everything we need to know about your politics?

I'm a pretty liberal guy. Being journalists, we work our whole careers predicated on freedom of speech. I value humanitarian causes that are liberal, so I probably lean more liberal, though not as liberal as all my colleagues within CNN.

What kind of president would Hillary be?

She was a really good boss. I ended up writing a lot of speeches, so I spent a significant amount of time briefing her and collaborating. She's very knowled-geable.You don't want to walk into a room with Hillary Clinton without knowing every detail about what you're discussing. She'll call you on it. That was good for me and it fit my personality. I think we got along pretty well.

As far as being president, that's a good question. I'm a little biased because I know health care is an important issue to her. She certainly has a better pedig-ree than she had as first lady. She's been a senator, she's been secretary of state. She has good relationships with world leaders. But it raises the question of what makes a good president. Being very smart is important, and she is, but some of the best presidents weren't necessarily the smartest people in their class. You have to be very strategic, and I think she is. You have to have clear positions on issues like ISIS, which she's very engaged with. I think the least important factor is that she's a woman. She downplays that and even said to me that there are countries with women in power that also have a strong histo-ry of oppression against women -- Benazir Bhutto in Pakistan, Indira Gandhi in India. The fact that Hillary's a woman shouldn't make a difference.

From a health standpoint, is she too old?

No.I was recently at the Clinton Global Initiative and spent a fair amount of time with her. She's sharp. She has good energy. I think if anything she's sharper now than she was back in the 1990s.

According to the Congressional Budget Office, annual Medicare costs will reach more than $1 trillion by 2022. Is that sustainable?

I think there's enough support from both Democrats and Republicans to sustain Medicare for at least the foreseeable future. Almost since its inception it has been in financial trouble. It got even worse as the cost of prescription drugs became as big a line item as it has.

Do you remember the first time you did a TV report?

Absolutely. It was here at CNN. A study had come out looking at the impact of Agent Orange on increasing cancer rates among Vietnam veterans.It was a pretty big story because the Vietnam vets were probably all exposed to this chemical at some point. The government at the time had still not conceded that Agent Orange was the cause of illness among these veterans.Billions,if not trillions,of dollars have now been spent on benefits for these veterans who developed cancer. This was April 2001. Not long after that, 9/11 happened.

You went to Afghanistan and later to Iraq. What was the moment like when you improvised with a Black & Decker drill to perform brain surgery on a wounded soldier in the heat of the Iraq war?

Some moments get seared forever in your memory.There were sandstorms that day. I had been embedded for a few weeks with this group of naval doctors called the De-vil Docs, a group supporting the First Marine Expeditionary Force. You get to know each other really well when you're hopscotching around the desert, responding to whatever calls come in. In a sandstorm things come to a stop because you have no air support. We were outside Camp Viper, south of Baghdad, when one of the lieutenants asked if I would stop being a journalist and take a look at a patient.

His name was Jesus Vidana. He had been on patrol somewhere nearby and had taken his helmet off for some reason. He got shot by a sniper in the back of the head and was declared dead in the field. But then someone found a pulse,and that's when they came and asked if I'd put on my surgeon's cap. He had a significant injury to his head and had too much pressure on the brain from the bullet. The blood was pres-sing on his brain stem. We needed to take a bone out of his head or he'd die. We didn't have the right tools,but I remembered seeing a Black & Decker drill with all the bits.We had sterilizing solution,but I needed to create a sterile barrier because it was real-ly dusty inside the tent and I literally had to have the guy's brain exposed. I fille-ted a plastic IV bag and essentially used that to create the outer layer of his brain. I drilled the h***, extracted the bone, relieved the pressure,and it worked. We wrapped him up and put him on a Black Hawk.

Did you ever hear from him?

I did. He did really well. But it was a wild time.I operated a few times like that out in the field. People know I'm a doctor from TV, so I get asked, and I'm happy to oblige.

