Poistetuista Aamulehden blogeista:

Kirjoittanut Risto Juhani Koivula (22. elokuu 2016, 22:30)


Tämä uutinen on pari kuukautta vanha. Presidentti Hollanden järkevää ja rationaalis-ta kantaa, jolla hän putosi vastakkaisten juoksuhautojen väliin, ei kuitenkaan pidä sivuuttaa unohduksella. Ranskassa on tulossa tiukat ja korkeatasoiset pressanvaalit, kun myös Sarkozy ilmoitti tänään lähtevänsä ehdokkaaksi.

Se lausunto kuului, että

"On oikeus VALITA homoseksuaalinen elämäntapa!".

Sitten minä ymmärtäisin hurjan suuttumuksen, jos hän olisi sanonut, että EI OLISI tuollaista oikeutta! (Eli helvettiäkö se valtiolle kuuluu...)

Mutta kun hän sanoi kuitenkin nimenomaan, että sellainen ON.

Se, mikä lausunnossa korventaa ainakin homoyhteisöjä ja hölynpöly"meediaa/oita", on sana "valita".

Mutta totta perkeleessä ihmiset MYÖS VALITSEVAT periaatteessa kaiken, mitä te-kevät,ovat sen valinnan MOTIIVIT ja erilaiset vaikuttimet ja syyt sitten mitä hyvänsä"!

Mitä kauheaa siis "Hollande munasi"? YLE tietää (verorahoillamme), menee vain "Ranskan median" selän taakse "suojaan":

Ranskan media: Hollande möhläsi homolausunnollaan

Ranskan presidentti Francois Hollande on joutunut maansa median pilkan kohteeksi seksuaalista suuntautumista koskevilla lausunnoillaan.


Francois Hollande kuvattuna 10. kesäkuuta 2016. Kuva: EPA/ETIENNE LAURENT

Presidentti Hollande vieraili maanantaina Yhdysvaltain Pariisin-suurlähetystössä esittämässä Ranskan surunvalittelut Yhdysvalloille Orlandon klubi-iskun johdosta. Vierailun jälkeen Hollande puhui medialle ja tuomitsi tyrmistyttävät homofobiset surmat.

- Orlandossa tapahtui isku Yhdysvaltoja vastaan, mutta myös vapautta vastaan. Sel-laista vapautta vastaan, jossa kukin voi itse valita seksuaalisen suuntautumisensa ja määrittää oman elämäntyylinsä, sanoi Hollande.

Presidentti puhui tv-kameroiden edessä ja julkaisi lausuntonsa vielä Twitter-tilillään. Tämän jälkeen kommentit saivat laajaa huomiota sosiaalisessa mediassa.

"Francois Hollande tviittaa, että homoseksuaalisuus on valinta!

Ei, missä maassa me elämme?", tviittasi eräskin närkästyjä.

"Hollande puhuu vapaudesta valita seksuaalinen suuntautuminen. Voisiko joku selittää hänelle?", totesi toinen kummastuneena.

Ranskan media nimittää presidenttinsä sanavalintaa munaukseksi.

"Francois Hollanden oppi kaikesta tästä on, että sanansa voi valita, mutta ei seksuaalista suuntautumistaan", näpäytti sanomalehti Le Monde.

Radio Europe1 puolestaan nimittää presidentin kommenttia valtavaksi virheeksi.

Lähteet: AFP

Raisa Pöllänen Yle "

Tietenkään sellaiset henkilöt, joilla ei vähäisimpiäkään taipumuksia homoseksualis- miin ole, eivät valitse myöskään sellaista elämäntapaa. Mutta ne, joilla on, joko valit- sevat sellaisen, tai sitten eivät. Myös jälkimmäiseen on oikeus, kuten heteroillakin, elää myös ilman seksisuhteita.Sitä paitsi voi olla sekä hetero- että homotaipumuksia. Elämän tapa on oikeus jopa muuttaakin.



Euroopan Parlamentin Naisten Oikeuksien Neuvosto:


April von Brûsselhössel, EP:

" European feminists gang up on children's fairytales European kindergartens and schools may ban children's books and fairy tales that depict the traditional family. This is a request of the European Parliament Committee on Women's Rights. According to the committee, fairy tales should talk about sexual diversity. Norwegian experts believe that children benefit from watching porn.The European Parliament's Committee on Wo- men's Rights and Gender Equality prepared a report that calls for a ban of all books that show the traditional family where the father is the bread-winner and the mother takes care of the children in schools and day care centers of Europe. According to the authors, these books are bad for the future life of children, especially girls,and promote wrong behavioral patterns.In the future,it may prevent them from building a career. ...




artti niemelä kommentoi_ 1. huhtikuu 2017 13:40

Näin varmaan pitääkin tehdä, se kun on niin tavattoman epäluonnollista!


Risto Juhani Koivula kommentoi_ 1. huhtikuu 2017 15:05

Tämä on nyt vähän samanlainen "aprillipila" kuin tuolloin Jyväskylän erään harjun hakkaaminen, joka tosiaan parturoitiin, vaikka paikallislehti oli tehnyt aiheesta myös aprillipilan, jonka tarkoitus oli saada kaikki "viherhörhöt" paikalle suojelemaan harjua ...


Kyuu Eturautti kommentoi_ 1. huhtikuu 2017 15:22


kuvan otti Ville Huovila vuonna 2009. Se on ajankohtainen juuri nyt.


whiic kommentoi_ 1. huhtikuu 2017 18:44

Meinasin itsekin kirjoittaa jonkun aprillipilan samansorttisesta aiheesta, mutta minun luovuuteni ei riitä satirisoida feministejä siten, etteikö satiirini olisi osa ihan oikeata feminististä aktivismia. Freebleeding, Piss for Equality, etc.

Esim. tämä


ei ole satiiria. Penis-In-Vagina eli penis vaginassa on AINA raiskaus. Laillista yhdyntää ei ole. Lupaa ei voi antaa. Jos et ole neitsyt,olet raiskauksen uhri (miehenä puolestaan raiskaaja) vaikka olisit kuitenka halunnut ja halusi ilmaissut. Tämä johtuu siitä, että yhteiskunta (patriarkaatti) on aivopessyt sinut kuvittelemaan että haluat kyrpää sisääsi. Kyseessä on Tukholma-syndrooma, jossa sinut on saanut henkisellä väkival-lalla kuvittelemaan asioita, joita et todellakaan halua. Sinut on raiskattu, ehkä jopa tuhansia kertoja. Sinä olet raiskaaja, ehkä jopa tuhansia kertoja.


Timo Gottlieb kommentoi_ 1. huhtikuu 2017 19:36


ja tämä ei ole edes aprilli pila

Risto Juhani Koivula kommentoi_ 1. huhtikuu 2017 20:52

Kyllähän naisia tietysti lietsotaan kasvatuksessa himoitsemaan seksiä ja esiinty-mään eri tavoin edukseen miehille tuossa suhteessa, mihin tietynlaisen perheenkin kuvaaminen tietyllä tavalla liittyy joko tarkoituksella mutta muuten vaan, mutta en mi-nä kyllä käsitä, mitä siinä niin kauheata lopultakaan on. Sen ei pitäisi häiritä, ennen kuin asia on jollakin tavalla ainakin mahdollisesti ajankohtainen, sillä lapset eivät ym-märrä seksistä mitään.Jos sukupuoli-identiteettiä vasta silloin ruvetaan rakentamaan ,tulos ei varmasti ole "perinteisen mukainen".Perinteet taas ovat erilaisia: esimerkiksi kaikenlainen koristautuminen ja hienostelu pullistelusta ja keikistelystä puhumatta-kaan on joissakin kulttuureissa perinteisesti luvallista pelkästään miehille. Naisten velvollisuus on olla tasaisen rumia.  Sitä valvovat toiset naiset. Entosin mitenkään ymmärrä, miten se sitten olisi jotenkin olennaisesti muka "parempi"...

Minä vedän sellaisen johtopäätöksen, pitäisi olla aika lailla kieli keskellä suuta, mitä kaikkea lietsotaan ja mihin indoktrinoidaan.

Myös sellaista hörönlöröä esiintyy eikä vähiten joidenkuiden "femareiden", että kaikki ovat muka kehdosta alkaen "läpikotaisin seksuaalisia" jollakin esimerkiksi geneetti-sellä tavalla, joka ja mikä "pitäisi tietää ja ottaa huomioon" esimerkisi kasvatuksessa ...'


Lasse Kallo kommentoi_ 2. huhtikuu 2017 00:29

Ruotsissa Tukholman Södermalmissa avattiin sukupuolineutraali koulu vuonna 2010.

Egelia-esikoulu toimii verorahoilla ja se on tarkoitettu 1-6 vuotiaille lapsille.

Esikoulussa opetetaan lapsia myös hyväksymään erilaiset perhemallit. Esimerkiksi koulusta löytyy kirjoja, joissa esiintyy enimmäkseen homoseksuaalisia pariskuntia, yksinhuoltajia ja adoptoituja lapsia ( Jos ketä kiinnostaa tarkepi tietous, löytyy: Yle uutiset 27.11.2016 otsikolla. "Ruotsissa avattiin sukupuolineutraali koulu").

Nyt vain hopunytkää samanlaisia kouluja Kiinaan, Intiaan, Afrikkaan, nämä päällimmäisenä. Näin saadaan muun hyvän lisäksi telluksemme väkimäärä laskusuuntaiseksi.


Lasse Kallo kommentoi_ 2. huhtikuu 2017 10:22

Tunnettu lastenpsykiatri Jari Sinkkonen korostaa kirjassaan "Elämäni poikana", että sukupuolineutraali kasvatus kaatunee omaan mahdottomuuteensa ja perustunee virheellisiin käsityksiin lapsen supuoli-identiteetin kehityksestä.

Näin varmaan on. Oma uhkakuvansa taas se, mitä tällainen lasten manipulointi aiheuttaa lapsille, joista on tapana tulla ajanmittaan aikuisia ihmisiä. - Frankfurtin koulukunnan opit siellä taustalla kiiltelee.

Risto Juhani Koivula kommentoi_ 2. huhtikuu 2017 12:06


Frankfurt School

a trend in German philosophy and sociology that took shape in the 1930’s and 1940’s around the Institute of Social Research of the University of Frankfurt am Main. The institute was headed by M. Horkheimer from 1931. Between 1934 and 1939, when Horkheimer and most of his colleagues had emigrated from Germany because of the Nazis’ rise to power, the institute was located in Geneva and at the Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris; in 1939 it was moved to Columbia University, in the United States,and in 1949 it was reconstituted in Frankfurt am Main, in the Fede- ral Republic of Germany, after Horkheimer and Adorno had returned to that country. The most prominent representatives of this school of thought are T. Adorno, E. Fromm, H. Marcuse, and J. Habermas; its principal organ is the journal Zeitschrift für Sozialforschung.

