" World Trade Center towers were not demolished with explosives

The author does not take a position in conspiracies per se, for example, with that light, would the U.S. authorities in some way have been able to "subscribe" in the WTC attack. I will say however, that if I had been Bush, and if I would have ordered the attack to get a pretext for a war in Iraq, I would have definitely ordered the attack to London, Berlin or Paris, but not in New York: I would have got more widely allies, and US own army and the defense should not have been made ridiculous..

But one thing is absolutely certain:the WTC towers were not demolished. They fell down, when for the heat of the fire the bearing capacity of the floor trusses was exceeded within 2 to 3 floors, which caused the progressive collapse of the floors falling on one another and the so-called core columns buckling, which still sent the floors and the core of the so-called "hat" fall. Last fell the tube walls.

If the WTC towers would have been demolished,controlled or not,like the so-called WTC conspiration theorists claim,they would have collapsed in completely different way than they now did due to the buckling of the core columns of the building, and the progressive collapse of the floor elements.

These towers as structural systems were originally designed to collapse into their own place, crashing, for example, for fire or missile attack, or also for possibly for a very intensive hurricane.

The structure of the system of the 400 m high towers,side dimensions of 60m x 60m, was such that the inside columns (core) bore the weight and the loads except the outer walls, and the outer walls formed a mast pipe (tube), which in turn, took up all the horizontal loads, especially in the wind, which was just as important to dimension the required amount of steel in the tube than the weight.


Attention! In this official (?) picture the text “The central core is not part of the main structural part of the building due the enormous load it bares supportin the elevator system...” DOES NOT MEAN, that THE CORE DID NOT AT ALL BEAR VERTICAL LOADINGS, but as I suppose, it means that there was different the PERIMETRAL CORE wich supported loadings only from floors and construktions - and the INNER CORE, which suppoted loadings only from the massive lift system! Thanks to "Truther" Chris Sairns on attention on this strange expression!


Exterior wall tube stabilizes through the floors the effective buckling length for the core columns to the height of 4m. The effective length is inversely squared propor-tional to the load-bearing capacity, when the buckling is the dominant factor, so the double effective length causes the load-bearing capacity to fall, at worst,to 25% from the original, when bracing provided by one floor is taken away.

Floors were supported by floor trusses of steel, which were supported by so called primary girders,attached to the core and to the exterior walls.These all were structu- rally efficient thin-walled structures, because own weight of the steel frame was a highly significant factor in the load.




Permitted applied load on the floors was probably 400kg/m^2, and approximately the same maximum wind load was calculated on the projected area of the building. The purpose was to provide a steel structure as high as possible, and the resulting struc-ture of the system was then so “interesting” to a terrorist,that for instance Encyclope- dia Britannica had false constructional information that the core part of the building would be of reinforced concrete. Architectural design flaw in the towers was that there was no external escape routes, which would have been open to the outside air, but fire isolated from the inside a building. Escape routes were all within the Core, and they also received a dose of burning gasoline and other junk of the airplanes, and they spread the fire.



I will not explain in detail how each type of elements of the building collapsed, but instead (because that structural model of the buildings no longer exist) I will tell how the towers could have be been collapsed down in a manual method roughly in the same amount of time and place as they are now collapsed, and without any kind of fire or explosives at all.

I have written this in a form, in which a Conspiracy Theorist should in principle have accidentally collapsed of the tower, and this is easy to understand especially for all people working in construction field.

You have an office in the WTC towers, pretty upstairs.

You win in a lottery of metal engineering students sponsored fy a steel firm valuable stainless steel plates, which are one 1mx1m, 1 cm thick. The weight of each plate is 100 kg,which one man can bear,when not needed to bear it too far away. You decide to store the plates in the center of the floor in the office,as a bar table. Let´s suppose that your office floor elements are at 5m span from one truss to another.And the "bar table" should be at the center of the span. Assume further that the floor consists of 2m wide elements (although this is not essential or necessary).

When you have set four first plates of the “table”,you have achieved 400kg of weight, up to which the standards allow on a single square. But otherwise the office is empty of loads.

For the whole one floor element is allowed an equally distributed load of totally 4 tons. The weight on the 2mx5m floor element is also 4 tons. For the truss is allowed a line load of 4 tons/m from the floor elements, 2 ton/m from floor elements on both sides (load and plate weight).

You will have 4 tons together from the 40cm heap of steel plates on the whole ele- ment. Now, on one square meter is loaded 10 times so much load as the standards allow the load,but the entire element has the load of exactly what is allowed, when it is uniformly distributed.But that way distributed it is not a bar table...The bending mo-ment for the floor element distributes so,that the element is despite the safety factors at the limit of break. Bending moment under the "bar table" is double in comparison to that when the plates are uniformly distributed on the floor. On the other hand the own weight of the element (and trusses etc) is also about 400kg/ m^2, and there are safety and overload factors, so that still it maybe possible to add load.

But before the entire 10 tons is full the element will be sure to snap. And there is no need for a fire.And the weight of 10 square meters of for element (etc) is also 4 tons.

When it clicks into the lower element, 14 tons hard and heavy stuff falls from 4 m above on the downstairs neighbor's exactly the same kind of floor element, and guess, what happens? If there is a bar table too, it does not have influence: the more there should be falling load.

One such "bomb" dropped from the upper floor is sufficient drop floors in one quarter of the building and to break the structural connection between the Core and one tube-wall, which means that the core columns get a degree on freedom to rotate in a bundle buckling in such a way that its carrying capacity is lost, and the core also drops in the "pipe" in the same way, as it took place in reality. What you see "video crash" is the collapse of the empty “tube”.

It is uncertain, however, whether the building drops securely on the place,or whether it falls outside at the lost of tah capacity of its one outer wall. If wished the tower will fall into place, four such "bombs" should be used in the same time, at each four midpoints between the tube walls and the core ."

Risto Koivula, MSc (eng), researcher, Tampere.

Floor trusses are weakest part of the structure.



Look first at these about the contruction and the collapse mechanism of the WTC towers, ivcluding WTC-7.

WTC7´s:  floor strucure:


Diagram 1 - Typical WTC 7 floor showing locations of columns (numbered). The buckling of Column 79 was the initiating event that led to the collapse of WTC 7. The buckling resulted from fire-induced damage to floors around column 79, failure of the girder between Columns 79 and 44, and cascading floor failures. (Credit: NIST)

The unsupported Column 79 then buckled and triggered an upward progression of floor system failures that reached the building's east penthouse. What followed in ra-pid succession was a series of structural failures. Failure first occurred all the way to the roof line - involving all three interior columns on the easternmost side of the buil- ding (79, 80, and 81). Then, progressing from east to west across WTC 7, all of the columns failed in the core of the building (58 through 78). Finally, the entire façade collapsed.

The probable collapse sequence is described in NIST NCSTAR Report 1A, Section 2.4 and NIST NCSTAR Report 1-9, Chapter 13.


The "truther" views are besed on ignorance physics, especially in mechanics on constructions
Bevin Chu jakoi käyttäjän Brian Rogers kuva.


" The official version of 9/11 implies that Newton’s Laws were suspended that day. We challenge all professors, but especially the physics professors to discuss the relevance of Newton’s Laws to 9/11, publicly or privately. "

HM: Newton's laws of motion


Bevin Chu: " With the revelations of Edward Snowden and others, it is increasingly clear that our civil liberties are disappearing.

-------Research 9/11: -----

By refusing to expose the lies around such a crucial political event as 9/11, acade- mics encourage this trend. As our civil liberties and freedoms disappear, academic freedom will also disappear.

We are asked to accept 9/11 as the excuse for the loss of such freedoms without questioning.

Consider Newton’s three laws:

1. An external force (such as gravity) is needed to change an object’s velocity.

2. F=MA: An object’s acceleration is directly proportional to the force exerted on it. (When an object falls under the influence of gravity alone and unopposed by any up-ward force, it accelerates at the rate “g,” about 9.8 meters per second squared.In the presence of a resisting force,like a building structure,acceleration in a fall will be less than g.)

HM: This latest sentense is not exactly tue, if also ACCELERATING forces can influ-ense on some falling part of a collapsing constuktion. That was the case for instance with WTC-tower "hats" over the hit and fire area after the core and floors had started to fall inside the house. The floor elements were strongly fixed at the tube elements, and fallaing down before they accelerated the hats fall.It could even fall with greater acceleration than g ("turbo-free fall"...) as happened in one roof line in WTC-7.

"Resisting" and "acceleration" are one and the same phenomenon physically. Resisting is also acceleration, but in opposite direction to actual velocity.

BC: " 3. When two objects collide, each exerts an equal and opposite force upon the other.

(For example, the upper section of a building exerts on the section below it a downward-directed force equal in magnitude and opposite in direction to the upward-directed force that the lower section exerts on the upper section.)

HM: This is tue when the "parts" are in eduilibrium, in rest.

But in that moment when the inner part,core and floors, starts to collapse, this "upper section" ceases to be one part (of a whole), one object, it "breaks" in separate parts which have there own acceleration and independent forces acting on them. The tube walls is the part which falls last.Falling it is under gravitation,under other accelerating downwards loads from floor elements, the falling of which the tube resists because they are on one end fixed to tube "hat".

That way to devide the building to "parts" is inadequate functionally. The functional parts are the tube, the core and the floors.

BC: " NCSTAR 1A, which is the final report of the Collapse of World Trade Center Building 7 by the National Institute of Standards and Technology, part of the US Department of Commerce,concluded that during a significant interval in its collapse on September 11 2001, World Trade Center Building 7 accelerated at the rate g as though nothing was resisting its fall. "

HM: One roof line accelerated more than g. There is nothing "strange, and no Newton´s law is broken.

No part under condideration was in free fall. And no free fall condition was mentioned in NIST report. There was mentioned a "free fall speed" for a point whose acceleration in that moment was more than g.

The acceleration in a free fall condition is measured at the centroid of the falling massive. In other points of the massive can be whatever other acceleration.


BC: " In other words, all those steel members that seconds earlier had been holding the building up suddenly withdrew their support and did not slow the collapse at all. "

HM: No, that was not the situation! Not at all!

1. The "main supporting part", the core,fell FIRST. The tube,the only part which you see in videoes,FELL LAST:Otherwise the building could not have fallen on footprints.

2. The core lost its capasity due to the loosing the lateral support from the floors. Fall of two floors dropped the capacity of core columns in 1/9, because the load bearing capacity of a beam is inverse proportional to the quadrat of the length of the beam.

3. The only vertical support for the tube was the tube itself. The tube columns also loosed their capacity due to the fall of the floors inside the building.

4.If there had been large expolosions in the buiding under the strike level,they would have resisted the fall of the hat, pulled it upwards, not accelerated it downwards.

BC: " That could happen only if either:

• the supporting structure was very rapidly removed and the only force on the collapsing building was gravity, or "

• if the structure remained but somehow failed to exert a force opposing the collapsing part of the building. But Newton’s Third Law says that can’t happen.

Thus, the supporting structure must have been removed.
~Courtesy: "

HM: You do not see the building in your videoes, you see the tube only.

And you see fully the only part which supports the tube: it is the tube itself. No other upwards vertical (resisting) force form the lower part of the building is acting on the upper part (the "hat") of the tube.


BC: " Key Evidence:

**** Rapid onset of destruction, "

HM: You do not see in videoes the onset of destruction. It stated inside building several secons before before you see anything special happening in the tube.


BC: " **** Constant acceleration at or near free-fall through what should have been the path of greatest resistance,… "

HM: The tube which you see in videoes IS NOT THE PART OF GREATIST RESISTANCE (bearing capacity)!

The part of greatisti lod-carrying capastity, the core FELL FIRST!

The pancake theory is principially right, and it is not "revised by NIST later" as the trthere say:

The Truss Failure Theory

FEMA's cartoon truss failure theory
Figure 2-20 from FEMA's Building Performance Study gives the impression that floors spanned the entire width of the Towers. The fine print indicates that the illustration depicts only a section of floors spanning the perimeter (left) and core (right). "
Tis is between the core and the tube.
Only the lowest picture is right. The deformation concetrate to the tube wall.

The truss failure theory, a key ingredient of the better known floor pancake theory, was endorsed by FEMA in its 2002 World Trade Center Building Performance Study . It invites us to imagine the floors assemblies detaching from their connections to the columns of the core and perimeter walls, precipitating a chain reaction of floors falling on one another. Without the lateral support of the floors, the columns, FEMA tells us, buckled and precipitated total building collapse. "

HM: This is true for the towers.

" The truss-failure/pancake theory offered a way around the obvious problem with the column failure theory: the need for all the columns to be heated to 800º C. It offered instead prerequisite conditions that were far less implausible: that trusses holding up the floor slabs were heated to that temperature, and began to experience some combination of expansion and sagging. Floor trusses are much easier to heat because, unlike the columns, they are not well thermally coupled to the rest of the steel structure.

The Truss Failure Theory was was abandoned by NIST's investigation in 2004 because NIST was unable to get floor assemblies to fail as required by the theory. Documentaries that had promoted the truss failure theory became obsolete, and were quietly replaced with updated versions. "

It is not abondoned for the WTC-1 and WTC-2 toers!. It is quite adequte theory.

The essence on the theory is what happens to a floor on which the upper floor or part of it drops. Does it drop also the second floor or not.

In my model that which breaks is one floor element with ten tons load, not the floor truss (when about ten floor elements fall).


BC; **** Numerous eyewitness accounts of explosions… "

HM: It is not possible to hear difference between a break of a massive beam from tensile forces with, or wihout exlposion, or some other reason. With technical devices that difference can be made. There was no techical measured results fom expolosions (seismic etc.).

BC: " **** including 118 FDNY personnel, "

**** Lateral ejection of multi-ton steel framing members distances of 600 feet at more than 60 mph,… "

HM: This is fully possible from bending, "bow", spring forces.

" **** Mid-air pulverization of 90,000 tons of concrete, and large volumes of expanding pyroclastic-like dust clouds,… "

HM: Concrete did not pulverize. Somewhat went to sand. Concrete floor elements fell in the five storeys cave unfer the street level.

The pulvers were plaster, and ashes from paper, wood, plastic etc. from the storeys. There was allowed to be load about 400 kg/floor-m^2  from that kind of materials.

BC: " **** Isolated explosive ejections 20 to 60 stories below the “crush zone,”  "

HM: They are not explosive ejections. They are ejection from air pressure caused by the falling floor elements.

BC; " **** Total destruction and dismemberment of all three buildings, with 220 floors each an acre in size missing from the Twin Towers’ debris pile,…. "

HM: The debris, for instace concrete, was in the 5 storey caves under the street level.

You think all other people are fully idiots...

BC: " **** Several tons of molten steel/iron found in the debris piles,…. "

HM: It is not steel. It is aluminum from the aeroplanes and furnitures. Magnesium component has burned.

BC: " **** Evidence of thermite incendiaries on steel beams,…. "

**** Nanothermite composites and iron microspheres found in WTC dust samples…… "

HM: Thermite is not explosive. It is welding material. It can have been used in buildind. Hot aluminium and rust can have had small scale thermite reactions.


BC: " Consider David Chandlers handling of this predicament:

Also consider his handling of the collapse of World Trade Center 7 which was not hit by a plane, which collapsed at free fall speed (acceleration of gravity for 2.5 seconds) neatly into it's own footprint in 6.5 seconds. "

HM: Its fall time was 16 seconds as I remember, form the fall of first floor elements in the progerssive collapse.

What would have been wrong in exploding WTC-7 form the planned critical column(s) 7 hours after it had started to burn?


BC: " Below are some documentaries that I highly recommend:


HM: Nothing to do with this question.

Architects & Engineers - Solving the Mystery of WTC 7 - "

HM: They are bullshit engineers and architects in this question.

BC: " September 11 -- The New Pearl Harbor (FULL) "

HM: Interesting but irrelevant.

BC: " 9/11 Suspects - Explosive Connections (Updated Fixed and Revised)

David Chandler of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth presents the best short video evidence of 9/11 in this playlist: "

HM: No interest for a specialist.

-----HARD FACTS OF 9/11 ------------

9/11 is a topic that is normally frowned upon by others who have never done re-search on the event. When discussing 9/11 to deniers and/or uninformed people, we need to keep things SIMPLE and PRECISE with solid facts that cannot be discredi-ted. In my opinion, the “official story” IS the conspiracy theory that does not stand up to scientific scrutiny. "

HM It is all right. Of course the authorities do not want to give good advice for potential terrorists for new strikes.

This act would have been done by much easier way and less people (for instace fy city guerilla Koivula).

BC: " I have made a list of 24 HARD FACTS about 9/11 that we should mainly focus on to generate awareness and acceptance.People need to know the FACTS!

1) Nano Thermite found in the dust at Ground Zero. Peer reviewed in the Bentham Open Chemical Physics Journal. ‘Thermite Bentham’, “The great thermate debate”, ‘Iron rich spheres’, ‘Limited Metallurgical Examination (FEMA C-13, Appendix C-6)’. ‘Steven Jones’ ‘Niels Harrit’, ‘Mark Basile’, ‘Jon Cole’, ‘Nano Tubes’. "

HM: No interest.Thermite can have been used in weldings. And small scale thermite reactions happened between hot aluminium ahd rust. Thermite is not explosive.

BC: " 2) 2000+ Engineers and Architects support a real independent 9/11 investi-gation. ‘Explosive Evidence’,’Blueprint for Truth’, ‘Toronto Hearings’, ‘Richard Gage’, ‘Kevin Ryan’, ‘’. "

HM: That kind of investigation is useless.