Ulkoministerit Alexander Stubb ja Hillary Clinton.


Heikki Karjalainen kommentoi_ 15. elokuu 2016 06:07


Voisit lopettaa romaanien kirjoituksen täällä, sille löytyy parempiakin alustoita.

Tarmo Leinonen kommentoi_ 15. elokuu 2016 06:19

Minäs vuonna Hillary sörssi terveydenhoitojärjestelmän ensimmäisen remonttiyrityk-sen Bill Clintonin ollessa presidentti. Tästä sitten voitkin päätellä, että tuolloin neuvonantajaksi on tarvittu terveysbyrokratian tuntijaa.

Raha ja suhteet ratkaisee myös neuvonantajien nimitykset, mutta et ilmeisesti tullut edes ajatelleeksi tätä puolta. Eli kenen rikkaan demokraatin sukulainen tämä on.

Monica Lewinsky ei liity tähän mitenkään.

Et ilmeisesti ymmärrä, mitä neurokirurgi tekee. Leikkaa hyvin spesiaaleja juttuja leik-kaussalissa, ei Valkoisessa talossa. Tarkkasorminen, muttei oikein tiedä yleislääke-tieteestä. No, haastattelussa hän sanoi,että sokeri on myrkkyä,mikä pitää paikkansa.

Elämänpidennys on taas Jenkkilässä rikkaiden harrastus. Mitä olen asiasta kuullut niin ne eivät ymmärrä siitä mitään ja tosiasiassa lyhentävät elämäänsä.

  Risto Juhani Koivula kommentoi_ 15. elokuu 2016 08:54

Hän on intialaisen MAMU-autoinsinööriprheen poika Detroitista siltä ajalta, kun val-koiset eivät uskaltaneet toimia siellä pomoina,vähän ennen kuin tehtaat ruostuivat pystyyn. Hänet valittiin ilmeisesti jonkinalsilla testeillä kokeiluluontoiseen pikatohtori-koulutusohjlmaan, jossa tohtoreiksi koulutettavat valittiin suoraan lukion penkiltä.

Täyttä huuhaata sekin tietysti,ja sittemmin lakkautettu. Hän tuli tällaisesta ohjelmasta jonkinlaisena "mallikappaleena" ja lisäksi opiskeljapolitiikasta, koska oli toiminut ylio-pistonsa intialaisten opiskelijoiden organisaation puheenjohtajana.Mikään rahoittajan poika  hän ei ole.

Presidentin ylimmäisenä tiedeneuvonantajana oli vuoteen 2007 DNA:n keksijä James Watson, mutta hänelle annettiin potkut, sama mies joka myi viime vuonna Nobel-plootunsa ainoana Nobelistina itse tähän asti, ilmeisimmin protestina vuoden 2014 kökkönoopelille.

Risto Juhani Koivula kommentoi_ 23. elokuu 2016 14:03



Kukaan ei ole kuitenkaan minun tietääkseni HILLARYA "WTC-tornien räjäyttämises- tä" syyttänyt! Näillä asioilla ei ole muuta "yhteyttä" kuin JONESIN PERSOONA, joka taas voisi luoda vastaavanlaisen kuvitteellisen yhteyden MINKÄ TAHANSA asian ja "WTC-salaliiton", ja nyt sitten myös Hillaryn kampanjan välille!


FOXilla ei itsellään aina ole kaikin puoli kovin puhtaat eväät:

Risto Juhani Koivula kommentoi_ 11. syyskuu 2016 14:34

Fox News Analyst and Clinton Operative, Douglas E. Schoen, Accepted Millions of Dollars to Agitate for War with Russia

In a remarkable conflict-of-interest,Fox News analyst and former Clinton operative Douglas E. Schoen has failed to disclosed to readers that he’s been paid millions of dollars from Ukrainian agents to incite a war between the United States and Russia. Before inciting war with Russia,Schoen worked for Bill Clinton and brokered meeting (for $40,000 a month) between then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and billionaire oligarchs.