On the basis of Horkheimer’s and Marcuse’s “critical theory of society” - a philoso-phical and sociological theory developed by them in the 1930’s - the Frankfurt school sought to combine Hegelian and Freudian ideas with certain elements of K.Marx’ cri- tical approach to bourgeois culture. The concept of “rationalization,” as derived from M. Weber, has been transformed into one of the central concepts of the Frankfurt school’s philosophy of culture. The “enlightenment” is identified with rational mastery of nature as a whole; according to Horkheimer and Adorno’s Dialectic of Enlighten-ment (1948), the analysis of the internal contradictions of the “enlightenment” pro-vides the key to understanding modern culture and society,and particularly the “mass culture” and “mass society” of the 20th century. Hegel’s dialectic is trans-formed into an antisystematic “negative dialectic", and one of the focal concerns is the problem of alienation.

During the postwar period the divisions between members of the Frankfurt school grew more profound — as reflected, in particular, in the arguments between Fromm and Marcuse during the 1950’s and 1960’s; another example of such divisions was the evolution of Habermas and of younger members of the Frankfurt school away from the ideas of its founders,leading in effect to its disintegration in the early 1970’s. The Frankfurt school was an important influence in non-Marxist social and philoso-phical thought, both in the Federal Republic of Germany and in the United States, as well as in the theoretical formulations of the “new left” ideology, although Adorno and Horkheimer, and Habermas as well, disassociated themselves from the left-radical tendencies of that movement.


Sotsial’naia filosofiia frankfurtskoi shkoly. Moscow, 1975.
Die “Frankfurter Schule” im Lichte des Marxismus. Frankfurt am Main, 1970.
Rohrmoser, G. Das Elend der kritischen Theorie. Freiburg, 1970.

Lasse Kallo kommentoi_ 2. huhtikuu 2017 16:45

Kulttuurimarxismin pitkä marssi läpi instituutioiden.

"Olen itsekin aikoinaan ihnmetellyt, kuten ehkä muutkin, miksi (kaikkien puolueiden) (viher)vasemmistolaiset kannattavat keskenään niin ristiriitaisia asioita, kuten vaikka-pa sukupuolen välistä tasa-arvoa ja islamisaatiota. Olen pitänyt näitä tyyppejä yksi-selitteisesti hulluina tai tyhminä, mutta totuus onkin, että he eivät ole kumpaakaan, vaan ainoastaan pirun ovelia. Selitys löytyy kulttuurimarxismista. - -

Syntyi Frankfurtin koulukunta ja sen kautta ns. uusvasemmisto, joka verhoi marxilai-set, maolaiset ja stalinistiset aatoksensa mm. ympäristönsuojelun, ihmisoikeuksien, tasa-arvon ja fasismin vastustamisen kaapuun. Hyviä esimerkkejä tästä ovat mm. (ent) EU-komission puheenjohtaja Manuel Barraso, joka oli maolainen ja Vihreiden monitoimitäti Satu Hassi, joka oli stalinisti. Ajankohta ja tarkat toimet olivat toki erilai-sia, mutta periaate sama: vanha kommunistimenneisyys hävitetään ja puetaan uudet vaatteet päälle,uusin ideologein ja uusin sanankääntein,mutta jatketaan yhä samaan päämäärään pyyrkimistä: Valtaan, vasemmistolaista politiikkaa ja maailmankatsomusta toteuttamaan. - -

No, kuten kaikki tiedostavat ihmiset ymmärtävät,mm. ylipostot ovat punavihreytyneet varsin tehokkaasti kuluneiden vuosikymmenien aikana. Aivan kuten Frankfurtin koulukunnan tarkoituksena olikin. Tämän seurauksena yliopistoissa on alettu opetta-maan mm. naistutkimusta ja muuta hömpää ja yliopistoista valmistuneet "journalistit" ja eri alojen opettajat saarnaavat sivulauseissaan kulttuurimarxilaista ideologiaa, osa tietoi-sesti, osa tiedostamattaan. Tätä kautta vaikutetaan tehokkaasti ihmisten mieli-piteisiin ja yhteiskuntaan, pala palalta. Tämä sama punavihreä kulttuurimarxilaisuus on sittemmin levinnyt politiikkaan, jopa niin pahana, että esimerkiksi Ruotsissa yksi-kään "uskottavana itseään pitävä" ei voi muuta kuin "todeta olevansa feministi" tai Suomessa ei voi muuta kuin "todeta kannattavansa mamutusmokutusta". - -

Kultturimarxismi yritti esimerkiksi Vihreiden johdolla jo 1970-luvulla laillistaa pedofi-lian. Pedofilian lailllistamisen puuhamies Daniel Cohn-Bendit on nykyään eroparla-mentin Vihreiden ryhmän puheenjohtaja. Samanlaisia, tällä kertaa insestin laillista-misen kaapuun ajettuja teemoja on ollut viime aikoina esimerkiksi Saksassa ja myös Suomessa. Ja, juurikin, kyllä, arvasitte oikein - kulttuurimarxistien eli Vihreiden ja Vasemmistoliiton toimesta! (Toki pitää muistaa, että tässä kohdin esimerkiksi islamisaation ja Vihreiden "edut" käyvät yksiin, koska islamhan sallii pedofilian. - -

Mutta hetkonen, kysyt, eikö näin ole jo tapahtunut?

AIVAN. Juuri täsmälleen näin on jo nyt tapahtunut. Meillä on vallassa poliitikkoina, virkamiehinä kuin tuhansina ja taas tuhansina valtion ja kuntien tyhjäntoimittajina juurikin näitä kulttuurimarxisteja. Heitä on kasapäin Yleisradiossa ja muualla medias-sa. Heidän lakeijoitaan vielä runsaammin. He ovat onnistuneet toiminnassaan. He ovat de facto vallassa jo nyt.Meidän yhteiskuntamme on jo nyt ajautunut heidän haltuunsa, eikä se ole suinkaan sattumaa. Se on pitkäjänteisen mädätystyön tulosta, Frankfurtin koulukunnan kulttuurimarxismin lopputulosta!

Kaiva tietoa netistä. Lue.Ota selvää. Huomaat,että kaikki tässä kertomani pitää paik- kansa. Sinun ei tarvitse kuin ottaa selvää tosiasioista ja vetää niistä yksinkertainen johtopäätös, sekä avata silmäsi ja katsoa ympärillesi. Moni käsittämättömyys - kuten juuri tuo ristiriitaisuus - avautuu aivan uudella tapaa, kun otat huomioon kulttuurimar-xilaisuuden ja tarkastelet yhteiskuntaamme ja sen toimintaa siitä vinkkelistä. Se voi olla varsin maailmankuvaa avartava kokemus. - Markus Janssonin blogi 15.5.2015, otsikko "Kulttuurimarxismi - mikä se on ja miksi sinun on tärkeää tietää siitä?".


Risto Juhani Koivula kommentoi_ 7. huhtikuu 2017 15:53

Frankfurtismi ei ole POHJALTAAN marxilaista vaan PINNALTAAN, jos siltäkään: se on omaksunut usein marxilaisia talousteorioita PEITTÄMÄÄN sellaista ristiriitaista asettamusta, että olisi olemassa jokin "Keeni-ihmisluonto", JOTA NYKYINEN YHTEISKUNTA EIKUITENKAAN LAINKAAN ILMENTÄISI VAAN PÄIN VASTOIN "KIRISTÄISI JA PURISTAISI", mikä ei ole pitemmän päälle mahdollista kehittyvän evoluution mielessä (kun siihen kumminkin viime kädessä ollaan nojaavinaan).


Risto Koivula  02.05.2001 02:04:53


Re: Gallup: Vahingollisin huuhaa

andy kirjoitti 29.04.2001 (47276)...

>Kertokaahan, mikä on mielestänne vahingollisin huuhaan muoto? Eräs ystäväni >rankkasi ykköseksi erilaiset hurmoshenkiset ja johtajakeskeiset kultit, kuten Korkein >Totuus ja Auringon Temppeli. Toinen kova ehdokas minusta voisivat olla ne >uskomuslääkinnän muodot, joiden harjoittajat vastustavat tavallisen lääketieteen >käyttöä. Onko muita ehdotuksia ja perusteluja?

Tämän hetken varallisin huuhaan muoto on sosiobiologismi,joka olettaa meillä muka olevan jotakin geeniperäistä (tai muuten synnynnäistä) asiatietoa, ja sellaisen "tie-don" muka muodostavan ehkä hyvinkin olennaisen osan jopa tieteellisistäkin tiedois-tamme. Sen varsinainen poliittinen tarkoitus on yleensä ollut osoittaa jokin tietty yh-teiskuntarakenne "geeniperäiseksi"ja siten absoluuttiseksi ja muuttumattomaksi. So-siobiologismi johtaa tavalla tai toisella rodunjalostusoppeihin yhteiskunnallisten on-gelmien "ratkaisukeinona". Sen pahin vaikutus tieteessä on kuitenkin, että se antaa pe-riaatteellisesti aivan päin mäntyä olevan "vastauksen" esimerkiksi loogisen ja ma-temaattisen tiedon luonteesta ja suuntaa siten tutkimusta joron jäljille myös luonnon-tieteissä,puhumattakaan sen piilotuhoista esimerkiksi taloustieteissä, oikeustieteissä jne.

Tunnustuksellisten sosiobiologistien/filosofisten antropologien / evoluutiopsykologien /ym. lisäksi objektiivisesti sen aatteen variantteja ovat edustaneet tunnetuista tieteili-jöistä mm. Freud, Fromm ja muut ns. frankfurtistit, Noam Chomsky, Suomessa Eino Kaila.Fasismi on biologismin muoto,feminismi on rajatapaus siitä riippuen, oletetaan- ko jokin synnynnäinen nais-/miesluonto ja voitaisiinko kuvitella sellainen jonkinlaisel-la rodunjalostuksella "hävitettäväksi", ja pyritäänkö sellaiseen. Erilaiset kreationismit ja fundamentalismit kilpailevat vaarallisimman huuhaan asemasta, mutta ovat ymmärtääkseni ainakin länsimaissa "tappiolla".

Risto Koivula
02.01.2002 02:22:38

Taloudelliset lait: olematonta, sosiaalidarwinismia vai mitä?

Tuolla muut aiheet -osastossa uhkaa mielenkiintoinen keskustelu taloudellisten lakien luonteesta tipahtaa pois palstalta tai ainakin hautautua muiden aiheiden alle. Siirrän sen siis tänne alkuun. Keskustelussa on esitetty ainakin kolmenlaisia provo-katiivisia (vastaväitteisiin kannustavia) näkemyksiä taloudellisten lakien luontesta:

- että ne eivät ole lakeja lainkaan (jolloin taloustiede ei myöskään edes voisi olla "oikeaa" tiedettä)

- että taloudellisilla laeilla tai sellaisten olettamisella olisi jotakin tekemistä "sosiaalidarwinismin" kanssa

- että taloudelliset lainalaisuudet perustuisivat teknologisille lainlaisuuksille sikäli kuin ne joidenkin muiden tieteenalojen lainalaisuuksille perustuvat,ja mitä nämä tekniset lainalaisuudet sitten lienevätkin. Tätä viimeistä olen provokatiivisesti väittänyt itse, ja olen sitä näkemystä heti valmis tarkistamaan hyvin perusteltujen muiden näkemysten ilmetessä...