BC: " 3) The total collapse of WTC 7 in 6.5 seconds at free fall acceleration (NIST admits 2.25 seconds). Larry Silverstein used the term “Pull it”. Steel framed high rise buildings have NEVER totally collapsed from fire or structural damage. Building 7 was not hit by a plane. ‘Building 7′, ‘WTC 7′. "

HM: " The collapse time was at least 16 soconds, inside the building.


BC: " 4) Dick Cheney was incommand of NORAD on 9/11 while running war games. ‘Stand down order’. “Ofcourse the orders still stand, have you heard anything to the contrary?”.”Gave order to shootdown Flight 93.”, ‘NORAD Drills’. ‘NormanMineta’. “PEOC”

5) 6 out of the 10 Commissioners believe the 9/11 Commission report was, “Setup to fail” Co Chairs Hamilton and Kean. “It was a 30 year conspiracy”, “The white house has played cover up”, ‘Max Cleland resigned’, ‘John Farmer’.

6) FBI confiscated 84/85 Videos from the Pentagon.Pentagon Security CCTV (FOIA) does not show a757 and is clearly missing a frame. ‘Sheraton Hotel’, “Double tree’, ’Citgo”. ‘Moussaoui trial’. ‘Judicial Watch’. ‘Maguire declaration’. "

HM: No special interest.

BC: "7) Osama Bin Laden was NOT wanted by the FBI for the 9/11 attacks. “No hard evidence connecting Bin Laden to 9/11.” CIA created,trained and funded “Al Qaeda / Taliban” during the Mujahideen. OBL was a CIA asset named ‘Tim Osman’. OBL Reported dead in Dec 2001. "

HM: Osama was in that time already the most wanted terrorist in the world due to his embassy strikes in East Africa. He was a person who had means and true infor-mation of the buildings and New York security means to make the strike in that way.

For instance I cold have made it with that information in another way (link in the be-ginning) without explosives, and without fire. I wouldn´t have been the only possible person to do it in that way, but Osama was the only person to do it in his way, as it was done.

Osama Bn Laden had no kidney disease. It was a brain fatus of Hillary Clintons mental ill adviser.

BC: 8) 100’s of Firefighters and witness testimony to BOMBS/EXPLOSIONS ignored by the 9/11Commission Report. 9/11 Commission Report bars 503 1st responder eyewitnesses.”Explosions in the lobby and sub levels”, ‘Firefighter explosions’,’Barry Jennings’, ‘William Rodriguez’. "

HM: Those envets were not explositions.

BC: " 9) 100’s of firefighters and witness testimony to MOLTEN METAL ignored by the Commission report. “Like you’re in a foundry”, “NIST’s John Gross denies the existence of Molten Metal”, ‘Swiss Cheese’, “As of 21 days afterthe attack, the fires were still burning and molten steel was still running.” Leslie Robertson’. "

HM: The metal was aluminium.

BC: " 10) ‘5 Dancing Israeli’s’ arrested in ‘Mossad Truck Bombs’ on 9/11 that stated “We werethere to document the event.” ‘Urban Moving Systems’ front company, ’Do-minic Suter’. “$498,750 Business loan (June 2001)”. “OfficerDeCarlo’, ‘Art Students’, ‘Israeli Spying’. "

HM: No interest.

BC: " 11) On September 10th, 2001. Rumsfeld reported $2.3 TRILLION missing from the Pentagon.‘Dov Zakheim’ Pentagon Comptroller.Former VP of ‘Systems Planning Corporation’ (Flight Termination System). Signatore of PNAC document.

12) 220+ Senior Military, Intelligence Service, Law Enforcement, and Government Officials question the official story. ‘9/11 Whistle blowers’, ‘Patriots for 9/11′.’Robert Bowman’, ‘Sibel Edmonds’, ‘Albert Stubblebine’, ‘Wesley Clark’, ‘MarkDayton’, ‘Alan Sabrosky’, ‘Cyntha McKinney’, ‘Jesse Ventura’, ‘KurtSonnenfeld’. “” "

HM: Of course this incident was immediately used to hide misconductions in the bureaucracy!

BC: " 13) Towers were built to withstand a Boeing jet(s). “I designed it for a 707 to hit it”, Leslie Robertson, WTC structural engineer. “Could probably sustain multiple im-pacts of jetliners”, “like a pencil puncturing screen netting” Frank De Martini, decea-sed  Manager of WTC Construction & Project Management. “As far as a plane knoc-king a building over, that would not happen.” Charlie Thornton, Structural Engineer. "

HM: That happened. plane were too big. They were bild to withstand accident, not planned terror strikes with all chracteristics in worst possible positions.

BC: "14) History of American False Flag attacks. ‘USS Liberty’,‘Gulf of Tonkin’, ‘Ope- ration Northwoods’, ’OKC Bombing (Murrah Building)’, ‘1993 WTC attacks’. ‘Patrick Clawson’. Project for the New American Century (PNAC) needed “a New Pearl Harbor”, ”Rebuilding America’s Defenses”. 9/11 Achieved those goals. ‘Anthrax’. "

HM: Interesting but not evidence.

BC: " 15) BBC correspondent Jane Standley reported the collapse of WTC 7 (Solo-man Brothers building) 20 minutes before it happened. CNN/FOX/MSNBC also had early reports. ‘BBC wtc 7′,’Jane Standley’, Ashleigh Banfield’. "

HM: Interesting but not important. It would have been nothing wrong to exlode WTC-7. It woud have been also possible, on the contrary to the high towers.

B: " 16) “Flight 93″ debris was spread out over many miles. Cheney admits to giving the order to shoot down 93. “shot down the plane over Pennsylvania” Rumsfeld, “no-thing that you could distinguish that a plane had crashed there” ‘Chris Konicki. “Not a drop of blood” Coroner Wallace Miller. “there was no plane.” Mayor Ernie Stull. "

HM: Nothing to do with the towers.

BC: " 17) Bush hesitated for 441 days before starting the 911 Commission. ‘Jersey Girls’. ‘Phil Zelikow’ already wrote the outline before the commission began. ‘Steel shipped overseas’. JFK and Pearl Harbor commissions were started within 7 days. "

HM: Interesting but not important,

BC: " 18) The 911 commission was only given $15 million to investigate 9/11. Initially only $3 million was given. ‘Not enough money’. (Over $60 Million was spent investigating Clintons’ affairs with Monica). "

HM: There must be a very good legal reason to put money in researches of a case, where the technical procees happened as it ought to happen according to fire design of the buildings.

BC: " 19) Bush said he watched the first plane crash into the North tower on TV before entering the classroom. ”The TV was obviously on.” Bush was informed about the second impact while reading ‘The Pet Goat’ with the children for at least 8 more minutes while America was under “attack”.

20) The PATRIOT ACT was written before 9/11 and signed into law on October 26th, 2001. Just 45 days after 9/11

21) Marvin Bush,director of Stratesec (Securacom,‘KuAm’) was in charge of security of the WTC, United Airlines and Dulles International Airport. All three were breached on 9/11. ICTS also provided security at 9/11 airports. ‘Marvin Bush’,‘Barry McDaniel’, ‘Wirt Walker’, ‘ICTS’, ‘WTC power downs’. "

HM: Interesting, but does not mean that the CTC towers were demolished by explosives.

BC: " 22) “Who killed John O’Neil?”. Former FBI task force agent investigating Al Qaeda / Bin Laden. Transferred by Kroll Corporation to head the security just before 9/11. John O’Neil died in the Towers. ‘Jerome Hauer’ ‘Jules Kroll’.

23) Insider trading based upon foreknowledge.‘Put Options’.Never identified insiders made millions.‘United and American Airlines’ ‘Raytheon’. ‘Missing gold’. ‘Black Eagle Trust Fund’. "

HM: They were Osama´s people. Of course they made money with the strike in stock exchange.

BC: " 24) Atleast 7 of the 19 listed hijackers are alive (BBC). No video footage of 19 hijackers or passengers boarding the 4 planes. Pilots of the 4 planes never squawked the hijacking code (7500). ‘Alive hijackers’,’ACARS’, ‘Pilots for 9/11 Truth’.

WTC 7 (The SmokingGun)

Building 7 was a 47-story skyscraper and was part of the World Trade Center comp-lex. Built in 1984, it would have been the tallest high-rise in 33 states in the United States. It collapsed at 5:20 pm on September 11, 2001 in 6.5 Seconds at free fall acceleration. It was not hit by an airplane and suffered minimal damage compared to other buildings much closer to the Twin Towers. "

HM: There would have been nothing wrong to expole WTC-7 to ensure its falling on footprints.


BC: " 7 FACTS about Building 7

1) If fire caused Building 7 to collapse, it would be the first ever fire-induced collapse of a steel-frame high-rise.
2) Building 7’s collapse was not mentioned in the 9/11 Commission Report.
3) According to a Zogby poll in 2006, 43% of Americans did not know about Building 7.
4) It took the federal government seven years to conduct an investigation and issue a report for Building 7.
5) 2000+ architects and engineers have signed a petition calling for a new investi-gation that would include a full inquiry into the possible use of explosives for the collapse of Building 7.
6) Numerous witnesses say the possibility of demolishing Building 7 was widely discussed by emergency personnel at the scene and advocated by the building’s owner.
7) Building 7 housed several intelligence and law enforcement agencies, and the NYC Office of Emergency Management’s Emergency Operations Center (23rd floor), more commonly known as “Giuliani’s Bunker”.

Simple Facts ofTemperatures:

~1535ºC (2795ºF) – melting point of iron.
~1510ºC (2750ºF) – melting point of typical structural steel.
~825ºC (1517ºF) – maximum temperature of hydrocarbon fires burning in the atmo-spherewithout pressurization or pre-heating (premixed fuel and air – blue flame). Dif-fuse flames burn far cooler. Oxygen-starved diffuse flames are cooler yet. The fires in the Towers were diffuse and well below 800ºC.


JetFuel (JET A-1): “Commercial jet fuel is essentially kerosene…”
~260-315°C(500-599°F) – open air burning temperature of JET A-1.
~980°C(1796°F) – maximum burning temperature of JET A-1.

“It is believed that almost all of the jet fuel that remained on the impact floors was consumed in the first few minutes of the fire.” Source: FEMA (Page 22)

~2500ºC (4532ºF) – maximum temperature of Thermite.
~660ºC (1120ºF) – melting point of Aluminum (turns silver rapidly when cooled).
~233ºC (451ºF) – Ignition temperature of paper (No chemicals added).
~1800-2500°C (3272-4532°F) – Melting point of Concrete.

“Like you’re in a foundry.”


9/11 – The Hard Facts (Ver.1) "



ONCE MORE: There would have been nothing wrong to expole WTC-7 at the crtical column 79 to ensure its falling on footprints.

" ... 4.7 Summary and ConclusionIn summary, several findings were made from the analyses above:

1.Columns 79, 80, and 81 did not fail at the lower floors of the building. Instead, they needed to have failed at the upper floors of the building all the way to the penthouse. Yet there were no documented fires above Floor 30. Therefore, fire did not cause the collapse of Columns 79, 80, and 81 nor the collapse of the east penthouse.

2.The hypothetical failure of Columns 79, 80, and 81 — the three easternmost core columns — would not trigger a horizontal progression of core column failures.

Therefore, the hypotheses of NIST,Arup/Nordenson,and Weidlinger that the buckling of Column 79 would trigger a progressive collapse of the entire building are invalid, and the collapse of Columns 79, 80, and 81 high in the building was a separate and distinct event.

3. Even if we assume the failure of Columns 79,80,and 81 could lead to the failure of the next row of core columns,the hypotheticalfailure of Columns 76 to 81 would over-load the exterior columns around the southeast corner of the building, rather than overloading the next row of core columns to the west, which would result in the building tipping to the southeast and notina straight-down collapse.

4. The simultaneous failure of all core columns over 8 sto-ries followed 1.3 seconds later by the simultaneous failure of all exterior columns over 8 stories produces almost exactly the behavior observed in videos of the collapse.

The collapse could have started at various floors starting at Floor 16 and below and produced the same behavior. It is our conclusion that the collapse of WTC 7 was a global failure involving the near-simultaneous failureof all columns in the building and not a progressive collapse involving the sequential failure of columns throughout the building.

Despite simulating a number of hypothetical scenarios, we were unable to identify any progressive sequence of failures that could have taken place on September 11, 2001, and caused a total collapse of the building,let alone the observed straight-down collapse with approximately 2.5 se conds of free fall and minimal differential movement of the exterior. "


RK: The reason of the collapse was the loss structural connection of the floors to one stiffening wall, due to fall of floor elements in picture let of line from column 44 to column 26, lower the 8. etage.

NIST´s simulation on WTC-7´s collapse:




keskiviikko, 22. huhtikuu 2020

A new quack reseach on WTC-7 collapse


Figure 1.1 A three-dimensional depiction of the World Center complex (FEMA, 2002).


Risto Koivula, MSc (eng), researcher, Tampere.


Project Dates

May 1, 2015 - December 31, 2019

This is a study of the collapse of World Trade Center Building 7 (WTC 7) - a 47-story building that suffered a total collapse at 5:20 PM on September 11, 2001, following the horrible events of that morning. The objective of the study was threefold:

(1) Examine the structural response of WTC 7 to fire loads that may have occurred on September 11, 2001;

(2) Rule out scenarios that could not have caused the observed collapse; and

(3) Identify types of failures and their locations that may have caused the total collapse to occur as observed.

The UAF research team utilized three approaches for examining the structural res-ponse of WTC 7 to the conditions that may have occurred on September 11, 2001.

First, we simulated the local structural response to fire loading that may have occur-red below Floor 13, where most of the fires in WTC 7 are reported to have occurred.

Second, we supplemented our own simulation by examining the collapse initiation hypothesis developed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).

Third, we simulated a number of scenarios within the overall structural system in order to determine what types of local failures and their locations may have caused the total collapse to occur as observed.

The principal conclusion of our study is that fire did not cause the collapse of WTC 7 on 9/11, contrary to the conclusions of NIST and private engineering firms that studied the collapse.

The secondary conclusion of our study is that the collapse of WTC 7 was a global failure involving the near-simultaneous failure of every column in the building.



RK: This fake "research" does not critisize this real NIST´s simulation on WTC-7´s collapse:









A Structural Reevaluationof the Collapse of World Trade Center 7




Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Col-lege of Engineering and Mines Institute of Northern Engi-neering University of Alaska Fairbanks Fairbanks, AK 99775

Prepared for: Architects &E ngineers for 9/11 Truth

INE Report 18.17 March 2020




A Structural Reevaluation of the Collapse of World Trade Center 7 By


J. Leroy Hulsey, (1941 -)  Ph.D., P.E., S.E., University of Alaska Fairbanks And


Zhili Quan,Ph.D.,Bridge Engineer South Carolina Department of Transportation And

Feng Xiao

Feng Xiao,Ph.D.,Associate Professor Nanjing University of Science and Technology Department of Civil Engineering (left the "research" group 2016)

This report presents the findings and conclusions of a four-year study of the collapse of World Trade Center Building 7 (WTC 7) - a 47-story building that suffered a total collapse at 5:20 PM on September 11, 2001, following the horrible events of that morning. The objective of the study was threefold:

(1) Examine the structural response of WTC 7 to fire loads that may have occurred on September 11, 2001;

(2) Rule out scenarios that could not have caused the observed collapse; and

(3) Identify types of failures and their locations that may have caused thetotal collapse to occur as observed.

The UAF research team utilized three approaches for examining the structural response of WTC 7 to the conditions that may have occurredon September 11, 2001.

First, we simulated the local structural response to fireloading that may have occurred below Floor 13, where most of the fires in WTC 7 are reported to have occurred.

Second, we supplemented our own simulation by examining the collapse initiation hypothesis developed bythe National Institute of Standards and Technology(NIST).

Third, we simulated several scenarios within the overall structural system in order to determine what types of local failures and their locations may have caused the total collapse to occur as observed.

The principal conclusion of our study is that fire did not cause the collapse of WTC 7 on 9/11, contrary to the conclusions of NIST and private engineering firms that studied the collapse.

The secondary conclusion of our study is that the collapse of WTC 7 was a global failure involving the near-simultaneous failureof eve-ry column in the building. All input data,results data,and simulations that were used or generated during this study are available at

RK: The collapse was immediately caused by loss of lateral support of the columns due to breaking of the stiffeninng system of the building by outer walls and floors by fall of floor elements (left from girder line 26 - 44) butting to one outer wall 28 - 42 under 12. etage level.

WTC7´s:  floor strucure:


Diagram 1 - Typical WTC 7 floor showing locations of columns (numbered). The buckling of Column 79 was the initiating event that led to the collapse of WTC 7. The buckling resulted from fire-induced damage to floors around column 79, failure of the girder between Columns 79 and 44, and cascading floor failures. (Credit: NIST)

The unsupported Column 79 then buckled and triggered an upward progression of floor system failures that reached the building's east penthouse. What followed in ra-pid succession was a series of structural failures. Failure first occurred all the way to the roof line—involving all three interior columns on the easternmost side of the buil-ding (79, 80, and 81). Then, progressing from east to west across WTC 7, all of the columns failed in the core of the building (58 through 78). Finally, the entire façade collapsed.

The probable collapse sequence is described in NIST NCSTAR Report 1A, Section 2.4 and NIST NCSTAR Report 1-9, Chapter 13.



Gregory Szuladzinski, Ph.D

Chartered Consulting Engineer Analytical Service Company

(Only "Tuther" publictions and one collection of formulas in impact mechanics Formulas for Mechanical and Structural Shock and Impact .