This shocking story reveals an entangled web of foreign money, propaganda, and a complete lack of ethics and transparency at Fox News." target="_blank"


Douglas E. Schoen has been paid millions of dollars by Victor Pinchuk, Ukrainian oligarch, former member of Ukrainian parliament, and George Soros confederate.

Amy Chozik of the New York Times wrote about Schoen’s connections with Victor Pinchuk. In “Trade Dispute Centers on Ukrainian Executive With Ties to Clintons,” Chozik reveals:

Mr. Schoen had been on a $40,000-per-month retainer as an adviser to Mr. Pinchuk since 2000. In 2011, Mr. Schoen, who had never previously done any lobbying, registered as a lobbyist for him to set up meetings with Washington officials to discuss the political crisis in Ukraine.

Pinchuk was a member of Ukrainian parliament from 1998 to 2006, and thus Schoen was paid $40,000 a month by a foreign government while he himself had close Clinton ties.

Schoen began as an errand boy for Pinchuk, doing run-of-the-mill corruption like using his access to the Clinton family to arrange meetings.

Bill and Hillary Rodham Clinton have built a sprawling network of powerful friends around the globe, one that could aid Mrs. Clinton’s chances were she to seek the presidency. But those relationships often come with intersecting interests and po-litical complications; few people illustrate that more vividly than the Ukrainian oli-garch Victor Pinchuk. A steel magnate and major contributor to the former presi-dent’s foundation, Mr. Pinchuk was in frequent contact with Mrs. Clinton’s State Department, at meetings arranged by a Clinton political operative turned lobbyist, Douglas E. Schoen.

Schoen has moved beyond “Clinton Cash” style corruption and into agitating for a war between the United States and Russia.

Americans who lobby for foreign governments are required to register as Foreign Agents under the Foreign Agents Registration Act.The Department of Justice makes these reports, along with financial disclosures, available.

Nevertheless Fox News does not require its analysts to disclose these ties.

Schoen’s bio is for all to see on Fox News (Archive). Notice what is missing. His ties to Pinchuk go unsaid.

Fox News does not require its analysts and guest to disclose their lobbying ties." alt="douglas-e-schoen-bio-04-pm" height="128" width="600"/>

According to the report dated Dec. 31, 2011, Schoen began receiving semi-annual payments of $40,000." alt="doug-schoen-25-pm" height="205" width="600"/>

These payments of $80,000 a year continued every year according to the FARA reports.

Links to reports:

Schoen is trying to start a war between Russia and the United States.

Schoen writes about the Ukraine regularly at In one such article, “In a world of chaos, the only clear winner is Vladimir Putin,” Schoen writes:

Before Putin illegally annexed Crimea,Clinton went to Yalta and warned the Rus-sians against aggression. The Russians came anyway. Since then, she has scar-cely criticized the administration for its refusal to meaningfully aid an increasingly desperate Ukraine.

His article continues:

Putin has a clear strategy that has propelled him to military victory in Crimea, and he holds strong positions in Syria and Ukraine. He is on a mission to advance Russian interests around the world and reestablish Russia as a global superpo-wer. We are doing nothing to stop him, and our politicians have no serious plan for the future.

At the bottom of the article is Schoen’s biography. Nowhere does he mention his handsome yearly stipend nor mention the millions of dollars he received from a member of the Ukrainian parliament.

Douglas E.Schoen has served as a pollster for President Bill Clinton.He has more than 30 years experience as a pollster and political consultant. He is also a Fox News contributor and co-host of “Fox News Insiders” Sundays on Fox News Channel at 7 pm ET.He is the author of 12 books.His latest is “The Nixon Effect: How Richard Nixon’s Presidency Fundamentally Changed American Politics” (Encounter Books, February 2016). Follow Doug on Twitter @DouglasESchoen.