>>Marx totesi suurin piirtein "kilpailun >>aluetta hallitsee lähinnä sattuma. Kun näitä >>sattumia kertyy suuri määrä yhteen, se jää tuotannon yksittäisiltä edustajilta >>huomaamatta"

>Tämä osuu aika hyvin paikalleen. >Marx oli yhteiskuntatieteilijä, mutta kuvitteli >olevansa taloustieteilijä. Saahan sitä kuvitella, mutta kun sitten eräs Vladimir Iljitsh >Uljanov uskoi nämä kuvitelmat tosiksi, syntyi maapallon historian suurin katastrofi, >jonka selvitystyö on vasta alussa.

>Talouden lait ovat hyvin monimutkaisia. Tietenkin ihmisten toimet niihin vaikuttavat, >mutta ennustaminen on jokseenkin mahdotonta. Yritysjohtajat eivät niitä lakeja luo, >he voivat vain yrittää niitä ymmärtää. Se ei useinkaan onnistu. Muuttujia on aivan >liian paljon ja monet niistä mahdottomia ennakoida.

>Olen itse niissä kuohuissa uiskennellut, joten luulisin asiasta jotain ymmärtäväni. >En kuitenkaan ole teoreetikko, joten en pysty kiteyttämään kokemustani niin >lyhytmuotoiseksi, että sitä kannattaisi tälle palstalle kirjoittaa. Voin kuitenkin sitä >nokatusten selittää,jos se jotakuta kiinnostaa seuraavassa palstan tapaamisessa :-)

>>Eikös joku talousteoriitikko väittänyt, että voitto on korvaus epävarmuudesta. Jos >>kyseessä olisikin luonnonlaki,eikö ole oikein ja oikeudenmukaista pyrkiä sellaiseen >>tilanteeseen, jossa varaus jakautuisi tasaisemmin.

>Avainsana on "pyrkiä". Oikein kaunista, mutta pyrkiikö luonto siihen, että kaikki >eläimet ja kasvit eläisivät hyvin ravittuina toisiaan syömättä?

Minä vastaan tähän viestiin lähinnä siksi, kun tuo vastaa viestiin -toiminto ei pelannut tuolla aiemmin, kun oli kyse siitä ovatko taloudelliset lait "luonnonlakeja".

Ensinnäkin:Marx tutki nimenomaan kapitalisminaikaisia talouden lainalaisuuksia, eikä hänen arvoteoriassaan, jonka mukaan tuotteiden arvot markkinoilla suhtautuvat kuten niiden valmistamiseksi keskimäärin kaiken kaiken kaikkiaan välttämättömät työmäärät, ole kauheasti moitteen sijaa. (Arvo tarkoittaa tässä sellaista ideaalista "hintaa", jota kohti tuotteen hinta vapailla markkinoilla kulloinkin lähestyy, "tasapaino-hinta".) Ei välttämättä myöskään hänen lisäarvoteoriassaan, jonka mukaan työnan-taja maksaa työntekijälle tämän työpanoksen arvon (viime kädessä työvoiman "tuot-antokustannusten" mukaan, mutta myy tuotteen sen tuotteen työsisällön mukaan, jos ta vain osa tulee työn tekijöille, joiden työstä kaikki arvo lopulta on peräisin.

Mitä tulee tähän sosialismin rakentamiseen, niin nämä Marxin talousteorian mukai-set taloudelliset laithan eivät suinkaan olleet jotakin sellaista, mitä sosialismiin siirryt-täessä olisi pyritty väellä ja vängällä saattamaan voimaan, ja siten saattamaan yhteiskunta "marxilaiseksi". Ne ovat päin vastoin nimenomaan jotain sellaista, mistä varsinkin sosialismin rakentamisen alkuvaiheessa väellä ja vängällä yritettiin päästä eroon, ja saattamaan yhteiskunta tällaisesta "luonnonvoimaisesta" tilasta tietoisen ja rationaalisen poliittisen suunnittelun alaiseksi. (Kts. Engels: Anti-Dühring)

Taloudelliset lait ovat tietyssä määrin järjestelmäkohtaisia,ja sosialismin taloudellisis-ta lainalaisuuksista oli Neuvostoliiton alkuaikoina vähän tietoa. Selvisi kuitenkin, ettei siitä arvolaista noin vain päästä eroon, mutta toisaalta ovat kyllä sittemmin kaikkialla lisääntyneet ilmiöt, jotka eivät ns. markkinalakien mukaan pelaa, esimerkiksi tieteen ja taiteen merkityksen kasvaessa yhteiskunnassa.

Taloudellisia lakeja, lainalaisuuksia, ei todellakaan voida "suunnitella" eikä saattaa poliittisilla päätöksillä voimaan sikäli kuin todella ovat kyseessä taloudelliset eivätkä juridiset lait. (Toisin olettavat ns. malliteoriat, sosialismin ja miksei kapitalisminkin, mm. Nikolai Buharin, Ele Alenius)

Mutta taloudellisilla laeilla ei myöskään ole, kuten ei juridisillakaan, mitään tekemistä minkään "soiaalidarwinismin" tai "evoluutiopsykologia" tai muun sellaisen hölynpölyn knssa.

Taloudelliset lait ovat objektiivisia ja historiallisia yhteiskunnallisia lainalaisuuksia. Jos ne jonkin muun alan lainalaisuuksille rakentuvat,niin ne ovat tiiviissä vuorovaiku- tuksessa teknisten ja sitä kautta sosiaalisesti välittyneiden ja teknisesti haltuunotet-tujen fysikaalisten, matemaattisten, informaatioteknisten lainalaisuuksien kanssa.

Tekninen innovaatio otetaan käyttöön jos näin syrjäytettävä työtuntimäärä on käyt-töön otettavaa pienempi,ja tähän liittyen prosessin tuotteiden hinnan työtuntimäärällä mitattuna tulee aleta. Peruskysymykseksi innovaation menestyksen kannalta asettuu silloin mm. että miten kehittyy sellaisen asiakkaan tilanne,joka ostaa tuotantoproses-siinsa koneen X hinnalla Y verrattuna kilpailijaan joka ei sitä hanki lainkaan. Ei riitä, että tuotantoväline menee kaupaksi, sen pitää vastaisessa tuotantoprosessissa rikastuttaa eikä köyhdyttää omistajaansa...

Sosialismin ja kapitalismin lisäksi on ollut mm. feodaalisia, orjanomistuksellisia, hei-mo- ja alkuyhteiskuntia,ja niidenobjektiiviset taloudelliset ja muut lainalaisuudet ovat  poikenneet nykyisistä.

Risto Koivula 04.01.2002 02:27:17

Re: Taloudelliset lait: olematonta, sosiaalidarwinismia vai mitä?

Gustavsson kirjoitti 03.01.2002 (68598)...

>Risto Koivula kirjoitti 02.01.2002 (68558)...

>>Tuolla muut aiheet -osastossa uhkaa mielenkiintoinen keskustelu taloudellisten >>lakien luonteesta tipahtaa pois palstalta tai ainakin hautautua muiden aiheiden >>alle. Siirrän sen siis tänne alkuun.

>>Keskustelussa on esitetty ainakin kolmenlaisia provokatiivisia (vastaväitteisiin >>kannustavia) näkemyksiä taloudellisten lakien luonteesta:

>Keskustelu varmasti riistäytyy täydellisesti, jollet ensin anna jonkinlaista   >työmääritelmää laille ja luonnonlaille. Äkkipäätä ajatellen esimerkiksi Newtonin >painovoimateoria ei kai ole luonnonlaki, jos edellytetään luonnonlain olevan tosi.

Yksi työmääritelmä on seuraava: (luonnon tai yhteiskunnan) laki on yleinen, olennai-nen ja välttämätön yhteys ilmiöiden välillä (M. Buhr, G. Klaus: Philosophisches Wörterbuch). Tämä määritelmä on melko laajasti hyväksytty ns. materialististen ja realististen filosofisten järjestelmien piirissä.

Lakia ei voida luoda eikä hävittää hävittämättä koko järjestelmää, jossa se esiintyy, esimerkiksi yhteiskuntaa tai biosfääriä. Lain ei kuitenkaan tarvitse olla deterministi-nen (aina tietystä vaikutuksesta just tietty tulos, vaan kyseessä voi olla myös stokas-tinen eli todennäköisyyslaki, kaaoslaki jne. Laki voi olla myös historiallinen, kuten taloudelliset lait, eikä lain tarvitse olla kaikille ilmiöille voimassa, kuten mainitsemasi Newtonin lait. Itse asiassa voidaan perustellusti väittää,että kaikilla laeilla on sovellettavuutensa rajat.

Ja esimerkiksi teknisissä tieteissä näiden sovellettavuuden rajojen tunteminen on mitä keskeisin osa sitä, että laki olisi ko. tieteenalalle olennaisten ilmiöiden puitteissa tosi. Newtonin painovoimalaki on mitä parhain esimerkki omalla pätevyysalueellaan, esimerkiksi teknisessä mekaniikassa todesta ja ikuisesta(?)luonnonlaista.

>>- että ne eivät ole lakeja lainkaan (jolloin taloustiede ei myöskään edes voisi olla >>"oikeaa" tiedettä)

>Täysin kestämätön näkemys. Ovathan esimerkiksi kielentutkimus ja antropologia >tieteitä, vaikka niiden harjoittajat tuskin löytävät antropologian lakeja tms.

>>- että taloudellisilla laeilla tai sellaisten olettamisella olisi jotakin tekemistä >>"sosiaalidarwinismin" kanssa

>Vaikuttaa täysin yhdentekevältä asialta, jos tavoite on pohtia, onko taloudellisia >lakeja olemassa tai ylipäänsä >tutkia talouden toimintaa.

Ei varmasti ole yhdentekevää. Kun oletetut lait eivät sitten pelaakaan,niin haetaanko syytä "darwinistisesti" huonosta "työntekijä/kuluttaja/johtaja/sijoittaja-aineksesta" vai niistä oletetuista "laeista"...

>>- että taloudelliset lainalaisuudet perustuisivat teknologisille lainalaisuuksille sikäli >>kuin ne joidenkin muiden tieteenalojen lainalaisuuksille perustuvat, ja mitä nämä >>tekniset lainalaisuudet sitten lienevätkin. Tätä viimeistä olen provokatiivisesti >>väittänyt itse, ja olen sitä näkemystä heti valmis tarkistamaan hyvin perusteltujen >>muiden näkemysten ilmetessä...

>Eiköhän paras arvaus ole, että taloudelliset lainalaisuudet perustuvat siihen >millainen ihminen on, ja se taas on evoluution määräämää.