Robert Korol, Ph.D Emeritus Professor of Civil Engineering McMaster University





4.7 Summary and Conclusion

1. Columns 79, 80, and 81 did not fail at the lower floors of the building. "

RK: This is a lie. There is no way to prove, that the floor elements "could not have fallen", like NIST says. That was a crucial part of the buildings planned mechanism to fall on footprints, if it collapses.


FR: " Instead, they needed to have failed at the upper floors of the building all the way to the penthouse. Yet there were no documented fires above Floor 30.

Therefore, fire did not cause the collapse of Columns 79, 80, and 81 nor the collapse of the east penthouse. "

RK: The fire did not cause their buckling collapse immediately by softening their steel, but mediatedly by falling the floor elements between their girder line 26-44 and stiffening the building outer wall 28-42 and in that way breaking tha lateral support of these columns in  their girder line´s direction.


FR: " 2. The hypothetical failure of Columns 79, 80, and 81 - the three easternmost core columns - would not trigger a horizontal progression of core column failures. "

RK:The Collapse mechanism was not any horizontal progressing overloading failure, but a bundle buckling of columns caused by loss of stiffening mechanism of the building.

NIST has not said anything else its Final report on WTC-7 and in its simulation there.


FR: " Therefore,the hypotheses of NIST,Arup/Nordenson,and Weid- linger that the buckling of Column 79 would trigger a progressive collapse of the entire building are invalid, and the collapse of Co-lumns 79,80,and 81 high in the building was a separate and distinct event. "

RK: NIST has not said in its Final report that it had been any "trigger".

The trigger of the collapse mechanism was the fire and and damages from debris from the towers.

The progessive failure part of the collapse system were the falling floor elements dropping one another between girder lines girder lines 26-44 and 28-42.

The role of the buckling of the planned critical colmn 79 was, that it dropped down all remaining (in upper etages) floor elements between these lines (the fall of the wall).

(It would have been also possble to explode the building at the critical column in the cellar during the fire fighing with one effective charge; it would not have needed pre-charging, and it would have looked out the same, because it wold have porsessed same way after the critical column collapse.)


FR:"3.Even if we assume the failure of Columns 79,80,and 81 could lead to the failure of the next row of core columns, the hypothetical failure of Columns 76 to 81 would over-load the exterior columns around the southeast corner of the building, rather than overloading the next row of core columns to the west, which would result in the building tipping to the southeast and notina straight-down collapse. "

RK: Pläp pläp pläp...


FR: " 4. The simultaneous failure of all core columns over 8 stories followed 1.3 seconds later by the simultaneous failure of all exterior columns over 8 stories produces almost exactly the behavior observed in videos of the collapse. "

RK: Yes: the bundle buckling of all columns.


FR: "  The collapse could have started at various floors starting at Floor 16 and below and produced the same behavior. It is our conclusion that the collapse of WTC 7 was a global failure involving the near-simultaneous failureof all columns in the building and not a progressive collapse involving the sequential failure of columns throughout the building. "

RK: Yes, like also NST and I say:  the bundle buckling. NIST´s video:


FR:"Despite simulating a number of hypothetical scenarios,we were unable to identify any progressive sequence of failures that could have taken place on September 11, 2001, and caused a total col-lapse of the building, let alone the observed straight-down collapse with approximately 2.5 se conds of free fall and minimal differential movement of the exterior. "

RK: There was no free fall in structures: in the same time parly acceleratd and partly hindered faa is not free fall. NIST speaks abot "free lall speed" - which is a jounalistic mistake of some physically ignorant issue secretary practitioneer... "



" Feature: Special Report

Why Did the World Trade Center Collapse? Science, Engineering, and Speculation

Thomas W. Eagar and Christopher Musso


Editor’s Note: For a more complete. updated analysis of the World Trade Center towers collapse, read “The Role of Metallurgy in the NIST Investigation of the World Trade Center Towers Collapse” in the December 2007 issue.''

There have been numerous reports detailing the cause of the World Trade Center Tower collapse on September 11,2001. Most have provided qualitative explanations; however, simple quantitative analyses show that some common conclusions are incorrect; for example, the steel could not melt in these flames and there was more structural damage than merely softening of the steel at elevated temperatures. Some guidelines for improvements in future structures are presented.


The collapse of the World Trade Center (WTC) towers on September 11, 2001, was as sudden as it was dramatic; the complete destruction of such massive buildings shocked nearly everyone.Immediately afterward and even today,there is widespread speculation that the buildings were structurally deficient, that the steel columns mel-ted, or that the fire suppression equipment failed to operate. In order to separate the fact from the fiction, we have attempted to quantify various details of the collapse.

The major events include the following:

  • The airplane impact with damage to the columns.
  • The ensuing fire with loss of steel strength and distortion (Figure 1).
  • The collapse, which generally occurred inward without significant tipping (Figure 2).

Each will be discussed separately, but initially it is useful to review the overall design of the towers.


The towers were designed and built in the mid-1960s through the early 1970s. They represented a new approach to skyscrapers in that they were to be very lightweight and involved modular construction methods in order to accelerate the schedule and to reduce the costs.

To a structural engineer, a skyscraper is modeled as a large cantilever vertical column. Each tower was 64 m square, standing 411 m above street level and 21 m below grade. This produces a height-to-width ratio of 6.8. The total weight of the structure was roughly 500000 t,but wind load,rather than the gravity load, dominated the design. The building is a huge sail that must resist a 225 km/h hurricane. It was designed to resist a wind load of 2 kPa — a total of lateral load of 5,000 t.

In order to make each tower capable of withstanding this wind load, the architects selected a lightweight “perimeter tube” design consisting of 244 exterior columns of 36 cm square steel box section on 100 cm centers (see Figure 3). This permitted windows more than one-half meter wide. Inside this outer tube there was a 27 m × 40 m core, which was designed to support the weight of the tower. It also housed the elevators, the stairwells, and the mechanical risers and utilities. Web joists 80 cm tall connected the core to the perimeter at each story. Concrete slabs were poured over these joists to form the floors. In essence, the building is an egg-crate construction that is about 95 percent air, explaining why the rubble after the collapse was only a few stories high.

The egg-crate construction made a redundant structure (i.e., if one or two columns were lost, the loads would shift into adjacent columns and the building would remain standing). Prior to the World Trade Center with its lightweight perimeter tube design, most tall buildings contained huge columns on 5 m centers and contained massive amounts of masonry carrying some of the structural load. The WTC was primarily a lightweight steel structure; however, its 244 perimeter columns made it “one of the most redundant and one of the most resilient” skyscrapers. 1


The early news reports noted how well the towers withstood the initial impact of the aircraft; however, when one recognizes that the buildings had more than 1,000 times the mass of the aircraft and had been designed to resist steady wind loads of 30 times the weight of the aircraft, this ability to withstand the initial impact is hardly sur-prising. Furthermore, since there was no significant wind on September 11, the outer perimeter columns were only stressed before the impact to around 1/3 of their 200 MPa design allowable.

The only individual metal component of the aircraft that is comparable in strength to the box perimeter columns of the WTC is the keel beam at the bottom of the aircraft fuselage. While the aircraft impact undoubtedly destroyed several columns in the WTC perimeter wall, the number of columns lost on the initial impact was not large and the loads were shifted to remaining columns in this highly redundant structure. Of equal or even greater significance during this initial impact was the explosion when 90000 L gallons of jet fuel, comprising nearly 1/3 of the aircraft’s weight, ignited. The ensuing fire was clearly the principal cause of the collapse (Figure 4).


The fire is the most misunderstood part of the WTC collapse. Even today, the media report (and many scientists believe) that the steel melted. It is argued that the jet fuel burns very hot, especially with so much fuel present. This is not true.

Part of the problem is that people (including engineers) often confuse temperature and heat. While they are related,they are not the same. Thermodynamically, the heat contained in a material is related to the temperature through the heat capacity and the density (or mass). Temperature is defined as an intensive property, meaning that it does not vary with the quantity of material, while the heat is an extensive property, which does vary with the amount of material. One way to distinguish the two is to note that if a second log is added to the fireplace,the temperature does not double; it stays roughly the same,but the size of the fire or the length of time the fire burns,or a combination of the two,doubles.Thus,the fact that there were 90000 L of jet fuel on a few floors of the WTC does not mean that this was an unusually hot fire. The tempe-rature of the fire at the WTC was not unusual, and it was most definitely not capable of melting steel.

In combustion science, there are three basic types of flames, namely, a jet burner, a pre-mixed flame, and a diffuse flame. A jet burner generally involves mixing the fuel and the oxidant in nearly stoichiometric proportions and igniting the mixture in a con-stant-volume chamber.Since the combustion products cannot expand in the con-stant-
volume chamber,they exit the chamber as a very high velocity,fully combusted, jet. This is what occurs in a jet engine, and this is the flame type that generates the most intense heat.

In a pre-mixed flame, the same nearly stoichiometric mixture is ignited as it exits a nozzle, under constant pressure conditions. It does not attain the flame velocities of a jet burner. An oxyacetylene torch or a Bunsen burner is a pre-mixed flame.

In a diffuse flame, the fuel and the oxidant are not mixed before ignition, but flow together in an uncontrolled manner and combust when the fuel/oxidant ratios reach values within the flammable range. A fireplace flame is a diffuse flame burning in air, as was the WTC fire.

Diffuse flames generate the lowest heat intensities of the three flame types.

If the fuel and the oxidant start at ambient temperature, a maximum flame tempera-ture can be defined. For carbon burning in pure oxygen,the maximum is 3,200°C; for hydrogen it is 2,750°C. Thus,for virtually any hydrocarbons,the maximum flame tem- perature, starting at ambient temperature and using pure oxygen, is approximately 3,000°C.

This maximum flame temperature is reduced by two-thirds if air is used rather than pure oxygen. The reason is that every molecule of oxygen releases the heat of for-mation of a molecule of carbon monoxide and a molecule of water. If pure oxygen is used,this heat only needs to heat two molecules (carbon monoxide and water), while with air, these two molecules must be heated plus four molecules of nitrogen. Thus, burning hydrocarbons in air produces only one-third the temperature increase as burning in pure oxygen because three times as many molecules must be heated when air is used. The maximum flame temperature increase for burning hydrocar-bons (jet fuel) in air is,thus, about 1,000°C - hardly sufficient to melt steel at 1,500°C.

But it is very difficult to reach this maximum temperature with a diffuse flame. There is nothing to ensure that the fuel and air in a diffuse flame are mixed in the best ratio. Typically, diffuse flames are fuel rich, meaning that the excess fuel molecules, which are unburned, must also be heated. It is known that most diffuse fires are fuel rich because blowing on a campfire or using a blacksmith’s bellows increases the rate of combustion by adding more oxygen. This fuel-rich diffuse flame can drop the tempe-rature by up to a factor of two again. This is why the temperatures in a residential fire are usually in the 500°C to 650°C range. 2,3 It is known that the WTC fire was a fuel-rich, diffuse flame as evidenced by the copious black smoke. Soot is generated by incompletely burned fuel; hence, the WTC fire was fuel rich — hardly surprising with 90,000 L of jet fuel available. Factors such as flame volume and quantity of soot de-crease the radiative heat loss in the fire, moving the temperature closer to the maxi-mum of 1,000°C. However, it is highly unlikely that the steel at the WTC experienced temperatures above the 750-800°C range.All reports that the steel melted at 1500°C are using imprecise terminology at best.

Some reports suggest that the aluminum from the aircraft ignited, creating very high temperatures. While it is possible to ignite aluminum under special conditions, such conditions are not commonly attained in a hydrocarbon-based diffuse flame. In ad-dition, the flame would be white hot, like a giant sparkler. There was no evidence of such aluminum ignition, which would have been visible even through the dense soot.

It is known that structural steel begins to soften around 425°C and loses about half of its strength at 650°C.4 This is why steel is stress relieved in this temperature range. But even a 50% loss of strength is still insufficient,by itself,to explain the WTC collapse. It was noted above that the wind load controlled the design allowables. The WTC, on this low-wind day, was likely not stressed more than a third of the design allowable, which is roughly one-fifth of the yield strength of the steel. Even with its strength halved, the steel could still support two to three times the stresses imposed by a 650°C fire.

The additional problem was distortion of the steel in the fire. The temperature of the fire was not uniform everywhere, and the temperature on the outside of the box co-lumns was clearly lower than on the side facing the fire. The temperature along the 18 m long joists was certainly not uniform. Given the thermal expansion of steel, a 150°C temperature difference from one location to another will produce yield-level residual stresses. This produced distortions in the slender structural steel, which re-sulted in buckling failures. Thus, the failure of the steel was due to two factors: loss of strength due to the temperature of the fire, and loss of structural integrity due to distortion of the steel from the non-uniform temperatures in the fire.


Nearly every large building has a redundant design that allows for loss of one prima-ry structural member, such as a column. However, when multiple members fail, the shifting loads eventually overstress the adjacent members and the collapse occurs like a row of dominoes falling down.

The perimeter tube design of the WTC was highly redundant. It survived the loss of several exterior columns due to aircraft impact, but the ensuing fire led to other steel failures. Many structural engineers believe that the weak points - the limiting factors on design allowables - were the angle clips that held the floor joists between the columns on the perimeter wall and the core structure (see Figure 5). With a 700 Pa floor design allowable, each floor should have been able to support approximately 1,300 t beyond its own weight. The total weight of each tower was about 500,000 t.

As the joists on one or two of the most heavily burned floors gave way and the outer box columns began to bow outward, the floors above them also fell. The floor below (with its 1,300 t design capacity) could not support the roughly 45,000 t of ten floors (or more) above crashing down on these angle clips. This started the domino effect that caused the buildings to collapse within ten seconds, hitting bottom with an esti-mated speed of 200 km per hour. If it had been free fall,with no restraint,the collapse would have only taken eight seconds and would have impacted at 300 km/h.1 It has been suggested that it was fortunate that the WTC did not tip over onto other buil-dings surrounding the area. There are several points that should be made.

First, the building is not solid; it is 95 percent air and, hence, can implode onto itself.

Second, there is no lateral load, even the impact of a speeding aircraft, which is sufficient to move the center of gravity one hundred feet to the side such that it is not within the base footprint of the structure.

Third,given the near free-fall collapse,there was insufficient time for portions to attain significant lateral velocity. To summarize all of these points, a 500,000 t structure has too much inertia to fall in any direction other than nearly straight down.


The World Trade Center was not defectively designed. No designer of the WTC anti-cipated, nor should have anticipated, a 90,000 L Molotov cocktail on one of the buil-ding floors. Skyscrapers are designed to support themselves for three hours in a fire even if the sprinkler system fails to operate. This time should be long enough to eva-cuate the occupants. The WTC towers lasted for one to two hours - less than the de-sign life,but only because the fire fuel load was so large. No normal office fires would fill 4,000 square meters of floor space in the seconds in which the WTC fire deve-loped. Usually, the fire would take up to an hour to spread so uniformly across the width and breadth of the building. This was a very large and rapidly progressing fire (very high heat but not unusually high temperature). Further information about the design of the WTC can be found on the World Wide Web.5–8


The clean-up of the World Trade Center will take many months. After all, 1,000,000 t of rubble will require 20,000 to 30,000 truckloads to haul away the material. The asbestos fire insulation makes the task hazardous for those working nearby.

Interestingly, the approximately 300,000 t of steel is fully recyclable and represents only one day’s production of the U.S. steel industry. Separation of the stone and con-crete is a common matter for modern steel shredders. The land-filling of 700,000 t of concrete and stone rubble is more problematic. However, the volume is equivalent to six football fields, 6–9 m deep, so it is manageable.

There will undoubtedly be a number of changes in the building codes as a result of the WTC catastrophe. For example, emergency communication systems need to be upgraded to speed up the notice for evacuation and the safest paths of egress. Emergency illumination systems,separate from the normal building lighting,are alrea-dy on the drawing boards as a result of lessons learned from the WTC bombing in 1993. There will certainly be better fire protection of structural members. Protection from smoke inhalation, energy-absorbing materials, and redundant means of egress will all be considered.

A basic engineering assessment of the design of the World Trade Center dispels many of the myths about its collapse. First, the perimeter tube design of the towers protected them from failing upon impact. The outer columns were engineered to stiffen the towers in heavy wind, and they protected the inner core, which held the gravity load. Removal of some of the outer columns alone could not bring the building down. Furthermore, because of the stiffness of the perimeter design, it was impossible for the aircraft impact to topple the building.

However, the building was not able to withstand the intense heat of the jet fuel fire. While it was impossible for the fuel-rich, diffuse-flame fire to burn at a temperature high enough to melt the steel, its quick ignition and intense heat caused the steel to lose at least half its strength and to deform, causing buckling or crippling. This wea-kening and deformation caused a few floors to fall, while the weight of the stories above them crushed the floors below, initiating a domino collapse.

It would be impractical to design buildings to withstand the fuel load induced by a bur
ning commercial airliner. Instead of saving the building, engineers and officials should focus on saving the lives of those inside by designing better safety and evacuation systems.

As scientists and engineers, we must not succumb to speculative thinking when a tragedy such as this occurs. Quantitative reasoning can help sort fact from fiction, and can help us learn from this unfortunate disaster. As Lord Kelvin said,

“I often say... that when you can measure what you are speaking about, and express it in numbers, you know something about it; but when you cannot measure it, when you cannot express it in numbers, your knowledge is of a meager and unsatisfactory kind; it may be the beginning of knowledge, but you have scarcely, in your thoughts, advanced to the stage of science, whatever the matter may be.”

We will move forward from the WTC tragedy and we will engineer better and safer buildings in the future based, in part, on the lessons learned at the WTC. The reason the WTC collapse stirs our emotions so deeply is because it was an intentional attack on innocent people. It is easier to accept natural or unintentional tragedies; it is the intentional loss of life that makes us fear that some people have lost their humanity.