Schoen writes about the Ukraine often at Fox News. In “On foreign policy, Hillary Clinton leans more to the right than Donald Trump,” co-authored with Judith Miller, Schoen states:

On Russia, while Mrs. Clinton has called Putin a “bully” and has described the relationship between Washington and Moscow as “complicated,” Mr.Trump has floated the idea of establishing a new alliance with Russia, whose cooperation he says is needed to help end the six-year war in Syria, fight terrorism, and diffuse tensions. While he says that more should be done to support Ukraine, which has been battling Russia-backed separatists since Russia annexed Crimea, he has not detailed what specifically he would do to help end Russia’s occupation of Crimea and combat Russian meddling in Kiev’s internal affairs.

When you scroll to the bottom of the page, you’ll see that Schoen has neglected to admit his payments from a Ukrainian agent yet again.

A review of Schoen’s articles note a similar pattern. He does not disclose payments he is required to disclose under the Foreign Registered Agents Act.

See, “Putin Is Sponsoring Sectarian Violence in Ukraine” by Schoen, a NewsMax article taking a strong anti-Russia, pro-Ukraine stance:

We can only hope that Obama changes his mind and chooses to defend the glo-bal values that the United States and its allies stand for. But if he does not, then he should consider that while America stands idly by,Putin is sponsoring sectarian violence that is claiming the lives of hundreds of Ukrainians and could easily claim the lives of hundreds more.

Schoen has made millions of dollars advocating for war with Russia.

An informal survey of Cernovich readers reveals that undisclosed financial conflicts of interest are indeed newsworthy.

Risto Juhani Koivula kommentoi_ 11. syyskuu 2016 14:38

Clinton-henkiseksi FOXin uutisoitia ei siti voiainakaan aina sanoa:

"  Ed Rollins: Clinton can't walk back 'deplorable' remarks

Sep. 10, 2016 - 5:38 - Trump supporter reacts on 'America's Election HQ' after Democratic candidate issues an apology "

Risto Juhani Koivula kommentoi_ 16. syyskuu 2016 05:43

Hillaryn ja Obaman välien tiedetään aina olleen pinnan alla äärimmäisen huonot. Nyt siihen on saatu vahvistus myös sähköposteista.

" But the truly most damaging thing for the Clinton campaign in this pile of hacked emails are the discussions about President Obama and how Clinton apparently feels about him personally. Make no mistake,Hillary Clinton's liberal supporters will clearly forgive her for almost anything - from lying to the FBI to lying to every-one else about her health. But any evidence that shows she does not like their untouchable hero in President Obama will be the toughest pill to swallow.

In several emails from Leeds to Powell, Leeds says that Clinton hates and envies the president in the extreme. Leeds adds that she will sometimes refer to President Obama as "that man."

Finally, Leeds tells Powell that the Obama team wouldn't mind seeing Clinton lose.

The timing on this couldn't be more devastating - it comes just as President Obama is taking to the campaign trail to help Clinton while she recovers from her medical problems.

To be clear, this is secondhand information — it's according to Leeds (and from his hacked emails, no less), not from Clinton herself. However, if you ask me, it's still pretty damaging.

Remember when Republican infighting and questions about Trump's fitness to serve were the big issues in this election? There's nothing like seeing your oppo-nent have to face the same challenges from her own camp to level the playing field.The down-ward spiral for Clinton that began with the release of her FBI ques- tioning transcript and continued with her public medical episode and questionable explanations for it, is now spinning at full speed with these hacked Powell emails.

You can focus on those "national disgrace" headlines all you want,but the damaging trend for the Clinton campaign has just been given yet another serious push."

Commentary by Jake Novak, senior columnist.

Obama kuuluu enemmän tuohon toiseen kuin Clintonien jengiin, joskaan ei johdonmukaisesti, koska on pelimiehiä.

Republikaanien vanha kaarti Busheista Mitt Romneyhin on vetännyt tukensa Donald Trumpilta.