Väitän, että täältä niitä syitä nimenomaan ei löydy. Viittaan tuonne taannoiseen "pu-huvat eläimet" -keskusteluun siitä missä määrin juuri evoluutio voi tai ei voi määrätä ihmisyhteiskunnan ominaisuuksista. Ja niin vähän aikaa ovat olleet olemassa kellu-vien valuuttojen tai osakkeiden markkinat ja itse yksityisomistuskin "tavallisen kan-san" keskuudessa,että vaikka yhteiskunnan kehitys olisi miten "biologista",niin sellai- set eivät olisi ehtineet biologisin keinoin "materialisoitua" "ihmisen ominaisuksiksi".

'Tämä kysymys yhteiskunnallisten lakien palautumisesta ihmisen evoluutioon tai ylipäätään yksilötasolle on muuten kaksijakoinen

a) onko yksilöllä geeneissään jotakin yhteiskuntaa (esim kieltä) koskevaa vai ei


b) palautuvatko yhteiskunnalliset ilmiöt yksilöiden pyrkimyksiin ja mm. psyykkisiin ominaisuuksiin vai ei, ovat nämä sitten perusteiltaan mitä hyvänsä.

Näistä saadaan ns. nelikenttä, johon eräät eräät ei-uskonnolliset

filosofiset suunnat voidaan sijoittaa:

...........ei-b) ....................... kyllä-b)

... ei-a) ..... dialektinen materialismi .. eksistentialismi

kyllä-a) ..... frankfurtismi ........... ........sosiobiologia


Risto Juhani Koivula kommentoi_ 7. huhtikuu 2017 16:57

EU "kriminalisoimassa" puoskaritieteen VASTUSTAMISEN!

Taas on EU:lta tulossa uusia vaskistisäännöksiä, joissa mm. puoskaritotilateralismiteorioiden tieteellinen kritiikki "kriminalisoidaan"!

Tämä esitys tarkoittaa mm., että MISTÄÄN USKONTOA VASTAAN ei saa sanoa AINOATAKAAN POIKKIPUOLISTA SANAA, koska sellainen olisi "kiihotusta", eikä MINKÄÄN sellaisen TIETEELLISIMMÄNKÄÄN IDEOLOGIAN PUOLESTA, jonka EU:n salaiset "EUROTIEDEPÄÄTTÄJÄT" luokittelevat "TOTALITAARIKSEKSI" valehtelu- ja skitso"perusteillaan", saa sanoa eikä kirjoitta tavuakaan!


" EU on kieltämässä antifeminismin

22.9.2013 09:22 Henry Laasanen 25 kommentti

EU:n uusi lakiluonnos "The European framework national statute for the promotion of tolerance” pyrkii edistämään suvaitsevaisuutta seuraavasti:

" The purpose of this Statute is to:[...] e) Take concrete action to combat intolerance, in particular with a view to eliminating racism, colour bias, ethnic discrimination, reli-gious intolerance, totalitarian ideologies, xenophobia, anti-Semitism, anti-feminism and homophobia. "

Lakiluonnoksen tarkoituksena on "taistella suvaitsemattomuutta vastaan eliminoimal-la rasismi, syrjintä ihonvärin perusteella, etninen syrjintä, uskonnollinen suvaitsemat-tomuus,totalitaariset ideologiat,ksenofobia, antisemitismi,antifeminismi ja homofobia"

" “Group libel” means: defamatory comments made in public and aimed against a group as defined in paragraph (a) – or members thereof – with a view to inciting to violence, slandering the group, holding it to ridicule or subjecting it to false charges. (s. 2) "

Lakiluonnos pyrkii tekemään feminismin naurunalaiseksi saattamisesta laitonta.


EU:n lakiluonnos pyrkii pakottamaan 28 valtiota taisteluun antifeminismiä vastaan, jotta suvaitsevaisuus toteutuisi.


EU to ban anti-feminist speech"

" The European Union is dedicating an entire law to force the governments of 28 na-tions to take concrete action to combat anti-feminism. The other elements of the list should also be looked with suspicion despite the fact that they seem well-intended. For instance, campaigning against male circumcision can bring you criminal charges of “Islamophobia” under this law. Campaigning against female circumcision, though, will bring you a big pat on the back from the politically correct Eurofanatics, despite the fact that the practice is illegal everywhere in Europe.

Also, the “totalitarian ideologies” is quite vague and contradictory, given that the EU itself sponsors Communist organizations, it’s being lead by a Maoist and now attempts to deem feminism as a State truth.

... Therefore, not wanting to hire feminist ideologues, which tend to be competent at exactly nothing, can now bring you a criminal lawsuit. Also, the rights allowed under the Section 3 of this document can be limited under the Section 4 of this document if they happen to create inconveniences to the sexual trade union of feminism. But they are perfectly fine if they destroy men’s lives though. ...

What is not explicitly forbidden means it is implicitly allowed.And since the explana-tory note of the Section 4 states that the list is exhaustive – the only logical conclu-sion that one can draw is that tolerance means acceptance of such practices as male circumcision, polyandry or any form of exploitation or domination of men and this is even necessary in a democratic society. You can’t make this stuff up!

And if this amount of feminist privilege isn’t enough, here’s some more. The Section 6 of the document, dealing with implementation explicitly tells us that the State must make female privilege the rule of the land. ...

Does this kind of rhetoric sounds familiar? Because it sure does to the World War II veterans who fought for the freedom and the independence of several European nations in order for now to be told that they are privileged for having seen their fellow men being killed or tortured by the State.

It is an act of extreme naïveté to think that this provision will not be used to advance the cause of the long march through institutions of feminism and its connected ideologies. The EU makes it perfectly clear that this is the case. ...

It is a chance of one in 30 billion for such a body not to be lead by a politically cor-rect ideologue. Also, the Ministries of the Interior are the ones managing the secret servi-ces in most (if not all) European nations. In Sweden there have already been reports of the FRA (the Sweden’s NSA) closely supervising Fathers’ Rights Activists in a STASI-like manner. What makes you think that this might not come to your country next if this law is passed?

Section 7 deals with penal sanctions and basically opens the door to criminal charges and arrests for people who dare to disagree with the politically correct ideologues that run the European Union. Section 7a reads:

" The following acts will be regarded as criminal offences punishable as aggravated crimes[9]:

(i) Hate crimes (…)

(ii) Incitement to violence against a group(…)

(iii) Group libel as defined in Section 1(b).

(iv) Overt approval of a totalitarian ideology, xenophobia or anti-Semitism.

(v) Public approval or denial of the Holocaust.

(vi) Public approval or denial of any other act of genocide the existence of which has been determined by an international criminal court or tribunal "

So, basically, ridiculing feminism shall be regarded as a criminal offence punishable as aggravated crime. This is exactly how the Criminal Code of Romania looked like during the Marxist-Leninist dictatorship. In the 1950s, one could get up to 10 years of imprisonment for speaking against “the social order.” The social order was Stalinism back then. Now it’s Marxism-Feminism. The differences between them are becoming increasingly harder to notice.

Also,the EU itself is in violation of Section 7a(ii) and Section 7a(vi),considering that class warfare is openly promoted by various committees and subcommittees of the European Parliament and considering that the crimes against humanity committed in Europe by the Communist regimes are publicly denied by the EU[10].

(Tässä on virhe: EU on nimenomaan sepittänyt "kommunismin rikoksia" eikä "kieltäytynyt tuomitsemasta niitä", paitsi joitakin koskien mm. Romaniaa).

If you are a minor and dare to hold anti-feminist views and express them, the Big Maoist Brother has a special place for you designed by the Thought Police – an indoctrination camp. Well, they don’t call it like that but the purpose is identical. ...

Juveniles convicted of committing crimes listed in paragraph (a) will be required to undergo a rehabilitation programme designed to instill in them a culture of tolerance.

So if a 14 year old boy dares to notice that women are not oppressed in Europe and that the education system in which he is forced to go is centered around girls and girls only, the boys will be sent to a “rehabilitation programme” to instill in him a “cul-ture of tolerance.” The Soviet Union had a similar program for those who dared to disagree with the Marxist-Leninist approach.It was considered that those who disag-reed must be mentally challenged or something else has to be wrong with them to disagree with the wonders of scientific socialism. The same line of reasoning is used here as well. Since feminist ideologues know all too well that their ideology is so thin that even a prepubescent child can see through their lies, they are deeming all dissenters as being sick and in urgent need of “rehabilitation.”

This is how totalitarianism consolidates itself!

And since some people might be reluctant to send people to jail or to “rehabilitation programs” for speaking the truth, the EU takes care to introduce a carrot as well to stimulate the allegations to skyrocket. Section 7f reads[11]:

(f) Free legal aid will be offered to victims of crimes listed in paragraph (a), irrespective of qualification in terms of impecuniosity

So, basically, one can sue anyone for holding anti-feminist views, demand money, claim to be a victim, send the “offender” to jail and all this on taxpayers’ money. Isn’t the EU a wonderful place?

Section 8 deals with “education” and basically demands that everyone be subjected to politically correct propaganda starting with 7 year old children in elementary school and ending with judges and lawyers.

The last section of the document, Section 9, deals with mass-media and demands that all mass-media be remodeled using the ideological lens of the statists that run the European Union and kindly makes another subtle suggestion that the Internet should be regulated – for your own safety, of course. Because heaven forbid you might see something you don’t like on the Internet!

The problems with this document aren’t only related to feminist ideology being shoved down the throats of 28 unfor- tunate nations since it also contains provisions that basically grant special privileges and entitlements to immigrants over the tax-payers. It’s like me coming into your house without your consent and then have the State put you in the bathroom while granting the rest of the house to me.

Also, the first Section basically makes satire illegal – even satire of historical figures (if those figures happen to be non-white men). The whole document is a mess for any person that doesn’t subscribe to political correctness. But even for the feminist-oriented content alone this document is worth opposing fiercely.

Our most basic right – freedom of speech and conscience – is severely under threat right now and, as usual, the mainstream media remains silent about the issue.

What’s next?

The good news is that we found out about this fairly early so there is a decent amount of time to engage in activism.

The European Union,albeit a totalitarian body,is a very slow institution. Consequently it takes a lot of time for such nonsense to end up on the voting table of the European Parliament and it can be dismissed at any of the bureaucracies that goes through. This process can take up to 2 years. For instance, the proposal to stamp out econo-mic freedom has first been made by the European Commission (the only body that has the right to propose legislation – just like in the USSR the Politburo had the sole right to summon a vote in the Supreme Soviet) in 2011.

If we are to follow the EU’s usual protocol, sometime this month another meeting re-garding this document will take place after the ECTR presentation that took place on September 17 [12]. At least one more meeting with FEMM committee [13] (and yes, the European Parliament actually has a committee called FEMM) must take place though it is not unlikely to have this document also go through another judicial com-mittee, even though the September 17 LIBE meeting is said to have included the opinion of ”Group of Eminent Legal Experts” and this could be deemed enough.