1. Presentation on WTC Collapse, Civil Engineering Department, MIT, Cambridge, MA (October 3, 2001).
2. D. Drysdale, An Introduction to Fire Dynamics (New York: Wiley Interscience, 1985), pp. 134–140.
3. A.E. Cote, ed., Fire Protection Handbook 17th Edition (Quincy, MA: National Fire Protection Association, 1992), pp. 10–67.
4. A.E. Cote, ed., Fire Protection Handbook 17th Edition (Quincy, MA: National Fire Protection Association, 1992), pp. 6-62 to 6-70.
5. Steven Ashley, “When the Twin Towers Fell,” Scientific American Online (October 9, 2001);
6. Zdenek P. Bazant and Yong Zhou, “Why Did the World Trade Center Collapse? — Simple Analysis,” J. Engineering Mechanics ASCE, (September 28, 2001), also
7. Timothy Wilkinson, “World Trade Centre–New York—Some Engineering Aspects” (October 25, 2001), Univ. Sydney, Department of Civil Engineering;
8. G. Charles Clifton, “Collapse of the World Trade Centers,” CAD Headlines, (October 8, 2001);

Thomas W. Eagar, the Thomas Lord Professor of Materials Engineering and Engineering Systems, and Christopher Musso, graduate research student, are at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

For more information, contact T.W. Eagar, MIT, 77 Massachusetts Avenue, Room 4-136, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139-4301; (617) 253-3229; fax (617) 252-1773; e-mail [email protected].




fb_100001941754084 kirjoitti 17.9.2015 klo 03.29

Barbara Raitzky: " Risto Koivula if you've looked at the structural steel framing of the old WTC you see tenant spaces were free of interior columns and were sold as 'open office space' by the Silverstein Company . This was considered a huge selling point but led to a lot of square footage of carpeting ... in all there was a total of 2,500,000 sq. ft. of fire-retardant carpeting combined in the Towers (and much of it didn't meet code) and as we all know - those of us who work in NYC with high-rise fire codes - there will be heavy smoke and eventually fire even with fire treatment. The same applied to the steel. It was fire-rated at something like an hour and a half and the secondary steel, which carried the decking, was rated at about an hour. The impact of the plane dislodged fireproofing of the secondary steel and penetrated into the central service/elevator core where there were numerous plumbing risers carry-ing combustible gases. So there was every possibility for intense heat despite what is being cooked up in the minds of the 911 loud-mouth conspirators. "

14. syyskuuta kello 19:06

Sacha Quatre Pattes: " Thank you, Barbara, for providing us with inside information, the sort, ironically enough, truthers would never share. "
14. syyskuuta kello 19:51

Barbara Raitzky: " Conspirators are fond of photos which show what look like small explosions at about the 70th floor but there were no 'explosions'... that was crazed, desperate people kicking out windows with debris flying. The windows in the curtain wall were only about 18" wide (a ridiculous design feature in a high-rise because nowhere was there a panoramic view of the city below as these narrow windows sat between 36" columns which blocked the view. One had to walk up to each window in between the enormous perimeter columns to view the city).... No explosions. Despe-rate people who were inhaling heavy smoke from burning carpets unable to access the stair wells and elevator shafts throwing desks and file cabinets at windows. "

14. syyskuuta kello 20:26

Risto Koivula: "
The temperature of the core columns was not essential,because they did not loose their load bearing capacity due to softening of the steel, but due to the loss on lateral support from the floors, which were which stiffened the building with tube walls.

The floor trusses loose their capacity due to heat, and when such happened in two floors, the progressive collapse could start.

The core columns could not anyhow "resist" the fall of the tube "hat", because THE COLLAPSED FIRST and the tube collapsed after it. "

15. syyskuuta kello 18:33

Barbara Raitzky: " Exactly as Risto Koivula says. I'm sure he knows - that the upper floors - from about Floor 60 to the summit - the steel floor decking was purposely designed to be lighter than the lower floors allowing the Towers - as in all Manhattan high rises - to 'sway'. This 'feature' along with gravity, allowed the downward collapse within the building footprint due to the weight of the materials. Also we have heard the integrity of the joiners - bolts and fasteners - was seriously compromised after about an hour. So...with all the ASTME fire retardant testing required in New York City high rises of all fixed and movable materials the Towers collapsed in exactly the proscribed time. "

15. syyskuuta kello 16:57



fb_100001941754084 kirjoitti 17.9.2015 klo 04.54

911 Was an Inside Job ''Impossible to Conceal,'' - Vladimir Putin

First published by RT in 2011 during less tense times, this article and associated video offer keen insight into what some call, the greatest American deception...

(MOSCOW RT) - Claims that the terror attacks of September 11, 2001 were orchest-rated by US intelligence agencies are "complete nonsense," Prime Minister Vladimir Putin told attendees of a youth forum.

­"This is complete nonsense, it is impossible," Putin said on Monday, responding to a question posed by an attendee of the Seliger 2011 youth forum.

"To imagine that US intelligence services did it deliberately, with their own hands, is complete nonsense," the prime minister said. “Only people who do not understand the workings of security agencies can say that. It would be impossible to conceal it.”

Putin added that he could not imagine how "any of the current or former US leaders could have such an idea."

As the 10th anniversary of 9/11 approaches, skepticism over the official explanation of the 9/11 attacks appears to be on the rise. 9/11 “truth movements,” made up of di-verse individuals from around the world,are demanding an independent investigation into those horrific events that changed the course of history.

The International Center for 9/11 Studies, for example, is sponsoring four days of Citizen Hearings in the city of Toronto, Canada with the goal of examining “the best evidence that has been discovered in the ten years since the 9/11 events occurred.”

A group of academics – including Niels Harritt, Associate Professor at the University of Copenhagen; Steven Jones, Professor Emeritus from Brigham Young University and Kevin Ryan, former Underwriters Laboratories manager – will be among the par-ticipants who hope to persuade the public of the need for another 9/11 investigation.

There will certainly be no shortage of protesters on hand as well to condemn the “conspiracy theorists.”

The events of 9/11 were not only the worst foreign attacks ever to happen on Ameri-can soil.They also triggered a global “War on Terror,” which led to two full-scale wars among other less clearly defined military operations, and provided the impetus for a robust increase in US military spending (which has leveled off at just below $1 trillion per year).

According to the official version of events, the attacks of 9/11, organized by the now-deceased Al-Qaeda terror master, Obama bin Laden, left almost 3,000 people dead after a group of 19 terrorists hijacked four commercial jets.

The four pirated aircraft crashed into the North and South Towers of the World Trade Center complex in Manhattan, New York, the Pentagon building in Washington, and an open field just outside of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

Robert Bridge, RT "




fb_100001941754084 kirjoitti 23.2.2019 klo 00.53

Risto Koivula " Chris Sarns: Critique of WTC towers were not demolished with explosives

The author just parrots the NIST report on the collapse initiation. Evidently, he has not read any of the rebuttals.

In the graphic it says “The central core is not part of the main structural part of the building ...”

The core is most certainly part of the main structure. "

RK: Yes, I have not remarked that when changing the picture

CS: " The author knows nothing about structure. "

RK: I am not that author. Neither is NIST or FEMA.

In my article the core in main supporting system for vertical laods.

I will correct it.

CS " He claims that if it was a controlled demolition, the Twin Towers “would have collapsed in completely different way”.

Not so. "

Yes. They would have fallen aside in exploding on a low height.

" The Twin Towers were rigged to look like a gravity collapse. "

That is impossible.

" “These towers as structural systems were originally designed to collapse into their own place”

Wrong. Buildings are designed not to collapse. "

It is right. Metal strutures are never disigned not to collapse in ANY fire conditions: they must support a needed time, which is given in legislation.

Chris Sarns: " " “the inside columns (core) bore the weight and the loads except the outer walls”

RK: This is the real condition. And opposite to the picture.

CS: " Here the author demonstrates his total lack of understanding of the laws of physics. "

The author on the picture is that WTC Memorial site (if the site is not oa falsification), not me.

I have teached also NIST and NATO and EU how the laws of physics work in structural mechanics.

CS: " When floors are supported at both ends, each end carries half of the weight.

“Exterior wall tube stabilizes through the floors the effective buckling length for the core columns to the height of 4m. The effective length is inversely squared propor-tional to the load-bearing capacity, when the buckling is the dominant factor, so the double effective length causes the load-bearing capacity to fall,at worst, to 25% from the original, when bracing provided by one floor is taken away.”

That is gibberish. "

RK: It is exactly as it is.

CS: “You will have 4 tons together from the 40cm heap of steel plates on the whole element. Now, on one square meter is loaded 10 times so much load as the stan-dards allow the load, but the entire element has the load of exactly what is allowed, when it is uniformly distributed.But that way distributed it is not a bar table...The bending moment for the floor element distributes so,that the element is despite the safety factors at the limit of break. Bending moment under the "bar table" is double in comparison to that when the plates are uniformly distributed on the floor. On the other hand the own weight of the element (and trusses etc) is also about 400kg/m^2, and there are safety and overload factors, so that still it maybe possible to add load.”

RK: " More gibberish. "

It is gibberish for you due to tour ignorance.

CS: " “When it clicks into the lower element, 14 tons hard and heavy stuff falls from 4 m above on the downstairs neighbor's exactly the same kind of floor element, and guess, what happens? If there is a bar table too, it does not have influence: the more there should be falling load.”

It stands to reason that if you pile enough weight on a floor to break the supports it will fall. But in the real world that would not happen all at once. "

RK: So???!!!

CS: " A fire induce collapse would be uneven and the collapse would be chaotic. "

You are wrong already in that,that the INDUCTION, the TRIGGER, woul be essential in the collapse machanism.

But really essential is the disigned collapse system on foot-prints, for instance in a century hurricane, or a missile strike, when there are no people in the house and the elecrticity and water are turned off.

" “One such "bomb" dropped from the upper floor is sufficient drop floors in one quarter of the building and to break the structural connection between the core and one tube-wall, which means that the core columns get a degree on freedom to rotate in a bundle buckling in such a way that its carrying capacity is lost, and the core also drops in the "pipe" in the same way, as it took place in reality.”

The core would not rotate and buckle. "

RK: It would rotate. And then the bundle buckling is even for all columns, in your terms.

And that is just what it did, and that is the designed collapse system on foot-prints.

CS: " The core was not a pipe. "

RK: The TUBE was the pipe, which guided the debris on foot-prints.

CS: " It had 47 columns arranged in a grid and held together with girders like other buildings. "

RK: They were not quite like usual buildings.

The floor-truss-supporting primeary girders were very thin-walled, high and narrow C-girders.

You can see one here distorted:

They do not act vertcal direction as truss or grind beams with the heavy colums.

That is a part of the planned collapsing system.

CS: “What you see "video crash" is the collapse of the empty “tube”.

The core and exterior frame work was blown outward sequentially down the building. "

RK: NO REASON OR POSSIBILITY TO LOW THEM - WITHOUT BLOWING OUT ALSO THE THE TUBE WALLlS and making the towers fall aside , not on footprints!

CS: " This article is nothing but bombastic bullshit. It’s just a vague theory with no evidence to support it. "

RK: It is true theory and needs no further evidence.



fb_100001941754084 kirjoitti 11.9.2019 klo 15.36 Юрий Антипов
18 tuntia ·

Приближается очередная годовщина 9/11. Несмотря на то, что ЧП произошло в совершенно другой стране, это событие коснулось многие страны, в том числе, и Россию.
Разговоров о причинах обрушения трёх зданий было очень много. И уже найде-но много фактов, которые не вписываются в официальное объяснение,что про- изошло естественное обрушение башен из-за возникшего пожара на этажах. Я сейчас не буду приводить все факты. Остановлюсь лишь на двух. И эти факты хорошо известны.
На фото №1 фото начало разрушения южной башни ВТЦ. Плиты перекрытия в момент разрушения и падения их вниз как поршни выталкивают воздух с этажа.

Но.....На фото мы видим, что начали рушится верхние этажи. Но гораздо ниже (не менее 10 этажей ниже -это видно по ещё неразрушенным углам здания) сильнейшее давление на этом нижнем этаже выбрасывает дым направленной струёй. См. на фото №1 правую сторону здания, ниже облаков дыма.
Так что же вызвало такой мощный выброс дыма с этажа, над которым ещё нетронутыми разрушениями находится десяток этажей??Ответ напрашивается сам собой, учитывая специфику падения башен.....
Но этот факт можно рассматривать как приложение к другому, ещё более на-глядному факту, который сходу отрицает естественное (от пожара) обрушение башен.
Силовой каркас зданий ВТЦ был собран из мощных пустотелых железных балок прямоугольного сечения. И понятно, что под весом разрушенной вверху конструкции, нижний пояс вертикальных балок (находящийся ближе к земле) должен был деформироваться, плющиться, обрываться по местам стыковок, скручиваться и т.д. См.фото №2.
Но совершенно не стыкуется с официальной версией то состояние некоторых колонн, которое было обнаружено на месте обрушения. Причём эти колонны (балки) не были подвержены ни пожару, ни последующей разделке газорезчиками, разбирающими упавшие конструкции здания.
Почему не были подвержены пожару? Потому что на фото показаны призем-ные колонны. Почему их не касалась рука газорезчика? Да потому что, при разрезании стальной конструкции газорезчик ВСЕГДА делает разрез по мини-мальному периметру, то есть перпендикулярно разрезаемому элементу. Здесь же на фото мы видим косой рез. И этот рез делался такой высокой температурой, что расплавленный металл потёк вниз.
Далее, ещё один момент. Кто работал с газорезкой, то знает, что струя горяще-го газа (ацетилен с кислородом) сдувает расплавленный метал внутрь разреза-емой конструкции. Здесь же расплавленный металл в большом количестве тёк по наружной поверхности балки.
Если балка режется, то режется она по всему периметру. Но балка на фото имеет не оплавленный металл на своих углах.
И всё, что мы видим на фото №3 и фото №4 говорит только обо одном. Что эта балка стала обрезанной не вследствие обрушения здания. А то,что здание теряло свою устойчивость именно из-за таких балок. И эти балки были искусственно обрезаны до начала обрушения здания.
И именно так взрывники с помощью термита обрушают вышедшие из эксплуа-тации здания. См фото №5.Причём укладка термита вокруг срезаемой колонны идёт именно под углом, чтобы разрезанная колонна не накренялась в бок, а, потеряв опору, сползала по наклонной вниз, тем самым, сводя площадь обрушения до минимума.
Один человек из США, считающий себя большим специалистом в области строительства, сразу после этого ЧП дал интервью в СМИ. И на камеру сказал, что по его мнению, однозначно, что башни упали не из-за пожара. Прошло время, и этот человек "владелец заводов, газет, пароходов" стал Президентом США. И что? "За кусток, под мосток и молчок...". Оказался слаб в коленках... Ну, как та колонна на фото №4. Не выдержал внешнего рукотворного воздействия. Впрочем, как и со спутниковым фото, где как на ладони видна вся причина трагедии с рейсом МН17. Слаб человек. "



I have expained these all...

Dr. Judy Wood - Principal evidence that must be explained

Dr. Judy Wood - Principal evidence that must be explained


  1. The Twin Towers were destroyed faster than physics can explain by a free fall speed "collapse."
  2. They underwent mid-air pulverization and were turned to dust before they hit the ground.
  3. The protective bathtub was not significantly damaged by the destruction of the Twin Towers.
  4. The rail lines, the tunnels and most of the rail cars had only light damage, if any.
  5. The WTC underground mall survived well, witnessed by Warner Bros. Road Runner and friends. There were reports that "The Gap" was looted.
  6. The seismic impact was minimal, far too small based on a comparison with the Kingdome controlled demolition.
  7. The Twin Towers were destroyed from the top down, not bottom up.
  8. The demolition of WTC7 was whisper quiet and the seismic signal was not significantly greater than background noise.
  9. The upper 80 percent, approximately, of each tower was turned into fine dust and did not crash to the earth.
  10. The upper 90 percent, approximately, of the inside of WTC7 was turned into fine dust and did not crash to the earth.
  11. One file cabinet with folder dividers survived.
  12. No toilets survived or even recognizable portions of one.
  13. Windows of nearby buildings had circular and other odd-shaped holes in them.
  14. In addition to the odd window damage, the marble facade was completely missing from around WFC1 and WFC2 entry, with no other apparent structural damage.
  15. Fuzzballs, evidence that the dust continued to break down and become finer and finer.
  16. Truckloads of dirt were hauled in and hauled out of the WTC site, a pattern that continues to this day.
  17. Fuming of the dirt pile. Fuming decreased when watered, contrary to fumes caused by fire or heat.
  18. Fuzzyblobs, a hazy cloud that appeared to be around material being destroyed.
  19. The Swiss-Cheese appearance of steel beams and glass.
  20. Evidence of molecular dissociation and transmutation, as demonstrated by the near-instant rusting of affected steel.
  21. Weird fires. The appearance of fire, but without evidence of heating.
  22. Lack of high heat. Witnesses reported that the initial dust cloud felt cooler than ambient temperatures. No evidence of burned bodies.
  23. Columns were curled around a vertical axis like rolled-up carpets, where overloaded buckled beams should be bent around the horizontal axis.
  24. Office paper was densely spread throughout lower Manhattan, unburned, often along side cars that appeared to be burning.
  25. Vertical round holes were cut into buildings 4, 5 and 6, and into Liberty street in front of Bankers Trust, and into Vesey Street in front of WTC6, plus a cylindrical arc was cut into Bankers Trust.
  26. All planes except top secret missions were ordered down until 10:31 a.m. (when only military flights were allowed to resume), after both towers were destroyed, and only two minutes (120 seconds) after WTC 1 had been destroyed.
  27. Approximately 1,400 motor vehicles were towed away, toasted in strange ways, during the destruction of the Twin Towers.
  28. The order and method of destruction of each tower minimized damage to the bathtub and adjacent buildings.
  29. More damage was done to the bathtub by earth-moving equipment during the clean-up process than from the destruction of more than a million tons of buildings above it.
  30. Twin Tower control without damaging neighboring buildings, in fact all seriously damaged and destroyed buildings had a WTC prefix.
  31. The north wing of WTC 4 was left standing, neatly sliced from the main body which virtually disappeared.
  32. For more than seven years, regions in the ground under where the main body of WTC4 stood have continued to fume.
  33. The WTC1 and WTC2 rubble pile was far too small to account for the total mass of the buildings.
  34. The WTC7 rubble pile was too small for the total mass of the building and consisted of a lot of mud.
  35. Eyewitness testimony about toasted cars, instant disappearance of people by "unexplained" waves, a plane turning into a mid-air fireball, electrical power cut off moments before WTC 2 destruction, and the sound of explosions.
  36. Eyewitness testimony of Scott-pack explosions in fire trucks and fire trucks exploding that were parked near the WTC.
  37. There were many flipped cars in the neighborhood of the WTC complex near trees with full foliage.
  38. Magnetometer readings in Alaska recorded abrupt shifts in the earth's magnetic field with each of the events at the WTC on 9/11.
  39. Hurricane Erin, located just off Long Island on 9/11/01, went virtually unreported in the days leading up to 9/11, including omission of this Hurricane on the morning weather map, even though that portion of the Atlantic Ocean was shown on the map.
  40. Sillystring, the appearance of curious cork-screw trails.
  41. Uncanny similarities with the Hutchison Effect, where the Hutchison Effect exhibits all of the same phenomena listed above.