Obaman tuen vetäminen Hillarylta olisi paljon vakavampaa: he ovat toimineet neljä vuotta yhdessä, eikä kyse olisi vain poliittista perstuntumista. Ja tulokset ovat olleet luokattoman huonoja juuri niiltä osin.

Risto Juhani Koivula kommentoi_ 29. syyskuu 2016 10:26

FOX TV näyttäisi vaihtaneen Repparien puolelle:

Trumpin naispuheet televisiokanavien ykkösuutisena

Yhdysvaltain presidentinvaalien kampanjointi näkyy televisiokanavien aiheissa. Clintonin maanantai-illan vaaliväittelyssä esille nostama Trumpin asenne naisiin on puhututtanut keskiviikkona.

Amerikkalaisilla TV-kanavilla käytiin keskiviikkona kiivasta keskustelua republikaa-nien presidenttiehdokkaan Donald Trumpin naiskommenteista.Demokraattien presi-denttiehdokas Hillary Clinton viittasi maanantain väittelyssä, että Trump on käsitellyt naisia puheissaan kylmällä ja julmalla tavalla, kertoo. Kommentit ovat kohdistuneet julkisuuden henkilöihin, mutta myös omiin vaimoihin ja tyttöystäviin.

Clinton nosti asian esille aivan maanantain tv-väittelyn lopussa,eikä Trumpilla ollut mahdollisuutta puolustautua väittelyn aikana. Clinton kritisoi Trumpin solvanneen naisia ikävillä lempinimillä, hän on arvostellut muun muassa entistä Miss Universum –tittelin saanutta Alicia Machadoa.

Trump on nimittänyt Alicia Machadoa muun muassa ”Miss Piggy” eli ”Neiti Possu” tai ”Miss Housekeeping” eli ”Neiti Taloudenhoitaja”.Trumpin tiedetään myös sanoneen, että Machado oli voittaja, mutta hän sai valtavan määrän painoa ja se on todellinen ongelma.

– Meillä on todellinen ongelma, Trum on sanonut.

Trump yritti kysyä väittelyn lopussa moneen kertaan, mistä Clinton on saanut väit-teensä, mistä hän on löytänyt ne. Clinton ei vastannut Trumpin kysymykseen vaan jätti asian avoimeksi.

Kuvio eteni aivan niin kuin Clintonin kampanjakoneisto suunnittelikin. Trump ärtyi asiasta ja palasi siihen itse seuraavana päivänä.

Trump soitti heti tiistaiaamuna Fox-televisiokanavalle ja asiasta on käyty nyt kiivasta keskustelua Yhdysvalloissa.

Aiheesta nousi keskiviikon kovin uutinen Yhdysvaltain tv-kanavilla.

Machado on mukana Clintonin vaalikampanjassa. "

Risto Juhani Koivula kommentoi_ 30. syyskuu 2016 15:15

Hillary Clinton Received Debate Questions Week Before Debate

The first presidential debate was held and Hillary Clinton was proclaimed the winner by the media. Indeed Clinton was able to turn in a strong debate performance. Mul-tiple reports and leaked information from inside the Clinton camp claim that the Clin-ton campaign was given the entire set of debate questions an entire week before the actual debate.

Tarmo Leinonen kommentoi_ 2. lokakuu 2016 15:55

Koska sertifikaatti on peruttu:

Sivustoa voi katsella edelleen salaamattomana.

Risto Juhani Koivula kommentoi_ 30. lokakuu 2016 23:28

Eric Braverman, jonka väitetään hakeneen poliittista turvapaikkaa Venäjältä, näyttää olleen Sanjay Guptan jonkinlainen kilpailija "ikuisen elämän tieteilijöiden" joukossa, erityisesti Hillaryn suosiosta...