After these committees, the next big step is have it go through the Council of the Eu-ropean Union (also known informally as the Council of Ministers). These long names and acronyms might seem complicated (and arguably they are) but the main idea is that after the ideologues in the small committees are done putting their totalitarian worldview on paper, this document needs to be seen by the Ministers of the 28 nations that are members of this club.

The Council of Ministers doesn’t have clear standing members and its membership varies depending on the topic discussed.But its composition is always the same: one minister from each country that belongs to the EU. Most likely, this document will be discussed when the Council will meet to discuss social issues – which means that each country will be represented by a Minister from the social issues (Minister of Welfare, Minister of Women – for the UK and Germany -, Minister of Labor, etc.). Sometimes a secretary of State is sent to represent the country in the Council though these situations are rarer.

What can you do now?

Since the next step in the foreseeable future is the discussion of this document in the Council of Ministers,the most effective thing that you can do is to start contacting members of your government, especially those that deal with social issues (who are more likely to represent your country in the Council when this document will be dis-cussed) and tell them why do you think this document should be rejected altogether. We will also publish various scripts but it would be even better if you’d write them in you own words.

Also, check the official directory of the European Union[14] to get the name and the contacts of those officials from your country that regularly attend the meetings of the Council of Ministers and start with them.

There are countries that are due to hold elections (Germany comes to mind now). If you live in one of these countries that will hold elections in the next 12 months, do no hesitate to let your elected officials know that you will purposefully campaign against them if they uphold this document. Politicians don’t care about your freedoms or about men – but they do care about votes!

These kinds of documents are usually passed without the national parliaments even being asked. However, the national parliaments,if they’re notified by the citizens, can pass a resolution forcing the government to adopt a certain position under the threat of a censure motion (a motion that can sack the government). This is unlikely to happen in big countries such as Germany and France or in impeccably progressive countries like Sweden. However, in smaller countries, such as Estonia, Latvia, Li-thuania, Hungary, Slovakia, Slovenia or Luxembourg, this is quite feasible. This is an option for you to consider if you live in a country where this kind of activism has real chances of success.If this kind of activism succeeds even in one country – that’s a huge deal because in the Council of Ministers (unlike the European Parliament) each country gets an equal vote, as opposed to the European Parliament where countries have unequal numbers of representatives depending on their population.

Also,probably amongst the first thing that you should do is to familiarize yourself with the way the Council of the European Union (or the Council of Ministers) works [15].

Civil disobedience. Make a blog with anti-feminist content. You can start by making this issue known in your native tongue.This is crucial for the success in defeating this bill. Also, if possible, make flyers with anti-feminist content (preferably by making this bill known) and distribute them. Read the bill carefully. You will find enough things to make non-MRA individuals join your efforts. Adapt your material to every subset of audience you wish to appeal. It is important for opposition to this bill to appear in as many languages and countries of the EU as possible.

If you cannot do street activism for various reasons, make sure you make your newly created blog known. It doesn’t matter if you fell you are not a good writer. Just start writing and spamming everyone with your newly created blog. For more efficiency and increased appeal to audience – you can even make the blog to be single-issue, strictly for opposing this bill.

Speak publicly as much as possible against the bill. The power of words is unimagi-nable, that’s why the powers that be want the words banned. You don’t have to be a good public speaker. Just open your mouth in casual circles whenever the situation is fit. For instance, if you hear someone in a store saying “a woman came to rob my house” tell them that they might end up in jail for saying that and direct them to this article or your blog or any other resource that talks extensively about this bill.

Join us this Friday on The Voice of Europe where we will be talking more about this bill and will suggest more ways of activism. Also, if you have other ideas, feel free to let us know in the comments or, even better, call in this Friday on the radio program.

This has to be stopped! And its demise starts with you!

An adapted version of this article was posted by the Swedish blog En stilla undran and it is available here.

En anpassad version av den här artikeln har publicerats på den svenska blogg “En stilla undran… krig saker som får mig att tänka” och kan hittas här. " 



Risto Juhani Koivula kommentoi_ 14. huhtikuu 2017 00:51


The Telegraph
We must stop indoctrinating boys in feminist ideology

Feminist organisations, backed by government policy, are teaching young boys at school to feel guilty and ashamed of their gender, writes Dan Bell

Since when did we teach ideology to children?
Since when did we teach ideology to children? Photo: Alamy

On Wednesday, the Daily Mail reported that a school in Oxford has become the first to introduce “Good Lad” workshops, in which boys are singled out for sessions that teach them about “the scale of sexual harassment and violence aimed at female students” and how they must stand up for women's rights.

The workshops are the latest in a mushrooming series of initiatives in which ideologi-cally-driven activists are being invited into schools, driven by the belief that boys need to be re-educated to prevent them from becoming a threat to women.

In November last year, The Times reported on a programme in London Schools in which two American women, one a former sex crime prosecutor, “re-programme teenage boys’ sexual manners so they are fit for a feminist world”.

According to the report, they start the class by asserting that “misogyny is on the rise”, before going on to “describe real-life sex crimes that have happened to teen-agers in this area with brutal accuracy”. The article concludes – approvingly -- that by the end of the session, the boys are “scarred for life”.

In context of the chasm between boys’ and girls’ educational attainment and a rising male suicide rate that is now nearly four times that of women’s, why are schools de-ciding that when it comes to talking about gender, what boys need most is an extra dose of guilt and shame?

Another organisation,A Call to Men UK,also goes into schools, stating on its website: “A CALL TO MEN UK believes that preventing violence against women and girls is primarily the responsibility of men. We re-educate through trainings (sic), workshops, presentations, school projects and community initiatives.”

Since when was it acceptable to impose ideology on school children?
Dan Bell

And yet another, the Great Men Value Women project, frames its mission as about helping young men, but it’s also driven by the belief that young men need to be re-educated as feminists – not just for their own good, but for women’s too. On the sec-tion of their website listing the organisation’s values, their final point simply states: “Feminism: This says it all”, with a link to a video of TED X talk entitled: “We Should All Be Feminists”.

Really? Who says so? Most importantly though, since when was it acceptable to im-pose ideology on school children? And for that matter,would we ever dare to suggest school girls ought to be taught that Great Women Value Men?

By all means,let’s teach children about healthy relationships,but that’s not really what these campaigns are about.Instead there is an overwhelming emphasis on imposing an ideological worldview that first and foremost sees young men as potential abu-sers and perpetrators, while routinely ignoring and minimising the very real threat of violence, both physical and sexual, that boys and young men face themselves.

When men talk about feminism, it brings out the worst of Twitter

You’d never know it from the rhetoric, but a man – and particularly a young man -- is around twice as likely to be a victim of violent crime as a woman. And it’s not just drunken street violence either. A 2009 NSPCC report into domestic violence in teen-age relationships, showed teenage boys suffer comparable rates of violence from their girlfriends as do teenage girls from their boyfriends.

In the same year another report, this time by Childline, found that of the children who called to report sexual abuse, a total of 8,457 were girls (64pc) and 4,780 were boys (36pc). The charity also found boys were more likely to say they had been s... (1,722 cases) than by a man (1,651).

At the time, Childline founder Esther Rantzen, said the charity had specifically reached out to boys, because they were convinced the higher number of calls they had been receiving from girls “could not be explained by the fact that boys encountered fewer problems than girls”.

Imagine what it must it be like as a young man who has been beaten or sexually abused, possibly by a woman, to then be forced to attend a workshop that tells him that simply because he’s a young man, he should hang his head in shame as a potential abuser?

Neither are these activist interventions just the preserve of a few radical head teachers: they in fact reflect official government policy.

In March, the Government announced the introduction of new consent classes for children aged as young as 11. The plans were launched on International Women’s Day and the PSHE guidelines repeatedly state they are primarily part of the Government’s A Call to End Violence Against Women and Girls strategy.

According to a “Fact Sheet” published by one of the guidelines’ key contributors, a top priority for the lessons is “challenging notions of male sexual entitlement” and the lessons should be seen “in the context of a society in which gender inequality is the norm… and girls and young women are subjected to high levels of harassment, abuse and violence - overwhelmingly from men and boys they know”.

Apparently, in the eyes of the government, schoolboys don’t so much see girls as their friends and peers, but as potential prey.

Meet the feminist who is sticking up for men

And the indoctrination doesn’t stop when a boy leaves school, it continues when he gets to university too – the “Good Lad” workshops in Oxford, are in fact a spin-off from compulsory consent classes for new male students that are now springing up across UK universities.

What impact must all this be having on boys and young men, who are themselves at one of the most vulnerable stages of their lives? Last year, insideMAN published findings of a focus group of young male students, which gave a disturbing glimpse into the ideological classroom climate faced by boys, this time told by young men themselves.

They told us that when it came to expressing any view that contradicted feminist orthodoxy, they were shouted at and publicly humiliated. They said their motives routinely came under immediate suspicion simply on account of their gender. And they said they wanted to be protected against fundamentalism by prominent and leading figures in the campaign for gender equality.

If boys like these are already coming under attack in A Level English classes, what might they expect in a PSHE lesson that – as one of the new suggested lesson plans propose -- puts them through a “conscience alley”, in which they are asked to take on the role of a potential rapist, then walk between their classmates who tell them what they think of their behaviour?

Can a man ever truly call himself a feminist?

In 2001, novelist and feminist icon Doris Lessing made a shocking assessment of what she had seen while visiting a school classroom.

She told the Edinburgh Book Festival, "I was in a class of nine- and 10-year-olds, girls and boys, and this young woman was telling these kids that the reason for wars was the innately violent nature of men.

"You could see the little girls, fat with complacency and conceit while the little boys sat there crumpled, apologising for their existence, thinking this was going to be the pattern of their lives."

Lessing expressed deep concern that what she had witnessed was just a glimpse of an increasingly pervasive culture of toxic feminism in schools that was weighing down boys with a collective sense of guilt and shame.

She had every right to be worried. It seems there is now a drive to make shame and guilt a formal part of boys’ education.

Dan Bell is the Features Editor at insideMAN magazine

• Read Great Men's response: We are teaching boys to feel empowered, not ashamed


Risto Juhani Koivula kommentoi_ 17. huhtikuu 2017 05:44

NNYT tuli paha EHEYTYSVIDEO, tästä Räsänenkin varmasti tykkää...luulisin...

Märät säpikkäät: en tahdo nuolla tänä yönä!



Käynnistä Dán ija

Risto Juhani Koivula kommentoi_ 24. huhtikuu 2017 15:20


" European Parliament rejects resolution on sexual and reproductive health rights

Tuesday, 10 December 2013

Today the plenary of the European Parliament rejected a report on sexual and reproductive health rights. The text called for access to safe and legal abortion, non-discrimination, and the right to access healthcare and sexuality education.

Edite Estrela MEPThe report was already sent back to its drafting committee once in October. The Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality deleted some of its contents before sending it back to plenary, including in relation to LGBT people’s rights.