* Is it possible that such a technology exist? Since invention of the microwave for cooking in 1945 and lasers in 1955*, commercial and military development of directed-energy technology has proceeded apace, so use of directed-energy technology is likely to exist -- and the data tells us it does exist.


What explanations have been suggested to explain these phenomena?

Seven explanations have been identified:



  1. Natural causes such as earthquakes and hurricanes
  2. Arson
  3. The official theory of airplane impact, fires and weakened steel collapsing
  4. Conventional demolition with explosives such as RDX, dynamite, etc.
  5. Demolition via thermite or its variants
  6. Fission or fusion nukes (and clean bombs)
  7. Beam weapons, energy weapons, directed-energy weapons (DEW)


(CCD-BiB) = "Conventional Controlled Demolition" with "Bombs in the Building"

Beam Weapons, Energy Weapons, and Directed Energy Weapons (DEW):

 We have used the terms "beam weapons" and "directed energy weapons" to refer to unconventional weapons (exotic weapons) that are energy weapons. We broadly define DEW as Energy that is Directed and is used as a Weapon. The full range of these weapons is classified information, so we make no limits or distinction of cate-gories within the realm of energy weapons, as doing so would imply specific know-ledge of all that is available. In the following paragraph, we have listed some of the possibilities we are aware of.

Our critics have accused us of insisting that beam weapons did their damage from outer space, yet we make no claim about whether the directed energy weapon ope-rated from a space-,air-, or ground-based platform. Nor do we make any claim about what wavelength(s) was used, what the source(s) of energy was, whether it involved interference of multiple beams, whether it involved sound waves, whether it involved sonoluminescence,whether it involved antimatter weapons,whether it involved scalar weapons, whether it was HAARP (more here and here),whether it involved a nuclear process (e.g. NDEW, more info), whether it involved conventional directed energy weapons (cDEW), whether it involved improvised directed energy weapons (iDEW), nor what kind of accelerator was used, nor do we claim to know what the serial numbers of the parts that were in the weapon(s).

What we do claim is that the evidence is consistent with the use of energy weapons that go well beyond the capabilities of conventional explosives and can be directed.

"When you have eliminated all which is impossible, then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth."

HM: Bullshit.



" The Decline of the 9/11 Truth Movement



EPub Format

We are now at the 22nd anniversary of the 9/11 Attacks that ushered in our current century and unleashed a series of wars, killing or displacing many millions. The highest-profile terrorist attacks in human history had tremendous importance both for the world and our own country, but a couple of decades later their memory has now dimmed, especially after the worldwide Covid epidemic and Russia’s Ukraine war, two much more recent events of even greater global magnitude.

These days the 9/11 Attacks are only occasionally mentioned, and even those indivi- duals intensely focused upon conspiratorial matters have mostly shifted their atten-tion elsewhere. Kevin Barrett was very actively involved in the 9/11 Truth movement from its inception, and last week he published one of his rare recent pieces on the topic. His short article noted the approaching anniversary and usefully summarized much of the information accumulated in two decades of research, but his overall verdict was hardly an optimistic one.

9/11, 22 Years Later: Will We Ever Get the Truth?

Kevin Barrett • The Unz Review • September 2, 2022 • 1,800 Words

Two years ago the twentieth anniversary had passed with little public attention. Soon afterward, Dr. Alan Sabrosky, an important 9/11 Truth figure, published an even more despairing appraisal in which he described the total failure of the effort that had absorbed so many years of his life.

" It gives me no pleasure at all to write these words. I personally came to the move-ment late in 2009,then met many excellent people and worked with many fine editors at a time when overt censorship was still minimal. The best of the “Truthers” shared one thing in common: they were right that the US Government explanation of the 9/11 attacks was singularly flawed, in whole and in all its major parts. But they – and I include myself here – were never able to convey that message in a politically significant way to enough of the American public to matter.

The net effect is that despite innumerable articles, speeches, seminars, videos, pro-tests and the like by tens of thousands of activists, the 20th anniversary of 9/11 came and went with barely a whimper. It was preceded by the collapse of the 9/11 lawyers effort in New York City on which so many had staked their hopes, and the dismissal of Richard Gage – the founder of the seminal “Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth” – from his own organization by his own board. It is tragic enough when evil triumphs, which is what the real planners and perpetrators of 9/11 did. It is even worse when the collapse of the efforts to expose them and to bring them to justice ends in farce. "

Out-Thought, Out-Bought, Out-Fought: Why the “9/11 Truth” Movement Failed

Alan Sabrosky • The Unz Review • October 23, 2021 • 2,300 Words

As he mentioned, Richard Gage, founder and CEO of the foremost 9/11 Truth orga-nization, had just recently been fired by his board when his controversial remarks on Covid vaccines were used by the media to torpedo a long-awaited prime-time broadcast of their 9/11 theories hosted by director Spike Lee.

I myself came very late to the 9/11 Truth issue, largely accepting the official narrative for nearly the first decade after the attacks. But when I published my own twenty year recapitulation in September 2021, the Covid epidemic was at its height and my article was one of the very few that appeared to mark that important milestone.

Although the 9/11 Truth movement has lost much of its energy and visibility, each year’s anniversary does still occasionally prompt the publication of new articles, in-cluding on our own website. These pieces sometimes attract considerable reader-ship and heated commentary, but the authors often seem compelled to avoid merely repeating familiar arguments, so they instead promote novel and implausible theo-ries that are far less solidly grounded in evidence. I suspect that these may do much more harm than good, obfuscating the basic facts while driving away any curious newcomers.

Some of these activists now claim that the World Trade Center was destroyed by nuclear explosions or mysterious energy weapons or that no planes were actually involved in the attacks. Although only a small minority of 9/11 Truthers take such positions, these individuals are often loud and energetic advocates, and thereby may serve to taint and discredit the more sober positions of the vast majority.

Furthermore, with so many of the more mainstream 9/11 Truthers having gradually abandoned the issue, supporters of these fringe theories now probably constitute a growing fraction of the diehard Truthers. I suspect that the result has been to undermine the credibility of whatever remains of the 9/11 Truth movement.

This unfortunate situation is hardly surprising.Movements such as 9/11 Truth sharply oppose powerful official narratives so they naturally tend to attract persons with strongly contrarian and conspiratorial tendencies, individuals who are willing and eager to challenge all orthodoxies, including those of their own allies. Such activists may enthusiastically embrace wild ideas that capture their imagination,failing to com-prehend that for responsible researchers, extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

Furthermore, establishment forces may easily take advantage of such psychological weaknesses. As I discussed in an article last year, the late Michael Collins Piper, a leading conspiracy-researcher, strongly suspected that many of the implausible con-spiratorial theories he considered so damaging to his cause may have been seeded and promoted by pro-establishment operatives engaging in Cass Sunstein-type deceptions, protecting official lies by manipulating excitable activists into discrediting their entire community.

" Conspiracy theorists have a notable tendency towards paranoia, but as a wit once observed “Even paranoids have enemies". Once it became known that a high-ranking Obama Administration official had previously suggested that the government employ online operatives to infiltrate and disrupt the conspiracy community, the story spread like wildfire, with rival individuals and factions sometimes accusing each other of serving as such “cognitive infiltrators”…

During that period, I was paying little attention to the 9/11 issue and was barely aware of the existence of a 9/11 Truth movement.But individuals who were very acti- vely involved at the time have told me that they believe much of their movement’s momentum was lost when certain prominent figures were diverted into various bizarre theories of what had happened.

Some began to argue that no actual planes had hit the towers in New York City, and the images seen were merely holograms. Others claimed that nuclear explosions or mysterious energy-weapons had inflicted the destruction. And naturally enough, the more exciting and shocking the theory, the more it tended to capture the imagination and enthusiasm of the rank-and-file activists. Moreover, many of these different fac-tions bitterly opposed each other, and the resulting infighting together with the some-times outlandish nature of the claims soon cost the 9/11 Truth movement much of the little support it had gained in media circles and among the public…

Transgressive individuals who adhere to some heterodox beliefs are also usually willing to accept many others as well, and are often quite eager to do so, sometimes exhibiting the troubling lack of logical thinking and careful analytical judgment that may taint their entire community. This leaves them open to eagerly nibbling the poi-soned bait of fraudulent but attractive theories, whether these are advanced by well-meaning advocates, self-serving charlatans, or covert agents of the establishment engaged in “cognitive infiltration.”

American Pravda: Alex Jones, Cass Sunstein, and “Cognitive Infiltration”

Ron Unz • The Unz Review • August 8, 2022 • 5,400 Words

This situation has played out on our own website. Last September we published a long 9/11 article by Laurent Guyénot,who has produced a series of useful and impor- tant works on that topic over the last decade. However, his latest piece drew upon very thin evidence to argue that the simultaneous attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon had actually been organized by entirely different groups of conspi-rators for entirely different reasons. I was even more dismayed to see him suggest that no actual planes had been hijacked nor had hit the World Trade Center, claims that I regarded with extreme skepticism. Unfortunately, this No Planes Hypothesis dominated much of the resulting discussion in the comments, which easily exceeded a half-million words.

The 9/11 “Double-Cross” Conspiracy Theory

Pentagon Inside Job – World Trade Center Israeli Job

Laurent Guyénot • The Unz Review • September 6, 2022 • 8,100 Words • 2,143 Comments

As it happens, I recently came across a short video taken by a visitor to New York City who was filming the first tower as it burned and then captured the second plane as it hit. The street scene and all the other details seem totally authentic to me and I would hope that the partisans of the No Planes Hypothesis will watch it and abandon their mistaken theories but I doubt that almost any of them will do so.

Similarly, several weeks ago we published an article by Mark H.Gaffney.The first half of his presentation did a fine job of summarizing the implausibility of the official 9/11 narrative and described some of the strong evidence that military-grade explosives had been used to destroy the two towers in NYC. But in the second half,he then promoted the theory that the World Trade Center attacks had also involved fission-fusion nuclear blasts, a hypothesis I consider extremely implausible given the lack of any detectable radiation or noticeable large-scale explosions, and a longtime com-menter who is a Stanford Physics Ph.D. was even more scathing in his criticism. The article provoked another huge outpouring of nearly 1,600 comments, totaling well over 300,000 words.

The Demolition of the World Trade Center

(The Devil’s Trick)

Mark H. Gaffney • The Unz Review • August 17, 2023 • 2,200 Words • 1,590 Comments

Unfortunately, I have heard that this nuclear 9/11 theory has gradually become popu-lar within some influential conservative and anti-establishment circles, and I wonder whether it has not been deliberately promoted by those who seek to make 9/11 Truthers look ridiculous.

In sharp contrast, a few months ago I discovered a very sober and careful 2016 pre-sentation by the late Prof. Graeme MacQueen to the Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 Inquiry in NYC,focusing upon the evidence provided in government records obtained via freedom of information requests. This released material included interviews of more than 150 eyewitnesses who mentioned hearing small explosions as the buil-dings collapsed, with some of them describing these as the sort of synchronized se-ries of blasts used in demolition projects. This important testimony, overwhelmingly by first responders and rescue workers, was totally inconsistent with the official explanation that the collapses had been caused by office fires and therefore was completely ignored and excluded from the published government report. I should also note that all this powerful eyewitness evidence seems just as inconsistent with claims of a large nuclear explosion or an energy weapon.

MacQueen was an important figure in the 9/11 Truth movement and his presentation was made to a distinguished audience, but the crucial information he provided lacked the “excitement” of a hypothetical nuclear blast or energy ray, so after four years the video has only attracted 822 views on Youtube and just five comments.

The shocking reality that government investigators might simply ignore the contrary testimony of over 150 eyewitnesses, most of them experienced fire-fighters, becomes less implausible when one considers the parallel cover-up involving the mid-air explosion of TWA Flight 800 that had occurred a half-dozen years earlier in the same New York City area. As I explained in a 2016 article:

" However, from a broader perspective, I believe that the truly horrifying aspect of the incident is the tremendous ease with which our government and its lapdog media managed to so utterly suppress the reality of what had happened — an American jumbo jet shot down by a missile — and did so although this occurred not in some obscure, faraway foreign land, but within the very sight of Steven Spielberg’s home in the exclusive Hamptons, on a flight that had just departed New York City, and despite such overwhelming physical evidence and hundreds of direct eye-witnesses. The successful cover-up is the important story, and constitutes a central subtext in all of the books and documentaries on the disaster.

American Pravda: The Destruction of TWA Flight 800

Ron Unz • The Unz Review • September 26, 2016 • 2,800 Words

I suspect that those unfamiliar with the longstanding case against the official narra-tive might be easily driven away if they encountered wild speculation about nuclear explosions or energy rays. Instead, more conventional discussions of the issues would make a better introduction.

Earlier this year, my series of interviews on various controversial topics were aired on Iranian broadcast television, reaching a potential audience of ten million. In two of these half-hour segments, I presented my views on the 9/11 attacks and they’re now available on the Rumble video platform, so those interested can easily watch them:

Video Link

Video Link

My own twentieth anniversary 9/11 article provided a much more comprehensive summary of this analysis, with the bulk of the material originally published in 2018.

American Pravda: Seeking 9/11 Truth After Twenty Years

Who Attacked America in 2001…and Why?

Ron Unz • The Unz Review • September 7, 2021 • 7,800 Words • 1,063 Comments

Since none of my views have much changed during the last few years, I’m republi-shing it below, as a helpful introduction to this complex and controversial topic.

Twenty Years After the 9/11 Attacks

" The twentieth anniversary of the 9/11 Attacks is almost upon us, and although their immediacy has been somewhat reduced by the events of the last eighteen months, we must recognize that they have drastically shaped the world history of the last two decades, greatly changing the daily lives and liberties of most ordinary Americans.

The widespread doubts about the reality of the official story provided by our govern-ment and almost universally promoted by our media has severely diminished popu-lar faith in the credibility of those two crucial institutions, with consequences that are still very apparent in today’s highest profile issues.


Over the years, diligent researchers and courageous journalists have largely demo-lished the original narrative of those events, and have made a strong, perhaps even overwhelming case that the Israeli Mossad together with its American collaborators played the central role. My own reconstruction, substantially relying upon this accumu lated evidence, came to such conclusions, and I am therefore republishing it below, drawn from my previous articles which had appeared in late 2018 and early 2020, with the later material making heavy use of Ronen Bergman’s authoritative 2018 history of the Mossad, which ran more than 750 pages.

Immediately following my own analysis is a link to a particularly noteworthy article along the same lines by French writer Laurent Guyénot, which we had originally re-leased simultaneously with my own, then followed by more than a dozen other signi-ficant articles of the previous decade, all published or republished on this website. In coming days, some of these may also be separately featured as part of the twenty-year commemoration. "

The 9/11 Attacks – What Happened?

" Although somewhat related,political assassinations and terrorist attacks are distinct topics, and Bergman’s comprehensive volume explicitly focuses on the former, so we cannot fault him for providing only slight coverage of the latter. But the historical pattern of Israeli activity, especially with regard to false-flag attacks, is really quite remarkable, as I noted in a 2018 article:

One of history’s largest terrorist attacks prior to 9/11 was the 1946 bombing of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem by Zionist militants dressed as Arabs, which killed 91 people and largely destroyed the structure.In the famous Lavon Affair of 1954, Israeli agents launched a wave of terrorist attacks against Western targets in Egypt, inten-ding to have those blamed on anti-Western Arab groups. There are strong claims that in 1950 Israeli Mossad agents began a series of false-flag terrorist bombings against Jewish targets in Baghdad, successfully using those violent methods to help persuade Iraq’s thousand-year-old Jewish community to emigrate to the Jewish state. In 1967, Israel launched a deliberate air and sea attack against the U.S.S. Li-berty, intending to leave no survivors,killing or wounding over 200 American service- men before word of the attack reached our Sixth Fleet and the Israelis withdrew.