" October 24, 2016

Kremlin In Turmoil After Clinton Foundation CEO Requests “Urgent And Immediate” Asylum

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

An extraordinary Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today says this morning President Putin was “officially presented” with a Main Directorate for Migration Affairs (GUVM) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MVD) “file for review” re-lating to a request for “urgent and immediate” political asylum requested by an Ame-rican citizen named Eric Braverman - who was the former CEO of the Clinton Foun-dation, and is known as the man who can expose “The Real Hillary Clinton Scandal.

[Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

Nancy Grace
First Aired: March 29, 2005
The Terri Schiavo situation is discussed with CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta; Dr. Eric Bra-verman, director of PATH Medical; and Dr. Joseph Deltito of New York Medical Col-lege.Also,the Michael Jackson trial is discussed with a panel that includes Jim Moret (“Inside Edition”); defense attorney Renee Rockwell; psychologist Caryn Stark; and defense attorney Mercedes Colwin.
Got it liz, thanks. from Nancy Grace:

Quote: GRACE: Dr. Eric Braverman, are we convinced that Terri Schiavo feels no-thing? I find it hard to believe that -- taking someone off a ventilator, that`s one thing, but allowing them to starve to death?
DR. ERIC BRAVERMAN, DIRECTOR OF PATH MEDICAL: I appreciate your empa- thy, but Terri has been dead for a very long time, essentially. And she has gone to God. And what you have there is a brain essentially filled with water and a flat line EEG of a persistent vegetative state.
And you need to understand that the empathy is being misplaced.We have a brain health crisis in this country, and this person has been essentially brain dead. Nobody has any hope of function - even if it was MCS,a minimally conscious state,she would never recover. What you`re looking there is a corpse and an embalmed individual that is being preserved unnaturally,a waste of medical resources,a misunderstanding of false hope that`s been projected. It is a tragedy.
GRACE: Dr. Braverman, have you ever actually seen Terri Schiavo?
BRAVERMAN: I have spoken with Dr.Cranford. Actually,doctors don`t need to see the patient. The video analysis is a deception. What doctors need is to know a flat line EEG. I`ve kept hamster brains alive and guinea pig brains alive for ten hours in a dish and they had more EEG activity. You have to understand...
GRACE: Sanjay...
BRAVERMAN: You have to understand. She has less brain activity than animals. She has a brain filled with water or cerebral spinal fluid.
GRACE: Let me go very quickly to Dr. Gupta. Response, Sanjay?
GUPTA: First of all, you know, she doesn`t have a flat EEG.And I think that everyone who initially said that has disagreed that she has a flat EEG. Calling her brain dead just is not right.
And whether or not she`s in a persistent vegetative state, or a permanent vegetative state, or a minimally conscience, you can argue those terms, but I think it`s irrespon-sible probably to keep saying that she is brain dead. Because clearly you can look at that person and see that she`s not brain dead. It doesn`t add anything to the argument here, Nancy.
Braverman is using the "shorthand" of saying the EEG is flat because there was one dead section of her brain. The leads measuring activity in those sections would be flat although leads in other areas measuring involuntary activity would not be flat. Gupta objects because there are other sections of her brain that are not dead. De-scribing her as "brain dead" is wrong because she still had functioning brain matter that was not flat on an EEG. That functioning brain matter governed involuntary activity such as breathing and blinking. "

Risto Juhani Koivula kommentoi_ 21. joulukuu 2016 04:18

Kampanjateknisiä syitä:

The five real reasons Hillary Clinton lost the White House


Hillary Clinton’s team would like you to believe it was FBI Director James B. Comey, Russian hacking, or American racism, xenophobia and bigotry that caused her to lose the White House.

In reality, it was campaign malfeasance. Here are five examples, where Mrs. Clinton’s campaign team strategically blew it.

1. Taking the month of August off

In August, the polls indicated Mrs. Clinton had a lead, and Donald Trump had just come off a very ugly feud with Khizr and Ghazala Khan, the parents of a fallen soldier.