The newer version of the report was put to the vote today. A first attempt to replace the report by an alternative resolution failed, but a second alternative proposal by the EPP and ECR groups was adopted by a margin of seven votes (334 in favour of the new text, 327 against).

A short majority of MEPs replaced the extensive Estrela report of nearly 90 recom-mendations and opinions on sexual and reproductive health and rights with a unique paragraph:

Notes that the formulation and implementation of policies on [sexual and repro-ductive health rights] and on sexual education in schools is a competence of the Member States;

The new version of the report adds that the EU can still help Member States share good practices.

Edite Estrela MEP, author of the report and Member of the LGBT Intergroup, commented: “It’s shameful that in 2013, the European Parliament adopted a more conservative resolution than the previous text on this issue, adopted in 2002.”

“This shows how much work remains to defend the rights of women and minorities. This is a battle lost, not the war.”

Ulrike Lunacek MEP, Co-President of the LGBT Intergroup and spokeswoman for the Greens/EFA on this subject, added: “I’m shocked and ashamed by this vote. By a very narrow margin, colleagues refused discussing and enhancing the rights of women and LGBT persons in detail.”

“This should be a reminder for all EU citizens who want to enjoy their rights: your vote in next year’s EU elections matter greatly.”

Read more:

Tags: sexual and reproductive health rights

Risto Juhani Koivula kommentoi_ 24. huhtikuu 2017 15:43

 " "....

Keskeisenä käsitteenä on hegemoninen maskuliinisuus, joka ymmärretään idealisoi-tuna kuvana modernista yhteiskunnan mieskansalaisuudesta, johon miespoliitikot ovat pyrkineet samaistumaan performoimamalla mieheyttä luodakseen homososiaalisen liittosuhteen potentiaalisiin äänestäjiin.

..." (???)


Väitöstilaisuus miespoliitikoista ja maskuliinisuuden tutkimuksesta politiikassa

Nyt se on sitten virallista kun tiedotekin on ilmestynyt rakkaan yliopistomme kotisi-vuille: väittelen yhteiskuntatieteiden tohtoriksi 17.5. otsikolla: Hegemonisesta masku-liini-suudesta miesten moneuteen. Kriittisen miestutkimuksen mahdollistuminen valtio-opillisessa ajattelussa.

Olo on ristiriitainen.

Olen helpottunut, että se on nyt ohi (siis lukuun ottamatta itse väitöstilaisuutta ja lektion kirjoittamista).

Toisaalta tuntuu, etten kyennyt puristamaan itsestäni niin paljon kuin olisin halunnut. Käytin väitöskirjan tekemiseen puolet enemmän aikaa kuin alun perin olin suunnitel-lut ja tutkimusaihe vaihtui matkan varrella useamman kerran ja silti kokonaisuus jäi keskinkertaiseksi.

Väitöskirjalta vaaditaan enemmän kuin Uuden Suomen puheenvuorolta.

Toukokuussa olen kuitenkin väitöstilaisuudessa valmis puolustamaan sitä.

Ilmiselvistä puutteista huolimatta se osoittaa vahvaa oppineisuutta tietyltä osa-alu-eelta ja ennen kaikkea se kykenee ennakkoluulottomasti yhdistelemään tiettyjä teori-oita toisiinsa luoden politiikan tutkimuksen alalle kokonaan uudenlaisia näkökulmia, jopa kansainvälisesti tarkasteltuna.

Esimerkiksi hegemonisen maskuliinisuuden käsitettä ei ole samalla tavoin aikaisem-min yhdistetty eksplisiittisesti foucaltlaisen kuriyhteiskunnan käsitteeseen, eikä Rosi Braidottin nomadista feminismiä ole hyödynnetty miehiä ja maskuliinisuuksia tutkittaessa.

Väitöskirjani otsikon juoni on siinä, että väitöskirjani on ollut itsessään mahdollistamassa miesten ja maskuliinisuuksien tutkimusta valtio-opin oppiaineessa.

Väitöstilaisuuteen on kaikilla palleroilla vapaa pääsy, tervetuloa!




" 272
Cultural Marxism: Origins, Development and Significance
K. R. Bolton1
Academic Member
Athens Institute for Education & Research


In this article, the author gives much valuable information about an intellectual move-ment that since World War II has had a profound effect on Western politics and cul-ture. He observes that “Cultural Marxism” (a method of analysis having its origins in “Critical Theory”) has become mainstream, and perhaps the dominant influence in the social sciences of the Western world.

By combining Marxism with Freudian analysis, a doctrine was developed that “de-constructed” Western morality not just in economic terms, as original Marxism did, but questioned whether Western traditional morality causes neuroses and readiness to conform to social norms. The result has been to open Western morality not just to question, but to ridicule. This paper examines the origins of “Cultural Marxism,” and in doing so poses an important question: whether the deconstruction of the West’s traditional morality serves a broad political/social/cultural agenda.

Key words: Critical Theory, Cultural Marxism, Frankfurt School, Freud, Hirschfeld, Kinsey, Marx, New School for Social Research Sexual Reform, transgenderism


In this article, we will examine a set of ideas that has a very real existence in today’s world. Although a discussion of it draws us into an intellectual world that must seem quite alien and esoteric to the average person, an understanding of “Cultural Marxism” is essential for anyone who seeks to grasp the ideological forces that are moulding contemporary societies.

In our analysis,we will see that Cultural Marxism serves a broad ideological purpose. As an intellectual movement that seeks, with considerable success, to undermine the West’s traditional values and cultures, it provides a rationale that buttresses the Left’s position on a surprising array of contemporary issues.

1 Readers may contact the author at [email protected]


Volume 43, Number 3 & 4, Fall & Winter 2018273Cultural Marxism: Origins, Development and Significance

These include such diverse matters as globalism;open borders; transgenderism; and formlessness in the arts, music, and architecture. The thrust is to deconstruct, in the name of “progress",any vestiges of tradition. There is an ironic contradiction present: the Left makes much use of “identity politics” while, at the same time, its decon-struction is intended to produce a human mass that has cast aside all ethnic, land, and even gender identity. This push toward universal homogenization is promoted in the name of being “different.”

If we want to see how this applies to such a thing as globalism, which we have said is one of the issues affected, it is important to note that when detachment and root-lessness allow for the unhampered movement of labour, people become economic units as part of a global production process. When the Left attacks all restrictions on immigration as “racism",“xenophobia” and “fascism",its proponents are,oddly enough , falling in line with precisely what international capitalism desires. The philosopher-historian Oswald Spengler made the astute observation nearly a century ago that, regardless of appearances, Leftist movements operate in the interests of “money.” So-called “people’s revolts” have served oligarchic interests since the Gracchus revolt in Rome. 2 Bolshevism was funded by oligarchs. 3 The situation remains. 4 It is thus no coincidence that this inverted form of “the Left” is funded by George Soros’ Open Society Foundations, National Endowment for Democracy, Rockefeller Foundation,Movements.org and hundreds of other NGOs and foundations. 5

Definition of Cultural Marxism

Professor Jerome Jamin of the Political Science Department at the University de Liège, Belgium, gives the following definition of “Cultural Marxism”:

From a philosophical point of view, Cultural Marxism, as Critical Theory, considers culture as something that needs to be studied within the system and the social relations through which it is produced, and then carried by the people.

2 Oswald Spengler, The Decline of The West ([1918, 1926] London: George Allen and Unwin, 1971) Vol. 2, pp. 402, 464.
3 Richard B. Spence, Wall Street and the Russian Revolution 1905-1925 (Trine Day, 2017), passim.
4 K. R. Bolton, Revolution from Above (London: Artkos Media Ltd., 2011), passim. 5 Ibid

274K. R. Bolton

So, according to Kellner (2013, p.10),6 the “analysis of culture is intimately bound up with the study of society, politics, and economics.” This theory means that the culture does not have an autonomous life next to the daily concrete lives of individuals and their social relations. It also states that, as a consequence, cultures are built to help the dominance of powerful and ruling social groups.Within the Marxist tradition,which sees dominant ideology as the ideology of the bourgeoisie to control the proletariat and the working class, Cultural Marxism considers cultures and ideologies as inextri-cably linked to the economic, social, and political context: they are tools in the hands of the powerful to control the people. 7 (Emphasis added)

From this, we see that “Cultural Marxism” is the intellectual elaboration of a “will-to-destroy” as it pertains to traditional cultural and societal bastions. Karl Marx had a will-to-destruction,and The Communist Manifesto is a handbook for the destruction of whatever remained in this late epoch of the West of organic bonds such as family, marriage, faith and the pre-capitalist attachment to village, church, and land. Rather than decrying the destruction of these organic bonds, Marx regarded them as ‘bour-geois’ institutions that were dialectically being destroyed by capitalism and industria-lism as a progressive step. Those who resisted this dialectic of destruction were vehemently denounced in The Communist Manifesto as “reactionists.” 8

What the original Marxists sought with the destruction of the organic bonds of tradi-tional society, the “Cultural Marxists” seek by broadening their subversion beyond economic critiques, and working class mobilizations, which the Left came to see as mainly unsuccessful. 9

6 Kellner, “Cultural Marxism and Cultural Studies” (2013), https://pages.gseis.ucla.edu/faculty/kellner/ Lind W. (2000), as cited by Jerome Jamin.
7 Jerome Jamin, “Cultural Marxism: A Survey,” Religion Compass, 2018, p. 4; 12: e12258.


8 K. R. Bolton, “Marx Contra Marx: A Traditionalist Conservative Critique of The Communist Manifesto,” Anamnesis Journal, 2 March 2012, http://anamnesisjournal.com/2012/03/kr-bolton/
9 K. R. Bolton, “Marx Contra Marx: A Traditionalist Conservative Critique of The Communist Manifesto,” Anamnesis Journal, 2 March 2012, http://anamnesisjournal.com/2012/03/kr-bolton/

Cultural Marxism: Origins, Development and Significance Freudian-Marxian Synthesis 275

It was when combined with Freudian psychoanalysis that Marxism went beyond a solely economic, reductionist offensive against Western, so-called “bourgeois” tradi-tions and struck at the foundations of Western culture as a manifestation of not only the economic oppression of the “masses,” but also their psychological – and accor-ding to Freudianism, in particular, “sexual” oppression, leading supposedly to mass neuroses, if not psychoses.