The enormous extent of pro-Israel influence in world political and media circles meant that none of these brutal attacks ever drew serious retaliation, and in nearly all cases, they were quickly thrown down the memory hole, so that today probably no more than one in a hundred Americans is even aware of them.Furthermore, most of these incidents came to light due to chance circumstances, so we may easily suspect that many other attacks of a similar nature have never become part of the historical record.

Of these famous incidents, Bergman only includes mention of the King David Hotel bombing. But much later in his narrative, he describes the huge wave of false-flag terrorist attacks unleashed in 1981 by Israeli Defense Minister Ariel Sharon, who recruited a former high-ranking Mossad official to manage the project.

Under Israeli direction, large car bombs began exploding in the Palestinian neighbor-hoods of Beirut and other Lebanese cities, killing or injuring enormous numbers of civilians. A single attack in October inflicted nearly 400 casualties, and by December, there were eighteen bombings per month, with their effectiveness greatly enhanced by the use of innovative new Israeli drone technology. Official responsibility for all the attacks was claimed by a previously unknown Lebanese organization, but the intent was to provoke the PLO into military retaliation against Israel, thereby justifying Sharon’s planned invasion of the neighboring country.

Since the PLO stubbornly refused to take the bait, plans were put into motion for the huge bombing of an entire Beirut sports stadium using tons of explosives during a January 1st political ceremony, with the death and destruction expected to be “of un-precedented proportions, even in terms of Lebanon.” But Sharon’s political enemies learned of the plot and emphasized that many foreign diplomats including the Soviet ambassador were expected to be present and probably would be killed, so after a bitter debate, Prime Minister Begin ordered the attack aborted.A future Mossad chief mentions the major headaches they then faced in removing the large quantity of explosives that they had already planted within the structure.

I think that this thoroughly documented history of major Israeli false-flag terrorist at-tacks, including those against American and other Western targets, should be care-fully kept in mind when we consider the 9/11 attacks,whose aftermath has massively transformed our society and cost us so many trillions of dollars. I analyzed the strange circumstances of the attacks and their likely nature at considerable length in my 2018 article:

Oddly enough,for many years after 9/11,I paid very little attention to the details of the attacks themselves. I was entirely preoccupied with building my content-archiving software system, and with the little time I could spare for public policy matters, I was totally focused on the ongoing Iraq War disaster, as well as my terrible fears that Bush might at any moment suddenly extend the conflict to Iran. Despite Neocon lies shamelessly echoed by our corrupt media, neither Iraq nor Iran had had anything whatsoever to do with the 9/11 attacks, so those events gradually faded in my con-sciousness,and I suspect the same was true for most other Americans.Al Qaeda had largely disappeared and Bin Laden was supposedly hiding in a cave somewhere. Despite endless Homeland Security “threat alerts,” there had been no further Islamic terrorism on American soil, and relatively little anywhere else outside of the Iraq charnel house. So the precise details of the 9/11 plots had become almost irrelevant to me.

Others I knew seemed to feel the same way. Virtually all the exchanges I had with my old friend Bill Odom, the three-star general who had run the NSA for Ronald Reagan, had concerned the Iraq War and risk it might spread to Iran, as well as the bitter anger he felt toward Bush’s perversion of his beloved NSA into an extra-consti-tutional tool of domestic espionage. When the New York Times broke the story of the massive extent of domestic NSA spying, Gen. Odom declared that President Bush should be impeached and NSA Director Michael Hayden court-martialed. But in all the years prior to his untimely passing in 2008, I don’t recall the 9/11 attacks themselves even once coming up as a topic in our discussions.

Admittedly, I’d occasionally heard of some considerable oddities regarding the 9/11 attacks here and there, and these certainly raised some suspicions. Most days I would glance at the front page, and it seemed that some Israeli Mossad agents had been caught while filming the plane attacks in NYC, while a much larger Mossad “art student” spy operation around the country had also been broken up around the same time. Apparently, FoxNews had even broadcast a multi-part series on the latter topic before that expose was scuttled and “disappeared” under ADL pressure.


Although I wasn’t entirely sure about the credibility of those claims, it did seem plau-sible that Mossad had known of the attacks in advance and allowed them to proceed recognizing the huge benefits that Israel would derive from the anti-Arab backlash. I think I was vaguely aware that editorial director Justin Raimondo had published The Terror Enigma, a short book about some of those strange facts, bea-ring the provocative subtitle “9/11 and the Israeli Connection", but I never considered reading it. In 2007, Counterpunch itself published a fascinating follow-up story about the arrest of that group of Israeli Mossad agents in NYC, who were caught filming and apparently celebrating the plane attacks on that fateful day, and the Mossad activity seemed to be far larger than I had previously realized. But all these details remained a little fuzzy in my mind next to my overriding concerns about wars in Iraq and Iran.

However, by the end of 2008 my focus had begun to change. Bush was leaving office without having started an Iranian war, and America had successfully dodged the bullet of an even more dangerous John McCain administration. I assumed that Barack Obama would be a terrible president and he proved worse than my expec- tations, but I still breathed a huge sigh of relief every day that he was in the White House.

Moreover, around that same time I’d stumbled across an astonishing detail of the 9/11 attacks that demonstrated the remarkable depths of my own ignorance. In a Counterpunch article, I’d discovered that immediately following the attacks, the sup-posed terrorist mastermind Osama bin Laden had publicly denied any involvement, even declaring that no good Muslim would have committed such deeds.

Once I checked around a little and fully confirmed that fact, I was flabbergasted. 9/11 was not only the most successful terrorist attack in the history of the world, but may have been greater in its physical magnitude than all past terrorist operations combined. The entire purpose of terrorism is to allow a small organization to show the world that it can inflict serious losses upon a powerful state, and I had never previously heard of any terrorist leader denying his role in a successful operation, let alone the greatest in history. Something seemed extremely wrong in the media-generated narrative that I had previously accepted. I began to wonder if I had been as deluded as the tens of millions of Americans in 2003 and 2004 who naively believed that Saddam had been the mastermind behind the September 11th attacks. We live in a world of illusions generated by our media, and I suddenly felt that I had noticed a tear in the paper-mache mountains displayed in the background of a Holly-wood sound-stage. If Osama was probably not the author of 9/11, what other huge falsehoods had I blindly accepted?

A couple of years later, I came across a very interesting column by Eric Margolis, a prominent Canadian foreign policy journalist purged from the broadcast media for his strong opposition to the Iraq War. He had long published a weekly column in the Toronto Sun and when that tenure ended, he used his closing appearance to run a double-length piece expressing his very strong doubts about the official 9/11 story, even noting that the former director of Pakistani Intelligence insisted that Israel had been behind the attacks.

I eventually discovered that in 2003 former German Cabinet Minister Andreas von Bülow had published a best-selling book strongly suggesting that the CIA rather than Bin Laden was behind the attacks, while in 2007 former Italian President Francesco Cossiga had similarly argued that the CIA and the Israeli Mossad had been respon-sible, claiming that fact was well known among Western intelligence agencies.

Over the years, all these discordant claims had gradually raised my suspicions about the official 9/11 story to rather strong levels, but it was only very recently that I finally found the time to begin to seriously investigate the subject and read eight or ten of the main 9/11 Truther books, mostly those by Prof. David Ray Griffin, the widely ac-knowledged leader in that field. And his books,together with the writings of his nume- rous colleagues and allies,revealed all sorts of very telling details, most of which had previously been unknown to me. I was also greatly impressed by the sheer number of seemingly reputable individuals of no apparent ideological bent who had become adherents of the 9/11 Truth movement over the years.


When utterly astonishing claims of an extremely controversial nature are made over a period of many years by numerous seemingly reputable academics and other experts, and they are entirely ignored or suppressed but never effectively rebutted, reasonable conclusions seem to point in an obvious direction. Based on my very recent readings in this topic, the total number of huge flaws in the official 9/11 story has now grown extremely long, probably numbering in the many dozens. Most of these individual items seem reasonably likely and if we decide that even just two or three of them are correct, we must totally reject the official narrative that so many of us have believed for so long.

Now I am merely just an amateur in the complex intelligence craft of extracting nug-gets of truth from a mountain of manufactured falsehood. Although the arguments of the 9/11 Truth Movement seem quite persuasive to me, I would obviously have felt much more comfortable if they were seconded by an experienced professional, such as a top CIA analyst. A few years ago, I was shocked to discover that was indeed the case.

William Christison had spent 29 years at the CIA, rising to become one of its senior figures as Director of its Office of Regional and Political Analysis, with 200 research analysts serving under him. In August 2006, he published a remarkable 2,700 word article explaining why he no longer believed the official 9/11 story and felt sure that the 9/11 Commission Report constituted a cover-up, with the truth being quite diffe-rent. The following year,he provided a forceful endorsement to one of Griffin’s books, writing that “[There’s] a strong body of evidence showing the official U.S. Govern-ment story of what happened on September 11, 2001 to be almost certainly a monst-rous series of lies.” And Christison’s extreme 9/11 skepticism was seconded by that of many other highly regarded former US intelligence professionals.

We might expect that if a former CIA intelligence officer of Christison’s rank were to denounce the official 9/11 report as a fraud and a cover-up, such a story would constitute front-page news. But it was never reported anywhere in our mainstream media, and I only stumbled upon it a decade later.

Even our supposed “alternative” media outlets were nearly as silent. Throughout the 2000s, Christison and his wife Kathleen, also a former CIA analyst, had been regular contributors to Counterpunch, publishing many dozens of articles there and certainly being its most highly credentialed writers on intelligence and national security mat-ters. But editor Alexander Cockburn refused to publish any of their 9/11 skepticism, so it never came to my attention at the time. Indeed, when I mentioned Christison’s views to current Counterpunch editor Jeffrey St. Clair a couple of years ago, he was stunned to discover that the friend he had regarded so very highly had actually become a “9/11 Truther.” When media organs serve as ideological gatekeepers, a condition of widespread ignorance becomes unavoidable.

With so many gaping holes in the official story of the events of seventeen years ago, each of us is free to choose to focus on those we personally consider most persua-sive, and I have several of my own. Danish Chemistry professor Niels Harrit was one of the scientists who analyzed the debris of the destroyed buildings and detected the residual presence of nano-thermite,a military-grade explosive compound,and I found him quite credible during his hour-long interview on Red Ice Radio. The notion that an undamaged hijacker passport was found on an NYC street after the massive, fiery destruction of the skyscrapers is totally absurd, as was the claim that the top hijacker conveniently lost his luggage at one of the airports and it was found to con-tain a large mass of incriminating information. The testimonies of the dozens of fire-fighters who heard explosions just before the collapse of the buildings seems totally inexplicable under the official account. The sudden total collapse of Building Seven, never hit by any jetliners is also extremely implausible.

The 9/11 Attacks – Who Did It?

Let us now suppose that the overwhelming weight of evidence is correct, and concur with high-ranking former CIA intelligence analysts, distinguished academics, and ex-perienced professionals that the 9/11 attacks were not what they appeared to be. We recognize the extreme implausibility that three huge skyscrapers in New York City suddenly collapsed at free-fall velocity into their own footprints after just two of them were hit by airplanes, and also that a large civilian jetliner probably did not strike the Pentagon leaving behind absolutely no wreckage and only a small hole. What actually did happen, and more importantly, who was responsible?

The first question is obviously impossible to answer without an honest and thorough official investigation of the evidence. Until that occurs, we should not be surprised that numerous, somewhat conflicting hypotheses have been advanced and debated within the confines of the 9/11 Truth community. But the second question is probably the more important and relevant one, and I think it has always represented a source of extreme vulnerability to 9/11 Truthers.

The most typical approach, as generally followed in the numerous Griffin books, is to avoid the issue entirely and focus solely on the gaping flaws in the official narrative. This is a perfectly acceptable position but leaves all sorts of serious doubts. What organized group would have been sufficiently powerful and daring to carry off an attack of such vast scale against the central heart of the world’s sole superpower? And how were they possibly able to orchestrate such a massively effective media and political cover-up, even enlisting the participation of the U.S. government itself?

The much smaller fraction of 9/11 Truthers who choose to address this “whodunit” question seem to be overwhelmingly concentrated among rank-and-file grassroots activists rather than the prestigious experts, and they usually answer “inside job!” Their widespread belief seems to be that the top political leadership of the Bush Ad-ministration, probably including Vice President Dick Cheney and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, had organized the terrorist attacks,either with or without the know- ledge of their ignorant nominal superior, President George W. Bush. The suggested motives included justifying military attacks against various countries, supporting the financial interests of the powerful oil industry and military-industrial complex, and enabling the destruction of traditional American civil liberties. Since the vast majority of politically-active Truthers seem to come from the far left of the ideological spectrum, they regard these notions as logical and almost self-evident.

Although not explicitly endorsing those Truther conspiracies, filmmaker Michael Moore’s leftist box office hit Fahrenheit 9/11 seemed to raise such similar suspicions. His small budget documentary earned an astonishing $220 million by suggesting that the very close business ties between the Bush family, Cheney, the oil compa-nies, and the Saudis were responsible for the Iraq War aftermath of the terrorist attacks, as well as the domestic crackdown on civil liberties, which was part-and-parcel of the right-wing Republican agenda.


Unfortunately, this apparently plausible picture seems to have almost no basis in reality. During the drive to the Iraq War, I read Times articles interviewing numerous top oil men in Texas who expressed total puzzlement at why America was planning to attack Saddam, saying that they could only assume that President Bush knew something that they themselves did not. Saudi Arabian leaders were adamantly op-posed to an American attack on Iraq, and made every effort to prevent it. Prior to his joining the Bush Administration,Cheney had served as CEO of Halliburton,an oil ser- vices giant, and his firm had heavily lobbied for the lifting of U.S. economic sanctions against Iraq. Prof. James Petras, a scholar of strong Marxist leanings, published an excellent 2008 book entitled Zionism, Militarism, and the Decline of US Power in which he conclusively demonstrated that Zionist interests rather than those of the oil industry had dominated the Bush Administration in the wake of the 9/11 attacks, and promoted the Iraq War.

As for the Michael Moore film,I remember at the time sharing a laugh with a (Jewish) friend of mine, both of us finding it ridiculous that a government so overwhelmingly permeated by fanatically pro-Israel Neocons was being portrayed as being in thrall to the Saudis. Not only did the plotline of Moore’s film demonstrate the fearsome po-wer of Jewish Hollywood, but its huge success suggested that most of the American public had apparently never heard of the Neocons.

Bush critics properly ridiculed the president for his tongue-tied statement that the 9/11 terrorists had attacked America “for its freedoms” and Truthers have reasonably branded as implausible the claims that the massive attacks were organized by a cave-dwelling Islamic preacher. But the suggestion that they were led and organized by the top figures of the Bush Administration seems even more preposterous.

Cheney and Rumsfeld had both spent decades as stalwarts of the moderate pro-business wing of the Republican Party,each serving in top government positions and also as CEOs of major corporations. The notion that they capped their careers by joining a new Republican administration in early 2001 and almost immediately set about organizing a gigantic false-flag terrorist attack upon the proudest towers of our largest city together with our own national military headquarters, intending to kill many thousands of Americans in the process, is too ridiculous to even be part of a leftist political satire.

Let’s step back a bit. In the entire history of the world, I can think of no documented case in which the top political leadership of a country has launched a major false-flag attack upon its own centers of power and finance and tried to kill large numbers of its own people. The America of 2001 was a peaceful and prosperous country run by relatively bland political leaders focused upon the traditional Republican goals of enacting tax-cuts for the rich and reducing environmental regulations. Too many Truther activists have apparently drawn their understanding of the world from the caricatures of leftist comic-books in which corporate Republicans are all diabolical Dr. Evils, seeking to kill Americans out of sheer malevolence, and Alexander Cockburn was absolutely correct to ridicule them at least on that particular score.

Consider also the simple practicalities of the situation. The gigantic nature of the 9/11 attacks as postulated by the Truth movement would have clearly required enor-mous planning and probably involved the work of many dozens or even hundreds of skilled agents. Ordering CIA operatives or special military units to organize secret attacks against civilian targets in Venezuela or Yemen is one thing, but directing them to mount attacks against the Pentagon and the heart of New York City would be fraught with stupendous risk.

Bush had lost the popular vote in November 2000 and had only reached the White House because of a few dangling chads in Florida and the controversial decision of a deeply divided Supreme Court. As a consequence, most of the American media regarded his new administration with enormous hostility. If the first act of such a newly-sworn presidential team had been ordering the CIA or the military to prepare attacks against New York City and the Pentagon, surely those orders would have been regarded as issued by a group of lunatics, and immediately leaked to the hostile national press.

The whole scenario of top American leaders being the masterminds behind 9/11 is beyond ridiculous, and those 9/11 Truthers who make or imply such claims — doing so without a single shred of solid evidence — have unfortunately played a major role in discrediting their entire movement. In fact, the common meaning of the “inside job” scenario is so patently absurd and self-defeating that one might even suspect that the claim was encouraged by those seeking to discredit the entire 9/11 Truth movement as a consequence.

The focus on Cheney and Rumsfeld seems particularly ill-directed. Although I’ve ne-ver met nor had any dealings with either of those individuals, I was quite actively inv-olved in DC politics during the 1990s, and can say with some assurance that prior to 9/11, neither of them were regarded as Neocons. Instead, they were the archetypical examples of moderate business-type mainstream Republicans, stretching all the way back to their years at the top of the Ford Administration during the mid-1970s.