Still, Mr. Trump was not out — he still had a base of 36 percent to 43 percent of the national vote.

2. Not campaigning in Wisconsin, Michigan

Mrs. Clinton never stepped foot in the state of Wisconsin during the general election, as her team thought she had it in the bag. In Michigan, however,the Service Employ- ees International Union started having anxiety about the state and wanted to reroute some volunteers there later in the campaign.

3. Misallocating her monetary advantage

There was no doubt, Mrs. Clinton had the upper-hand when it came to cash.

Federal Election Commission reports indicate going into the home stretch Mrs. Clinton had $132 million in the bank, compared to Mr. Trump’s $94 million.

She more than doubled her TV spending the final days, putting a much greater emphasis on the traditional medium to reach voters than Mr. Trump’s team — which invested in get-out-the-vote digital advertising targeted in the final few days to Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Florida.

4. Going after the popular vote, not Electoral College win

The Democratic National Committee poured millions into Chicago, New Orleans and other urban areas in order to gin up votes, convinced Mrs. Clinton would win the Electoral College but lose the popular vote, instead of investing resources in swing-states.

The strategy was conceived and put into action by DNC interim head Donna Brazile.

According to a report from Politico:There “were millions approved for transfer from Clinton’s campaign for use by the DNC — which, under a plan devised by Brazile to drum up urban turnout out of fear that Trump would win the popular vote while losing the electoral vote, got dumped into Chicago and New Orleans, far from anywhere that would have made a difference in the election.”

Mrs. Clinton’s win in Illinois was never in doubt — as was her victory in the urban center of New Orleans. Mr. Trump was always a favorite to win the state.

5. Doubling down demonizing Mr. Trump, instead of articulating her own vision

Mrs. Clinton’s communication director Jennifer Palmieri said the proudest moment of the campaign was when Mrs. Clinton delivered her alt-right speech against Mr. Trump.

“It is one of my most proudest moments of her, is her standing up and saying with courage and clarity in Steve Bannon’s own words and Donald Trump’s own words, the platform that they gave to white supremacists, white nationalists and it is a very very important moment in our history of our country,” Ms. Palmieri said at the Harvard University campaign forum.

The problem with this is — it was exactly Mrs. Clinton’s problem.

She consistently ran negative ads about Mr. Trump, bucketed his supporters as a basket of deplorables, all the while not having a positive message she could articulate herself.

Yes, Mrs. Clinton had policy papers and a website where you could look up her entire record — but she never gave a convincing reason why she was running for president or what she wanted to do for the American populous.She never connected with white working-class Americans, and no one could decipher what her campaign slogan “Stronger Together” even meant.

She needed something more than — “It’s my turn,I’m a woman, I deserve the crown, and he’s terrible.”

Too bad her communication team thought that was enough.

Risto Juhani Koivula kommentoi_ 25. helmikuuta 2017 10:13

" Valkoinen talo kielsi CNN:n ja New York Timesin pääsyn tiedotustilaisuuteen – äärioikeiston media paikalla

Valkoinen talo valitsi tarkkaan, ketkä toimittajat päästettiin perjantaiseen tiedotustilaisuuteen, kertoo uutiskanava CNN.

, jonka toimittajan oli yksi ovien ulkopuolelle jätetyistä.

CNN:n lisäksi tiedotustilaisuuteen eivät päässeet New York Times, Politico, Buzzfeed ja monet ulkomaiset mediat.

Uutiskanavat ABC, NBC, CBS ja FOX pääsivät huoneeseen, samoin muun muassa äärioikeistolaisen Breitbart News -uutissivuston toimittaja.

Uutistoimisto AP ja TIME-lehti boikotoivat tilaisuutta.

Valkoinen talo ei ole kertonut syytä toiminnalleen, CNN kertoo.

Presidentti Trump itse puhui perjantaina konservatiivien vuosittaisessa kokouksessa Marylandissa. Hän syytti jäälleen puheessaan