Marx defined Western man as an economic animal;to Sigmund Freud,Western man is a sexual animal. In their reductionism, both sought to bestialize what is human. Marx saw the Gothic Cathedral (the epitome of a Western religiosity described by Spengler as the “Faustian” imperative towards infinity) as a symbol of exploitation, Freud saw it as redirected sexuality. (We might note that Carl Jung parted company from the Freudians on such matters.) 10

The combination of Freudian psychoanalysis and Marxism in an assault on tradition made sense. It also made sense that this synthesis arose during the Weimar epoch of Germany in the aftermath of defeat, humiliation and demoralization, where every-thing about the old Wilhelmian Germany was fair game to be targeted. Post-World War I Germany became the centre for social experimentation. This became ‘Cultural Marxism’ and was soon extended beyond Germany. “Sexual science” was purveyed as a scholarly field by the Institute for Sexual Science (where the first sex-change operation was performed in 1931), founded in 1919, and the Scientific Humanitarian Committee (founded in 1897), both headed by Dr. Magnus Hirschfeld, who edited The Year-Book for Sexual Intermediate Stages. Hirschfeld organized the First Cong-ress of Sexual Reform in 1921, from which emerged the World League for Sexual Reform. 11

The purpose of this ‘sexual science’ theorizing and experimentation was the destruc-tion of marriage and the family,the prime targets of Marxism. Hirschfeld’s books have familiar themes: The Homosexual Question as Judged by our Contemporaries; What Ought the Public Know About the Third Sex; Sexual Transitions; The Erotic Impulse to Wear Other Dress; The Homosexuality of Man and Woman; Sexology; A History of the Morals of the World War.

10 K. R. Bolton, The Decline and Fall of Civilisations (London: Black House Publishing, 2017), pp. 328-329.
11 Magnus-Hirschfeld-Gesellschaft,



276 K. R. Bolton

It was here that the concepts of ‘transvestism’ and transgenderism were promulga-ted as “natural.” It was at the Hirschfeld institute that the first transgender operations were performed. In the USA the operations and promotions of transgenderism were continued by Dr. Henry Benjamin, who had studied at the Hirschfeld institute. 12

With the rise of Hitler in 1933,Hirschfeld and a host of other “Cultural Marxists” found ready fame outside Germany, and Hirschfeld’s books were published in the USA, France, and England in 1935. Hirschfeld has had a lasting legacy on so-called ‘pro-gressive’ and “modern” sexual attitudes,and especially on “gay rights".He is honored by the “LGBTQ” lobbies throughout the world. In 1982, for example a Magnus Hirschfeld Society was established in Germany as a research centre. 13

In the 1940s, a Freudian Communist, Dr. Wilhelm Reich, founded ‘sex pol’, political sexology as a revolutionary movement. Reich described his doctrine:

Suppression of the natural sexuality in the child, particularly of its genital sexuality, makes the child apprehensive, shy, obedient, afraid of authority, good and adjusted in the authoritarian sense; it paralyzes the rebellious forces because any rebellion is laden with anxiety; it produces, by inhibiting sexual curiosity and sexual thinking in the child, a general inhibition of thinking and of critical faculties. In brief, the goal of sexual suppression is that of producing an individual who is adjusted to the authori-tarian order and who will submit to it in spite of all misery and degradation. At first the child has to submit to the structure of the authoritarian miniature state, the family; this makes it capable of later subordination to the general authoritarian system. The formation of the authoritarian structure takes place through the anchoring of sexual inhibition and anxiety.” 14

This doctrine became mainstreamed by other emigres from Germany. Reich was employed by the Institute for Social Research in New York, which had been established by Reich’s colleagues of the Frankfurt School for Critical Theory.

12 Farah Naz Khan, “A History of Transgender Health Care,” Scientific American, 16 November 2016, https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/guest-blog/a-history-of-trans-gender-health-care/
13 Magnus-Hirschfeld-Gesellscha, http://me.in-berlin.de/~magnus/
14 Wilhelm Reich, The Mass Psychology of Fascism, English ed. (New York: Orgone Institute Press, 1946), p. 25.


Cultural Marxism: Origins, Development and Significance 277

Despite the support he had among elements of the German Communist Party, the Party’s leadership considered Reich ‘counter-revolutionary’, regarded his studies as reducing the revolutionary struggle to gutter level, and he was expelled from the Party.

In the USA he became an admirer of President Franklin Roosevelt, but unlike the other ‘Cultural Marxists’ who had been sponsored to settle in the USA, Reich remai-ned on the outside and was imprisoned. He had been investigated by the Food and Drug Administration for his “cosmic orgone engineering” and “orgone accumula-tors,” which supposedly harnessed sexual energy (orgone), which he believed was the energy source of UFOs.He was jailed in 1956 for breaching a federal injunction. 15

Sponsorship of Cultural Marxists

Despite his rejection by the German Communist Party leadership and his problems with American bureaucracy, Reich’s Freudo-Marxismnwas triumphantly asserted by the coterie of refugees from the Frankfurt School of Critical Theory. This coterie became dominant in the U.S. social sciences, their path cleared by their anti-Nazi credentials.

Reich’s critique struck in particular at the traditional family as the incubator of autho-ritarianism, and hence of “fascism.” Where Marxism attacks the family on economic grounds as a ‘bourgeois institution’, Reich condemned the traditional “patriarchal marriage and patriarchal family” 16 as the home of bourgeois sexual repression, and ipso facto of authoritarianism, leading to fascism. 17

Hence, in this thinking the exploitive system of capitalism rests upon sexual repres-sion in the patriarchal family, with Reich substituting sexual reductionism for Marx’s economic reductionism.

From the revolutionary viewpoint, “sexual inhibition alters the structure of the econo-mically suppressed individual in such a manner that he thinks, feels and acts against his own material interests.” 18

15 See the biography of Reich by one of his patients and assistants, Myron Sharaf, Fury on Earth (London: Andre Deutsch, 1983).
16 Wilhelm Reich, The Mass Psychology of Fascism, p. 24.
17 Ibid.
18 Ibid., p. 26.

Volume 43, Number 3 & 4, Fall & Winter 2018

278K. R. Bolton

The family is the “central reactionary germ cell” of the authoritarian state: “Since au-thoritarian society reproduces itself in the structure of the mass individual by means of the authoritarian family, it follows that political reaction must defend the authorita-rian family as the basis of the state, of culture and of civilization.” 19  As Reich’s biographer Myron Sharaf wrote, “Reich also anticipated many recent social developments.” 20

The Frankfurt School of Critical Theory was founded as the Institute for Social Re-search in 1923 by members of the German Communist Party at Frankfurt University. 21 They concluded that a Communist state must be preceded by a radical subver-sion of the cultural mores and institutions of a society. 22 The founding endowment for the Frankfurt School was provided by the international grain speculator, Herman Weil, father of one of the Institute’s moving spirits, Felix Weil. 23

Max Horkheimer, who became the institute’s director in 1930, 24 advocated that a subtle revolution must be made through the penetration and transformation of the cultural traditions and institutions of Western Civilization. 25 At this time, music critic Theodor Adorno and psychologists Erich Fromm and Wilhelm Reich joined the Frankfurt School. 26 However, in 1933 this largely Jewish group left en masse for the USA. Included was the future guru of the New Left, Herbert Marcuse, a graduate student. This so-called ‘University of Exile’ was initially employed by the New School for Social Research (NSSR) in New York.

The “University of Exile,” funded by “enlightened philanthropists like Hiram Halle 27 and the Rockefeller Foundation,” 28 formed the faculty of the New School’s Gradu-ate Faculty on Political and Social Science. The NSSR implemented the Rockefeller Foundation’s Emergency Program for European Scholars, “selected by the [Rocke-feller] Foundation.” The U.S. State Department was consulted and indicated its com-plete satisfaction with the project.29 “While some of these refugees remained at the

19 Ibid., p. 88.
20 Ibid., p. 4.
21 For an account on the founding of the Frankfurt School see: Patrick J. Buchanan, The Death of the West (New York: Saint Martin’s Press, 2002), pp. 78-96.
22 Ibid., p. 77.
23 Rolf Wiggershaus, The Frankfurt School – Its History, Theories, Political
Significance (Cambridge, Massachusetts, MIT Press, 1995).
24 Buchanan, op. cit., p. 78.
25 Ibid., pp. 78-79.
26 Ibid., p. 79.
27 Hiram Halle was an owner of Gulf Oil, one of the “Seven Sisters” world oil companies, which merged with David Rockefeller’s Standard Oil (Chevron) in 1984.
28 New School, “History”, http://www.newschool.edu/nssr/subpage.aspx?id=9064
29 “Emergency Program for European Scholars, 1940-1945,” Rockefeller Foundation Archives,


Cultural Marxism: Origins, Development and Significance

New School for many years, many others moved on to make an impact on other institutions in the United States.” Some became government advisors. “Others helped transform the social sciences and philosophy of this country.” 30 The Rockefeller Foundation explains about these Cultural Marxists that upon their arrival each was provided with a teaching post.

In the case of a scholar received by the New School, it was not expected that he would remain there permanently; the New School aimed merely to be the springboard for his American adventure. Every effort was made to expose scholars to other opportunities; a scholar was transferred immediately upon receipt of an invitation from another institution offering a position with some assurance of permanency. ….

Fifty-two scholars actually reached America and assumed teaching….

The total cost of the Emergency Program was, therefore, $437,659. 31 The Rockefeller Foundation remains a primary patron. 32 In 1980 George Soros was awarded an honorary doctorate by the New School. 33 The NSSR’s social research conferences initiated in 1988 are funded by Open Society, Rockefeller Foundation, Rockefeller Financial Services, etc., with institutional collaboration from the Open Society Institute, Asia Society (Rockefeller), et al. 34 The New School’s economic research department was founded and is chaired by Bernard Schwartz, a senior fellow with the Council on Foreign Relations and Brookings Institute, and former chief executive of Loral, the defence industry contractor. 35
Among the departments at the NSSR is “Gender and Sexuality Studies,” where a familiar theme is taught: sexuality as a social construct, and “social justice in a gendered (or post-gendered) world.” 36

30 Ibid.
31 Ibid.
32 The New School, http://blogs.newschool.edu/news/2017/12/new-school-collaborato-
33 Steven G. Koven and Frank Gotzka, American Immigration Policy: Confronting the
Nation’s Challenges (Springer, 2010), p. 91.
34 Social Research Conference Series, https://www.newschool.edu/cps/conference-series/
35 “U.S. Competiveness in the 21 Century,” Schwartz Forum, Brookings Institute, 19
April 2006; https://www.brookings.edu/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/20060428.pdf
36 Department of Gender and Sexuality Studies, https://www.newschool.edu/nssr/gen-

The Journal of Social, Political and Economic Studies 280 K. R. Bolton

Featured guest lectures include “Queer theory and penis envy,” by “internationally recognized critical theorist” Mari Ruti, with emphasis on “resistance as an ethical act.” 37 “Queer Theory” has in recent years become the basis for academic departments in several prominent American universities. 38

In the aftermath of World War II, Reich’s and Hirschfeld’s doctrines were given credibility with a detailed study by the Frankfurt coterie. The Authoritarian Personality sought to characterize traditional institutions and attitudes as latently “F” for “Fascist,” based on surveys that rated individual mental health according to a scale. “F” designated the “Fascist” tendencies of individuals according to how they scored on attitudes such as respect for parents, and a strong sense of morality. 39 Hence, if
question 23 on the “F scale” (“He is, indeed, contemptible who does not feel an undying love, gratitude, and respect for his parents”) elicits a positive response, this is a symptom of “authoritarian submission,” and “authoritarian aggression.” 40 The Frankfurt School theory towards the family is summarized by Jay Martin in a semi-official history of the institution: “Even a partial breakdown of parental authority in the family might tend to increase the readiness of a coming generation to accept
social change.” 41

Frankfurtian Erich Fromm’s Escape From Freedom is the founding document of “political psychology.” The concept of “freedom,” according to Fromm, is that “individualized man” would be freed from his “primary ties” of identity such as family, yet in achieving individuality he would find his belonging as part of mass humanity. “There is only one possible, productive solution for the relationship of individualized man with the world: his active solidarity with all men and his spontaneous activity, love and work, which unite him again with the world, not by primary ties but as a free and independent individual....” 42

Herbert Marcuse, in Eros and Civilization, argued that instinct should not be repressed, and that such repression is inherent in Western Civilization. Another synthesizer of Marx and Freud, Marcuse
became the guru of the New Left.