Skeptics of this claim may note that they signed the 1997 declaration issued by the Project for the New American Century (PNAC), a leading Neocon foreign policy ma-nifesto organized by Bill Kristol,but I would regard that as something of a red herring. In DC circles, individuals are always recruiting their friends to sign various declara-tions, which may or may not be indicative of anything, and I remember Kristol trying to get me to sign the PNAC statement as well. Since my private views on that issue were absolutely 100% contrary to the Neocon position, which I regarded as foreign policy lunacy, I deflected his request and very politely turned him down. But I was quite friendly with him at the time, so if I had been someone without strong opinions in that area, I probably would have agreed.

This raises a larger point. By 2000, the Neocons had gained almost total control of all the major conservative/Republican media outlets and the foreign policy wings of nearly all the similarly aligned thinktanks in DC, successfully purging most of their traditional opponents. So although Cheney and Rumsfeld were not themselves Neocons, they were swimming in a Neocon sea, with a very large fraction of all the information they received coming from such sources and with their top aides such as “Scooter” Libby, Paul Wolfowitz, and Douglas Feith being Neocons. Rumsfeld was already somewhat elderly while Cheney had suffered several heart-attacks starting at age 37, so under those circumstances it may have been relatively easy for them to be shifted toward certain policy positions.

Indeed, the entire demonization of Cheney and Rumsfeld in anti-Iraq War circles has seemed somewhat suspicious to me. I always wondered whether the heavily Jewish liberal media had focused its wrath upon those two individuals in order to deflect cul-pability from the Jewish Neocons who were the obvious originators of that disastrous policy; and the same may be true of the 9/11 Truthers, who probably feared accusa-tions of anti-Semitism.Regarding that former issue,a prominent Israeli columnist was characteristically blunt on the matter in 2003, strongly suggesting that 25 Neocon intellectuals, nearly all of them Jewish, were primarily responsible for the war. Under normal circumstances, the president himself would have surely been portrayed as the evil mastermind behind the 9/11 plot, but “W” was too widely known for his ignorance for such accusations to be credible.

It does seem entirely plausible that Cheney, Rumsfeld, and other top Bush leaders may have been manipulated into taking certain actions that inadvertently fostered the 9/11 plot, while a few lower-level Bush appointees might have been more directly involved, perhaps even as outright conspirators. But I do not think this is the usual meaning of the “inside job” accusation.

So where do we now stand? It seems very likely that the 9/11 attacks were the work of an organization far more powerful and professionally-skilled than a rag-tag band of nineteen random Arabs armed with box-cutters, but also that the attacks were very unlikely to have been the work of the American government itself. So who ac-tually attacked our country on that fateful day seventeen years ago, killing thousands of our fellow citizens?

Effective intelligence operations are concealed in a hall of mirrors, often extremely difficult for outsiders to penetrate, and false-flag terrorist attacks certainly fall into this category. But if we apply a different metaphor, the complexities of such events may be seen as a Gordian Knot, almost impossible to disentangle, but vulnerable to the sword-stroke of asking the simple question “Who benefited?”

America and most of the world certainly did not, and the disastrous legacies of that fateful day have transformed our own society and wrecked many other countries. The endless American wars soon unleashed have already cost us many trillions of dollars and set our nation on the road to bankruptcy while killing or displacing many millions of innocent Middle Easterners. Most recently, that resulting flood of despe-rate refugees has begun engulfing Europe, and the peace and prosperity of that ancient continent is now under severe threat.

Our traditional civil liberties and constitutional protections have been drastically eroded, with our society having taken long steps toward becoming an outright police state. American citizens now passively accept unimaginable infringements on their personal freedoms, all originally begun under the guise of preventing terrorism.

I find it difficult to think of any country in the world that clearly gained as a result of the 9/11 attacks and America’s military reaction, with one single, solitary exception.

During 2000 and most of 2001, America was a peaceful prosperous country, but a certain small Middle Eastern nation had found itself in an increasingly desperate situation. Israel then seemed to be fighting for its life against the massive waves of domestic terrorism that constituted the Second Palestinian Intifada.

Ariel Sharon was widely believed to have deliberately provoked that uprising in Sep-tember 2000 by marching to the Temple Mount backed by a thousand armed police, and the resulting violence and polarization of Israeli society had successfully instal-led him as Prime Minister in early 2001. But once in office, his brutal measures failed to end the wave of continuing attacks, which increasingly took the form of suicide-bombings against civilian targets. Many believed that the violence might soon trigger a huge outflow of Israeli citizens, perhaps producing a death-spiral for the Jewish state. Iraq, Iran, Libya, and other major Muslim powers were supporting the Palesti-nians with money, rhetoric, and sometimes weaponry, and Israeli society seemed close to crumbling. I remember hearing from some of my DC friends that numerous Israeli policy experts were suddenly seeking berths at Neocon thinktanks so that they could relocate to America.

Sharon was a notoriously bloody and reckless leader, with a long history of underta-king strategic gambles of astonishing boldness, sometimes betting everything on a single roll of the dice. He had spent decades seeking the Prime Ministership, but having finally obtained it, he now had his back to the wall, with no obvious source of rescue in sight.

The 9/11 attacks changed everything. Suddenly the world’s sole superpower was fully mobilized against Arab and Muslim terrorist movements, especially those con-nected with the Middle East. Sharon’s close Neocon political allies in America used the unexpected crisis as an opportunity to seize control of America’s foreign policy and national security apparatus, with an NSA staffer later reporting that Israeli gene-rals freely roamed the halls of the Pentagon without any security controls. Mean-while, the excuse of preventing domestic terrorism was used to implement newly centralized American police controls that were soon employed to harass or even shut down various anti-Zionist political organizations. One of the Israeli Mossad agents arrested by the police in New York City as he and his fellows were celebra-ting the 9/11 attacks and producing a souvenir film of the burning World Trade Cen-ter towers told the officers that “We are Israelis…Your problems are our problems.” And so they immediately became.

General Wesley Clark reported that soon after the 9/11 attacks he was informed that a secret military plan had somehow come into being under which America would attack and destroy seven major Muslim countries over the next few years, including Iraq, Iran, Syria, and Libya,which coincidentally were all of Israel’s strongest regional adversaries and the leading supporters of the Palestinians. As America began to ex-pend enormous oceans of blood and treasure attacking all of Israel’s enemies after 9/11, Israel itself no longer needed to do so. Partly as a consequence, almost no other nation in the world has so enormously improved its strategic and economic situation during the last seventeen years, even while a large fraction of the American population has become completely impoverished during that same period and our national debt has grown to insurmountable levels. A parasite can often grow fat even as its host suffers and declines.

I have emphasized that for many years after the 9/11 attacks I paid little attention to the details and had only the vaguest notion that there even existed an organized 9/11 Truth movement. But if someone had ever convinced me that the terrorist attacks had been false-flag operations and someone other than Osama had been responsible, my immediate guess would have been Israel and its Mossad.

Certainly no other nation in the world can remotely match Israel’s track-record of remarkably bold high-level assassinations and false-flag attacks, terrorist and other-wise, against other countries, even including America and its military. Furthermore, the enormous dominance of Jewish and pro-Israel elements in the American estab-lishment media and increasingly that of many other major countries in the West has long ensured that even when the solid evidence of such attacks was discovered, very few ordinary Americans would ever hear those facts.

Once we accept that the 9/11 attacks were probably a false-flag operation, a central clue to the likely perpetrators has been their extraordinary success in ensuring that such a wealth of enormously suspicious evidence has been totally ignored by virtual-ly the entire American media, whether liberal or conservative, left-wing or right-wing.

In the particular case at hand, the considerable number of zealously pro-Israel Neocons situated just beneath the public surface of the Bush Administration in 2001 could have greatly facilitated both the successful organization of the attacks and their effective cover-up and concealment, with Libby, Wolfowitz, Feith, and Richard Perle being merely the most obvious names.Whether such individuals were knowing conspirators or merely had personal ties allowing them to be exploited in furthering the plot is entirely unclear.

Most of this information must surely have long been apparent to knowledgeable ob-servers, and I strongly suspect that many individuals who had paid much greater at-tention than myself to the details of the 9/11 attacks may have quickly formed a ten-tative conclusion along these same lines.But for obvious social and political reasons, there is a great reluctance to publicly point the finger of blame towards Israel on a matter of such enormous magnitude. Hence, except for a few fringe activists here and there, such dark suspicions remained private.

Meanwhile, the leaders of the 9/11 Truth movement probably feared they would be destroyed by media accusations of deranged anti-Semitism if they had ever expres-sed even a hint of such ideas. This political strategy may have been necessary, but by failing to name any plausible culprit, they created a vacuum that was soon filled by “useful idiots” who shouted “inside job!” while pointing an accusing finger toward Cheney and Rumsfeld, and thereby did so much to discredit the entire 9/11 Truth movement.

This unfortunate conspiracy of silence finally ended in 2009 when Dr. Alan Sabrosky, former Director of Studies at the US Army War College, stepped forward and publicly declared that the Israeli Mossad had very likely been responsible for the 9/11 attacks, writing a series of columns on the subject, and eventually presenting his views in a number of media interviews, along with additional analyses.

Obviously, such explosive charges never reached the pages of my morning Times, but they did receive considerable if transitory coverage in portions of the alternative media, and I remember seeing the links very prominently featured at and widely discussed elsewhere. I had never previously heard of Sabrosky, so I con-sulted my archiving system and immediately discovered that he had a perfectly res-pectable record of publication on military affairs in mainstream foreign policy periodi-cals and had also held a series of academic appointments at prestigious institutions. Reading one or two of his articles on 9/11, I felt he made a rather persuasive case for Mossad involvement, with some of his information already known to me but much of it not.

Since I was very busy with my software work and had never spent any time investi-gating 9/11 or reading any of the books on the topic,my belief in his claims back then was obviously quite tentative. But now that I have finally looked into the subject in much greater detail and done a great deal of reading, I think it seems quite likely that his 2009 analysis was entirely correct.

I would particularly recommend his long 2011 interview on Iranian Press TV, which I first watched just a couple of days ago. He came across as highly credible and forthright in his claims:

Video Link

He also provided a pugnacious conclusion in a much longer 2010 radio interview:

Video Link

Sabrosky focused much of his attention upon a particular segment of a Dutch docu-mentary film on the 9/11 attacks produced several years earlier. In that fascinating interview, a professional demolition expert named Danny Jowenko who was largely ignorant of the 9/11 attacks immediately identified the filmed collapse of WTC Buil-ding 7 as a controlled-demolition, and the remarkable clip was broadcast worldwide on Press TV and widely discussed across the Internet.

And by a very strange coincidence, just three days after Jowenko’s broadcast video interview had received such heavy attention, he had the misfortune to die in a frontal collision with a tree in Holland. I’d suspect that the community of professional demo-lition experts is a small one, and Jowenko’s surviving industry colleagues may have quickly concluded that serious misfortune might visit those who rendered controver-sial expert opinions on the collapse of the three World Trade Center towers.

Meanwhile, the ADL soon mounted a huge and largely successful effort to have Press TV banned in the West for promoting “anti-Semitic conspiracy theories,” even persuading YouTube to entirely eliminate the huge video archive of those past shows, notably including Sabrosky’s long interview.

Most recently,Sabrosky provided an hour-long presentation at this June’s Deep Truth video panel conference, during which he expressed considerable pessimism about America’s political predicament, and suggested that the Zionist control over our politics and media had grown even stronger over the last decade.

His discussion was soon rebroadcast by Guns & Butter, a prominent progressive radio program, which as a consequence was soon purged from its home station after seventeen years of great national popularity and strong listener support.

The late Alan Hart, a very distinguished British broadcast journalist and foreign correspondent, also broke his silence in 2010 and similarly pointed to the Israelis as the likely culprits behind the 9/11 attacks. Those interested may wish to listen to his extended interview.


Journalist Christopher Bollyn was one of the first writers to explore the possible Is-raeli links to the 9/11 attacks, and the details contained in his long series of newspa-per articles are often quoted by other researchers. In 2012, he gathered together this material and published it in the form of a book entitled Solving 9-11, thereby making his information on the possible role of the Israeli Mossad available to a much wider audience, with a version being available online. Unfortunately his printed volume se-verely suffers from the typical lack of resources available to the writers on the politi-cal fringe, with poor organization and frequent repetition of the same points due to its origins in a set of individual articles, and this may diminish its credibility among some readers.So those who purchase it should be forewarned about these serious stylistic weaknesses.


Probably a much better compendium of the very extensive evidence pointing to the Israeli hand behind the 9/11 attacks has been more recently provided by French writer Laurent Guyénot, both in his 2017 book JFK-9/11: 50 Years of the Deep State and also his 8,500 word article “9/11 was an Israeli Job”, published concurrently with this one and providing a far greater wealth of detail than is contained here. While I would not necessarily endorse all of his claims and arguments, his overall analysis seems fully consistent with my own.

These writers have provided a great deal of material in support of the Israeli Mossad Hypothesis,but I would focus attention on just one important point.We would normal-ly expect that terrorist attacks resulting in the complete destruction of three gigantic office buildings in New York City and an aerial assault on the Pentagon would be an operation of enormous size and scale, involving very considerable organizational infrastructure and manpower. In the aftermath of the attacks, the US government undertook great efforts to locate and arrest the surviving Islamic conspirators, but scarcely managed to find a single one. Apparently, they had all died in the attacks themselves or otherwise simply vanished into thin air.


But without making much effort at all, the American government did quickly round up and arrest some 200 Israeli Mossad agents,many of whom had been based in exact-ly the same geographical locations as the purported 19 Arab hijackers. Furthermore, NYC police arrested some of these agents while they were publicly celebrating the 9/11 attacks, and others were caught driving vans in the New York area containing explosives or their residual traces. Most of these Mossad agents refused to answer any questions, and many of those who did failed polygraph tests, but under massive political pressure all were eventually released and deported back to Israel. A couple of years ago, much of this information was very effectively presented in a short video available on YouTube.

There is another fascinating tidbit that I have very rarely seen mentioned. Just a month after the 9/11 attacks, two Israelis were caught sneaking weapons and explo-sives into the Mexican Parliament building, a story that naturally produced several banner-headlines in leading Mexican newspapers at the time but which was greeted by total silence in the American media. Eventually, under massive political pressure, all charges were dropped and the Israeli agents were deported back home. This re-markable incident was only reported on a small Hispanic-activist website, and dis-cussed in a few other places.Some years ago I easily found the scanned front pages of the Mexican newspapers reporting those dramatic events on the Internet,but I can no longer easily locate them. The details are obviously somewhat fragmentary and possibly garbled, but certainly quite intriguing.

One might speculate that if supposed Islamic terrorists had followed up their 9/11 at-tacks by attacking and destroying the Mexican parliament building a month later, La-tin American support for America’s military invasions in the Middle East would have been greatly magnified. Furthermore, any scenes of such massive destruction in the Mexican capital by Arab terrorists would surely have been broadcast non-stop on Univision, America’s dominant Spanish-language network, fully solidifying Hispanic support for President Bush’s military endeavors.

Although my growing suspicions about the 9/11 attacks stretch back a decade or more, my serious investigation of the topic is quite recent, so I am certainly a new-comer to the field. But sometimes an outsider can notice things that may escape the attention of those who have spent so many years deeply immersed in a given topic.

From my perspective, a huge fraction of the 9/11 Truth community spends far too much of its time absorbed in the particular details of the attacks,debating the precise method by which the World Trade Center towers in New York were brought down or what actually struck the Pentagon. But these sorts of issues seem of little ultimate significance.

I would argue that the only important aspect of such technical issues is whether the overall evidence is sufficiently strong to establish the falsehood of the official 9/11 narrative and also demonstrate that the attacks must have been the work of a highly sophisticated organization with access to advanced military technology rather than a rag-tag band of 19 Arabs armed with box-cutters. Beyond that, none of those details matter.

In that regard, I believe that the volume of factual material collected by determined researchers over the last seventeen years has easily met that requirement, perhaps even ten or twenty times over. For example, even agreeing upon a single particular item such as the clear presence of nano-thermite, a military-grade explosive com-pound, would immediately satisfy those two criteria. So I see little point in endless debates over whether nano-thermite was used, or nano-thermite plus something else, or just something else entirely. And such complex technical debates may serve to obscure the larger picture, while confusing and intimidating any casually-interes-ted onlookers, thereby being quite counter-productive to the overall goals of the 9/11 Truth movement.

Once we have concluded that the culprits were part of a highly sophisticated organi-zation, we can then focus on the Who and the Why, which surely would be of greater importance than the particular details of the How.Yet currently all the endless debate over the How tends to crowd out the Who and the Why, and I wonder whether this unfortunate situation might even be intentional.

Perhaps one reason is that once sincere 9/11 Truthers do focus on those more im-portant questions, the vast weight of the evidence clearly points in a single direction, implicating Israel and its Mossad intelligence service, with the case being overwhel-mingly strong in motive, means, and opportunity. And leveling accusations of blame at Israel and its domestic collaborators for the greatest attack ever launched against America on our own soil entails enormous social and political risks.

But such difficulties must be weighed against the reality of three thousand American civilian lives and the subsequent seventeen years of our multi-trillion-dollar wars, which have produced tens of thousands of dead or wounded American servicemen and the death or displacement of many millions of innocent Middle Easterners.

The members of the 9/11 Truth movement must therefore ask themselves whether or not “Truth” is indeed the central goal of their efforts. "




"  28 Pages: The mysterious "Document 17" that implicates Saudis

Brian P. McGlinchey
Mon, 18 Apr 2016 21:04 UTC


9/11 Commission Work Plan Reveals FBI Found al Qaeda Member's U.S. Pilot Certificate Inside Envelope of Saudi Embassy in D.C. Investigators Sought to Examine Possible Political Influence on Examination of Saudi Government, Royal Family Links

As President Obama prepares to visit Saudi Arabia on Wednesday, his administration is under increasing pressure to declassify 28 pages that, according to many who've read them, illustrate financial links between the Saudi government and the 9/11 hijackers.