37 “On Queer Theory, Penis Envy And The Subject of Defiance”: A Day with Mari Ruti’, 16 December 2017, https:events.newschool.edu/event/ferenczi_center_presents_on_queer_theory_penis_envy_and_the_subject_of_defiance_a_day_with_mari_ruti#.Win49PmWaM8
38 See the article “March of the PeeWOCs: ‘Queer Theory,’ Its Origins and Implications,” in The Journal of Social, Political and Economic Studies, Fall 2015, pp. 289-301.
39 T. W. Adorno, Else Frenkel-Brunswik, Daniel J Levinson and R. Nevitt Sanford, The Authoritarian Personality (New York: Harper and Brothers, 1950).
40 Ibid., pp. 231,232.
41 Martin Jay, The Dialectical Imagination: A History of the Frankfurt School and the New School for Social Research (University of California Press, 1973).
42 Erich Fromm, Escape From Freedom (New York: Rinehart & Co., 1941), p. 36. Volume 43, Number 3 & 4, Fall & Winter 2018

281 Cultural Marxism: Origins, Development and Significance

Like Reich, Marcuse stated that capitalism represses the libido of the proletariat. 43 Professor Martin
Duberman, a leading Left-wing academic theorist and activist for the “gay” movement, states: “The philosopher Herbert Marcuse predicted that the new ‘sexual liberation movements’ would become a powerful force, THE agency for producing significant social transformation.” 44 Marcuse biographer Douglas Kellner writes:
During the 1960s, Marcuse achieved world renown as “the guru of the New Left”... his work was often discussed in the mass media. A charismatic teacher, Marcuse’s students began to gain influential academic positions and to promote his ideas, making him a major force in US intellectual life. After working for the US Government for almost ten years Marcuse returned to university life. He received a Rockefeller Foundation grant to study Soviet Marxism, lecturing on the topic at Columbia University during 1952-53, and Harvard from 1954-55. 45

Serving in the Office of Strategic Services, predecessor of the CIA during World War II, and working in the U.S. State Department until 1951,46 Marcuse became part of the “cultural Cold War” against the USSR, as did many Trotskyites and other Marxists. 47 In 1964 Marcuse published his One-Dimensional Man, of which Kellner states:

“In contrast to orthodox Marxism, Marcuse championed non-integrated forces like minorities, outsiders and radical intelligentsia, attempting to nourish oppositional thought through promoting radical thinking and opposition...” 48

This is the “identity politics” that has since become mainstream, where society is fractured on the ruins of traditional bonds; the “primaryties” referred to by Fromm.

43 Herbert Mercuse, Eros and Civilisation (Boston: Beacon, 1955).
44 Martin Duberman, Left Out: The Politics of Exclusion--Essays 1964-99, (New York:
Basic Books, 1999), p. 347.
45 Douglas Kellner, ‘Marcuse, Herbert’, The American National Bibliogra-
phy, english/
46 Ibid.
47 Frances Stonor Saunders, The Cultural Cold War: The CIA and the World of Arts and
Letters (New York: The New Press, 1999).
48 Kellner, op. cit.

The Journal of Social, Political and Economic Studies 282 K. R. Bolton

The tactic is infiltration, Marcuse counseling, “working against the established institutions while working inthem.” 49

Marcuse’s Eros & Civilization, which became the manifesto of the New Left, and One Dimensional Man, both received Rockefeller Foundation funding. 50

When the New Left mobilized on the streets throughout the world in 1968, the mantra was “Marx, Mao, Marcuse.” The New Left was spawned in the Cold War as an alternative Left that could be manipulated for anti-Soviet purposes. Feminism, chiefly through Gloria Steinem, a CIA asset (recruited by the CIA’s Cord Meyer) came from there also. 51

The other purpose of the New Left was to serve the “military-industrial complex” dialectically: the extreme of the likes of the Students for a Democratic Society, Weathermen, et al, made the Leftist programs being promoted and funded by Rockefeller et al, seem moderate, and hence the USA was pushed imperceptibly Leftward, while the public focus was on the ultra-Left. 52

Why do “Philanthropists” Fund “Cultural Marxism”?

In 1937 Paul Lazarsfeld and Theodor Adorno established the Radio Project at Princeton University with Rockefeller funding. According to Elizabeth Whitcombe in the Occidental Observer, this was an experiment in mass mind manipulation through music. At first, atonal music was promoted, but afterward it was found that repetition of the type that became the basis for ‘pop’ music and sundry other mass-marketed junk-culture was more effective in its impact upon the mass unconscious. 53

During the 1950s, while the U.S. Establishment was inveighing against Senator Joe McCarthy’s investigations into Communism, the barely noticed Reece Congressional Committee was investigating subversion of a far more profound type: that of Cultural Marxism and its patronage by the tax-exempt foundations. Like McCarthy, Reece was stymied by powerful forces, specifically when it came to investigating the Rockefeller-funded Kinsey Institute, founded in 1947 as a purveyor of “sexology.” Like Adorno’s Authoritarian Personality, Kinsey’s studies, Sexual Behavior in the Male and Sexual Behavior in the Female, funded by the Rockefeller Foundation, 54 have had enduring influence on attitudes and laws regarding homosexuality and abortion, and have opened the possibilities of legalised paedophilia.

49 Herbert Marcuse, Counterrevolution and Revolt (1972), p. 55.
50 Herbert Marcuse, “Acknowledgements,” in One Dimensional Man: Studies in the Ideology of Advanced Industrial Society (London, Routledge, 1964).
51 Bolton, Revolution from Above, op. cit., pp. 164-170.
52 Ibid., pp. 144-200.
53 Elizabeth Whitcombe, “Adorno as Critic: Celebrating the Socially Destructive Force of Music,” Occidental Observer, 28 August 2009, http://www.theoccidentalobserver.net/2009/08/28/adorno-as-critic/
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283Cultural Marxism: Origins, Development and Significance

As with Hirschfeld’s Institute, Reich’s “sex pol,” and Adorno’s “F” scale survey, Dr. John Bancroft, when director of the Kinsey Institute, championed “sexual nonconformity” as a “vehicle for dissent.” 55

The support given by Soros’s Open Society Foundations to feminism, abortion liberalization, marijuana liberalization, and the world-wide push for transgenderism is vast. 56 The other oligarchical foundations continue on the same course — Rockefeller, Ford, and a myriad of others. 57

Why do some of the wealthiest of businessmen support the Left with what is widely termed “philanthropy”? Caroline Glick, a U.S. and Israeli strategist of wide experience,58 writing of George Soros, explains:

The first thing that we see is the megalomaniacal nature of Soros’s philanthropic project. No corner of the globe is unaffected by his efforts. No policy area is left untouched. On the surface, the vast number of groups and people he supports seem unrelated. After all, what does climate change have to do with illegal African immigration to Israel? What does Occupy Wall Street have to do with Greek immigration policies? But the fact is that Soros-backed projects share basic common attributes….

They all work to weaken the ability of national and local authorities in Western democracies to uphold the laws and values of their nations and communities.… In other words, their goal is to subvert Western democracies and make it impossible for governments to maintain order or for societies to retain their unique identities and values.… The notion at the heart of the push for the legalization of unfettered immigration is that states should not be able to protect their national identities.… Parallel to these efforts are others geared toward rejecting the right of Western democracies to uphold long-held social norms. Soros-supported groups, for instance, stand behind the push not only for gay marriage but for unisex public bathrooms. … The peoples of the West need to recognize the common foundations of all Soros’s actions.

54 Rockefeller Foundation, https://rockfound.rockarch.org/kinsey-reports
55 Bolton, Revolution from Above, op. cit., p. 114. (The Kinsey website is no longer as
forthcoming as previously). See also: http://stopthekinseyinstitute.org/kinsey-brief/
56 Open Society Foundations, https://www.opensocietyfoundations.org/
57 Bolton, Revolution from Above, passim.
58 Jerusalem Post, http://www.jpost.com/Author/Caroline-B-Glick

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They need to realize as well thatthe only response to these premeditated campaigns of subversion is for the people of the West to stand up for their national rights and their individual right to security. They must stand with the national institutions that guarantee that security, in accordance with the rule of the law, and uphold and defend their national values and traditions. 59

Caroline Glick calls the Soros patronage of various causes “subversive.” Under the guise of humanitarianism, not only Soros, but Rockefeller and an array of other foundations, providing patronage for Cultural Marxism seem to be doing so to advance the long term interests of profit-maximization. The Rockefeller Foundation explains its support for the current worldwide campaign for transgenderism as being about global “inclusive economies.” In the U.S. the issues have “primarily
centered on marriage equality and, more recently, public attention to the experiences of transgender people.” Speakers at a 2014 Rockefeller Foundation seminar “emphasized that funding and policy focus largely remains on health and human rights issues, which neglects the ways in which both areas are interrelated with economic wellbeing.” 60


Professor Jerome Jamin aptly identifies “Cultural Marxism” with the “Critical Theory” of the Frankfurt School, which he goes on to state is the product of Marxist social scientists. We have seen that Cultural Marxism has achieved an influential status throughout the Western world, with seminal publications such as The Authoritarian Personality. Through wealthy patronage, whether it is called “Cultural Marxism” or “Critical Theory,” a doctrine that had its roots in Marxism has become dominant
within the social sciences not just within academia, but also within the mass media, think tanks and NGOs. Theories that were once considered “immoral” have become mainstream, and those who object are now regarded as on the “fringes of society,” and purveyors of “right wing conspiracy theories” about Cultural Marxism itself. Nonetheless, it might be asked whether such doctrines would have become so influential had they not also converged with the aims of what is now called “globalisation,” and with the patronage of those who are termed “philanthropists”?

59 Caroline B. Glick, “Our World: Soros’ Campaign of Global Chaos,” Jerusalem Post, 22 August 2016,

60 “Inclusive Economies, Sexual Orientation, and Gender Identity Expression,” Rockefeller Foundation, 15 August 2014, https://www.rockefellerfoundation.org/blog/inclusive-economies-sexual-orientation/ "