Meanwhile, a far lesser-known document from the files of the 9/11 Commission—written by the same principal authors as the 28 pages and declassified last summer without publicity and without media analysis—indicates investigators proposed exploring to what extent "political, economic and other considerations" affected U.S. government investigations of links between Saudi Arabia and 9/11.

Drafted by Dana Lesemann and Michael Jacobson as a set of work plans for their specific parts of the 9/11 Commission investigation, the 47-page document also provides an overview of individuals of most interest to investigators pursuing a Saudi connection to the 2001 attack that killed nearly 3,000 people.

Included in that overview is a previously unpublicized declaration that, after the capture of alleged al-Qaeda operative Ghassan al-Sharbi in Pakistan, the FBI discovered a cache of documents he had buried nearby. Among them: al-Sharbi's U.S. pilot certificate inside an envelope of the Saudi embassy in Washington, D.C.

Declassified in July 2015 under the authority of the Interagency Security Classification Appeals Panel (ISCAP) pursuant to a Mandatory Declassification Review (MDR) appeal, the document is the seventeenth of 29 released under ISCAP appeal 2012-48, which focuses on FBI files related to 9/11. One of two documents in the series identified as "Saudi Notes," we'll refer to it as "Document 17."

Dated June 6, 2003, Document 17 was written by Lesemann and Jacobson in their capacity as staff investigators for the 9/11 Commission, and was addressed to 9/11 Commission Executive Director Philip Zelikow, Deputy Executive Director Chris Kojm and General Counsel Dan Marcus.

Commission Investigators Posed Two Questions That Linger Today

Lesemann and Jacobson had previously worked together on the 2002 joint congressional 9/11 intelligence inquiry and authored the classified, 28-page chapter on foreign government financing of the attacks. Document 17 outlines how the two investigators proposed to extend their earlier research. The plans include many questions Lesemann and Jacobson felt the investigation should answer.

Two of those questions seem strikingly relevant today, as a declassification review of just 28 pages said to implicate Saudi Arabia in the 9/11 attacks has inexplicably taken three times as long as the entire joint inquiry that produced them, and while a growing number of current and former officials who are familiar with the pages emphatically assert there's no national security risk in their release.

Lesemann and Jacobson, already veterans of investigating 9/11 with the congressional inquiry, asked:


They are two questions Lesemann wouldn't be permitted to answer: Zelikow fired her first. Her termination had an apparent Saudi aspect of its own: Impatient with Zelikow's neglect of her repeated requests for access to the 28 pages, she circumvented him to gain access on her own. When Zelikow discovered it, he promptly dismissed her.

Organizationally set apart from dozens of other questions as among the more important, overarching lines of inquiry for their particular avenue of the commission's work, the significance of the questions' presence in Document 17 is amplified by the absence of corresponding answers in the commission's final report.

At some point—perhaps after Lesemann's determined interest in Saudi links to 9/11 led to her dismissal—someone apparently determined a public study of those questions was beyond the scope of work.

Zelikow's appointment over the commission was controversial, given his previous friendship with National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice and the fact he'd served on the Bush administration's transition team. That history and, once appointed, his ongoing contacts with Bush political advisor Karl Rove, led some to question whether he was willing or able to achieve the high level of impartiality so essential to his role.

The Bush administration's lack of cooperation with Saudi-related 9/11 inquiries is well-documented. According to Philip Shenon's book, The Commission:
(Commission member and former Secretary of the Navy John) Lehman was struck by the determination of the Bush White House to try to hide any evidence of the relationship between the Saudis and al Qaeda. "They were refusing to declassify anything having to do with Saudi Arabia," Lehman said. "Anything having to do with the Saudis, for some reason, it had this very special sensitivity." He raised the Saudi issue repeatedly with Andy Card. "I used to go over to see Andy, and I met with Rumsfeld three or four times, mainly to say, 'What are you guys doing? This stonewalling is so counterproductive."
The Bush family has a multi-generational relationship with the Saudi royal family, with ties that are both deeply personal and deeply financial. Prince Bandar bin Sultan was the Saudi ambassador to the United States on 9/11, and is considered a personal friend of George W. Bush.

Comment: Not only that - after increased scrutiny of CIA operations in the 70s with the Church Committee, the CIA 'outsourced' a lot of its work. Bush Sr. was instrumental in creating the "Safari Club", a collection of American, Saudi, Pakistani, and other 'informal' members. It was all about plausible deniability. So when you read about these "Saudi connections", keep in mind that in all likelihood, they are really "CIA proxy connections".

With many investigatory leads pointing toward the Saudi embassy in Washington, some feel Bandar merits thorough investigation—or that he may even be directly implicated in the 28 pages that Bush controversially redacted.

Saturday, appearing on Michael Smerconish's CNN program to discuss a Saudi threat to divest itself of some $750 billion in U.S. Treasury securities if Congress passes a law clearing a path for 9/11 victims' lawsuit against the kingdom, former Senator Bob Graham said, "I believe that there is material in the 28 pages and the volume of other documents that would indicate that there was a connection at the highest levels between the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the 19 hijackers."


A Redacted Question from Document 17
Asked by 60 Minutes if the 28 pages name names, commission member Lehman replied, "Yes. The average intelligent watcher of 60 Minuteswould recognize them instantly."

(If you watched the impactful prime time 60 Minutes segment on the 28 pages that aired last week and don't remember Lehman's intriguing statement, it's because 60 Minutes oddly relegated perhaps their most newsworthy quote of all to this web extra.) There are many more examples of the U.S. government's thwarting of Saudi-related inquiries, both outside and inside the work of the 9/11 Commission.

The FBI's 2002 discovery of a U.S. pilot certificate or "flight certificate" inside a Saudi embassy envelope was news to Graham, who co-chaired the joint congressional inquiry that produced the 28 pages.
document 17
A Buried Flight Certificate
"That's very interesting. That's a very intriguing and close connection to the Saudi embassy," said Graham, who has been championing the declassification of the 28 pages and a perhaps hundreds of thousands of pages of other documents since 2003.

Since people often re-use envelopes and citizens of any country may have legitimate reasons for correspondence with the embassies of their government in foreign countries they live in, the Saudi embassy envelope isn't by itself conclusive of anything. couldn't find any other history of the FBI's find or of the government's evaluation of its significance.

Al-Sharbi is one of 80 remaining detainees at Guantanamo Bay. His public record includes his graduation from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, reported association with other al-Qaeda members and alleged attendance at training camps in Afghanistan.

He is also among the individuals identified in FBI agent Kenneth Williams' July 2001 electronic communication, sometimes called the "Phoenix EC" or "Phoenix Memo." With it, Williams attempted— unsuccessfully — to alert the rest of the bureau about suspicions that Middle Eastern extremists were attending flight schools with ill intent, and to recommend a nationwide investigation of the phenomenon.

While those aspects of al-Sharbi's story have been widely discussed, the FBI's reported discovery of his flight certificate inside a Saudi embassy envelope buried in Pakistan has not.

Additional Excerpts from Document 17

The al-Sharbi paragraph excerpted above is in a section titled, "A Brief Overview of Possible Saudi Government Connections to the September 11th Attacks." Comprising a list of individuals of interest to the investigators, it begins with names central to the well-reported San Diego cell, including future hijackers Nawaf al-Hazmi and Khalid al-Midhar, purported Saudi government operative Omar al-Bayoumi, Saudi diplomat Fahad al-Thumairy and Osama Bassnan, a former employee at a Saudi mission in Washington, D.C. who received "considerable funding from Prince Bandar and Princess Haifa, supposedly for his wife's medical treatments."

Here, we directly excerpt many entries from the list, with an emphasis on those that are more suggestive of a link to the Saudi government. Much of the information is already well-known.

It's important to note that any given association described in these documents may well be benign, that witness statements aren't always accurate, and that a previous government assertion of a fact may have already proved or may yet be proved wrong.
Omar Al-Bayoumi: Al-Bayoumi, a Saudi national, provided September 11 hijackers Nawaf al-Hazmi and Khalid al-Mihdhar with considerable assistance after the hijackers arrived in San Diego in February 2000. He helped them locate an apartment, co-signed their lease, and ordered Mohdhar Abdullah (discussed below) to provide them with whatever assistance they needed in acclimating to the United States. The FBI now believes that in January 2000 al-Bayoumi met with Fahad al-Thumairy, a Saudi diplomat and cleric, at the Saudi Consulate in Los Angeles before going to the restaurant where he met the hijackers and engaged them in conversation. Whether or not al-Bayoumi 's meeting with the hijackers was accidental or arranged is still the subject of debate. During his conversation with the hijackers, Al-Bayoumi invited them to move to San Diego, which they did shortly thereafter. Al-Bayoumi has extensive ties to the Saudi Government and many in the local Muslim community in San Diego believed that he was a Saudi intelligence officer. The FBI believes it is possible that he was an agent of the Saudi Government and that he may have been reporting on the local community to Saudi Government officials. In addition, during its investigation, the FBI discovered that al-Bayoumi has ties to terrorist elements as well.

Osama Bassnan: Bassnan was a very close associate of al-Bayoumi's, and was in frequent contact with him while the hijackers were in San Diego. Bassnan, a vocal supporter of Usama Bin Ladin, admitted to an FBI asset that he met al-Hazmi and al-Mihdhar while the hijackers were in San Diego, but denied this in a later conversation. There is some circumstantial evidence that he may have had closer ties to the hijackers, but the FBI has been unable to corroborate this additional reporting. Bassnan received considerable funding from Prince Bandar and Princess Haifa, supposedly for his wife's medical treatments. According to FBI documents, Bassnan is a former employee of the Saudi Government's Educational Mission in Washington, D.C.

Fahad Al-Thumairy: Until recently al-Thumairy was an accredited Saudi diplomat and imam at the King Fahad Mosque in Culver City, California. The news media reported that the U.S. Government revoked al-Thumairy's visa in May 2003 ; the diplomat subsequently returned to Saudi Arabia. The FBI now believes that Omar al-Bayoumi met with al-Thumairy at the Saudi Consulate in Los Angeles before al-Bayoumi went to the restaurant where he met the hijackers. According to witness reporting, al-Hazmi and al-Mihdhar were also taken to the King Fahad Mosque while they were in the United States.

Mohdhar Abdullah: Abdullah was tasked by Omar al-Bayoumi to provide al-Hazmi and al-Mihdhar with whatever assistance they needed while in San Diego. Abdullah, who became one of the hijackers' closest associates in San Diego, translated for them, helped them open bank accounts, contacted flight schools for the hijackers, and helped them otherwise acclimate to life in the United States.

Osama Nooh and Lafi al-Harbi: Al-Harbi and Nooh are Saudi naval officers who were posted to San Diego while hijackers al-Mihdhar and al-Hazmi were living there. After the September 11th attacks, the FBI determined that al-Hazmi had telephonic contact with both Nooh and al-Harbi while al-Hazmi was in the United States.

Mohammed Quadir-Harunani: Quadir-Harunani has been the subject of an FBI counterterrorism investigation since 1999 and the FBI is currently investigating whether he had contact with the September 11th hijackers. In June 2000 a call was placed from Transcom International, a company owned by Quadir-Harunani, to a number subscribed to by Said Bahaji, one of the key members of the Hamburg cell. Quadir-Harunani is also a close associate of Usama bin Ladin's half-brother, Abdullah Bin Ladin (discussed below), who was assigned to the Saudi Embassy in Washington, D.C.-E87 2.

Abdullah Bin Ladin: Abdullah bin Ladin (ABL) is reportedly Usama bin Ladin's half-brother. He is the President and Director of the World Arab Muslim Youth Association (WAMY) and the Institute of Islamic and Arabic Studies in America. Both organizations are local branches of nongovernmental organizations based in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. According to the FBI, there is reason to believe that WAMY is "closely associated with the funding and financing of international terrorist activities and in the past has provided logistical support to individuals wishing to fight in the Afghan War." ABL has been assigned to the Saudi Embassy in Washington, D.C. as an administrative officer. He is a close associate of Mohammed Quadir Harunani's and has provided funding for Transcom International.


Comment: Remember, the Saudis were aiding the mujahideen in Afghanistan on behalf of the CIA.

Fahad Abdullah Saleh Bakala: According to an FBI document, Bakala was close friends with two of the September 11th hijackers. The document also notes that Bakala has worked as a pilot for the Saudi Royal Family, flying Usama Bin Ladin between Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia during UBL's exile.

Hamad Alotaibi: Alotaibi was assigned to the Saudi Embassy Military Division in Washington, D.C. According to an eyewitness report, one of the September 11th hijackers may have visited Alotaibi at his residence; another FBI document notes that a second hijacker may have also visited this address.

Hamid Al-Rashid: Al-Rashid is an employee of the Saudi Civil Aviation Authority and was apparently responsible for approving the salary of Omar al-Bayoumi. Hamid al-Rashid is also the father of Saud al-Rashid, whose photo was found in a raid of an al-Qa'ida safehouse in Karachi and who has admitted to being in Afghanistan between May 2000 and May 2001.

Ghassan al-Sharbi: Al-Sharbi is a Saudi student who was taking flight lessons in the Phoenix area before the September 11 attacks and is mentioned in the "Phoenix EC." The U.S. government captured al-Sharbi in the same location where Abu Zubaida was discovered in early 2002. After Al-Sharbi was captured, the FBI discovered that he had buried a cache of documents nearby, including an envelope from the Saudi embassy in Washington that contained al-Sharbi's flight certificate.

Saleh Al-Hussayen: According to FBI documents, Saleh Al-Hussayen is a Saudi Interior Ministry employee/official and may also be a prominent Saudi cleric. According to one news article, Saleh Al-Hussayen is the Chief Administrator of the Holy Mosques in Mecca and Medina. An FBI affidavit notes that Saleh Al-Hussayen stayed in the same hotel as three of the hijackers on September 10, 2001. He told the FBI that he did not know the hijackers. The FBI agents interviewing him, however, believed he was being deceptive. The interview was terminated when al-Hussayen either passed out or feigned a seizure and was taken to the hospital; he then departed the country before the FBI could reinterview him. Saleh Al-Hussayen is 'also the uncle of Sami Al -Hussayen (discussed below).

Mohammed Fakihi: Fakihi is a Saudi diplomat. Until recently he was assigned to the Islamic Affairs Section of the Saudi Embassy in Berlin, Germany. Soon after the September 11th attacks, German authorities searched SECRET 3 SECRET 10 the apartment of Munir Motassadeq, an associate of the hijackers in Hamburg, and found Fakihi's business card. According to press reports, the Saudis did not respond to German requests for information on Fakihi. More recently, German authorities discovered that Fakihi had contacts with other terrorists; Fakihi was subsequently recalled to Saudi Arabia.

Salah Bedaiwi: Bedaiwi is a Saudi Naval officer who was posted to a U .S. Navy base in Pensacola, Florida. He visited the Middle Eastern Market in Miami, a location frequented by several of the hijackers, and was in contact with at least one of the hijackers' possible associates. The FBI has been investigating these connections, as well as his ties to other terrorist elements.

Mohammed Al-Qudhaeein and Hamdan Al-Shalawi: Al-Qudhaeein and Al-Shalawi were both Saudi students living in the Phoenix area. Qudhaeein was receiving funding from the Saudi Government during his time in Phoenix. Qudhaeein and Al-Shalawi were involved in a 1999 incident aboard an America West flight that the FBI's Phoenix Office now believes may have been a "dry run" for the September 11th attacks. Al-Qudhaeein and Al-Shalawi were traveling to Washington, D.C. to attend a party at the Saudi Embassy; the Saudi Embassy paid for their airfare. According to FBI documents, during the flight they engaged in suspicious behavior, including several attempts to gain access to the cockpit. The plane made an emergency landing in Ohio, but no charges were filed against either individual. The FBI subsequently received information in November 2000 that Al-Shalawi had been trained at the terrorist camps in Afghanistan to conduct Khobar Towertype attacks and the FBI has also developed information tying Al-Qudhaeein to terrorist elements as well.

Ali Hafiz Al-Marri and Maha Al-Marri: Ali Al-Marri was indicted for lying to the FBI about his contact with Mustafa Al-Hasawi, one of the September 11th financiers. Ali Al-Marri, who arrived in the United States shortly before the September 11th attacks, attempted to call Al-Hasawi a number of times from the United States. The FBI has recently received reporting that he may also have been an al-Qa'ida "sleeper agent." According to FBI documents, Ali Al-Marri has connections to the Saudi Royal Family. The Saudi Government provided financial support to his wife, Maha Al-Marri, after Ali Al-Marri was detained and assisted her in departing the United States before the FBI could interview her.
Brian McGlinchey is the founder and director of This analysis was first published on April 18 and was republished April 19 to update the title and URL. Media inquiries.

Comment: The ironic thing is that practically all of these Saudi individuals may be total patsies. If they were involved to the degree they are thought to have been, it's still possible that they had no idea that they would eventually be implicated in the 9/11 attacks. In other words, even if they were engaging in criminal and spy-related activities (on behalf of the Safari Club, perhaps?), they may have been set up. The CIA and Mossad like to have a fall guy. For more, see Joaquin Flores's recent interview with Ryan Dawson, and this SOTT Focus: 60 Minutes, 28 pages and the limited hangout: The truth about the Saudi connection to 9/11 "